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$$ M O N E Y $$

(p a g e t w o)



Despite the "Poisoning of my Well", I have been encouraged by over a half dozen to continue posting here. Also, I have been asked to write something "short" on the subject of MONEY. Hopefully, while this is NOT short, it is informative enough to encourage each one to read it completely through. There is just so much I have NEVER told nor shared, and feel the time has come to do so.

Plausible deniability is a term created by governmental hierarchy which gave high officials an escape should damaging secrets be exposed. It is not "official policy" rather a "practice" which can be denied. Examples of plausible deniability? "I never saw any of that!" "Who sent money to IRAN?"


The 2x2 group has been referred to as a "Secret Sect" (Text by that name written by Doug Parker). Hearing that book was "full of lies" while I was still one of the group, and self-righteously considering myself in goodstanding, I did NOT pay attention to the book at all! It took my excommunication from the group over what I KNEW to be FALSE accusations, for me to read the book carefully after that experience, in my seeking to discover reasons "WHY?"!

At this moment in time I wish to state I was indoctrinated in the group since birth. I was told I had 2 or more "professing great-grandparents". I spent nearly 7 years in its ministry on two continents before leaving that work due to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion after suffering a "broken back" in Sweden in the early 70's, prior to marrying a year later.

As a younger worker, I had a part in services in 5 countries and 11 states: B.C. Canada, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Germany, Finland, and Sweden. I am multilingual, once speaking several languages semi-fluently, if not fluently. For those who hear anything to the contrary, I was begged to remain in the work by the overseer of Sweden, and later asked to please reconsider returning to the work in the USA by the overseer of Washington, Idaho and Alaska.

During my experience in the work, I was assigned responsibility for the two of us (myself and companion) only twice, once in the USA, and once in Sweden, later reneged upon for reasons covered below. In addition, I was directed to "share responsibility" once. So for the better part of nearly 7 years I was a "younger companion".

During those years I was also without a companion at times of international travel, linguistic study, while on special tent building or convention construction/repair/maintenance assignments, or while "older" companions traveled. These periods lasted up to several months at a time. Such periods made up for well over a quarter of my total time in that work

Upon researching Douglas Parker’s book, "The Secret Sect" I could find only one or two statements in its content that I considered partially true... I instinctively knew any error was NOT intentional! I found no lies! Since, I have pondered all the ways it IS a Secret Sect! One of those ways is regarding MONEY and financing.



I remember speaking once while in that 2x2 ministry, that according to Jesus teachings there were to be Three Secrets: Secret alms giving, Secret prayer life, Secret fasting! I reminded all, "GOD who sees in secret, will reward openly!" I was rebuked by an older brother worker for my message, because he felt it essential that workers KNOW from whom the money came. I asked,"but why?"

The reply (paraphrased here) from that older brother worker was that "Workers have a responsibility not to accept money from people not in fellowship, or who are not showing their faith by proper works, LEST THE WORKERS BE GUILTY OF PARTAKING IN ANOTHER MAN'S SINS, by letting such people suppose the worker approved what they were doing/believing!

When I tried to present the thought (concept?): "IF money were given secretly as JESUS taught re: alms giving, it should be all that is necessary, and IF it were actually given in such a manner, then workers would be free to accept without judging their fellow man..." I was further rebuked, and told that as Servants of GOD, we were to judge people in this manner as taught by Paul, who said he accepted nothing from certain ones.

The 2x2 ministry teaches secret giving (on a limited basis for they wish to KNOW who supports them!), so a degree of secrecy does exist regarding who gives what. HOWEVER, A total secrecy exists on the reception end, who gets what, and how much! Reporting is entirely none existent. All younger workers are taught to give everything they have in their possession to the overseer of their assigned convention annually.

Holding back of funds, or refusal to TURN THEM OVER, if it is known, is grounds for immediate dismissal from that work, which would be readily accepted by all other workers. It is considered okay only for overseers to hold bank accounts or control "the purse."


All handling of incoming money is on the "honor system". I WATCHED such a system corrupt people, both within the 2x2 ministry and amongst those who are "just believers". Advised to "never fall into the hands of rich men" I watched that very thing happen to the same one who gave me that advice!

