The leaders of the Two-By-Two sect do NOT publish a statement of their beliefs nor do they provide any information about their early history!
Former members of the 2x2s have published NINE books and more are presently being written. A listing of the books to date follows:
**** May 2000 ****
HERE IT IS! The most recently published book about the "Truth:"
- The author of this new book was born and raised in this no-name sect in Eastern Canada. He was in the work and he knows this group inside out! Willis' excellent writing style, in depth knowledge of the group and his willingness to "tell all" makes this book a MUST READ. You will be entertained and enlightened!
- Sub Title: Known as The Cooneyites, Two by Twos . . .
- ISBN Number: 0-473-03810-2 published in 1996
- The author of this helpful book was a third generation member of this No-name group.
Read it online at Expressions of Ex-2x2s
THE SECRET SECT by Doug and Helen Parker:
- Sub Title: The Nameless House Sect and Annual Conventions; The Cooneyites; Also Known as Two-By-Two Preachers, Die Namenlosen. Les Anonymes, The Way
- ISBN Number: 0-9593398-0-9 published in 1982
- This book recounts the history of a very active house sect which rejects any name, and which has become world wide through the activity of its homeless preachers who go out two by two, conduct missions and organise annual conventions. Although this sect was founded at the beginning of the twentieth century in Ireland by a lay evangelist William Irvine, a Scot, its members believe that it originated in the first century when Christ sent His disciples out two by two on their first mission to Israel.
- To order a copy of THE SECRET SECT write: Koorong Books Pty. Limited, 17-19 Ryedale Road West Ryde NSW, Australia 2114
- Or, order from Research & Information Services, P.O. Box 2141, Sisters, Oregon, USA, 97759 Phone (541) 317-1900 Fax: (541) 312-2455 or Email: Visa/MasterCard is accepted. Price: Sorft Cover is $10.95 U.S. funds, plus shipping. Hard Cover is $14.95 U.S. Funds, plus shipping
"I obtained a copy of THE SECRET SECT and my life has not been the same since."
"I'll never forget the day I received "The Secret Sect" in the mail. (The Secret Sect is a very detailed account, based totally on facts, of the history of the two-by-two's). I sat down on the steps of my apartment building. (I was still in college) and I just held the package and my heart was pounding. My hands were shaking when I opened the package...I couldn't stop reading the book until 3:00 in the morning. I just couldn't put it down. None of my friends understood the impact this had on me...learning that this church that had ruled my mother's side of my family was a huge sham. All the it was SUCH an eye-opener!!!"
REFLECTIONS compiled by Daurelle Chapman
- Sub Title: The Workers, the Gospel and the Nameless House Sect
- ISBN Number: 0-9639419-1-7 Published in 1993
- A compilation of over 50 testimonies of EX-members of the 2x2 sect. Over 700 pages of informative and heart-rending reading. This book was published in 1993 and it has helped many who have read it.
- "Reading REFLECTIONS was the best thing that's every happened to me. I realized that it wasn't just *us* who had "failed" and that we were only guilty of getting caught up in a false way."
- To order REFLECTIONS contact Research and Information Services
P.O. Box 2141, Sisters, OR 97759
Phone: (541) 317-1900 Fax: (541) 312-2455,
Cost: $10.45 U.S. funds, plus shipping.
Visa/MasterCard is accepted.
"Reading REFLECTIONS was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I realized that it wasn't just *us* who had "failed" and that we were only guilty of getting caught up in a false way."
REFLECTED TRUTH Compiled by Joan F. Daniel
- Sub Title: Former Workers and Followers Unmask Life in a Large, Little-known Sect
- ISBN Number 0-9639419-3-3 Published in 1996
- This book, like it's forerunner, REFLECTIONS, is a compilation of true stories provided by former members.
- To order REFLECTED TRUTH contact Research and Information Services
P.O. Box 2141, Sisters, OR 97759
Phone: (541) 317-1900 Fax: (541) 312-2455,
Cost: $10.45 U.S. funds, plus shipping.
Visa/MasterCard is accepted.
- Sub Title: Historical Claims of One of the World's Largest Nameless Sects
- ISBN Number: 0-9639419-0-9 Published in 1993
- It is often very difficult for the outsider to gain any concrete knowledge of this group's doctrine, structure, or history. REINVENTING THE TRUTH examines these issues, focusing on the historical explantions the group has offered for its origins.
