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Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9

________ has suggested a discussion of legalism. This is certainly a relevant topic and worthy of consideration. It is fascinating to me that a group which claims to have no doctrine other than the KJV commands conformity to a network of de facto and de rigueur rules and regulations which are not explicitly named, defined, or discussed.

I personally feel about the head coverings, the same as all the other "outer trappings" of legalism (and the resulting "ability" of man to measure a person's degree of "righteousness")... it seems totally out ofcharacter with our freedom in Christ. 2/97

Legalism is one of the problems I have with the 2x2 church.

I wonder how people can understand and embrace the "Good News" of salvation offered by Jesus Christ, and at the same time adhere to legalistic doctrines and practices.

All Christians should understand the errors of legalism and false doctrine and any time a group claims to be the only exclusive way in God's sight a RED flag should immediately go up!

The Grace Awakening is a perfect place for you to start. You will quickly understand Legalism and Grace. Coming to an understanding of God's awesome Grace is wonderful and Chuck Swindoll does a wonderful job of explaining it in his book.

I have to concede that the writings on legalism, characteristics of a cult, etc . . ., items with a familiar ring to the methods of the sect and to it's members, are probably the most effective documentation.

We were all stifled in the "2x2 system" with legalism.

In an abusive church, the use of guilt, fear, and intimidation to control members is likely to produce members who have a low self- image, who feel beaten down by legalism, who have been taught that asserting oneself is not spiritual. of the first disturbing characteristics to be reported by relatives and friends of members of these churches is a noticeable change in personality, usually in a negative direction.

Sin was vaguely referred to as turning away from God, going our own way, not continuing in "the way". Sin was also failing to submit to various legalisms. - eg: cutting your hair short, wearing pants, etc.

I'd like to see them tackle LEGALISM. <grin> Oh, if there are any workers lurking, LEGALISM is man-made rules for keeping people in line. RULES!? Oh, silly me, there are no RULES in the "Truth."

It's great to have freedom to search the Scriptures without the pressure of having to conform to some man-made rules.

To me, it just sounds like a cop-out!! It means that she cannot explain what she believes, nor can she explain a reason for the silly rules and legalism that the group imposes on people!!

Their counterfeit can take any twist they want it to have, and it can carry a lot of legalism and subtle self-promotion.

2x2 LEGALISM -- Yes, unfortunately, there is too much of that, and there always has been, and there always will be, because ANY of it is too much of it. And that doesn't mean that I believe in just throwing our hands up and saying that's the way it is and we can do nothing about it. That's why I'm here. Because I believe it is forums like this that can help and are helping to do something about it.

There's a LOT that could be said about cultic elements in a church eg if a Pastor said you all HAVE to attend housegroup well that wouldn't make the church a cult but it would be a form of control/legalism which is an element of a cult. If you want to attend out of love that's entirely different!

It is well understood by the friends that they are to attend all the meetings.

Grace rids us of legalism which is rampant in the fellowship.

You wrote: >I believe legalism is the very real and integral part of practically most/all/many religious organizations today.<

In my experience with several Christian groups since we left the 2&2s, most are certainly not what I would call legalistic as compared to the 2&2s.

My dictionary says legalism is:**1. Strict, literal adherence to law. 2. Theology. Adherence to the doctrine of salvation by works rather than by faith.**

This fits the 2&2 non-organization quite well. Unwritten laws are still laws. I guess if there was such a thing as a true Christian ORGANISM (like we thought we were in) then there would be no need for rules at all. It would all happen automatically like it does in the physical organisms God made and like wishful thinking workers and friends say it does in the fellowship (but doesn't).

With all due respect, you seem to be telling me how I OUGHT to interpret and react to my 2x2 experience. You seem to be suggesting that instead of attempting to change the 2x2 system, I should change my response to the 2x2's. NO THANK YOU. I did not create the reality of 2x2 legalism. I did not create the 2x2's historical or theological pretensions. I did not create the bushel under which the 2x2's tried to hide me and my personality. I did not create the derision the 2x2's pour upon other believers. It was my birthright.

Many churches practice legalism to one extent or another. That's human nature, to try to control people!!

However, I think the 2&2's practice of legalism is more insidious than some. They don't issue a clear statement of what they believe as a group which would cause some to walk away before getting very involved. Instead, they give out deceptive messages which make you think they believe just as you do, all the while seeking to give you this "revelation" that they are the only true ministers, and the only true way. Once they can bind you to themselves by those two things, they have you in a position of control by fear.

You mentioned the "freedom there is in grace." This freedom means somuch to me. Even though I knew I was unworthy of His favor, and appreciated God's grace, I was in bondage for many years to the legalism taught by well-meaning people. I tried to live a righteous life, but I knew my righteousness was as filthy rags.

Freedom came when I understood Jesus had satisfied all the requirements of the law of God for me. Because He paid the penalty for my sins, and applied His righteousness to my account, I stand before God - justified! He is indeed "full of grace and truth." What a Gift of Love - no strings attached! No wonder my soul responds in praise, thanksgiving and love for my Saviour! 2/97

If the workers didn't make a big deal about their organization being in total unity/agreement/harmony the world over they WOULD be able to state that there ARE differences.

Oh how many times I've heard a visiting worker preach the "same all over the world" message. And when our local workers would go traveling about the world to conventions they would return with that same message.

It is often quite a shock to the friends who move to another part or who visit elsewhere to find that "things" are NOT the same everywhere. I've even heard of some folks MOVING to deliberately be in a field where such-and-such is acceptable.

Are we REALLY talking about LEGALISM? Partly; but this is also about HONESTY and HYPOCRISY!

Legalism -- Are the de facto rules of the 2x2's (regarding hair, makeup, dress, activities, etc...) biblically justified? Are these same rules psychologically abusive? Do you believe that the 2x2's have rules?

You can end up serving the rules of the church and not the Lord. You might WANT to serve the Lord, but feel so bound by man's rules that you have no joy. 3/97

Satan has buffaloed many by the notion that men of "position" or "authority" should be listened to and trusted implicitly.

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