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[Read the UPDATE note on the bottom of this page.]

On May 5, 1995 the workers legally incorporated as a Society in Alberta, Canada

(This interesting turn of events came to the attention of EX-2x2s in the summer of 1996)

(You may order your own copy of the Incorporation papers from the Alberta Corporate Registry by calling 1-403-427-2311, and asking an examiner for a copy of all documents relating to the non-profit religious society known as: "The Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies." It will cost about $15 Canadian funds, plus postage. They accept credit cards. Also, if you are in Edmonton it would likely be possible to examine the original documents at the Alberta Corporate Registries, John E. Brownlee Building, 10365-97St. Edmonton, Alberta)

Here are just a FEW of the details provided in the Incorporation papers:

Once the other Overseers learned of Mr. Propp's Incorporation he must have had a "change of heart." As a result, on November 21, 1996, Mr. Propp's solicitor filed an Intent To Dissolve the Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies.
The Dissolution of the Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies became effective on December 11, 1996. Mr. Jim Knipe (Alberta worker) signed the Articles of Dissolution as Secretary-Treasurer.

Again, for a your own copy of the workers' incorporation write or call the Alberta government. The points given above represent only some of the data in the document. UPDATE: Although the Incorporation has been Dissolved the Alberta Government retains these legal documents for a minimum of six years therefore the Incorporation and Dissolution documents will be available at least until 2001 and 2002 respectively.

Seemingly, in order to ease the burden of the friends and workers Mr. Propp wrote two letters, as follows:

5131 Lansdowne Dr.

Edmonton, AB T6H 4L1


November 9, 1996


One of the workers in Hungary whose visa was soon to expire, was faced with the problem of being refused permission to remain in the country because the `Group’ she was representing was not a registered body in Hungary. Our sister who labours there was companion to the girl in question and she appealed urgently to us that we do something it about (sic) because any approach they made to the local authorities was to no avail and they needed help badly. Above that there was a deadline to meet. Hungary would accept our Registration as backing. We in Canada had been registered in Ottawa (Canada’s capital city) during WW2. A search was made there to retrieve such a document, but all in vain.

[ Mr. Propp is admitting here that the "group" has been registered in Canada BEFORE!]

While registration is not required in Great Britain, USA or Canada, to help our workers in Hungary we sought a Lawyer’s aid and as a result a very complicated document was made up. We learned to our dismay that to be registered we had to become incorporated as a non-profit Society.

[They registered (Incorporated) in Canada AGAIN even though they have always lead the friends to believe they do NOT register with governments.]

While it was solely for the purpose of those in Authority,

[The Hungarian Government does NOT have a record of the ALBERTA SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLIES. {Refer to Hungarian letter below} Additionally, Mr. Propp HAS used his Incorporation Name for other purposes on other occasions. Mr. Propp wrote a letter to a Canadian lawyer with regard to moneys left to his church group. On that letter Mr. Propp signed, and had his signature witnessed by a barrister & Solicitor, that he is "F. Willis Propp (Overseer) ALBERTA SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLIES.]

. . . the document gave us a long handled name.

[Mr. Propp has placed the blame with the "document" rather than himself! (It is also very interesting that Mr. Propp registered as a SOCIETY rather than a CHURCH.)]

We were hesitant to do it, but for the sake of our workers in Hungary, we signed the document.

[Why were they hesitant to do it? Because the friends might find out about it? What other reasons might there be?]

Hungary accepted our efforts for which we are thankful, and officials there will now continue to recognize the workers in their country.

[Again, refer to the Hungarian letter below which states: "I wish to inform you that our country have not missionaries representing a group known as "Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies "]

However, a problem has arisen. Canada recently passed a Freedom of Information bill. Through this our document is on the Internet and it has now got into the hands of the `dissenters’.

[Wrong Mr. Propp! It was not because of the Freedom of Information bill that the document ended up on the Internet. The public has always been able to obtain copies of incorporations so obtaining the workers' Incorporation had nothing to do with this The Freedom of Information Bill. Former members of the "Truth" did not obtain a copy of the Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies Incorporation FROM THE INTERNET. They (the 'dissenters') obtained a copy from the Alberta government and PLACED it on the Internet!]

They are spreading it with delight and we write this to suggest that if it reaches any of our friends, please have them just burn it.

["Delight" is Mr. Propp's word. His Incorporation Document is being made available to the friends so that should they choose to inquire further they may be able to do so. It is being made available to the friends so that they will know that their leaders are NOT above doing something they SAY they do not believe in. It is being made available so that the friends will be fully informed of a matter they SHOULD know about. It is well known that the workers advise the friends to destroy certain information that comes their way. It is rather odd that, in this case, they are being asked to destroy something that the workers themselves paid a lawyer to prepare!]

I am sure all our friends will understand the reason why we implemented it. In many countries registration is necessary.

[A name SHOULD be able to be established for this group so that various matters can be handled. CHURCHES INCORPORATE ALL THE TIME FOR LEGAL REASONS!!! It is unfortunate that the Alberta workers had to Incorporate behind the friends' backs. If they would agree to take a name and register openly with the various governments in full view of the friends they would not have to lie and cover-up their actions nor would they have to backtrack or apologize to anyone!]

