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Our pastor firmly believes it is his job to tell the congregation the truth no matter what. It is a rare Sunday when everyone in the congregation isn't squirming in their seat at least once, convicted by something he has taught from scripture. Of course he also tells us the "good news" and how very much we are loved by our Father. He recently thanked us all, with tears, for supporting him and his family so he could devote himself to what he loves doing the most, pastoring and teaching. (Eph 4:11) He isn't paid to preach what we want to hear, he is given financial support (which is Biblical, please see 1Cor.9:7-12) so he can fully devote himself to pastoring and teaching the flock.

We have been out of the "Truth" for 2 years and I am so thankful for the way God has blessed our choice. We were hungry to be taught out of scripture and we have been fed abundantly but not always comfortably. My husband and I had the perception when we were in the 2x2's that "denominational church people" did nothing for Christ except maybe pay their preachers and fire them when they got offended. We have been motivated to do more for Christ in the last two years than all the other years combined. Many churches are filled with people who love to serve Christ and use their God-given gifts and talents in His service, we were so blind. We now work teaching little ones about the Lord and in care ministries. There is so much to do! June 2000 [Please withhold my name in deference to professing relatives. [p.s. I am so glad you have used some of my letters on the website. It makes me happy to think I can give something back when VOT has been so very helpful to me.)]

For anyone who has left the 2x2s who is having a problem with proclaiming a loud, joyous, praise unto God, you may wish to make a study of how many times each of these words are used in the Bible, over and over again. Contrary to 2X2 teaching, that we must be staid, reverent, morbid, and morose, the Lord loves to hear our loud, joyous, praise, accompanied by musical instruments, in a lot of cases. When I went to the Church service with my brother that I mentioned yesterday in my post, I was absolutely SHOCKED. How dare these people make such a mockery of God, I wondered, BUT at the same time, as I had my 2X2 coat tightly wrapped around me, a little bit of fresh air got in around the seams, and it thrilled me. I kept my face staid, my countenance properly demure, and sighed appropriately, at Satin's deceit. When my brother asked me what I thought of the service, I told him that if I wanted that kind of entertainment, I would go to the Circus ! ! ! But THE SEED WAS PLANTED, and you can bet your bottom dollar, that people that go to this kind of a service, after the downers of a 2x2 meeting, will NEVER forget it ! ! ! 11 January 2000 Marge Reynolds

Marge's post reminded me of the few times we took our
four kids to a "false church". The singing was very
lively and you should have seen my kid's faces. They
were terrified. My 6 year old leaned over and said in
a stage whisper, "Mom this is SCARY!"

I, on the other hand really liked it. I enjoyed the
music and the expository preaching.  I told my husband
on the way home how refreshing it was to be taught
something, not just hear the same "stay in the way"
message. My husband was horrified that I enjoyed the
service because you are supposed to come away with a
feeling of "we have something so much better."

Anyway, wish you could see us now, worshiping,
praising and singing wonderful songs, accompanied by
drums and guitars! Our church must be similar to
______'s former church, we stand up, clap and really
get in to it. It lifts my heart right up to heaven.  12/1/00

My feelings toward other churches: They were all "lost sheep" and it didn’t matter whether outsiders went to church or not. I was taught that there were two classifications of people: those who knew Christ and belonged to our church, and those who didn’t know Christ and didn’t belong to our church. It was immaterial whether outsiders had any religious affiliations or beliefs, if they were not members of our group they were simply "lost souls."

