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Dear _____, You asked how I knew the way I was raised was wrong. I was about 17 or 18 when I started asking myself questions and wondering about things. I never had anyone to talk to this about, but these are some of the things I remember wondering about: 1. How could "heathens" who didn't know the real God write such beautiful hymns and songs that we sang in meeting and at "sings." (I knew that a lot of these authors were not in the Truth.) 2. I knew of the selfless dedication of people like Dr. Livingstone and Mother Teresa and I wondered, "If they dedicated most of their life to God, how could he turn them away?" 3. I somehow heard about Billy Graham (I don't remember where). I knew that he was preaching and teaching about Jesus and that thousands of people were giving their hearts to the Lord through his teaching. I knew he wasn't a perfect "saint" but thought he seemed genuinely honest and the people that got saved really thought they were worshipping the one true God. I asked myself, "How could a loving God turn all these people away and say Sorry, you have been worshipping the wrong God." 4. I knew the unconditional love and support of several teachers at school who believed in me and sacrificed out of their own pockets to send me "away" to school. They thought it was worth any thing for me to be able to get away from my parents for awhile. They didn't try to persuade me of anything, they just gave me the opportunity to learn on my own away from the influence of the Way. When my parents said they no longer loved me and never wanted to see me again (and the workers said the same thing), I said, "Whoa! What is love? Who has shown real love to me?" Unfortunately, it was no one from the Way. I don't know the religious affiliation of my teachers but I think they showed me genuine Christian love. 5. I have other relatives that are Baptists. They sent us those "un-Godly" Christmas cards with Bible verses in them. I could never see anything wrong with quoting the Bible. I also thought my relatives honestly believed in the same God I did and worshipped the same Jesus--I couldn't understand why my folks treated them so badly. 6. I was always into music. I played the accordion when I was very little. I remember my dad asking the workers if I could accompany the piano at gospel meetings. I was so disappointed when they said NO. So, I took up the piano so I could play in meetings. I also played the organ and I could never understand why the organ was OK at sings and funerals but not in meetings. I also read in the Psalms about all the instruments and I imagined a great orchestra in Heaven and wondered why they didn't get more into musical worship. There was a wonderful young man in Seattle who had a beautiful tenor voice. Some workers let him sing solos at gospel meetings for awhile, and they some other workers came and thought he was just glorifying himself and made him quit. That always bothered me. His music really glorified God and made everyone feel good! 7. I read in the Bible about tithing. I asked the workers about it but didn't get a satisfactory answer. I did give them some money when I was a child, but it wasn't a tithe and so I never felt like I had done my share money wise. 8. I didn't understand why they didn't have real wine at meetings. I read lots of verses about wine (and I didn't believe it was really grape juice!) --kids think of the darndest things don't they? 9. I read about healing and I asked my folks why we couldn't pray for a relative that was ill. I don't remember my mom's exact answer but it was something like "praying for something like that is selfish", "we should just let God's will be done." I couldn't reconcile all the many, many verses and examples where Jesus healed people. I asked, "Why do they leave so many of the good things out of the Bible?" 10. I wondered why they didn't take advantage of the many different versions of the Bible and all the good books that were in the Christian book stores. Well, that is all I can remember off hand that really bothered me. I think I could have lived with all the others, but #4 really did the trick. I had never heard of anyone disowning their own child and I wasn't a bad kid--honest! I had never been treated meanly before by the workers, either. That was the end of my thinking that they were the Right Way! 7/97
In the 2x2's, we were taught that these things [pre-marital counseling, homosexuality, sexual misconduct, addiction, etc.] just did not apply to us, or 'since we were in the fellowship' we did not have to 'worry' about them. The fact is....the 2x2's may want to think of themselves as "in the world, but not of it", but the fact remains that they are still IN THE WORLD!! Without education on these issues, and many others, the innocent 2x2 people they are teaching STAY in ignorant darkness.
