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The Following Links Will Take You To More Helpful Study On Christian Doctrine as well as Mind Control and Spritual Abuse:
Who Do YOU Think That I AM?
Christianity vs. Legalism
An Allegory about Legalism
Some Dangers of Legalism
Since all religions are basically the same, why do Christians insist that one must believe in Christ to be saved?
Characteristics of Spritual Abuse
Spotlight Ministries
Dr. Robert J. Lifton's criteria for thought reform - The Psychology of Totalism
Why the Jehovah's Witnesses FEAR the INTERNET. The "friends" need to think about this one too! Have the Workers warned YOU about the Internet? Have you wondered why?
Uncovering Churches That Abuse People
reFOCUS: Recovering Former Cultists'
Characteristics of a Religious "Addictive" System
Abusive Churches
Checklist: Are YOU in a Destructive Bible-Based Religion?
Web Page On Identifying A Cult - How to pick 'em
Totalism and Group Dynamics
Why is a cult a cult?
Cult Awareness and Information Centre Directory
Characteristics of Cults
Christian Apologetics and Research
Recovery From Religious Abuse
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