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"We detest the lies and deceptions, but we remember what it was to be in a lost state - and not know it. We are trying to help those we go to meeting with, and those we associate with to see the truth as it is in Jesus. Thanks be to God that we are seeing some success in this."

That list is really accomplishing things. Putting people in touch and getting more information going out--fast.

When I was on my journey for information about the Way I spent time in the library in the religion section. I kept bumping into books that said the Jehovah's Witnesses were are cult. I was shocked especially because the points mentioned about the JW's were so familiar to ME, one of the friends!

Nonetheless, if I can help someone flee such religious bondage as we now know we once embraced, I must!

>>Amen and Amen!! Absolutely! I agree! The addition to the web site would be a very good idea IMHO! I would love to offer the home God has given me as an "open home" for ex-workers! I would LOVE to serve them in that way! What an awesome wonderful ministry that would be! <<

Site Administrator's Note: If there are any workers who feel in a bind as to where to go/stay if contemplating leaving please contact us via Email for assistance. OR contact these willing former 2x2 members directly for help: dennisj@KALAMA.COM or

I like my Life Application Bible. It is easy to read and has comments/explanations on the bottom half of the page which helps me understand the scripture. (Those "men's words" you know, but they really help! And of course weren't the workers' interpretation simply: "men's words?")

>>Men’s Words -- I've heard that phrase countless times.<<

Thanks for your all your comments and I also feel that it is an honor to share my thoughts and feelings with people I have never met. It is the comfort of unburdening your thoughts and knowing they will be received in non-judgmental way (not always the case when talking with 2x2s!). Since finding the web site and this list I feel so much closer to God by knowing who Christ is.

I'm sorry, but the "Truth" has been so detrimental in so many ways to so many people. And I'm sorry that the friends consider people like me mean, bitter, disgruntled and lost! As I see it people like me have learned the truth about the "Truth" and have realized that we were duped! We are thankful to be free of that bondage and thankful to Christ for his substitutionary death for our sins. Additionally, we want to reach back to those that we left in the system to help them get the facts so that they can be informed should they feel in bondage as we came to feel.

I want to tell you, last night I started reading the Web site and it is FANTASTIC! WONDERFUL! If people would read that, they wouldn't need much else. The critique of the "worker sermon" was EXCELLENT! That's what they need! Someone to see through all that for them. I can't wait to share it with the rest of the family! Who did all the stuff on the site? You? My hat's off to whoever did it!

The detail in the web sites was very helpful in putting the specifics to much of what I had already known in general.

You have my permission to use what I wrote with my blessings. The only thing I hope to gain is that someone else could be helped--isn't that the goal of all of us here?

My thoughts have been reflected so much on your web site. I feel like I have found a soul mate! My background in "the Truth" made me feel like an alien with "the world" but I also can't relate to people who think that having long hair (for a lady) was part of their service to God!

I'm still really excited over the domino effect and happy that the web sites are really reaching people--or that THEY are finding them!

Thanks for your work and information. It is extremely uplifting and encouraging to me to find that there are others with the same dilemma as my own.

The workers are really at a BIG disadvantage now that we are in the information age! The cover-up has been uncovered and never again will they be able to hoodwink people. If they think that this information is going to stop going out they are wrong. Perhaps they are waiting for all "this" to blow over but that is not going to happen. The domino effect is well under way.

Thank you so much for writing, and giving me the information, I can't express my feeling at finding others who are out and who communicate. (several of my cousins are out, but we don't talk about it) Part of the problem with this sect, is that those who leave are made to feel alone.

This list cannot help but be an eye opener for workers who have not closed thier minds. The awareness of how devastating their arbitrary "rule" has been for people, will either give them great growth or hasten the demise of the whole 2x2 movement.

It was not until we were helped by some of the people who are "out" and by the Holy Spirit's revelation, that we came to know the simple and simply wonderful process whereby we were able to receive the gift of salvation from God, through Christ, and know what it was/is to be a child of His.

Although we have "professed" for decades, it is only a few years that we have been Christians. We are so thankful to God and those who helped us.

I really do feel that my ministry is in helping others "see" and my motivation is that all the years I professed I wanted INFORMATION. Now that I have it I WILL share it! Others must have the opportunity to hear it. Once they have that opportunity they are free to accept or reject the information.

So many of the things I read I can say, "that's me!!"