Notice whether or not you are being encouraged to focus on Jesus or on the 2x2 way.The last convention I attended, that was my goal. [To notice whether or not the friends were being encouraged to focus on Jesus or on the 2x2 way.] I was determined to find some way to lay to rest my suspicion that the workers were more focused on teaching the 2x2 Way than they were on teaching Jesus, the Saviour. But, the evidence was all over the place! I couldn't excuse it anymore. Most of what was talked about was the Way. (the 2x2 Way) One thing I noted also. One of the workers said that when he visited the homes of the saints, he thought it was nice to see pictures of family etc.on the piano, but how much more profitable to see pictures of God's true messengers there. PARDON ME????
Perhaps I should say that when it comes to "meeting" the workers and some friends are very protective. Almost NOTHING is allowed to stop, interrupt or re-schedule "meeting." "Meeting" is placed on a pedestal!
>>I think that the general consensus among friends is, "The Way is perfect. Those in it are not." << ***Oh, I’ve heard that one a plenty! But what does it MEAN? What’s perfect about it? If something is perfect, there is no room for improvement, right? So how come there is so much room for improvement in "the truth"? Also, where does the Bible refer to a "perfect way"? Sure, all God’s ways (attributes, methods, etc.) are perfect. The Way in the Bible was JESUS—not a method of fellowship or certain type ministry. How can a way/method a man originated 100 years ago be perfect? Men are fallible, and their creations imperfect. Personally, I don’t think this can be considered a "general consensus" but I see it rather that the friends have been brainwashed with this perfection cop-out to the point they believe something is true that the Bible doesn’t even state or imply.***
We -professed- in 1974 and its probably been about two years since we’ve been to any 2x2 meeting. In these last 2-3 years we’ve learned more about the scriptures than we ever did in 21 years going to -meetings-. The knowledge of God is greatly lacking there with no means to help a Christian grow. 9/97
Within the 2x2 system, one is expected to just take everything that comes their way and not say anything. 9/97
For me, debates such as grace-v-works are very interesting, but I believe many of us do have a keen interest in the sociological scar tissue we have accumulated due to our exposure to the 2x2s. Some may argue that this could have happened in other sects, cults or denominations, but I am convinced that the 2x2system is among the most destructive. Some cults and the Catholic Church (in some areas) are clearly destructive, but in the case of the 2x2s, the destruction is usually very subtle and well concealed. 10/97
For me it was internal things inside the church that made me questionand the utter lack of real, honest care for the world. Instead of embracing those less fortunate we isolated ourselves and felt quite conceited in that isolation. 10/97
Yes, it's true that, though there are no longer any married workers in The Way, there did used to be some. (Why has such a change occurred in a "changeless" way?) Several of the friends and workers have assured us when this question comes up that workers could still marry, but it is just so difficult and impractical. Wait a minute! Isn't that the same argument I've heard friends and workers ridiculing when it's made by anyone outside of The Way? (Not to mention that we know of several accounts of people who were in the work, got married and wanted to continue in the work, but have not been allowed to.) Would Jesus have set in place any plan that would later prove to be too impractical and difficult? If it was a task too difficult to perform as a married man, would Jesus have ever called any married men to fill that place? 10/97
Why does sexual immorality continue to surface among the workers? It's true that in 1 Cor 7 Paul told the Corinthians, "An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs--how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world--how he can please his wife—and his interests are divided... a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world--how she can please her husband."; but Paul also said, "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." and, "It is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband." We have already seen that Jesus did not forbid married apostles... does that restriction for workers in The Way today create an environment that leads people into sexual immorality? Paul warned Timothy about those that would abandon the faith in later times. One of the ways Paul identified those people was to say, "They forbid people to marry."--1 Tim 4:3. Is an enforced unmarried ministry really following the New Testament church most closely, or does the teaching in the Bible show that decision should be left up to each individual to make between themselves and God? [And, considering that Jesus Himself called married men to the position of "apostle," can we really suppose that a married man would be less devoted and less capable to lead/pastor Christ's church than an unmarried man or woman??] 10/97