We were still going to meetings in the 2&2s when we snuck out to our first service in a Baptist church and noticed the startling difference in the joy they seemed to have. We were as scared as we were thrilled and the feelings were intense as we walked up the steps into that forbidden church building. My wife had never been to such a church service in her life before and for me it had been 31 years. I noticed the modesty of the structure and I noticed that the women looked like average ordinary women. The next thing to catch my eye was the drums and musical instruments up beside the piano. Were they actually going to play all those things in church? Sure enough! The song leader asked the congregation to stand and sing and they all started clapping their hands in time to the music as they sang. At first I couldn't decide which would be worse, for people to see me clapping my hands in church or for them to see me standing there not clapping. There was not a hint of giving glory to their church group or to their ministers and the words of the choruses were full of praise and worship to God (of whom Jesus is part). As they sang and prayed we realized how very little we knew about worshipping God. We listened closely and there was nothing we could find fault with but instead, our hearts were filled with joy. The salvation message was: "Believe in Jesus Christ and accept HIM and His sacrifice and ask God for forgiveness". God's Way was simple after all! Rejoicing in Him ! ________

We worship as a family in a fundamental church nearby & have for over 4years. We feel very fortunate that we were led to that church. My husband said after one of the first services he attended, "you know they really WORSHIP God here, we never did that at meeting, though we thought we did!"

Our daughters have all accepted Christ & been baptized, though none of us are members of the church at this time. (There's never been any pressure for us to join, though we know we are welcome to & may do so in the future.) I've often wondered why God didn't show us the truth about the "truth" years ago. There are times I feel cheated that I never memorized verses & didn't have the Bible teaching that our children have been & still are continuing to receive. 9/96

It is a fantastic feeling to see our boys beginning to know God's love andseeing them grow in love and faith. (They actually look forward to going toBible Studies and Sunday School because of the love that is felt there.)

It wasn't easy for me to become comfortable in the church. I also realize how very lucky I fell into a church with sound doctrine.

I fellowship at a Pentecostal church! Can you believe it???? I do not trust anyone's "word for it", I always have to study it out and LOVE the process!

I also make it very clear to my parents that my church is for fellowship, not salvation! (ie; they did not give me salvation, and cannot take it away from me. My salvation is from God and through Christ alone).

A healthy church will not insist that you belong or join them. You will simply be free to attend without obligation.

Church leadership needs to have a system of accountability and checks and balances so that, if operated in accord with God's plan, the church family can have trust in the church leadership. And never should wrong be covered up.

I think that a lot of Bible College's are not very concerned about dangerous fringe groups and they don't educate their people well enough. All Christians should understand the errors of legalism and false doctrine and any time a group claims to be the only exclusive way in God's sight a RED flag should immediately go up! Mind you, the 2x2s are subtle enough that ____ may not have understood their claim to being the ONLY way. As Christians, we need not fear asking ANY clergyman exactly what he believes/preaches. I attended a small local church here once. They were sort of "on me" the minute I walked through the door. Friendly, nice and "do come in." That was the preacher and his wife. I immediately asked them what they believed re: Jesus, salvation, etc. They were very surprised and it seemed like NO ONE had EVER asked them direct questions like that right off the bat. I am NOT going to take any chances again--now that I have information! Mind you when I went to the 2x2s I didn't have the QUESTIONS to ask! Anyway, I am NOT shy about asking now!!! If I insult any in their capacity--too bad--this is MY salvation we are talking about!

I loved it when after a couple visits to our church, they talked an entire sermon about their founders, Alexander and Thomas Campbell! Imagine!! My children both accepted Jesus there and were baptized there. However, they understand if they leave that church, it doesn't affect their salvation; that they weren't baptized into the church, but into the body of Christ. They take their relationship with Jesus with them, no matter what group they assemble with, or if they don't assemble at all.

I have listened to Christian radio before... I really learned some things from it. It was better than many sermons given at the conventions.

>>That makes me think of another Christian thing. Christians pray for each other about normal everyday things. For example, if I told a Christian about one of the friends being angry with me for sending out tracts about the "Truth" the Christian might say "I'll pray for you that God will direct you to respond so that person might understand. And I'll pray for that person that they will receive your message in love," etc. etc. If someone's husband, (as another example) looses his job, or gets cancer (whatever) Christians will get together and pray for that person and their specific needs. <<

"Yeah, I've heard people say things like that... I've worked in a store for a while and noticed people from all walks of life who came thru... that's one of the things I saw people saying to each other all the time. That's really cool.... I can't think of a time where the "friends" said they'd do that for each other... the only thing I remember hearing that others were praying (concerning other people) about was for people they thought might loose out, or didn't make it to meeting, might join the church, etc"

Also lots of Christians get together for Bible studies. That may even use workbooks and they really get into detailed study. Lots of churches tape record their preachers and a sermon can be listened to later. They don’t seem to be concerned that their sermons will "get into the wrong hands!"

