About Alcohol in the 2x2s. I never knew anyone to drink in the 2x2s. The
people I knew all believed it to be BAD.
Of course the workers would tell you that alcoholic beverages are a big
no no, but I would say most of the friends drink alcohol (but not openly).
I know of no biblical teaching against, nor do I have a personal conviction
against use of alcoholic beverages in moderation, and I know many other truthers
with the same stand. If one comes "out" on an issue, it's amazing
how many people you can find with similar proclivities.
I missed the alcohol post, but I think it is somewhat like television. It
is taught against and people tell every one it is wrong, but then hide it
in the home and watch it in secret. I know this first hand to be the case
with a very highly respected elder. Same true with alcohol. It is done in
secret. Again I have been at the dinner table and on trips with some who speak
against alcohol and then consume it when no 2x2's or workers are around.This
is symptomatic of a legalistic system. People cannot be real. Life is made
up of people trying to live up to artificial unjustifiable rules made by authoritative
figures geared only to promote control.
I remember my mother telling me about her trip through Europe with some"professing"
friends. They visited all the meetings they could, and she said that they
drank wine over there and thought nothing of it.
My ex-husband was an alcoholic before he professed and he continued to drink
off and on in secret during the 23 years we were married.
Please refer to the topic "The Same the World Over?" for more
comments on Alcohol.