We are in the process now of having the whole document canceled, (sic) since it is not required in Canada,

[On November 25, 1996 the workers filed an intent to dissolve their incorporation and it was dissolved the following month. It seems clear that Mr. Propp dissolved his Incorporation because he was CAUGHT doing something which he knew was not acceptable according to his group’s beliefs. In a second letter written by Mr. Propp, dated November 18, 1996, {see letter below} he indicated that his actions for incorporating were "totally contrary to the basic tenants of our fellowship, and so was totally wrong." He indicated that to have placed his signature on the Incorporation was "totally out of order and wrong."]

. . . and we hope the matter will settle down in time.

[What does he mean by this? Is he saying that in due time he hopes that the friends will forget about the fact that he and some of the other Alberta workers incorporated using a NAME which they have always claimed they do not believe in? Is he hoping that, perhaps out of respect for his "saddened and deeply penitent heart" [refer to Propp letter dated 18/11/97] the friends will stop talking about the sneaky actions taken in this matter and all trust/belief/honor/respect will be restored to him and his sect?]

Thank you for giving this information to any of our friends or workers who may inquire. I am so sorry that such a problem should have arisen because of my naivety. (sic)

[Mr. Propp was not likely "naive" in this matter. He consulted with legal counsel and took the action which would produce the result he wanted. He is not sorry that "such a problem" arose, rather he IS sorry that his actions were discovered! The fact that he points to the "dissenters" is only a way to make HIM look better before the friends. In fairness to Mr. Propp he has admitted that what he did was not in line with the group's "basic tenets" but the fact remains that he fully intended that his actions would never be found out by his own followers! ]

Yours as always,

Signature: Willis Propp

The RIS site located at: contains a photo of the Dissolution of the Alberta workers' Incorporation along with a few comments as follows:

The Dissolution

While Willis Propp has circulated a letter (to be used when questions arise over the incorporation) among selected individuals, in which he assumes sole responsibility for the creation of the corporation, his name does not appear on the dissolution paperwork. Nor does this letter explain how the other senior workers who signed the original incorporation papers were in agreement with its establishment. Mr. Propp's letter also raises several more inconsistencies, including his claim that the corporation was formed in order to extend the visa of a sister worker in Hungary (see following quote).

From :Hungarian Ministry of Interior

Szentirmai IIdiko

Dear Sirs:

with reference to your message 13th February 1997, I wish to inform you that our country have not missionaries representing a group known as "Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies "

case closed



Mr. Propp wrote his second letter TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN on November 18, 1996:

"The concept of the Document of Registration that was drawn up and filed in Alberta, Canada, on the 5th day of May, 1995, was totally contrary to the basic tenets of our fellowship, and so was totally out of order and wrong. I, Willis Propp, acted unilaterally without due consultation with my seniors in the ministry, which made my action totally wrong. Hence to have placed my signature of acceptance upon such a document was also totally out of order and wrong.

In view of all this, I hereby take the following steps in recourse:

1. I assume full responsibility for involving in this process my fellow workers in Alberta, namely, Jim Knipe, Dennis Einboden, Richard Knight, Eldon Kendrew and Rowland Jackson whose signature also appeared on the said Document.

2. I sorely grieve over and regret the distress and unrest that has been brought to bear upon so many of our beloved brethren.

3. I have instructed a lawyer on November 8, 1996, __________________ to have the said Document completely revoked. Attached is a copy of this dissolution.

4. From a saddened and deeply penitent heart, I humbly offer a full apology to all concerned for all these actions on my part that are so out of line and wrong."

(signed by F. Willis Propp)

(Witnessed by a Notary Public for the Province of Alberta)

These questions remain:

1. Would Mr. Propp have ever admitted to the Alberta friends the fact that he had incorporated had his actions not be brought out into the light by EX-2x2s?
2. Would Mr. Knipe, Mr. Einboden, Mr. Knight, Mr. Kendrew and Mr. Jackson ever bring this incorporation up to the general membership—the friends, had this matter not come to light?
3. What is the REAL reason for this Incorporation? [It seems reasonably clear it was NOT about sister workers in Hungary!]
4. Is Mr. Propp really sorry that he Incorporated against the "tenets of the fellowship?" OR, is Mr. Propp disappointed that he was found out—caught in the act!??
5. Once the other overseers learned of Mr. Propp’s actions how much pressure did they place on him to dissolve his Incorporation?
6. Will all this "settle down in time" sufficient for Mr. Propp to continue on as overseer of the Alberta fellowship?
7. Will the friends in Alberta continue to respect and support their leader now? Can he be trusted?
8. Based on Mr. Propp’s actions can the friends believe what he has to say on other matters?

In time these questions will all be answered.

[Note: For a group that claims no organization and no leader except Christ, Mr. Propp made an interesting statement in his letter of November 18, 1996: "I, Willis Propp, acted unilaterally without due consultation with my seniors in the ministry, which made my action totally wrong."]

UPDATE: January 2000 There has been considerable upheaval in Alberta among the Friends and Workers in the past year. At least 20 Alberta churches have either been closed by the workers or have voluntarily closed by the elders of their meeting. Some of these 'dissenters' continue to hold their house meetings WITHOUT worker approval!

To view the workers incorporation papers CLICK HERE
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