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Four Aspects of Mind Control

(as it relates to people in cults)





~~ It's a very subtle process. If you put a frog in boiling water, it jumps out. If you put a frog in cold water and gradually increase the heat, he'll stay there until he croaks. ~~

A Tidbit from Forward Press (a quarterly newsletter for EX-2x2s which is no longer in existence for EX-2x2s):

Dear FP: ...... According to my (2x2) mother, it was almost a sin to show any human emotion, regardless of what emotion it was, laughing, crying, joy or whatever, I was taught to be a "zombie."

In answer: Your assessment of the programming to stifle emotion is right on target!! Not every family instills it but it is prevalent enough to noitice. There are many different reasons for the numerous nervous breakdowns (of those "in" and those who leave) besides this conditioning, but certainly it isn't healthy. Lack of emotion is seen as a sign that one has the "right Spirit". When professing people talk to someone they look for calmness, quietness, pleasantness, and sweetness. Anyone who displays agitation, indignation, excitement, or anger is accused of the wrong spirit and shunned. This is one reason it is so difficult to talk about what "truth" is with professing people. They don't exmine WHAT you are saying, they examine HOW YOU SAY IT. They don't examine the scripture to compare what they believe or what you believe, they examine YOUR APPEARANCE, LIFESTYLE AND PLEASANTNESS. They look for stoicism, self-denial, testimony, experience, feelings, and what the workers say. They DON'T check the meaning of scripture. Professing people really don't trust scripture because they don't understand it.

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