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Besides the 2x2-specific books you will find these books very helpful:


All the Doctrines of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer

Basic Christianity by John R. W. Stott

Daily Life in the Time of Jesus by Henri Daniel-Rops

Essential Christianity by Dr. Walter Martin

Evidence that Demands a Verdict I & II by Josh McDowell

Foxe's Christian Martyrs of the World by John Foxe

Heaven-Your Real Home by Joni Eareckson Tada

How To Read the Bible For All Its Worth by Fee & Stuart

JESUS: A Biblical Defense of His Deity by Josh McDowell and Bart Larsen

Outstanding for references & logic

THE TRINITY Evidence and Issues by Robert Morey

The author approaches this beautiful foundational doctrine from many strategic angels. It is comprehensive yet very readable.

Knowing God by J. I. Packer

Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul

Lord, I Need Grace to Make It by Kay Arthur

Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur

More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

Our Sufficiency in Christ by John MacArthur, Jr.

Putting the Amazing Back into Grace: Who Does What in Salvation? by Michael Horton

The Christian Life (A Doctrinal Introduction) by Sinclair B. Ferguson

The Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll

Swindoll's book is an excellent book for the friends to start off with.

The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer

The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay

The Liberation of Plant Earth by Hal Lindsay

The Men Behind the KJV by Gustavus S. Paine

The Quest for the Original Text of the New Testament by Philip Wesley Comfort

The Trinity by Edward Henry Bickersteth

What The Bible is All About by Henrietta Mears

Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith

Your Personality and the Spiritual Life by Reginald Johnson

52 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray by Roberta Hromas


Captive Hearts Captive Minds by Madeleine L. Tobias & Janja Lalich

Churches That Abuse by Ronald Enroth

Ron includes information on the 2x2s

Combating Cult Mind Control by Stephen Hassan

Well worth the read!

Coping With The Cults by Lorri MacGregor

Gives a good understanding of the cults. 2x2s are listed. In Lorri MacGregor's book COPING WITH THE CULTS she writes: "Counterfeit Christianity"--an imitiation of real Christianity--is probably the best description we can give for a cult. .....Like counterfeit money which is sometimes difficult to detect, so it is difficult to detect counterfeit Christianity since it looks like the real thing."

Cult-Proofing Your Kids by Dr. Paul R. Martin

Death of a Guru by Rabindranath R. Maharaj with Dave Hunt

Fascinating -- a powerful testimony to the work of Christ outside the presumptive authority of a controlling system.

Healing for Damaged Emotions by David Seamands

Healing Spiritual Abuse by Ken Blue

Looking GOOD Outside Feeling BAD Inside by Curtis Levang

Lord, Heal my Hurts by Kay Arthur

Out of the Cults and into the Church by Janis Hutchinson

Recovering From Churches That Abuse by Ronald Enroth

Scripture Twisting by James Sire

Shattered Vows by David Rice

The Godmakers by Dave Hunt & Ed Decker

It was like looking in the mirror-- very first time I had seen described in print the "family fellowship propaganda", mind control, hierarchical government, historical dishonesty, and spiritual abuse I had experienced but had never been able to verbalize or define.

The Godmakers II, by Ed Decker & Caryl Matrisciana

The Godmakers (+ The Godmakers II) both on video by Jermiah Films

The Lure of the Cults by Ronald Enroth

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen

This book really opened my eyes to see the abusive system I was in. Interestingly, these two books have gone around the nation, being passed from one professing friend to another. Four of those friends that I know of are now exes! You never know what will break through the barriers...

Tired of Trying to Measure Up by Jeff VanVonderen

Helped me immensely.

When God's People Let You Down by Jeff VanVonderen

Another helpful book by Jeff!

Author Jeff VanVonderen has two web sites. Check them out: ....Click here****

Spiritual Abuse Recovery Resources....Click here****

Toxic Faith by Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton

A VERY helpful book

Twisting the Truth (Recognizing how cult groups subtly distort basic Christian doctrine) by Bruce Tucker

Understanding the Times by David Noebel

Why We Left a Cult by Latayne C. Scott


Boundaries (When to Say YES, When to Say NO -- To Take Control of Your Life) by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

Bradshaw: On the Family by John Bradshaw

Come, Let Us Reason by Norman L. Geisler & Ronald M. Brooks

Escaping the Hostility Trap by Milton Layden

Forgive & Forget by Lewis B. Smedes

Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands

Risking by David Viscott

Shame & Grace by Lewis B. Smedes

The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense by Suzette H. Elgin

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter


Charismatic Chaos by John F. MacArthur, Jr.

Christmas Reconsidered by Ralph Woodrow

Divorce & Remarriage by Guy Duty

Book that changed workers policies/thinking. - Bethany House

Heritage of Revival (history of Faith Mission) by Colin Peckham

Spirit of Revival (story of the Faith Mission) by I. R. Govan

What Paul Really Said About Women by John T. Bristow

Women's Adornment by Ralph Woodrow (Available from TTT)


The Hiding Place (also available in video) by Corrie Ten Boom

The Source by Leon Uris

This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti


Halley's Bible Handbook

Mathew Henry's Commentary in One Volume

Nave's Topical Bible

The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, coded to Strongs Concordance

The following RECOMMENDATIONS are types of books; several different publishers print versions of these:

A Harmony of the Gospels

A Dictionary of the Bible

A Dictionary of Theological Terms

A Parallel Bible (having 4 different Bible versions across same page)

A KJV Interlinear (also called parallel Bible in Greek and English)

These recommendations do not necessarily represent a particular viewpoint. It is not recommend that anyone totally submit and adhere to the teaching of ANY books, authors or men/women; but rather that you personally study the Scripture so that you thoroughly understand subjects for yourself; that you know for yourself what you believe and why; and that you will " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you..." (1 Pet 3:15)

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