Ya, sure is nice we can finally be honest and open about all "this."

When I discovered this web site I felt like a burden had been lifted ...its amazing what sharing your REAL feelings with someone who understands your background can do!

I met a lady from a "false church" who gave me great comfort on many issues (particularly remarriage) and I came to the realization that "The Way" was only Jesus and we DID NOT have the exclusive rights to Salvation!

They told me that all the info I was reading was trash, and they weren't about to read it. All the 2x2's I've talked to, either say it's trash or some very disgruntled people's ramblings.

Even though he left the fellowship he is NOT interested in ANY information about the 2x2s which I believe is very sad. He is still likely in denial and does NOT want to face his own fears/thoughts regarding the WAY. If he would educate himself about Irvine, etc. he could at least get some relief. Unfortunately he will NOT have anything to do with EX2x2s OR 2x2s. I suppose ANY contact with anyone who knows about the fellowship is TOO painful for him--it is HIS way to cope, I suppose. Personally I don't think this is healthy--to avoid the entire situation. I looks to me like he is blocking out his entire life as a 2x2. I hope one day this does not catch up with him.

Perhaps the tongue wagging causes people to continue on with the "party line": "Surely these people had stopped reading and praying, had been offended, had lost their vision, etc. etc." Perhaps that is one of the reasons it is so necessary to provide information for the friends. In more recent years exiting 2x2s have written EXIT letters.

I REALLY DON’T FEEL THAT I HAVE ANY CHOICE. If my life is to have any meaning at all, I MUST DO WHAT I MUST DO to join a significant number of ex2x2s who insist that the TRUTH be presented in as many formats as may be reasonable, so that ANY who may inquire will be challenged to look and see!

I am so glad that the web site is getting such positive response. I know you and others must have put a lot of work into it....but you can be sure that your efforts were well worth it.

At the same time, the great majority of the friends and quite a few of the workers are sincere, decent people who will take any enlightenment from any rational source, including this list, and grow and learn from it. Not a few seem to be rapidly coming to an understanding of these historical cover-ups, emotional and criminal abuses which have been also covered up and most significantly, the substitution of legalistic rules of behavior for true Christ-like love.

If I could help anyone's journey to freedom from oppression any easier in any way, I would consider it a grand privilege!

Yes, there is information coming out that is of a "disgruntled" nature. One of the stages we go through in coming out of such a system that so unnecessarily affected our lives is ANGER. Yes, some of the writings are definitely characterized by this strong emotion! Additionally, personal accounts are always going to carry the "flavor" of speech and communication of the individuals making the accounts and different people communicate their feelings differently. This comment of _______’s, though, strikes me as much the same sort of label as the 2x2's favorite that all ex's are simply "bitter" and not worth listening to. I believe there is much POSITIVE information coming out in a very reasoned way.

We have seen the word cult used with a clear and consistent definition among Christians, I have not considered the use of the term to be "name-calling" but rather a clear and accurate descriptor. If a system that claims to direct people to salvation can actually hinder them from finding life eternal (and I believe the 2x2 system can do just that) I personally think that's a pretty big reason to call the system what it is... it is no longer a matter of "not hurting someone's feeling." If the truth is "negative," it still must sometimes be told for the eventual good of those who maybe initially "hurt."

I believe God can use almost all of the writing that is coming out to touch SOMEONE... none of us knows exactly what is going to strike a nerve for another, or what the specific needs and concerns are of those who are reading the material. God uses different vessels for different purposes... Just consider the different reasons and experiences that led each of us ex's "out." Consider the different testimonies of Christians of what led them to the Lord. They aren't all the same story!!

I agree that the use of the term [cult] would be offensive to 2x2's, but then, so is ANY of our questionings.

We have heard the question, "Why can't you just go to your church and leave us alone!?" The MAJOR reason we can't "leave them alone" is pure and simply because we love them and we believe the system is dangerous... as I wrote in a previous post, we believe it fits into the definition of a cult, both sociologically and theologically.

Interesting to me as I have considered this matter of the "c" word... I believe the reason I made the decision to leave the group was because I saw the sociological abuse and found it intolerable. Since leaving the group and studying more orthodox Christian doctrine, I have come to see that the group is also guilty of theological error, which is now equally "intolerable" to me!

I am not particularly worried about being identified by anyone here in Australia for what I have said about the 2x2s. Quite frankly, I had enough of hiding and deceit in "the way", and will proclaim the TRUTH as loudly as possible.

