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There is another even more delicate area which I believe needs to be addressed also. Sexual dysfunction. Dysfunction exists throughout the 2x2 group, not just for women, and children, but men also.

We were put out of the church several years ago for exposing child molesting workers to the church. We then made an in-depth study of the situation and have a great deal of information about the matter, which we have shared with others. We talked to a number of victims, parents, etc. and we feel a great need to see these men stopped from the evil deeds that they continue over and over from state to state.

I don't think sexual misconduct should be handled differently for the friends and workers than it is for the rest of society. It is a crime that should be tried in a court of law regardless of who you are.

You are so right in saying that there is 'dirt' everywhere, in every is how each church DEALS with the 'dirt' that is so VERY different!!

The 2x2’s deny that there is ‘dirt’ in their group. They constantly sweep it under the carpet...they cannot upset the "peace" and "harmony" for ANY reason. To do so would reveal the truth!! God forbid that!! They can take things like child molestation, workers having affairs with teenagers, etc, and effectively cover it up and even turn it around back on the victims of such acts, all in the name of "truth"!!!

Now, I am not saying that other churches do not do their share of trying to cover up sins like these (if, that is, you consider them to be sins) for the benefit of appearance. However, I have seen a significant number of these churches being downright honest with their congregations about such matters, if they happen. They are honest in saying that they are human, and they sin like everyone else. This I admire. This is honesty. This is the way it should be.

Right before I joined my church in _________ I had heard that the old pastor was gone, and the one we currently had was new. I asked what the reason for his leaving was, and my friends told me that he had committed adultery with one of the women of the congregation. This information was not kept hidden, as all of the congregation had been praying for this man, because they loved him. It was heart-breaking, as you can imagine, but can you see of such a thing happening in the 2x2 church? Sexual immorality exposed, with all members praying together for the benefit of a worker? Hardly. In all of your admirable, if not slightly idealistic, "looking for the silver lining’ in the big, black cloud of the 2x2’s, ______, you know as well as everyone else that this would never happen. This type of thing would be swept as far away as possible to keep everyone from knowing about it. Don’t rock that boat!!! Keep that appearance of peace AT ANY COST!!! Even at the cost of THE VICTIMS.

While I don’t personally know of any sexual abuse or shenanigans, I am sure that they happen as they do in the rest of the world. What would concern me is what recourse the victims would have if something did happen. I don’t know if anyone else saw it but "Dateline" did a show about child abuse among the Amish. The problem was not that the Amish are all abusers, but that they tended to deny the existence of what problems there were which leaves the victims with NO avenue to stop the abuse. Like the Amish, 2x2’s are a tight subculture. 2x2 children may not have many resources to turn to for help, and if they said something it would likely met with disbelief. Also in my experience there is pretty much a complete denial of sexuality within the church (or at least in my family).

Thus I wonder if 2x2 kids are sat down and taught defense skills to protect them from abuse, date rape, etc; especially if the predator MIGHT be another 2x2?

Predators might also be attracted to such a system! 3/97

I too had NEVER heard of such a thing and I remember saying to someone when I was considering (last year) whether or not the 2x2’s were a cult that a mark of a cult was often sexual misconduct/abuse and that was one thing the 2x2’s DIDN’T have but I have now heard that one particular worker was known by some girls to be "avoided" so I assume something must have happened. This would be going back to when I was in my teens. (1960’s/70’s) Although actually I can recall, not liking the way someone (an older married man) spoke to me when I was older. 3/97 New Zealand

I don’t have lots of lurid details about the subject, however, from my early teens, I knew of worker sexual misconduct. I suspect the statements about this sort of thing being more prevalent in 2x2-type cults are true. After all, sexuality is one of the most deeply programmed functions in our (and all) DNA. The 2x2 system is so flawed, why would the bizarre social pressures created by it not cause expression of bizarre sexual conduct? 3/97

This is one aspect that really hit me hard. There were many workers that I trusted 100% and it really frightened me when I found out that others had trusted the workers too and they were sexually abused by them. 6/97

A professing man with several children was sent to jail for sexually molesting his own children. His wife and kids were in my home for tea after a Sunday gospel meeting. They were in town to visit their father/husband who was serving his time in the local jail. This was mentioned to me quietly and I accepted the information and soon put it in the very back of my memory thinking this was SURELY an isolated incident which has NEVER or WOULD NEVER happen AGAIN in this perfect fellowship. 3/97

Part of a letter written by Ex-worker Fern Strouse:

Colorado!! I understand the sexual situation there and have you all in my heart and prayers. Your concerns are my concerns and I know what you are up against in not being heard by the authorities in the church……..I doubt that you will move the workers to do anything. They are too far into denial, too lacking in knowledge of emotional damage to the victim, and too far into religious pride and insecurity. This is where the prayer of Jesus fits so well, "Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing (in this type of problem.)" Workers have joined the world in playing the game of "blaming the victim" and minimizing the deeds of the abuser………I learned recently that a nine year old girl was molested in a cornfield on convention grounds over thirty years ago. It came out in her alcoholism counseling. The worker married later, molested his own children, and spent time in prison…….The victim needs to know it is a courageous act to turn in their abuser, even if it is their favorite worker. They may be saving others from the pain they have borne. If these victims become abusers, what will the church come to? Someone has to break the addiction. I dealt with 70 victims during my 30 years in the work, besides my family.

I never heard a worker say anything about homosexuality, incest, or pedophilia, but these too are real problems in the "Truth."

Back in the year 1993, when I first read THE CHURCH WITHOUT A NAME, I agreed with or could identify with all the author wrote EXCEPT for anything to do with SEXUAL MISCONDUCT within the 2x2 fellowship. On THIS ONE SUBJECT I just "knew" the author was a way off base!! As I read that book I tossed out ALL suggestion of sexual misconduct within the Truth.

Since my exit in 1993 I've spoken with a lot of former professing people and several have told me that there were problems along those lines. 3/97

Now that I have found out more about the sexual molestation of children within the 2x2s, I wonder if some of the problems have arisen from immature and perverted sexual attitudes which occur in some families.

Sorry to sound so callous here, but this whole subject just really makes me angry....workers, friends, ANYONE getting away with this type of activity. 5/97

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