>>I just want to keep in mind that my relationship is with God and His Son and that going to church is where I join with others to be united in worshipping the One I've accepted as my Savior! <<

Yes, that's what really matters. Jesus says to love God more than anyone else which means more than a church, and if we love God more than a church then the church should be secondary to salvation, cuz the church is just people.

In other churches their STATEMENT OF BELIEFS reflects the beliefs of the majority so why wouldn't that be the case in the 2&2s? Sure maybe if they wrote one now (100 years too late) that would be the case for a little while until word got around all over the world and people started waking up. Then a natural process may take place whereby it would become the majority belief. There IS a majority belief in there so why not reveal it? It's not whether the statement is right or wrong, it is whether the people know what they are in.

The perfect church does not exist, this is very true. However, I have yet another major difference between the 2x2's and a normal Christian church....... Ask a Christian who attends a normal church if his church is perfect and he will very heartily say "No way!!! Not in a million years!!" Ask a 2x2 the same question...what would they say?? Yes, you all have heard it before at least a kazillion times....

"Well, the Way is PERFECT but the people are not!!"

It's the only church I know of that admits how perfect it is!!! Yikes!! I'll take true humility any day!!

One thing I'm thankful for since leaving the 2&2 fellowship is that when we miss a meeting [in the church we attend] or decide not to participate in something, we don't feel condemned for it. Even though they may miss us and want us there, the feeling is totally different. I go to church for various reasons, some of which are listed below, not in order of importance.

1.) For the enjoyment of listening to the gospel even though I've heard it many times before. Also to see first hand and hear of others accepting Christ.

2.) Friendship and fellowship with people who believe similar to me even if there are slight differences in opinion on some points. It's not a problem.

3.) To somehow have a small part in missions because I'm not a preacher and have no gift at all in telling others about Jesus Christ. I'm glad other people have that gift and I want to do what ever I can to help fulfill the great commission. [Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16 and Luke 24:44-49]

In churches, other than the 2x2s, the ministers we've met are more willing to admit their fallibility.

I can't wait to go to church tomorrow and get some REAL religion!

Personally, I need the socializing nature of my church. Because of what I go through with my mother who is still in the 2x2's, I need the encouragement of how to deal with her. Even though these people may not know all of the particulars about the 2x2's...they know how to help me to speak the truth in love. And even though they may not know about the 2x2's, they are fascinated by what I have told them about the group and want to help in any way they can. That really means a lot to me.

I too felt when I first attended church that "I won't get burnt again" & it took me a long time to trust. I still listen with a very open ear even though we've been attending the same church for over 4 yrs. now. If there is a written doctrine that greatly helps; however I also believe YOU STILL HAVE TO LISTEN!! There are churches where the pastor likes to control & dominate so I think you have to be very careful. I don't know if paranoia is the right word--just don't check your brain at the door as you enter!! The thing I just love is that I can ask questions & I can get answers!! I may not totally understand a concept at first but more study of the scripture & the Holy Spirit help to clarify things.

Folks in churches really have no idea about cults--which groups are, what they believe and how they operate. Precious few churches teach their people about Dangerous Religious Groups.

Looking back on my experience, if the Alliance Church I was in before I professed had been better equipped on these things the pastor would have given us more information and I probably wouldn't have got tangled in the 2&2s.

Regarding attending another church. I think we definitely should do our home work carefully and check it out before settling into another church after leaving the "Truth" and we must continue to be aware after we settle in. More importantly I think we need to pay close attention to what we believe and why because that's directly related to our salvation.

