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LEGALISM: Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9)

"I can relate to the way the workers make people's like we always were supposed to be walking examples of righteous piousness. For me, I just wanted to be a walking example of a normal teenager!! But of course, that was not allowed."

"Oh boy, do I remember trying to live up to "the standard" when I was a teenager!! I guess it's a good thing I never helped me to get out!!!"

Legalism hides sin behind a facade of sweetness.....

......phoniness, rules for appearance, clothing, and social interaction. It feels comfortable to people who are accustomed to rejection, manipulation or abuse. Legalism is an attraction to people from dysfunctional families.

It may appear Biblical and always employs Biblical words, clichés, and verses but it subtly twists God’s Word to put man in charge of other men. Legalism gives those who are hiding their sins hope that perhaps through following a rote series of Christian rig-a-ma-role God will miraculously change their problems or make them go away. Tenaciously they may go through life obeying all the rules man has given them, but still retain all their hidden immoral behavior, dishonesty or whatever other character flaw they may have.

Legalism drives children away from God and His Word. Many atheists today were once children or grandchildren of Legalists. They view people raised in legalistic churches as nothing but a bunch of phony mind controlled idiots.

Legalism gives too much power to people who have a lust for power, control or the adulation of men. Legalism destroys our freedom in Christ. Legalists hate the word "Legalism" because it defines their own sin too well. One church leader actually said that "Christians can’t handle freedom."

But while LEGALISM is the bad news . . .

GRACE is the good news

"My greatest thrill was the discovery of God's grace. His absolutely undeserved, unmerited favor. I don't have to work myself into his favor. I am in his favor. It is a wonderful and glorious thing and I praise him daily for it."

"We were both born and raised in the group, took about five years to wean ourselves off of it, discovered grace five years ago and have been free since."

"We are so glad to be out from under legalism and the fear of man. We are now under the Grace of God."

"As I began to understand who God really was, and began to learn about the concept of grace, about God becoming fully man, coming down to my level in order to redeem me, then a walk with God began to make sense and I tentatively began my journey."

"This past year I have found freedom. I learned Salvation is not earned by doing works, going to meetngs or growing my hair. It is a gift of God."

Recommended Reading:


A man dies and goes to heaven.  He is met at the Pearly Gates by a 
Heavenly custodian.

The custodian says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to
make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done, and I give
you a certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was.
When you reach 100 points, you get in."

"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for 50 years and
never cheated on her, even in my heart."

"That's wonderful," said the Custodian "that's worth three points!"

"Three points?" he said. "Well, I professed all my life; never missed a meeting!
And I supported the ministers financially and any other way I could."

"Terrific!" responded the Custodian.  "That's certainly worth two points." 

"Two points?!  I worked every year at the annual convention and in 
preparation for the convention for several days too; for years and years!" 

"Fantastic, that's good for two more points, " he said..

"Two points!" the man cried. "At this rate the only way I’ll get into heaven 
is by the grace of God."

"Bingo, 100 points! Come on in!"

JUDGEMENT DAY I stood at the door of Heaven, I stood at the Lord's great throne, No one to take my place, judgement on me alone. As He looked through the Book of Life, I watched as He came to my name, I wondered what all He would look for, I wondered what my life would claim. I rarely missed a meeting, I kept my hair cut short, I gambled less than pennies, I never played a sport. I never touched the bottle, I never smoked a butt, I lived a very humble man, I walked without a strut. My wife and girls wore dresses, they did their hair in a bun, Never watched a movie, suppressed all worldly fun. They never used the make-up, jewellery never wore, Their natural beauty far out-weighed the look of Satan's whore. We got the worker's mail, was an elder in the church, Professed at age of eight, the scriptures I did search. I knew the "Truth" was right, all other faith was sin, I always stuck to morals, the worker's praise I'd win. I stood at the door of Heaven, I stood at the Lord's great throne, No one to take my place, judgement on me alone. None of those things mattered, of the flesh is what they were, Despite what the workers said, I now knew this for sure. So I spent all my life trying to please the Lord, When all I had to do was believe in all his word. My life lived for the workers, I gave and gave and gave, Through hope of doing this, perhaps my soul He'd save. Scott March 13, 1998

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