** Divorce and Remarriage **
As most know, Lesley White is now the head worker of Colorado. Up until his holy
arrival here about 10 years ago, divorced people couldn't remarry and if they did, they could
not take part in meeting. Oh, how the 2x2 people here loved this man's
arrival. All of the 2x2 parents who had divorced kids were so happy because
their kids could all of a sudden, remarry and take
So these poor ole' folks born way back into the oppression of 'THE WAY" of
the 20's, 30's and 40's, (ME, for one) were also told that if they were
divorced, and in many cases, the cause didn't seem to matter, they couldn't
remarry and they couldn't take part in meeting if they did remarry. So, I
personally know several, poor old 2x2 ladies that I feel <so sorry> for, who
have lived in bondage to this "rule" and therefore lived in isolation, and
lived <very> lonely lives!!!! After all, the rule
was..........................."You better not remarry and if you do, you
<can't> take part in meeting...............but "THE WAY' doesn't change, we
have to remember, so who would ever think (certainly not these poor ole'
ladies adhereing to "THE WORKER LAW") that a few years down the road in
Colorado.......................what <was>, has now been done away
..............................................I cannot think of enough
adjectives to describe how bad I feel for the 2x2 people of years ago. Many
of them going to their graves never knowing anything different.
So these poor old people born back in those years, persecuted and oppressed,
and subjected to rejection, manipulation and fear if they crossed a worker,
had to survive in this powerful cult...................................what
were they to do??? So they developed coping
skills.........................................self-righteousness, piousness,
santimoniousness, puritannicalism.............................
..............with all the lessons of helplessness and dependency to the
'way' taught by the workers.........they <had> to have some control over
their lives. So they developed these skills of manipulation, piousness,
self-righteousness, critical spirit, but with an odd twist of passivity! They
were in a belief system (CULT) that took away their dignity and sense of
self-worth. They lived with abuse and so they modeled abuse to their
families. (ME, for one) They had to tolerate anything for the sake of "THE
The subjection to psychological abuse made it virtually impossible to free
themselves. Cheryle 9/99
- My dad divorced her against her will about 20 years ago however she has always considered herself still married--even though my dad remarried. My dad died last January and I asked her if she had any thoughts about getting married again and the sweetest smile came over her face. She said she doesn't have anyone in mind but I could tell just the thought of it warmed her heart and gave her something to look forward to. Later I felt very sad for her that she had to wait 20 years (the best years of her life) because the 'faith' outlaws remarriage--she is now 71 yrs old.
- The book that has been mentioned in other posts called Divorce and Remarriage by Guy Duty (not to be confused with Divorce and Remarriage by Ralph Woodrow) is excellent. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in this subject. It was such an eye opener.
- Divorcees are viewed by many as sub-saints. They suffer from lack of fellowship too. Since there aren’t very many of them, they don't fit in with married couples or the singles, so they get ignored. The same goes for those who marry outside.
- The discussion about divorce touches my heart, too. My mother is divorced, and very much fits in that category as "not quite as good" as other truthers. She is left out of things all the time, was not allowed to take part in meeting for a while after her divorce (?) until the workers told her she could. Oh, the power and lordship of the almighty worker!!! (again, thick sarcasm!) My poor mom went through so much just to remain "faithful"....and she still does.
- Just to bring you up to date... the truthers used to outlaw remarriage, but now it is quite a common practice, with the workers blessing, in some parts of the world, and still outlawed in other parts. No doubt you are aware ofthe controversy on that issue. The eastern US is pro-remarriage, while thewest is against it. The rest of the world is split too, as I understand it. 9/96
- Divorcees fear they will go to hell if they remarry. Remarriage in such cases is considered by some workers and truthers to be "living in adultery." This idea is taken from Matthew 19:9, and 1 Cor. 6:9 which says "...adulterers shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." Some of the friends will not have fellowship with divorced and remarried couples/individuals as they interpret James 4:4 as saying that if you are friends with an adulterer, you are an enemy with God. For anyone troubled by these verses, or remarriage, a book that is highly recommended is: Divorce & Remarriage by Ralph Woodrow, PO Box 124, Riverside, CA 92502-0124. (Cost is $ 7.00 U.S. which includes shipping charges.)
- In 1996 Harold Hilton stated at convention, that: "Professing people who marry 'worldy' people are just throwing their children's lives away."
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