In short, most people are NOT educated about DANGEROUS RELIGIOUS GROUPS.In fact, in my travels from church to church, I find that MOST Christians have NO idea that they could very easily BE IN, or be lured into, such a group. (They also do NOT know WHICH groups fall into these "dangerous categories! Precious few Christian churches teach about cults--their errors in doctrine AND their control mechanisms.)

>>Yes that's very true, I have noticed that too. Actually it seems to me that this is one area where an ex2&2 could get involved very helpfully in some church groups if they want to. I have attended little classes on this very subject in our church here and I felt the instructor was not all that well informed. A talkative EX2&2 could have done a better job. Our experience is useful in this area and sometimes the more timid among us sort of shy away from getting involved because we think "Oh these people know a lot more about everything than I do. I'm just a newcomer and at my age I'll never catch up." <<

I think we need to listen with a critical ear to ALL churches; not just the no-name brand churches. . . . .I also believe we need to CONTINUE to check the doctrine we hear even if we are in a church for a long time.

It IS a CHORE to be always testing the things we hear against the scripture (though it certainly doesn't spoil any good effect of being there for me ), but I also happen to believe it is our Christian mandate to do just that... just as Paul commended the Bereans for doing the same when HEspoke to them. In truth, I have shed many a tear of frustration over this necessity to continue to listen with a critical ear. How much I would prefer just sitting and drinking it all in and "enjoying it!" I can't, though... not with the questioning and analytical mind the Lord gave me and not with my past [2x2] experience. A good church can go wrong... so can a good pastor. Never again will I follow blindly into the ditch! As ____ and ______ have said, some pastors would prefer NOT having ex-cult members in their congregation. They listen TOO closely and ask too many questions!!

I know there are a lot of valid reasons why some people who have left the 2x2 group haven't connected with a local church body yet and I believe that God can work through those in His way and His time in each individual situation as it is His desire and plan to do so.

As has been mentioned, we who have left the 2x2s have a lot to contribute to the local church body because of our life experiences and church attendance is important and can be a real blessing. Not only can WE be encouraged by others, but God can use us to encourage others. Some have mentioned that none in the churches can understand what we have been through. Actually, we have not found that necessarily to be the case.

There are a lot of people who have been through similar controlling and "theologically deviant" experiences. No, they don't understand EXACTLY what our group and our experience was like, but we have come to realizethat the 2x2 system is really not as unique as we thought it was. Not only do others understand our struggles and our pain, but... we also run into those (by "accident" or by God's sovereign hand!) who are trying to walk down the same painful path of deliverance from such a system. Because of our experiences, we can also understand them better than those who have not been through such and God can use us to minister to them. Also, I believe that God has even specially gifted some of His children with an amazing gift of "mercy" and they can seem to grasp the pain of another’s experience even though they have never had to go through the same thing themselves.

We've attended our church 4 1/2 yrs. now but we aren't members. There has never been any pressure about our joining though I know we'd be welcome. I really like that & feel I've been ready too, but I'm not sure about my husband & since it doesn't matter salvation-wise--I don't even bring it up. Our girls have all been baptized but they aren't members either. I really like that about our church.

The first time I walked into a Christian church, I was the most paranoid person in the world. Scared to death. What a weird experience that was.......

Today, I love meeting with fellow believers for corporate worship and Bible Study. Praise be to God. PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the time is right I'll be in church--not to worry! I'm cautious of unsound doctrine but I'm not afraid. Unlike when I professed, I'm now equipped!

Always remember YOUR allegiance MUST be to GOD, not MAN! If you become involved in a group that insists they are THE ONLY WAY--run!

I too found that fellowshipping with Christians in other churches was difficult. They really can't know how you feel and think and how traumatic it really is to come out of such a group. And I suppose up until recently you were not able to tell your new church people and pastor exactly whatt the "Truth" was all about.

I sure will never forget shortly after we exited and started in our present church, (Dr _____) visited our church here and put on a marriage session. We were simply amazed to suddenly have access to such great stuff that would have been prohibited by most workers.

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