Read What EX-members of the 2x2s have to say:
- One person who left the 2x2 fellowship commented:
"One of the things I noticed most when I REALLY accepted Christ was that it didn't feel like drudgery, or work, or hard, or "dark" and depressing. It is joyous and wonderful to serve the Lord! He really is the Light!"
- To which another EX-"friend" responded:
"AMEN!! I feel the same way!! A couple years ago I went picking berries with a 2x2 friend. I had accepted Christ as my personal saviour and had left the fellowship previously. While we were picking I asked her if she would tell me her personal testimony. I knew she had rebelled as a teenager and had left the fellowship. After she had returned to the fellowship, she married an unprofessing man.
I thought she would jump at the opportunity to shed a little "light" on me (the "lost" one). However, she said she really didn't like to talk about it much. It was a very unpleasant time of her life.
Imagine!!! How can coming to the Lord be an unpleasant time??? I know that circumstances that lead us to Him can be unpleasant, but everyone I know who knows the true Jesus, LOVES to tell their story!!!
Well, she did end up telling me about it. It sounded very much like she returned to the fellowship (note "fellowship" rather than "Jesus") simply because she figured it was the right thing to do. She had been raised in it too.
How sad to think of our conversion experience as something we don't like to talk about. If that were true of the disciples, maybe we wouldn't even know the gospel today. "Depressing" thought!
(Note - for a definition of GOSPEL see 1 Cor 15:1-4)
- I personally have great peace because of my assurance of salvation. 1 John 5:13 says that we may know that we have eternal life. Eternal life by definition lasts forever. Praise be to God!!! I know that when I sin I do not have to be born again and again and again and again. All of my sins were forgiven when Jesus hung on the cross...even the future ones!!! I am secure in Christ, forever safe in Him.!!!!!
- I just found that I could not sacrifice Truth for unity. When I brought questions to the workers, I was so hurt that they were so shallow in their replies. These matters are life and death! Serious stuff. Depths of the spirit things! It hurt to be misunderstood too. "Bad spirit" thing, you know. However, I have always loved the workers and the friends. There were many good experiences too.
- It took me a couple of years to discover that God loves me. He loves Christians as a whole, but He loves ME. And he has promised that if I seek him, I WILL find him. Because of that, I have discovered numerous fellow Christians that I love and have sharing relationships with. That could never could have happened inside the group. As well, I have found the scriptures to be full of instruction on how to live a Whole life, not just a support for the 'foundation truths' of the 2x2 group.
- When I first left, I still didn't understand with the new understanding I have now. I would hear a pastor speak or read the Bible myself and I would insert the "workers" definition to it. But I was so angry at finding out this fellowship was based on a lie and the only thing that had kept me in it (knowledge of being founded by Jesus) was now gone, that I didn't want to insert their definition into anything. I didn't know what to believe. I felt so betrayed by people I trusted. I stayed angry and unwilling to learn for a very short period (thank God). I prayed to God to reveal His Word to me. He is so good. He taught me ever so gently. Little by little my understanding hasgrown and the old lies have disappeared. I'm reminded of a verse: Joel 2:25, "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten...." 2:26 "And ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you..." I realize this is being addressed to Israel, but I felt I could relate to this verse very much.
- I read The Secret Sect, and it provided all of the "brain answers" I desperately needed...the real facts about the church...the stuff the workers never told us...and then when I read Luxon's book I got my "heart answers"...again, desperately needed, real facts the workers never told us!! "Has the Truth Set You Free?" is, in my humble opinion, the best book to read about this church.
- I last attended meeting 2 1/2 years ago, after professing for 15 years. I finally have come to the point of feeling spiritually healthy and whole. It has been a difficult journey, but the reward has been great. My relationship with the Lord has never been deeper or sweeter.
- This is what I would tell the world about the "Truth": The people are honest and good people, but I suggest you stay away from this group. The workers and friends will tell you that they do not have any rules. Do not believe that. They have rules. The rules are just unwritten and unspoken, but well understood within the group. Once you get inside this group you will see and feel the unwritten rules and you will be expected to conform. Enforcement of these unwritten rules is accomplished by subtle pressure by others in the gorup. It amazes me that people in the "Truth" can look you in the eye and tell you they do NOT have any rules!
- We are so aware that the workers are tied into the system more than us, and cannot come out into the open about things. Lately though, I realise that any individual one of them could do as we have: quit and trust the future to God.
