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Beliefs ~ Rules ~ Sin

Sin is not defined in the 2x2 scheme of things. The rules are not at all well defined. That means that the workers can arbitrarily make up the rules as they go! Something might be wrong for one person and his/her part in meeting may be taken away but the same "sin" committed by another 2x2 may have no repercussions.

I had the "privilege" of asking a worker if he believed Jesus was God come in the flesh. I won't go into the details but he did everything from:

1. go off on a verbal side tract

2. change the subject

3. leave the room, and

4. try to compliment me on a craft I had made!

I would NOT let him get away with it and I asked him point blank: "Do you, or do you not, believe that Jesus is God come in the flesh?" His answer? "Well, how COULD he be?"

What a 2x2 does wrong may differ from "field to field" according to how the workers view it.

A single 2x2 woman became pregnant. One Sunday she did not take part either by giving her testimony or in prayer. In time we learned that she was pregnant The workers apparently told her to stop taking part. The interesting thing is that as soon as the baby was born she was allowed to again take part in the meetings! It seemed that while she was pregnant she was being punished but once the baby was born her sin was removed!

Questioning one's 2x2 beliefs is considered a lack of faith. One would be viewed as not very hardy in the "Truth" if one openly questioned the 2x2 beliefs.

The 2x2s have rules only on SOME topics and these rules are well known, UNwritten and very subtle. Learning the 2x2 rules can be quite an art!

For some of us the "Who Is Jesus" question was a big reason why we started questioning the 2&2 fellowship and authority of the workers. Of the 20 workers we talked to or heard a definite statement from in 1992, 5 said Christ is (part of) God and the others said not. One of the 5 was a brother worker from Europe, in the work here in _____, who got our exit letter and wrote to us and freely used the word Trinity to describe his belief in God. He seemed to be under the impression that all workers believed the same and he asked the overseer in ______. An overseer in ______ had written to the overseer in ______ to warn him about us and the one in ______ had written to us that he had "never heard of such a thing as Jesus Christ being God". Later he told the same brother in _______ that he believes inTrinity and that Christ is (part of) God. One overseer on the "no" side in _______ said he didn't know when Jesus came into being but he also said he believes the same doctrine as the overseer who was on the "yes" side!

Then one of the 5 changed sides and went with the majority to make it only 4. He had told me directly that Trinity is right doctrine but later wrote us and said Trinity is Catholic doctrine and that he didn't intend to go that way. In the same letter he stated that WE were wandering around in the confused religious world. Later when the pressure was off, he told others again that Trinity is true doctrine. We asked him if he could hear the rooster crowing but I guess that wasn't nice.

What is the sum of all this? I can understand there being some difference in opinion over exactly how we describe the relationship between Father and Son and even within a church group such as the 2&2s I would not complain if there was some differences but not if they teach that their GROUP is the Only Way to be saved. Then they must be in complete agreement.

The rules/customs are different from state to state, province to province, field to field, country to country and worker to worker.

The 2x2s have rules only on SOME topics and these rules are well known, UNwritten and very subtle. Learning the 2x2 rules can be quite an art!

_______wrote regarding the East/West Meeting of 1975:[William Lewis] said that the conclusion of the meeting was that they agreed to disagree, that they would all go back to their respective fields and carry on as normal....

Agreeing to disagree is one thing if EVERYONE knows that there is disagreement. What do they think they are doing... playing games!?! Don't they have a clue that these are real people's real lives that they are dealing with!?!

So the Big Wigs get together privately and privately discuss their differences and privately decide that they aren't going to be able to come to an agreement and privately decide they'll each go home and carry on as before... then, they go hither and yon preaching of the "beautiful unity all over the world in the fellowship" and binding burdens on their "flock" that are grievous to be borne... all the while telling that "flock" that they MUST conform because "this is the word of God and this is the one true way and this is the only way to get to heaven."

And they're RIPPING PEOPLE APART and RUINING LIVES... Why? Just so they can be RIGHT?

Can't they be honest with people and let the Holy Spirit do His work? So many people bound by so many laws that are supposedly the "word of God"... but, depending on who the overseer is, that "word of God" sure can look different... talk about a schizophrenic god... there's one!!"

I believe ALL the facts, rules, practices, beliefs, etc. should be available to any 2x2 who wants to know--from the workers. Better yet--they should be available in writing!

As far as I know the word "disfellowship" is not used in the 2x2 system. People rarely get kicked out (excommunicated) either. If someone in the 2x2s does something wrong it is likely they would be told not to take part in the meetings. This means that they are expected to continue attending the house meetings but they are simply to sit there. They most likely would not be allowed to speak or pray. (or one or the other) It would be considered that this person "had his part taken away." Everything seems to be dependent on the workers. What they say goes!

Again, everything in the "Way" is subtle; no specific rules; especially on HOW TO SHUN. (They really should write a "letter" on this topic of shunning so the friends will at least be united in their efforts and methods of carrying out this practice!)

Sin, I believe, is understood to be sin and wrong, but church discipline is NOT understood. (There's no incentive to understand it because it does not fit in with their "cover-up" mentality.) It is more important to cover up the sin quickly to maintain the facade than to expose and discipline the offender for the purpose of restoration. SAD!

