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In a quandary? Wondering what you should do? Here are some suggestions:

- PRAY. Ask God to direct you in what you should do.

- Read the GRACE AWAKENING by Charles Swindoll.

- Read all of the book of ROMANS - It tends to be one book that the Workers avoid. In Romans you will read all about the GRACE of God!

- For slightly easier reading than the KJV Bible why not sneak into a Christian book store and take a look at other versions of the Bible? Check out the New International Version (NIV), the Life Application Bible, the Living Bible or any of the others that are available.

- When you go to "meeting" LISTEN CAREFULLY to the MESSAGE and ask yourself this question....Are the workers really preaching "Jesus" as the disciples did, or are they simply reinforcing the message that the fellowship of the friends and workers is the only way?

- Since you will stand alone before God one day (without the workers or any other friends), you owe it to yourself to examine closely everything you believe in. It won't suffice to say, "but the workers said...." because God may reply, "but you should have searched for what * I * said......"

- Tune into Christian radio in your area. You might be pleasantly surprised!

- Consider taking a course with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

An excellent Bible teaching method with a minimum amount of pressure, no requests for money, and maximum exposure to systematic Bible study.

For more information and to determine where your closest BSF study is located contact:

BSF, 19001 Blanco Road, San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 492-4676

- Email us with your concerns either about this site or your feelings about being in the "Truth."

- Print out this web site and share it with another of the "friends." Great Idea!

- Subscribe to the "List" -- receive lots of Emails via the List from current and former 2x2s. Make your comments to the List and hear others' comments. Click below to subscribe:

- Look up these scriptures: John 1:1 + 1:14; John 8:24; John 14:6; Eph. 2:8,9; Rom. 10:13; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Tim. 2:5; 1 Tim. 3:16;

- Read the books about the "Truth."


The only people who responded to the preaching of Jesus were those who were prepared to openly examine their existing beliefs.

- Ponder: If the workers are really the chosen servants of God representing God's only true way on earth why has the fellowship always remained so secretive? Why don't the workers shout it from the roof tops?

- Ponder: If the "friends" are the children of God why are they so reluctant to discuss their beliefs with "outsiders?"


Now return to the CHURCH WITHOUT A NAME home page to make your next selection . . . *****