- To order REINVENTING THE TRUTH contact Research and Information Services
P.O. Box 2141, Sisters, OR 97759
Phone: (541) 317-1900 Fax: (541) 312-2455,
Cost: $9.45 U.S. funds, plus shipping.
Visa/MasterCard is accepted.
- Sub Title: The Workers' Words Exposed
- ISBN Number:0-9639419-2-5 Published in 1994
- Persons coming into contact with the group for the first time usually have little or no idea of the heretical tenets held by the group. Nor should outsiders expect to communicate accurately with Two-by-Two members without a grasp of their esoteric terminology and doctrine. A SEARCH FOR "THE TRUTH" helps outsiders understand the 2x2s.
- To order A SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH contact Research and Information Services
P.O. Box 2141, Sisters, OR 97759
Phone: (541) 317-1900 Fax: (541) 312-2455,
Cost: $9.45 U.S. funds, plus shipping.
Visa/MasterCard is accepted.
- This is an excellent hard hitting book about all aspects of the 2x2s. Unfortunately it is sold out. It may be possible to borrow this book by going through your local library and requesting an inter-library loan.
I always had a feeling that something wasn't right but I didn't know what it was until I read the book, THE CHURCH WITHOUT A NAME. Then I realized that God HAD been TRYING to tell me something all along but I refused to listen.
- "From birth, our lives were wholly immersed in a fellowship commonly referred to as "The Truth." We knew nothing else. So much we believed seemed right: we were the worldwide "Family of God"; the "way" was perfect and "from the beginning"; the workers went out just as Jesus sent the first disciples; just as the early Christians, our meetings were held in homes; we took no man-made name; and there was an appearance of godliness and unity among us......Even though convinced we were walking in the truth, we felt incapable of communicating what we believed and why we believed it. Challenged to examine our faith, we discovered the liberating truth of God's salvation plan. "HAS THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE?" is the result of our journey of discovery. We invite you to share in this fascinating and eternally rewarding venture."
- Unfortunately this book is sold out. It may be possible to borrow this book by going through your local library and requesting an inter-library loan.
"If you would like to know more about Christianity in general, and about how the two-by-twos distorted it, you should take a look at the book called "Has the Truth Set You Free?" My copy is falling apart..with highlighted segments everywhere!! This book does not do any emotional bashing of the two-by-two's. On the contrary, it very nicely says "here is what the workers will tell you...this is what the Bible SAYS....and here is the difference and the error." It is wonderful to read, if even just to learn about the Christian faith."
Book stores also carry books published by RIS:
These four books published by Research and Information Services (RIS)
Reinventing the Truth
A Search For the Truth
Reflected Truth
are also available through Barnes and Noble;; Baker
and Taylor Books; Chapters Bookstore; and many other bookstores.
Click here to go to Research and Information Services site *****
Attention Australians:
September 1997
I stock a number of the "2x2 books" published in America for sale within
I currently have stocks of:
Reflected Truth
A Search for the Truth
Reinventing the Truth
The Church with No Name
Copies of The Secret Sect may also be obtained on request.
Free copies of information pamphlets are also available, permission
received by Research Information Services and Telling The Truth
ministries, America.
Please note that all purchases are strictly confidential. Those wishing
for more information, or to order - should e-mail me, write me, phone
me, whatever!
Elizabeth Coleman
PO Box 199
Woden ACT 2606
Click here to Email Elizabeth Coleman ....****
Attention Ireland:
Faith Mission Bookshop in Belfast now has a supply of:
"Reflected Truth"
"Reinventing The Truth"
"The Church With No Name"
Their address is:
Faith Mission Bookshop, 5 Queen Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Attention Scotland:
- June 1999 I just want to let ANY UK folks reading this that if they want to speak directly to me - I am near Aberdeen Scotland and left meetings 9 years ago - please feel free to E-mail me directly at I would be more than happy to chat and pass on the info that I have here. I have copies of most of the books, plus various other bits and pieced of info collected over the last 2 years. All correspondance with me is guaranteed confidentiality. Please, please don't be afraid to write me Love to all Karen Fletcher (nee Duncan)
Click here to Email Karen Fletcher ...****
I devoured the books, starting with Reflections. All of the books keep pointing to the pain suffered by so many in the way. I think ALL fundamentalist churches inflict pain on their people to a certain extent - just by imposing rules - but the Way is even more destructive because it was founded on a lie! Over and over again I read and identified with the outrage, the secrecy, the out and out lies from people who said it was a sin to lie! 23 Jan 2000