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Read What EX-members of the 2x2s have to say:

"One of the things I noticed most when I REALLY accepted Christ was that it didn't feel like drudgery, or work, or hard, or "dark" and depressing. It is joyous and wonderful to serve the Lord! He really is the Light!"

"AMEN!! I feel the same way!! A couple years ago I went picking berries with a 2x2 friend. I had accepted Christ as my personal saviour and had left the fellowship previously. While we were picking I asked her if she would tell me her personal testimony. I knew she had rebelled as a teenager and had left the fellowship. After she had returned to the fellowship, she married an unprofessing man.

I thought she would jump at the opportunity to shed a little "light" on me (the "lost" one). However, she said she really didn't like to talk about it much. It was a very unpleasant time of her life.

Imagine!!! How can coming to the Lord be an unpleasant time??? I know that circumstances that lead us to Him can be unpleasant, but everyone I know who knows the true Jesus, LOVES to tell their story!!!

Well, she did end up telling me about it. It sounded very much like she returned to the fellowship (note "fellowship" rather than "Jesus") simply because she figured it was the right thing to do. She had been raised in it too.

How sad to think of our conversion experience as something we don't like to talk about. If that were true of the disciples, maybe we wouldn't even know the gospel today. "Depressing" thought!

(Note - for a definition of GOSPEL see 1 Cor 15:1-4)