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One of my cousins was having trouble after he grew up and consulted a shrink about it. After extensive sessions, it was decided that he had the same symptoms as one who was sexually abused. He suffered from the same loss of self esteem and the same reluctance to deal with reality. Treatment for sexual abuse includes confronting the abuser. Who can an ex 2x2 confront? 23 Jan 2000
As clinical research indicates that up to 75% of health problems are stress related, I would expect the workers (and to a lesser degree, the friends) experience a disproportionately high incidence of health problems.
As to health problems in the lives of workers... Statistically, it is very disportionate to the number of workers. Would answer unequivocably "yes" the workers have additional stress related health problems, and subsequent consequences...
I love this question regarding health problems. During the whole time of my growing up I noticed a constant litany of health problems among friends, workers and relatives. My own father and his parents were chronically ill with vague complaints which doctors could never diagnose. In fact, health was the favored topic of conversation, which I found particularly boring.
While we were professing I visited a naturopathic doctor (popular among 2x2s) for a diagnosis for our daughter and had to sit in the waiting room for a very long time. I noticed that every person in the waiting room appeared to be legalistically religious, all of whom appeared to be very unhappy and depressed. That same summer I visited a regular MD for one of our other children and was amazed to see average people with colds, flu and the usual complaints caused by germs and viruses. None of them looked depressed, just sick. I began to wonder if there was a correlation between tension, stress and nerve related problems which cause physical ailments rather than germ induced illness. I have no idea if my suspicion is true or not but it gave me a lot to think about while I was a 2x2. I have noticed that Seventh Day Adventists are just as "into" being obsessed with doctors as professing people are.
I do think that the stress of trying to be something we aren't is harmful to our minds and bodies. Jesus spoke against the Pharisees because they laid the burden of Pharisees rules on wasn't God's law that burdened was the rules of men that got them down.
I am certainly not willing to accept that the 2x2 SYSTEM is as good as any other system. In my opinion, the 2x2 system promotes emotional repression and spiritual retardation through systematic psychological abuse and coercive abuse of authority.
I have an aunt, a cousin, and an uncle in the work and my brother was in the work for about six years, until his nerves got shot.
Most of the older workers seem to suffer from some form of stomach trouble and either take tablets or avoid certain types of food. This sort of problem does not appear to be unduly common amongst priests or ministers but seems to be unique to the workers. I guess it is caused by the stress of acting a part 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Most other ministers have somewhere they can relax and let down their guard, but the workers probably feel they must be on their guard all the time, poor things. 1/97
I also feel that I had to squash my personality to fit in.
In my opinion, the sociological and psychological aspects of the 2x2 system are absolutely crucial. This does not dismiss or diminish the theological and doctrinal concerns of others. Moreover, the statement that the 2x2's are "as good as any other group of people on earth" addresses the character and benevolence of the individual members. It does not address the characteristics of the system as a whole.
Did you ever notice there are so many workers who are resting because of "nerves?"
My mother was seeing an outside counselor who advised her to leave the high stress of an extremely legalistic lifestyle.
We were really dysfunctional and still are. There's no real communication, we don't know how to relate to each other and be ourselves and everyone lives their own life. It's hard to decide if our dysfunctional family is because of the meeting or if my parents were like that anyway - Dad was brought up in it but Mum wasn't - we used to see some of her family who were Christians and I do wonder if they had a salt affect on me but I don't think they realised the different beliefs the meeting had - only that we thought the 2x2's were the true church - they never tried to evangelise me any way and even though as children we went occasionally to their church I can't remember hearing the gospel message and thinking that sounds different.
I do realise now that my emotions were quite damaged and I think really to answer my own question whether the meeting was the main reason for dysfunctionalism well it probably was as my parents must have been affected too. (However I've met other people who are damaged too and they haven't been brought up in the meeting.)
There was the feeling you couldn't be yourself - in fact you didn't know who you were. I guess I've realised this in retrospect. I felt I wasn't trusted, we were probably brought up with conditional love and I still feel nervous about being me in case I'll be laughed at or looked at and I won't be able to think what to say next. (By the way I was what is called acompliant child.)
So I thought being a Christian was something I had to be before God would accept me, I remember being asked what a Christian was on a job application for a Christian school teacher and I really struggled with trying to answer this simple question - I had just left the meeting at this point.
Sometimes I'd think I really don't see how I'm all that different to my parents in coping with bringing up kids - it still seemed an outward thing, not relating and getting to know our children - just like my parents. I can see it's just as well God has stepped in to my life and is helping me to change from the inside. 2/97
To deny or cover-up emotions and feelings is a good way to become sick. Nerves, for example. (Don't workers get NERVES all the time?)
I have a lot of family issues that are unresolved, which are rooted in the secret, dysfunctional, legalistic aspects of the 2x2's.