- Our pastor is a wonderful teacher and he teaches the Bible, word for word. The little stories we heard at meeting had some wonderful lessons; I couldn't argue that. We still hear edifying stories from our pastor, but he teaches the Bible verse by verse. I can't believe how much I have learned. It has also been a real eye opener to find how the original Hebrew language plays a big part in what the Bible is actually trying to convey. I feel I have learned more in the ten months at this church than I learned in 28 years in the 2x2s. I say that in all sincerity!!! For the first time, the Bible makes sencse, life makes sense. I love, love, love God and I love all of my friends and neighbors, whether or not they go to church. I truly know that it isn't a sin to enjoy life and all the things God has put here for us to enjoy. We just need to keep our focus on Jesus, and everthing else will fall into place.
- After 50 years as a 2x2 I am so thankful to be free of the secrecy, exclusiveness, unreality and superficiality of that false "truth."
- The workers always led us to believe that doubting was of the devil, but when we're on the wrong track, how else can the Holy Spirit deal with our hearts, unless He sows doubt there and we are moved to check things out? And, if we keep our focus on Jesus, we need not fear. HE is the key which will unlock all of the mystery, but a key is only good if one is willing to use it. I pray that all will search out to find the grace, love, peace and joy that our Heavenly Father has so graciously blessed us with!!!
- We believed the "Truth" went all the way back to New Testament days so we were shocked to learn different.
- The experiences that led us out of "the truth" were very difficult to endure, but very necessary ones as we thought we were 100% in the center of the "Will of God."
- At the Olympia Convention in 1979, I heard a beloved, trusted, elder worker preach that every so often the "Truth" died out, and God sought for another man to bring it back into the world. This shook my entire belief system. I was 42 years old at that time, and had swallowed the "Truth" hook line and sinker!
- I was very troubled when I learned that Wm. Irvine started this "way" since I was taught we had no founder. After a thorough investigation into the history I left the "Truth" as I could no longer be a part of a deceptive, legalistic fellowship that covers up its history, doctrine, scandals, and then preaches it's the only perfect way!
- As I read all the information and newspaper article, I again felt overwhelmed by how blessed I have been, to be freed from that group. It's funny how all those years we were taught to mistrust all those former friends that had left the perfect way. They were supposed to be bitter, mean spirited folks, when in reality, they had enough love and concern in their hearts to reach back to those of us left behind.
- I have learned that questioning is neither rebellion nor dissent but a desire to understand.
- Just stopping my meeting attendance didn't improve life for me. I went through a bleak, dark period where I questioned even the existence of God. Yet by God's great love and mercy toward me, I hung on to a mere thread of hope and belief that my simple, agonized prayer of "show me what I need to do" would be answered. As I began to understand who God really was, and began to learn about the concept of grace, about God becoming fully man, coming down to my level in order to redeem me, then a walk with God began to make sense and I tentatively began my journey.
- We feel so disappointed, perhaps because we were so trusting. Now we understand why there were always so many unanswered questions.
- Having been raised and professing to be a Christian for over forty years it embarrasses me to think I had the nerve to identify myself with Jesus while knowing next to nothing about who He is and what He did for me. I am so thankful to God for having revealed His Truth to me.
- I knew I was not "good enough" to enter Heaven. I prayed to God for months that He would shake me up. He did. He showed me His true plan of Salvation. Now I rejoice in the Grace of God.
- When we found out that "the Truth" was "a Lie," we went through a long period of shock, grief, anger and regret. It took a long time to discover what and who real Truth was...the identity of Jesus Christ. Now we have found true joy and relief from a life of bondage, not through a religion but through Him.
- What an indescribable joy, after 30+ years in the 2x2s to be totally released from all the frustration, inconsistency and contradiction. Power over a sinful, defeated life came as I learned that what God really wanted was TRUSTING and not TRYING!
- What a shock to learn we had been in a cult all those years!
- I left the "Truth" 40 years ago but it remained my "anchor." Upon returning two years ago, I prayed His Will be done. God let me see clearly the lack of love and self-righteous pride these people possess.
- Praise God for the power and victory over sin. I could never overcome while struggling in the "Way."
- Looking back at the past 12 years in this cult I evaluate my spiritual experience like being on an "emotional roller coaster." Now in a Christian Church, I finally have "stability in my spiritual life and true peace and contentment."
- After 50 years as a 2x2 I am so thankful to be free of the secrecy, exclusiveness, unreality and superficiality of that false "truth."
- A result of my disillusionment with the one thing I thought I could depend on in life, was that I lost my faith in religion in general.
- Show me a 2x2 who can answer God's question "Why should I let you into My Heaven?" There are none! If they could answer Him correctly they wouldn't be a 2x2. I thank God that the Bible tells me Heaven is a free gift if I trust in what Jesus did to get me into Heaven. Gratitude is now my motive for Godly living.
- I find it difficult to forgive the "church" for the theft of my relatives and my childhood as I was to always behave in a proper manner.