I went into the work expecting companions to share a common purse, and both to know what was there. It was a surprise to me that SUCH was NOT the ever the case for me! NOT ONCE! During my time in the work from the first half of the sixties to the early 70's, Younger workers frequently had nothing and were given nothing. Some older companions were more considerate than others. OFTEN younger companions went without even enough for their own personal hygiene items.

From 1967 on, I knew of the existence of approximately $46,000.00 cash in a fund accumulated in Seattle and held in/at different trusted locations under the control of the NW OVERSEER. The money was said to be for emergency worker medical care, and to fund future worker travel. I knew that overseer to be generous at that time if he knew of a need, as LONG as HE approved of 100% of the worker's teachings and activities or felt that they had no family to support them. IF NOT, they went without! IT was that simple.

In addition, I knew of the existence of trust funds for the benefit of workers and convention places, but of none of the details.

I knew of one worker whom I loved very much who openly stated he felt a need to put some funds away to ease the burden upon friends when he was old. When that reached the ears of other younger "older" workers who controlled the funds, he was immediately put out of the work after over 40 years of a wonderful loving ministry, without a dime of support.

I know of one sister worker with no family in the fellowship to support her, who developed cancer after 17 years in the ministry. Because she was not considered as "feminine" as other of the "sisters", she apparently did not meet the test required to receive ANY financial support for she did not receive any at all! To this day she has been abandoned by nearly all 2x2'ers.

I knew of workers who were taking pensions from state governments in Scandinavia while claiming to go in faith... The public knowledge of this amongst the friends resulted in less being given for the support of the ministry IN THOSE COUNTRIES. This resulted in less available for the younger ones needs as well, who to my knowledge were never given any portion of an older one's "pension".

I believe the 2x2 system of financing both "works" and utterly "fails" at the same time! In my opinion, it "works" because people give freely, some more some less. In my opinion it fails because people give to the "older" ones thinking they will share when they rarely do. In my opinion it corrupts those in power, and discourages those with little basis for financial support.

(IN FACT, one of the reasons I was told most younger ones were held back from going places abroad, was so that they would have a large enough correspondence at home to support them when abroad! I was told in my case, I had so many professing family members, it would not matter!... This rather amused me, for I received very little from family members, except from one very kind Uncle who I THINK gave me a rather large sum while I was in his home once. I only noticed the money in my wallet after I had gone on.)

In my opinion, the 2x2 system of financing utterly fails because in givers being known to the receivers, human appreciation enters into the picture, and favoritism occurs, until those giving question those to whom they have given... THEN, they can be severed as quickly as they have been "promoted". I have watched it happen. I have seen older ones treat generous folks as if they were honored indeed. Then, knowing something to have bothered the generous folks enough to question it, I have seen the very one who was taking from them, turn and begin to discredit the same folks.

Some of you, I believe, who read this, can attest to the fact that what I say here is true by YOUR own experience!

Because I had challenged the concept of workers accepting pension money while claiming they were going in faith (and to any interested here, feel free to ask me, and I WILL explain their argument for applying for and collecting such pension money... as well as answer any other specific questions which I can) I was forbidden to be assigned a "younger" companion and a field assignment in an area where supposedly "the 2x2 GOSPEL" had never been preached.

Afterwards I was told it would have required some field changes which involved Sister Workers who refused to make those changes, and who were favored by the OVERSEER for whatever reason. In any case there was a change in the Workers list, that reassigned two nearly 30 year olds with men in their mid to late 70's.

25 years later, after hearing a great deal, I believe the real reason to have been because of my expressed viewpoint regarding MONEY, giving, control, pensions, and accountability. By speaking out honestly to the ones in authority, they made decisions forcing young men to submit to them.

This resulted in One scheduled to leave the country where the problem occurred telling me he was doing so with no intention of returning. After I left he was pressured to return for a bit, before subsequently marrying and relocating. He is still in fellowship with the group as I last knew. Also, another had a complete mental breakdown, though he is now married and continues to be in fellowship with the group.

I objected strongly to the double standard. I was told as "punishment" I was to be assigned as a younger companion to one the most "autocratic" men I have ever met in my entire lifetime! Finally pain from injury, ministerial conflict, double standards and outright lies was overwhelming. The forced submission to a dishonest man who was both verbally and physically abusive added to my stress! Finally, 2x2 immoral conduct within and without the ministry was the final straw!