Sin is not defined in the 2x2 scheme of things. The rules are not at all well defined. That means that the workers can arbitrarily make up the rules as they go! Something might be wrong for one person and his/her part in meeting may be taken away but the same "sin" committed by another 2x2 may have no repercussions.

Yes, I think you are right about "considerable variation from region to region" not only about divorce and remarriage but on lots of other topics too. As far as divorce and remarriage goes, and the "rules" regarding that, I suppose you would have to ask the workers! But you better ask several of them to see if their answers are all the same!

All this really makes me sick. I think the worst thing about the 2x2s is that they REFUSE to put their beliefs in writing. No wonder people like us are SO cautious regarding doctrine not to mention the psychological bit!

Sin -- how the workers viewed it and dealt with it:

Rules -- how did you view rules when you professed?


I was born in Prince Edward Island (a province in Canada) and spent the
first eight years of my life there. A year after I was born, my mother was
told to stop wearing her wedding ring. The worker (George Walker) said she
no longer needed it because she had a baby and therefore did not need to
prove that she was married! Little
did he know about hormones!

In 1940 we moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and I remember, even at that
young age thinking that things were much the same in the truth.

My mother always wore black stockings and so did my older sister. My
younger sister somehow escaped this plague. All the sister workers wore
black - in many cases it matched their personalities.

Wrist watches were not timely. Many of the sister workers wore small pocket
watches on a ribbon tied to a button on their blouses. It was sometimes
distracting to see workers in gospel meetings fumbling inside their blouses
to find the time.

Broaches  were banned.

Any shoes, except laced black, were stepping toward sin. Toeless shoes, and
holes anywhere else in them, could lead to pneumonia and were considered
unhealthy. Even today, on Prince Edward Island, white shoes are a sign of

Slacks, pants of any description and any type of pant suits were banned.
Andrew Abernathy said from the platform at Almont Convention that he
watched people coming out of a worldly church and many of the women were
wearing pant suits which proved they were unsasved.

Claire lived in Chicoutimi, about 125 miles north of Quebec city. Winter
temperatures would often dip to -30 or -40 degrees. She had recently
professed and Murial Molina, the senior worker told her she must send her
nine year old daughter to school in a dress and stockings. No snow suit.
This was pure cruelty and the poor kid suffered tremendously from the cold.
So much so that the teachers would write to Claire telling her to dress the
child more warmly. Muriel Molina would not hear of this, and Claire in her
innocence obeyed. At one point Muriel did say that she could wear a snow
suit, if SHE WORE A SKIRT OVER IT! Can you imagine how stupid that would

In 1990, on Prince Edward Island, the workers were still against girls
wearing gym shorts, and parents were expected to have their girls excused
from gym. One zealous soul, bragged about sewing an apron to the from of
her daughter's gym shorts so they would be "decent". Imagine the school's

Dresses were high and long, with long sleeves, dark colors and black
buttons. Actually, in the West Indies in the early '40s, the women were
advised to all wear the same color and style of dress - sort of a uniform.
Three years ago, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Marlene Greer, the older
sister worker, said the girls should not wear calf length dresses - too
sexy - too much of a temptation for the boys. She said she never wore
dresses that length - she did not need to worry about tempting the boys.

Some of the friends brag in meeting about this madness. One older lady (75)
in her testamony, told us that when she washes her kitchen floor on her
knees, she had to be modest in front of her husband who is not professing.
So told us she wore slacks, but always with a skirt over them. No wonder he
thinks we're bonkers.

Another younger woman in our meeting told us in her testamony. "we were out
walking and my girls ( 5 and 7 years old) said to me, mommy you look so
pretty in a skirt - look at all those women wearing snowsuits - they look
so ugly" Alms before men - a month later I saw a picture of this devoted
soul - in a snowsuit!

Until 1950, hats, the uglier the better, were de rigueur. Even today, it is
considered proper to wear a hat in the west indies.

Any form of makeup was, and still is, considered "painting your face". In
the 1940's in Montreal, sun tan lotion was considered make up. I still
suffer from skin problems due to the effects of bad sunburns in my youth,
because I was not permitted to wear any protection against the sun's rays.


While the dress codes for men were more subtle, they were still there.

Neck ties were to be black or dark brown without any pattern - geometrics
were Godless. Colored socks - no - diamond patterns - demonic.

Suits were sombre. Sports jackets were out. Shirts were white - mine had
turned yellow. Facial hair was considered a fungus - actually as recently
as 1982 people in Quebec could not be baptised if they wore a beard.

Until the late 1940's only pocket watches on a fob were accepted.


Women - long, but make sure it is in an ugly bun, so no one will know its
length. Let the gray show your wisdom. Translation - make a potato out of a

Men - short, must not touch the ears, graduated in the back - no square
cuts, crew cuts frowned on, no sideburns.


Wine is wrong - in 1945 the overseer in Quebec, Jimmy Patrick, (who surely
have known William Irvine) said Jesus did not turn the water into wine but
into grape juice.

Beer is bad.