- Isn't it wonderful! Now that we have left a life of pretence we can be honest and open with one another about what we really feel and think. It is such a freedom. We can just be ourselves and not have to hide our thoughts and put on hypocrisy.
- Jesus said: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." I used to wonder about this. It seemed anything but easy or light, in fact it was downright heavy. I told the Lord that's how it felt--perhaps that's why today I'm free and His yoke truly is easy and His burden truly is light. Praise His Wonderful Name.
- I was sucked into the 2x2s as an adult. Now that I know the truth about the cult I am so embarrassed that *I* could have been conned! It is my "desire" to inform all who want to know about the history cover-up, false doctrine and control mechanisms.
- I believe there are two classes of 2x2s: (1) Those to whom their beliefs are more precious than truth; and (2) those to whom truth is more precious than their beliefs. It follows then that when the history and deception are learned, some cannot leave; while others cannot stay.
- For years I felt dissatisfied without knowing exactly why, but it seemed to me the main result of Christ's sacrificial death was that the ten God-given commandments had been replaced with a couple of hundred man-made ones.
- Guilt, mind control, never measuring up and depression were all common with growing up in "The Way." Praise the Lord, He opened my eyes and set me free!! Even such language as "Praise The Lord" was unacceptable. Every day I praise God for deliverance.
- At last I know the TRUTH and it has set me free! I'm sorry for those trapped in the 2x2 "system" because my 2x2 days are an "empty" memory. I now know a living relationship with the Lord. Praise God for His mercy, grace and love!
- After leaving "the truth" I was visiting about my experience with a friend whom I had known since high school. She said "Welcome back to life!" Sadly I realized that she had not seen "Christ living in me" all those years.
- The most deadly trick of Satan is not to rob us of answers; it's to steal our questions!
- Having been deceived about their history and doctrine, I am more cautious to examine the doctrines of other churches.
- Finally I can be honest about my feelings. After years of being on guard of everything I did and said I am finally who God made me to be.
- My prayer for those left behind is that so many answers will arise and from so many sources, that none can remain as ignorant and easily deceived as we were for over forty years.
- We are so glad to be out from under legalism and the fear of man. We are now under the Grace of God.
- I am just bursting to show Him my love and appreciation for His love and grace towards me. I love the verses in Eph, 2:8-9; Luke 17:21; and 1 Cor 13.
- I've been trying to remember that God knows each person and He knows what they need to understand and when they will understand. I just want to share the good news of Who Jesus is and what He has done for us. I am overwhelmed with praise and gratitude to Him! He's our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- For 20 years I believed the lie that if I died out of the "way" I would go straight to hell! Now I know that Salvation is a gift from God which I don't have to work for. Upon accepting Christ we are redeemed by His Blood.
- I became acutely conscious after many years in the "way" that I was no more truly like "the pattern" than I was at the beginning, and just had to reply on the mercy and shed blood of Jesus. How marvellous to learn that this is SUFFICIENT!
- After 35 years of deception in the Two-By-Two cult, it is so wonderful to know the Lord Jesus Christ. We now have peace, joy and victory!
- "When the wolf comes, the hireling flees!" The first time WE faced one, most "workers" not only fled, but betrayed us and then spread lies about us!
- After heartily professig for 23 years, I discovered my life and eternity were based on a lie called "the truth." Now I'm assured of salvation by Jesus' grace and blood. Now I have deep joy that is not pretended.
- I have peace in my heart and a longing for Jesus to return. I am no longer afraid to die.
- I never realized when I prayed in meeting for a closer walk with God that I would be taken out of the 2x2s to achieve this. I'm thankful to know God cares, loves us and hears our prayers.
- I feel a genuine desire to enlighten anyone who is still in bondage.
- It is so wonderful to be free of the man-made bondage and unwritten rules that go along with the so-called "Truth."
- When I learned that the workers believe their group is the Way and the Truth, I had to leave. Jesus Himself is the Way and Truth. I left the "friends" for Jesus.
- We were delivered from deception as an entire family, after lifetimes of indoctrination. Experiencing widely spread lies firsthand taught us what we thought was "of God" was as much the work of the devil as any other cult.
- How wonderful to now have the clear understanding of how salvation is made possible to us. It humbles us to think that such a great gift has been extended to us.
- After 25 years being a 2x2, I left, after the workers had no Scriptural counsel to save my marriage.
- I could not continue any longer and even though it was the hardest thing I had ever done I was able to follow my true feelings and begin living the life that I was supposed to live.
- I must admit that I was shocked to find out that this fellowship is not even one hundred years old! It is amazing that they have been successful in covering this up and deceiving thousands of people!