I quietly accepted a loan from my parents of the value of a ticket back tothe USA. I returned home weighing 168 lbs (50 lbs lighter than I had been15 months earlier). For the curious, that loan was subsequently forgivenas part of my wedding present from my parents, when I married.

When it became known to the OVERSEER in the country that I was returning home, he called me by phone. He begged me to stay, promising me changes. I just said, "it is too late."

I returned to the USA. I spoke some of details and specifics to others. I was called on the carpet by the OVERSEER at home for speaking of such things to family and friends, and "younger workers". I was basically told to keep my mouth shut, and NOT even tell my parents what I had told him. I obeyed.

I tried to promote peace, unity, and harmony. When word reached the OVERSEER I was contemplating marriage, he wrote to me. His letter literally begged me to forget marriage, and consider returning to the work whereupon I would immediately be given responsibility as never before.

Immediately, I knew that if I compromised my convictions, I would lose my integrity. I realize now that from the moment I wrote back saying "thanks, but no thanks," I was doomed to eventual excommunication. Looking back, I see that I knew "too much".

When I listen to any who glamorize that fellowship and its "work" in any forum, or present it as "SOO wonderful!" I am simply astounded at the"colored glasses and ignorance". Some even dismiss what I have to say, as being from someone "bitter" or who is trying to deceive others! It would be amusing if it were not so pathetic.

Consider for yourself if no rules exist then "PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY" becomes an off ramp for ANY 2x2er (or supporter) on ANY subject ANY time ANY one wishes not to view ANY thing unpleasant! How many times has this type of "plausible deniability" occurred in connection with the 2x2 group? "If we let someone stay in Lincoln's bedroom for $100,000 per night, I didn't know about it!"


Dennis Jacobsen 3/97

When I professed I was under the assumption that all moneys given to the workers were pooled and used for the needs of all the workers equally, as needs arose. I used to always give to the senior workers fully believing the younger ones would benefit too. I’m very saddened to learn this is/was not the case! 6/97

In our 32 years on Mississippi convention grounds, we experienced the following regarding money:

We personally knew of some who died and willed their estates or a part of them to the work. The ones we had knowledge of were handled by trusted friends who had been designated to execute the will. I heard one sister worker say she wished people wouldn’t leave their money to the work—it just made it hard on them to get rid of it. She thought they should do something with it while they lived.

A lady died in another state and left quite a bit of money to the work. Her brother-in-law was her executor and had quite a lot of trouble getting rid of it all. He corresponded with workers as to their use of some of it on various convention grounds and in other areas of the work. As my husband was a relative of the lady who died, he was sent a substantial sum to use on our convention grounds. The executor told us he was turned down by workers saying they did not need the money. The money sent to our grounds was banked and used for various projects, and improvements lasting quite a few years with seemingly never-ending projects used it up. We used to be sorry to hear money had been left tothe work--as we knew we were in for more work days, redoing what the workers had done before.

One sister worker said "We have too much money; we buy things we shouldn’t." meaning some pretty pot plants for the various places on the grounds to look pretty for convention.

A young man went into the work from our area. We bought his car, and he asked that we use the money toward improvements on the place, rather than pay him. We put it in a savings account in our name and reported the interest on our income tax return. Our children were advised that if we passed away, the money in that savings account was not part of our estate--it belonged to the work. We told the worker over the state about the money/account, but he never asked for any of it, although he was there a few years. When he left, we told his replacement about the money in the savings account. This continued through several overseers over the course of about 12 years. None of the money was ever touched. Finally, it was decided to use the money to put vinyl siding on the house and pave the driveway.

One brother (not the head worker) used to come to us after convention with an envelope and several $ 100 bills. He said he did not need it, and for us to put it on the utility bills. We were grateful.

I guess the biggest "money shock" was the time when one of the friends who was doing work at the brother workers’ cabin walked in and saw an open suitcase full of money! Remember that this was during preps or near convention time and knowing the way money comes in, they would need somewhere to store it. I do not know how the "left over" money was divided after convention, but I do know envelopes were given out by senior workers to the other workers for them to start out with.

We never knew of any wrong handling of money. Workers were generous when they were there, often buying groceries, and helping with other bills. This was not so in the beginning of our days on convention grounds, but that was probably because money was scarce then.

3/97 - Dot Berry.

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