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Recognition By The Workers

RE: How do professing people go about getting in good with the workers?

First, they must be hearty parties. Attending meetings is their FIRST priority. They attend every single meeting - and never miss a single gospel meeting. If married, and one is sick, the other still goes taking the children. They look for extra ways they can help the workers. They go to the convention work days. They go to all four days of convention--not just the weekend. They find out where the meetings are when they are out of town, and go there, and on vacation as well.

They invite the workers over to their home a lot--and don't wait for the workers to tell them they are coming over. They make the workers feel very welcome and show interest in them and their mission. A few give the workers a key to their home to use at any time.

They follow most all the outward rules/regs. They write letters to the workers. Generously giving workers money or a car will curry much favor also.

These actions are NOT proof that someone is trying to make brownie points. I believe/knew some who were/are genuinely interested in the workers, while there are others who suck up to them. Same way it is in life in general with people. The motives are in the heart... 6/97

How professing people go about getting in good with the workers, a 21-year old’s perspective:

1. Giving them money or gifts to assist them with their work. I know of one family in Canada that is quite wealthy and is consistently giving the workers vehicles, computers, airfares, whatever they need.

2. Not being afraid to give your testimony at convention. Especially if you are a young person, because then you are setting a good example for the others.

3. Organizing "hymn sings" instead of volleyball games as the preferred method of socialization.

4. Helping out at convention instead of socializing.

5. Getting baptized when everyone else your age isn't.

6. Wearing "modest clothing" and hair-dos compared to the other girls.

7. Providing an "open home" (2x2 terminology) for the workers when they want to come and "rest" at your house.

8. Sacrificing your best things/food etc. for their visit.

These are just a few of the ones that I was guilty of. 6/97

Well, I figure that older people get "points" with the workers if their kids and grand-kids profess!

If your son or daughter goes into the Work you get more recognition from everyone.

I know a man who had the means to help out with the work fairly generously. In addition to other things, he had provided the workers with a car, which he had periodically "up-graded" to a newer model, almost from the time he and his wife were married. If anyone had told him that he was being given special treatment because of his financial support, he would NEVER have believed them... it was just the wonder of this beautiful "family"... everyone was treated with this special "love and care."

But, then, the day came when he decided to give some of the younger "friends" in the area (who also had the means) the "privilege" of providing the car... like day and night, much to his total shock... the workers visits almost completely came to a stop (tho, his home had beenone of the most "open" ones in the field prior to that) and that "loving care" also came to an abrupt halt.

Another example: Someone who had lived on a convention grounds and received all the points and privileges and kudos that goes with that very special position, sold the grounds and moved to a little house in another city... later, he told someone... "We're 'nobody's' now."

If your son or daughter goes into the Work you get more recognition from everyone!!

Getting in good with the workers? - Look dowdy and unattractive. 6/97

One way for sure to NOT get in good with the workers. Stand up to them, disagree with them, or question them on something!

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