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This page will feature a small portion of a testimony already on VOT. Check back often. Every time VOT has new or updated information a different testimony snippet will be featured here.

"We had to do what we knew was right."

"I decided to act on what I truly believed and to try to unify my inner self and project who I really was. I CUT MY HAIR...SHORT! That was in June 1996.

I was foolish enough to believe that I could continue to attend meeting and take part and maybe help others, particularly the young girls and teenagers in the meeting who were being tortured, to see that having long hair in a bun was not necessary to salvation. NOT! NOT! NO WAY! NEVER! I gave my testimony in only one meeting after cutting my hair, and was immediately contacted by the sister worker "in charge" of our area. She told me ..... "

From the Testimony on page 2 of Testimonies titled:

We had to do what we knew was right.

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