Be forewarned, anyone asking them [the workers] questions they cannot answer will be labeled as having a bad (or wrong) spirit, believe me, I know. People labeled with a bad spirit are then put on a non-formal watch list, and will be strictly dealt with at the first available opportunity. Also watch out for being "too smart for your own good!" That one will also catch you sooner or later if you ask questions, knowing the answer, but they have none. Of course, giving the answer and explanation will prove your bad (or wrong) spirit and you will be gone super fast!
The most wonderful part of this list is that we can all feel free to speak and share as we really feel. Something, I for one, did NOT consider appropriate/safe/wise/allowed/acceptable to do when I was still "in."
I've never been associated with any other group who says, "don't ask questions" yet I never gave it a thought really until I had questions TO ask. Wherever I've worked, went to school and in our present church--questions are encouraged!! They are seen as a sign that you are interested & that you want to learn. Also those who have answers want you also to have them--they don't guard them like they are a secret or are suspicious as to why you're asking. Nor do we try to put you on the spot & claim that you have a bigger problem because you ask.
I did have the distinction of being a Celebrity Saint for the first year I professed but given the fact that I was not raised in the system and my husband and kids never professed and I did, from time to time, ask *questions* my status, was, no doubt, in the lower realm of things!
I asked my mother "What happened to all the people in North America before the workers got here?Did they all go to hell?" And my mother said not to ask those kind of questions.!
I was told that I never really had "it" and I asked: "What is "it"?" The answer came that "it" is the spirit of faith that questions NOT!
You know, all the time I was involved with the group, I NEVER questioned so many things. I was such a SHEEP!
I continued to ask questions about scripture and was continually told to check my attitude.
During the entire period I was with the 2x2s I never ceased to ask questions. I never got answers from anyone. It was always an admonition to go to yet another meeting where everything would then be ok.
Often we came away from talking with a worker thinking that we had our question answered only to realize he had not answered us at all.