It seems that a lot of people have to think about stuff a long time. That's why I figure more and more of the friends will be leaving all the time--they've all been thinking. Reading the new book, REFLECTED TRUTH, makes me look back about three years. I read where so-and-so was influenced by this or that and how the workers are not printing addresses on mailing lists any more. It all makes me smile. The friends are waking up!

There also appears to be a great advantage in this (e-mail) medium that both requires us to put our thoughts down in black & white and at the same time allows us to not be subjected to pressure by peers or intimidating forces, such as workers seem to be to many of us.

I obtained a copy of THE CHURCH WITHOUT A NAME, which impressed me greatly. The book made me realize how wide my area of disagreement with the workers really was, as there was nothing in the book which had not already occurred to me, but usually only one thing irritated me at a time.

Given time to digest this wealth of information, I determined that my personal position did not coincide with the radical and self-righteous views of those within the movement.

They did not want me delving into the past and learning too much about other Christian churches, or even their own history! When the workers say "the beginning isn't important" they really mean the following:

"We don't want to talk about it"

"We would rather you just believed that this way really began on the shores of Galilee"

"Even if you do know the truth about the beginnings of this way, we are the only true way that God has again raised up"

"We would rather you just believed what we are telling you NOW without asking questions"

When the workers refer to Jesus' Way, they don't mean personal faith in Christ resulting in membership in God's invisible, eternal church. They mean THEIR MINISTRY AND WAY OF LIFE!

I told my parents one Wednesday that I was through going to meetings, and I told them why. I explained all the info I found here online, and the info that was sent to me by several of you - thanks! :) They told me it was all trash. Of course they hadn't read it, and they never intend too. They don't want to hear anything about the real truth and I've given up.

I used to have a lot of old letters from workers and lots of addresses, convention notes etc. but one day (about 15 years ago) a worker told me we shouldn't keep those kind of things around as it could fall into wrong hands like if the communists took over the country or something! And she went onto say it could be very harmful to some people. So I obediently threw just about everything out except a few keepsake letters. But now I think they must have been worried about ex2x2's or such getting a hold of them! Back then I didn't know they didn't like having things written down for the wrong people to see. I sure regret being so obedient. 10/96

It has just been within the last few months that I have come across the 'truth' info on the web. It has brought back a lot of memories and feelings- things that I had put in the back of my mind for years. I felt a lot of guilt about leaving and 'doing my own thing' - and for quite a few years did not have much positive contact with any of my family members. Reading the info that is available has given some validation to my thoughts and feelings - and it is nice to know that there are other of you, like me, - out there.

Dear All,

There is no doubt that I had many good times in the fellowship of the 2x2 group. I loved the people and usually found them hospitable and friendly. I made many good friends. Outside of the meetings we got together for social gatherings. I had several one-on-one friends and we got together weekly.

Unfortunately I found it necessary to be cautious all the time I professed. I sensed that things were not quite right but I could not put my finger on what it was. I had questions and concerns that I would, from time to time, bring up with workers and friends. I felt a coolness when I did. It was obvious that to be accepted I needed to refrain from questions--it showed my lack of faith!

I feel sad that I am now thought of as an "evil" one. I still love the friends but I feel they have been, and are continuing to be, deceived. As I told someone recently:

"If, perchance the bad-mouthing you heard of me lead you to look into things then I am thankful the friends are speaking against me. It is very important to me that those who feel things in the way are not just right have a chance to get information and from there make their decision to stay or go. To be held in a group through tradition, or worse, FEAR, is simply not right! We live in a free country. We have access to just about any information we want so why would we settle for vague answers about a matter as important as our very salvation!?"

I hold the truth precious above all else. I detest a lie. Honesty is what I look for in a friend. If I learn that someone has lied to me I immediately lose respect for that person and view them with suspicion forever. In my opinion, a lie cannot be tolerated. I'd rather seem harsh and tell the truth than sweet and tell a lie.

I would like every one of the friends to have access to the knowledge of the things they have never had access to: the 2x2 history and God's plan of salvation.

If, after they have looked at both of these things, they choose to remain in the 2x2 system that is entirely up to them. I simply believe it is their RIGHT to hear the things they have not heard before. They are adults. They can choose for themselves.

Sincerely in Christ,

Sandi Gunther, Canada


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