I had a visit with one of their workers a couple of years ago. I asked them if the Blood of Jesus saves. The older one answered "No, it doesn't. It forgives sins but it doesn't save." As a Christian I was quite shocked at that answer since salvation is a result of what Christ did for us on the Cross. When our sins are removed we ARE saved. They also seemed to be mocking Eternal Security when I mentioned it! February 2001
"They seemed to view Jesus as only a teacher and example--but somehow didn't seem to stress that He, in fact, was the Savoir, the crucified and risen Lord of glory, who paid for our sins. I looked upon them as devoted people but ones whom I could not become associated with." January 10, 2000
In my experience, trying to get into any kind of serious conversation with a 2x2 just resulted in a patronizing smile and a few evasive words to avoid disagreement or telling me anything of substance: end of conversation. 8/98 Kevin Daniel
If any of you attended Olympia Conv. in the 70's you may remember the time an 'outsider' addressed the convention during testimonies (until He got stared down by the brother leading the meeting.) I was only about 12 but I can still remember the jist of his comments, and the fact that he said 'God's word is about love, it is not used to bludgeon people.' I find it interesting that out of the millions of words I heard said in meetings those are the ones I remember best ! ! 6/97
I know quite a number of them here, but find them very secretive and the workers just give you the run around. We can't seem to find out the origin or who heads it now, so would be very interested in knowing something about them.
I would appreciate any information you are able to give regarding "Two-By-Twos" since a group which was known by that name did exist in our area a long time ago (1920's - 30's) when I was a teenager. The children were not allowed (were NEVER allowed) to socialize in the community and the basis of their beliefs were never divulged to anyone.
We have some 2x2's in our area and have been approached several times to come to their meetings.
I don't really remember the conversation that well but I do remember them saying something about Jesus being our example. On this I can agree but praise the Lord He is not ONLY my example. He is also my Saviour and my God!
I would like to learn what their workers won't tell us. The reason I would like to know is because my husband was brought up in this religion all his life and I still, after 21 years of marriage, don't understand what it "The religion" is. Thank you.
Any time I ever tried to talk to my 2x2 friend I never got anywhere. She knew I had just given my life to Christ and yet she refused to talk about the Bible with me. And once when I wanted to discuss the evils of the New Age she didn't know what I was referring to. And why won't she give her church's views on abortion and homosexuality?
I would very much appreciate any information you can supply regarding those known by the world as "Cooneyites" or "Two-By-Twos". I had the joy of being used by the Lord to lead one of their followers to faith in Christ, after forty years of working for his salvation through "walking as Jesus walked".
When I ask their "workers" questions they provide me with vague answers.
Please send info about this so-called "truth" as it has plagued my husband's family for years.
Please send me information on the Two by Twos. I did not realize it was a cult and I have many friends within this group. I have been to many of their meetings in years gone by but I've forgotten most of what I heard. I do know they are close knit and very secretive.
I have met some 2x2's and heard some of their weird beliefs. I recall we used to call them "Blackstocking Group".
I have the book The Secret Sect. I have been involved with these people for over 11 years but I do not go to their meetings (in the houses) as I felt in bondage and the taking part in the service wrecked my nerves.
I would like to know more about the Two-by-twos, Cooneyites, or whatever else they call themselves, because we have them here, even in our little town and I from time to time have two workers at a time call on me. And yet I know very little about them. I have even attended a few of their services and they are very different and I can't help but wonder if maybe they are a cult. If so I'll have nothing more to do with them.
I am requesting information on the Cooneyites since my family and I have made friends with a Cooneyite family. They do not have many answers to questions we ask them about their beliefs. Thank you for answering some of our questions. We are a family that believes in Christianity.
I am interested in receiving any information you can send me on this Church without a name. I once belonged to this church. My husband still does. I still have many unanswered questions. I find the workers can't or WON'T give answers. One question I have asked and never got a satisfactory answer to is Why Can't people who belong to this Church Without a Name have a Christmas tree? I see no harm in this. Thank you in advance.
When I ask my 2x2 raised boyfriend about certain beliefs or issues he cannot give me an answer why! I believe he has been taught to believe and not question.
I think the men in the 2x2s insist that their women dress old-fashioned so they won't lose them!
I have a couple of relatives who are Two-by-Two's. I have tried to talk to them about their beliefs but can't figure them out. Please send me all the information you have on them. I would love to see some way to talk about Salvation to my friends and family.
Yes, we would like to know more about the Two by Twos Cooneyites and would appreciate the information on them. Also, could we have extra copies for church distribution or the permission to photo copy the information? Thank you for doing such a great service to enlighten us as to this very secret organization.
I attended one day at one of their conventions. I think they just have those conventions to be a courting grounds for their young people!
I am happy to see that information about the 2x2s is now available. As a student minister in _______ I asked the question in 1945 "What do the Two x Twos believe?" My question only brought slight reaction from the 2x2 hostess and then my question was ignored.
I have a very limited knowledge about this group, but I have some relatives who have joined, and wish to know if it is a Christian group or merely a cult.
I have friends involved in this mysterious religion and have attended a couple of meetings and services but was not enticed to join.
We would like to know more about the 2x2's. They have come to our home, to try to persuade us to come to their meetings.
There is a group of 2x2's in a town nearby and no one seems to know what to make of them.
I realize the two by two's or Cooneyites are in our city and I have not been able to find much information about them. Any information you could send would be helpful to expose the truth. Thanks.
I have neighbors who are involved with the Church With No Name. I sure would like to know more about them, as they seem a bit different!!
I sure would like to know who the two by two's follow and their beliefs. It is interesting to know as much about all religions as possible and they seem like a good, and kind people.
We do have Two-By-Two neighbours. for years we have wondered??? I hope your information will shed some light on this subject. We look forward to receiving it.
Please send me information on the two-by-two's. I have found them to be a very strange group.
I am a pastor of the _____ church. Please send info on two-by-twos.
Regarding this Church Without A Name. This much I know because they won't put a name to themselves. They have always been refered to by OTHERS as "Two-By-Twos" but not by THEMSELVES.
Please rush me information on the 2x2s--I have been searching for years to find out about their teaching and doctrine.
I am very much interested to learn more about the "Two by Twos Cooneyites". We have friends who were involved with them but they won't tell us much. Thank you for your help.
I am very interested in obtaining some information as we have family members in the organization.
I have attended a few gospel meetings with the Church without a name and am curious to know more. Any information will be greatly accepted.
Recently I had occasion to deal with 2x2's or Cooneyites and found them "vague" to say the least.
I still don't know what to think. I mean, they just don't talk about anything spiritual--not even with each other! I find that so mysterious.
I know that we have some "2x2's" in our area, and have *never* been able to find out anything about them in any of the many resource materials that I have. I'd appreciate anything you might have about this group.
My limited contact with the workers and observing the followers has me convinced that the majority of the workers are liars and leeches. They lie about the origin of the 2x2, keep the faithful brainwashed with THEIR gospel and are secretive about their personal behavior.