It seems to me many professing folks are very proud of what they have in the Way. Often it is a feeling of humble superiority! A quietness kept inside them about the PRIDE they feel of being in God's ONLY way. 6/97
I was filing today and ran across this column from Billy Graham on a topic that has been under discussion. Thought it might be helpful:
"Dear Rev Graham: What is a self-righteous person? I'm not sure I understand the meaning of the term. I gather it is not good to be
self-righteous, but what is wrong with it? And how do you keep from being that way?--LK
"Dear LK: A self-righteous person is someone who believes that he or she is good enough to win God's approval. Their righteousness or goodness comes from themselves--from what they have done--and that is why they are called "self-righteous."
"But there are several things wrong with self-righteous people. For one thing, they almost always fall into pride--which is a sin--because they come to believe they are better than other people. In Jesus' time there were people like that (called the Pharisees and teachers of the law), but He warned, `Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats....such men will be punished most severely.' (Mark 12:38-40) Their pride cut them off from God.
"But the deeper problem is that we can never depend on our own righteousness, for we will never be good enough to win God's approval. You see, God's standard is perfection--and none of us will ever reach that standard. As the Bible says, "There is no one righteous, not even one." (Rom 3:10)
"That is why we need Christ, for He came to forgive us and bestow upon us His righteousness. Are you trusting in your own good deeds to save you? If so, renounce your dependence on them, for you can never save yourself by your own good deeds or your own self-righteousness. Instead trust Christ, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom 6:23)"
When I was professing, I was proud to be humble. Isn't this the ultimate paradox? 6/97
When still in the system I think my pride was one of looking down on others outside because God had chosen me to be one of His and not them since I was in the ONLY TRUE WAY and they were not. My pride was not of anything I did but simply because of my superior position by God's choosing. I did not really comprehend how much God loves ALL mankind and not willing that any should perish. I was limiting the love of God and applying it selfishly on myself and those professing.
There is a lot of self-righteousness too of being in the only right way and having what we thought was a high standard. Is self-righteousness a form of pride??
Your question, ______: >Is self-righteousness a form of pride?? < made me look up the term to be sure I knew what it meant. Webster's says: "Convinced of one's own righteousness."
I think you are right. If a person is convinced they are righteous, it seems to me that this would be one form pride could take.
In my opinion, an important thing to consider is this: The fact that the righteousness (justification) of Christ is imputed to believers means their justification (righteousness) is of Christ, not of themselves. We are guilty of thinking self-righteously when we think we can, of our own efforts, make ourselves righteous. 6/97
The verse that has opened my eyes more than any other - even before the internet was available or I discovered this web site is the one that states "by their fruits ye shall know them."
The fruit of the situation my parents were involved in was: hate, disgruntlement, anger, self-righteousness, and something I call puff-up-ed-ness. This is not the fruit of the Spirit. 10/96
I suppose it is harder for older people. They have convinced themselves for longer! And their self-righteousness has set in more deeply even though they may appear to be very humble. They are often humble about their self-righteousness! Just as it is harder for workers to "see the light" I think it must be harder for older folks. They are more set in their ways, perhaps are not as educated and may not be readers for one reason or another. And perhaps they have limited contact with "worldly" people.
Sure was sorry to hear the response you had from the 2x2's, but not surprised as the 2x2 system breeds self-righteousness and that kind of judgment. 2/97
I now have a very good phrase for this "calmness, serenity, and humbleness." It is called "I AM SOOO PROUD OF HOW HUMBLE I AM!!!!!!!" In other words, pride in one's humility is NO humility at all!!!
Let's apply it to other "traits" of the 2x2's:
It is this HAUGHTINESS that makes the 2x2's so repulsive to me. It is this attitude, which is so FAKE, that makes it so difficult for me to speak the truth in love!! Whenever problems arose, they would be swept under the carpet at ALL costs in order to maintain this appearance of serenity, humility, and calmness. I am SO glad I am OUT. Sorry if I sounded is the way I feel....
……with that I leave you all, rejoicing in the truth that has set us free from bondage and indeed brought new more abundant life, not just more "self-discipline and self-righteousness!" 2/97
In my observation when "doing" gets ahead of "being," self-righteousness leaps to the fore... Could it even be a version of "cart before the horse"?
Some days I cruised along on the fuel of self-righteousness, but other days I just chugged along on guilt.
As for me there was a kind of pride in professing. I am especially embarrassed to remember the times I stood up in meeting and gave my testimony on how thankful I wasn't like those "religious people" who just thought about God on Sunday morning. Oh my! How self-righteous & smug I was. How blind! Where did I get my supposed information? From the workers and other friends. Some who came from other churches, but most of whom did not. They got their information the same way I did. It was very humbling to meet people who lived their life by putting God first in everything. Something I didn't know how to do outside of going to meeting, and wearing dresses and putting my hair up. Yep, I took pride in my humility. Pretty sad huh? 6/97