As late as 1957, Horace Cullwick, an older worker, would not eat fruit
cocktail - cocktail sounded too much like alchol.

Fancy pastry was frowned on. Royal dainties belonged in the bible not on
the table.


In the '40s cars were frowned on, for people living in cities, and
especially single people. They should use public transportation. Cars were
a temptation for all sorts of things. (See Love Codes below.)

For those who owned cars - black - dark interors - no radios - a minimum of


Homes, the height of hypocracy, yesterday, today and forever. Low key
decorating, no bright colors, no radios, no stereos, no TV's - other than
in the closet - the previous tenant forgot it here! 

In 1995 I asked Carson Wallace, a senior worker in Quebec if they had
considered the implication of the Electronic Super Highway for professing
homes and that eventually TV's would be a necessity, or that computers
would do the same thing as TV's. He said there would be no reason for
either, because the Electronic Super Highway was a myth and would never

Pianos were fine, except that they were designed for playing hymns. No
worldly music. Effie Moore, an old worker, told us that playing fast music
was like dancing! How I asked. Well, she replied, in dancing you make your
feet go fast (she never heard of a waltz) so to make your fingers go fast
is equally sinful. What about running to catch a bus!

In 1966 we bought a radio. My first wife thought it would be helpful to
learn french. We did not hide it. The local worker had a bird - all that
was missing was the feathers! We agreed to "put it in the closet".

A family of zealous worker worshipers from Quebec city often went to
Chicoutimi for union meetings, and invariably would stay with some of the
friends. The woman made a practice of reporting anything that she saw, and
considered, "out of line" to the workers. Needless to say they were the
workers' pets, and were spoken of as good examples of devotion.

Some areas are much more liberal today, but the hypocracy is still


Spare me the spasms! No dancing, even in Gyn classes. Until grade eight, I
always brought a note to school to excuse me from dance classes in physical
education class. As an adult, I missed dancing. Not knowing how to dance
caused many embarrassing moments during my business carreer.

Movies were not permitted. An educational documentary, a Dickens classic,
or a cowboy film were all classified the same. Here again, we brought notes
to school to be excused from "such trash".

Contacts with outsiders were frowned on. Definateley no dating with
"worldly" people. Muriel Molina was really upset when I let my children
date outsiders even though my children were professing. She brought all
sorts of pressures to bear. For example, she started a policy of having the
young people play the piano in gospel meetings. My daughter was allowed to
play, but my sons were not because they had bad "girl friends". When their
girl friends came to gospel meetings, and eventually professed, Muriel
ignored them completely, and made them feel they were not wanted in the
truth because it was only to "have" professing boy friends.

Until the death of John Stone, the overseer in Ontario and Quebec, public
address systems were not allowed at conventions, with the result that those
far from the platform heard very little. According to John, electronics
were worldly. Incidentally, he was also against front lawns - much more
sensible to plant a vegetable garden! 

Many homes are dull and dreary places. There is nothing for the children to
do. You don't need friends, you have God as your friend - go and read your
bible. The parents are often equally bored, which has resulted in all sorts
of weird behaviour and abuses, including mental and often physical.
Probably this is also the reason why the greatest hobby in the truth is


Here again the workers had their say. They were against any outside
learning other that what we heard at gospel meetings. In 1942, even the
story books,
used in elementary school, were considered lies and were bad for the soul.
Try explaining this to a teacher when you did not do your homework of
reading Brer Rabbit or Little Red Riding Hood!

In the 40's and '50s girls were strongly "advised" not to attend
universities or any form of post high-school education. If they did there
were only two acceptable
alternatives - teaching or nursing. The workers did not believe me when I
told them that at university level, male students considered the nursing
students the best targets for dates.

Boys were told to work and support their parents - like those on the farms
do. No matter that we did not grow wheat on our sidewalk. I was castigated
when I insisted on going to university - the senior worker told me that,
unless I wanted to become a priest, I did not need a higher education.


Yes, believe it or not. Love codes. I will not separate the boys from the
girls, because the codes applied jointly.

The priority of single people should be "goind into the work". If they did
not go into the work they should remain single to support those who did go
into the work. Today, we see the effects of this in the UK where there was
a generation of young people years ago who obeyed this nonsense, resulting
in many older single people today, with no descendants.

No girl in the city should date a boy who owned a car. Too much temptation.
Ever try anything in a two door 1941 Ford Coupe?

The workers wanted to be advised if people were courting. This resulted in
many covert relationships. It was not unusual to be informed of an
impending wedding the previous day (or the following day) and have no idea
the couple were going together. This resulted in some very strange

Today, contrary to what the workers say, Convention is a good meeting
place. Not so in the first half of this century. Even married people, with
children, were not allowed to sit together in the tents. The women on one
side and the men on the other, separated by an aisle. Talk about separating
the sheep from the goats!

I was raised amid this nonsense and absurdity. Things are changing in the
Way, but not necessarily for the better. Claire and I agree that the mind
control is becoming more subtle and the shunning better organized, but the
hold that the workers hold over the "flock" is as formidible as always.

Love to all.

Leigh and Claire Townsend

 Quebec, Canada

Beliefs -- What did you believe when in the 2x2s?

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