A brother worker who read The Secret Sect, stated that it is factually sound from what he already knew, except for a few minor details; his knowledge came from older workers who personally knew William Irvine.
"If it disturbs you, you shouldn't read it; throw it away."
"The Secret Sect is filled with half truths, which is worse than out and out lying."
"Seek God first, not literature or books."
"Everything you need to know can be found in the Bible"
"Yes, I've read it, but it didn't do anything for me."
"It is not good to trust everything you read or hear."
"Why are you searching in books--when the answer is in God?"
"You can't trust any writer--only God".
"The only book that is 100% true is the Bible."
"That book is about a whole group of people who are trying to copy us."
"You can read too many things written by man. One woman told us she had read so much that she no longer believed Jesus was the Christ. Sad Sad. Too much reading destroyed her faith."
"Some people call it a 'secret sect'. But how can it be secret if we go door-to-door?" Tharold Sylvester, Coer d'Al-ene Press, Idaho
"Have you heard that ____ and ____ have gotten the book that is discouraging so many, and are no longer professing? It's hard for me to understand how something a man wrote can discredit a ministry that doesn't preach money, and yet continues; or a meeting in the home that continues, in spite of all the sacrifice involved."
Q: "I read a book called The Secret Sect. Is it true?" A: I know someone who read that book, and said it made their faith grow even stronger.
That book is the most dangerous heresy ever published.
"Some folks who were coming to gospel meetings were given the SECRET SECT and they were influenced by it and didn't come back to meetings!" RESPONSE: "Who would do a thing like that?? They'll sure have a lot to answer for!" (RATHER THAN: "What's in THAT book that would influence a person?)
Attacking The Author
"The information in that book (The Secret Sect) is just that man's theory about how the Truth began."
"The book was printed by an enemy of truth. It's garbage."
"An irritated ex-worker wrote the book because he was put out of the work when he couldn't take over and get control of it."
"I'm going to ask you again not to have anything to do with that book, nor to commend it to others. The whole purpose of the author is to disrupt and overthrow the faith of those weak in the church..-.these people who publish discrediting, doubt raising scandals are doing it for all of the wrong reasons."
"Is it true you read the book written by someone who turned against the truth? Have you ever stopped and thought of comparing the Bible with that book? Surely faith in God would cause you to believe the Bible? Unwillingness in one person could cause them to write much that would be contrary to God's word. I hope you'll believe me?? I've been in the work since 1955, and I know for a fact untrue things are said. If you choose to not believe me, at least I have tried. All that is in print cannot be trusted."
Having read Has the Truth Set You Free?, a worker wrote: "It would take me forever to document the things we disagree on. It isn't written in a way that offers anything else to its readers, but rather to undermine what is already believed. Both this and The Secret Sect seem full of sour grapes. I notice truth is mingled throughout the book and that may draw some, but the spirit seems loathsome. I'm afraid they have taken on a job impossible if they are intent on changing the points we've believed in, and the several customs we're used to. So it seems best to me to lay it all down and forget it. Go on and live by what our old friends died by. It's safe and after all, they had the in-dwelling Christ and that's always been the objective. Why monkey with it? I'd be inclined toward an easier approach would it work, but I'm satisfied I must be as those who loved not their lives. They were able to rise above that great temptation and stay above it until death overtook them." Excerpt from letter of Brother Worker.
"Someone also mentioned that you might have gotten the 'Secret Sect' book. Doug Parker offered for the work one time and wasn't willing to get rid of all of his possessions, as the disciples did in Luke 12:33, etc. He wanted to put some of his money in trust for the future. Since he was not willing to do this, the workers could not accept him because he did not follow the example and commands of Jesus, Matt 11:1. He became bitter and then wrote his book. It was written out of spite and anger and is so full of that kind of spirit--I know personally the lady who wrote the 'Unnamed Church'. She never even signed the book and wrote a fictious name. An older brother read the book and found over 1100 errors. These books are written by bitter people and those books are not the Bible." Excerpt from letter of Brother worker.
"You said, 'All you had found out about the origin and history of the fellowship has been and still is quite a shock.' So that shows you have heard untruths. So sorry you got in with those who are selling and spreading the books more and more in our state. They make money on them! Do you realize they are people who are not right, and are seeking to hinder the true people of God? I wouldn't feel safe to believe anything that is in the books, as God's people don't write and send books around. So it isn't safe to be sorting things out of them. We are so happy that God was able to raise up men whom He could reveal Himself to, and the light slowly dawned, like any babe sees. Even tho 2 or 3 men did go wrong, that only makes it all the more true that the way is right from the beginning. Anytime you question, go to some of the older workers. There is nothing secret in God's way as you know." Excerpt from letter of Sister Worker.
I talked to a sister worker who was in the room when Doug Parker offered for the work. He wanted to keep money back in trust and not go by Faith. He was refused a place in the ministry so became upset and later wrote this book, "Secret Sect." Because he is a denominational preacher & has personal feelings to air, etc., the book deserves no credibility. A year or two ago, several asked Doug why he wrote the book & he said it was for money. Willis Propp could tell you more about that. - Everett Swanson, written communication with one of the "friends" on the way "out."
"I was so sorry to learn that you have fallen under the influence of those who are mixed up and are selling those books full of lies. Do you realize they are deceived, and are seeking to hinder the true people of God?"
The Secret Sect by Doug and Helen Parker, The Church Without A Name by David Stone, A Search For The Truth by Lloyd Fortt, Reinventing the Truth by Kevin Daniel, Has The Truth Set You Free? by Gene and Grace Luxon, They Go About Two by Two by William E. Paul, Reflections compiled by D. Chapman
Doug Parker retracted his offer to go in the work without ever entering it. Stone, Luxons and Fortt were born and raised in the fellowship, but were never workers. Paul and Daniel were never associated with the group.