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~~~ EASTER ~~~

<<I distinctly remember in Sunday morning meeting that people would speak about how we did NOT celebrate Easter like the world.>>

My experience as well. It is a bit ironic in view of the intense loyalty the 2x2's have to the KJV which, to my knowledge, is the only translation which has the word "Easter" in it. 4/97


While growing up in the 2x2 system I never heard anything mentioned by the workers about Easter that I can think of. It was just understood that in meeting Easter Sunday was no different than any other Sunday morning meeting. When I was growing up in the 50's Oregon had Special Meetings in Portland on Easter for several years.

Our family always celebrated Easter as a family holiday. We would color eggs and hide them and have a nice Easter dinner. However, it was not celebrated as the day of Christ's resurrection as such. We were taught that we were to be thankful for Christ's resurrection every day and not to just pick one day of the year out like the FALSE RELIGIONS do at Easter. I thought of Easter as a family time and not a religious time just like we did at Christmas. 4/97


Like ____ said, I can never remember a worker ever speaking about Easter. I knew as a child that Easter was the same as any other Sunday, that it was the celebration of when Jesus rose from the dead, but that we remembered that every Sunday morning with the bread and wine. Singing "Calvary" was one of my favorite hymns.

Again, as ____ mentioned, in Oregon in the 50's and a little in the 60's, Special Meetings was on Easter Sunday, Portland was anyway.

I was privileged to have lots of friends my age at meeting. As a family we did things with about 10 other families that had kids the same ages. Often there would be an Easter Egg Hunt as someone's house/yard. Our family didn't get as involved with it as other families did, but it was still fun.

I remember getting a new dress especially for Special Meetings, all my girlfriends did also. Some girls even had Easter Bonnets to go with their new dresses, but my Mom wouldn't let me. Going to school after Easter I was able to tell the other girls about my Easter dress, in fact Mom would let me wear it on a special occasion. I never had to feel strange or left out, except for the kids at school always had fancier dresses then I did. I understood that though, we weren't to go all out like the world did. :-) :-)

We even got Easter baskets with candy in them from the Easter Bunny. Interesting enough, it seems like all those holidays, Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, we celebrated the fun parts. 4/97


There was never an "Easter Message" on Easter unless it was to point to the "false churches" for celebrating it! 6/97


In this area many times there were special meetings at Easter time. I remember how my family hated that. When there wasn't Special Meeting we'd go to my family for dinner or I'd have my husband's or my family here. I always fixed baskets for the kids and do for the granddaughters. I guess that the workers were never in our home at that time so nothing was said, and nothing preached about it in meetings. 6/97

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