When I was younger I remember we were reminded every few months not to stand and talk to others of the friends after the meeting, but rather it was considered much "godlier" to go straight home. Standing around talking apparently caused the "spirit to depart" and then we would go away from the meeting without the "spirit". God forbid that people should enjoy chatting with one another! The friends are encouraged to live in kind of vacuum to some extent. Don't talk too long to any of the friends, and don't have friends outside! What a terrible life. At Gospel meetings, if the friends stood around talking in the hall the workers would simply turn the lights out on them! Social gatherings had to be limited to few as possible numbers, including weddings. My husband says "Of course they don't want them to talk to each other! Too much talking and thinking among themselves might lead to problems for the workers to control!" 10/97
I was brought up in this group called the 2x2s whereI was taught to accept everything without question. At the age of 10 I asked my mother after hearing from a teacher at school that Christianity had died out during the dark ages, how could the meetings have continued throughout the ages? She told me that it had continued by being handed down through families during that time. I was sucked in (not to blame my mum here, she's a wonderful mum and only doing what she thought was best for me), then I discovered something. I discovered that it was actually started one hundred years ago by a man named William Irvine. I also discovered that Jesus was the Way, the Truth and the Life and not what I had put my faith in, the workers and the meetings. 10/97
When the "Truth" first came to South Africa, and grew and people went into the work coloured workers had to preach from the back of the hall. This was long before apartheid (segregation of races) were introduced into S.A. By the way, the workers lied to us that the government prohibited freedom of races to mix in church gatherings. South Africa's policy then, and always was, freedom in religion. The truth was the only church we knew of that practiced segregation. 11/97
I saw much racism exist among the "friends." That ALWAYS BOTHERED ME IMMENSELY! 11/97
Racism exists big time in the 2x2's. I've seen it in both the workers and friends, some workers making quite rude comments. 11/97
I am truly moved when I heara bout the abuse many have suffered. Before being on this list, I experienced the truth as a sort of benign, dowdy, holier than thou, insignificant group that was only important to me because it is a large part of my family and cultural upbringing. As a result of people, including you, being willing to share their stories, I have had a much needed reality check. 11/97
The 2x2s maintain an outer VENEER OF UNITY (not screaming) by corporately holding fast to a singular essential belief that a 2x2 nameless, homeless, penniless ministry is the only true way. No matter the differences on other important doctrines, they are united in this one dimensional focus on the one true ministry. It isn't too hard to show unity when doctrine is dictated by an ultimate authority and the essential doctrine is as one dimensional as that of the 2x2s. 11/97
They say they are homeless. Are they? They always sleep under a roof save those we used to hear about in ‘the beginning of days.’ I’ve never heard of a worker living out on the street. They say they are nameless. Are they? They registered with the Alberta Government in 1995 and have used various names all over the world as they found need to do so. And a ‘penniless’ ministry? Hardly! Haven’t we all given the workers money? Some have given a bundle!
The 2x2 system receives and is the focus for the reverence and respect due God. 11/97
As far as the liberal side of things go, it seems that the further west you go the more liberalism there is. That has been my observation anyway. 11/97
If you wish to be accepted in the 2x2 way, you will need to deny ever being saved in any "False" church. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to be baptized into the 2x2s, and may be asked not to take part in the meetings and not to take the emblems. Your vision, understanding and revelation will be seriously questioned !!! 11/97
I was in this group for 30 years and my family since 1928. Are you sure you are talking about the 2x2s? Have you been reading 'the list' about the way we were taught to 'worship' the workers. The workers believe they are the only way to salvation. One must believe in them and that they are the true servants of God in order to be saved. One must believe in them, if you don't then you are lost. Salvation is in them alone. The workers are not accountable to the people for what they do with the money. Head workers have considerable amounts of money plus free board and keep. You do not know what they do with it because like most things that the workers do, they keep it a secret. The workers give wealthy members special treatment. I find it hard to believe that you have been taking communion with the 2x2s since the day you have walked in the door. This is not the 2x2s style. One must attend Gospel meeting and then profess. Only when you profess are you allowed to attend fellowship meetings which are in people's homes and take communion. No communion is taken in gospel meetings which you would have been required to attend before you professed. Any previous baptism is not accepted because they (the workers) alone are the 'one true way'. There are plenty of elders and workers who have molested children and there is definitely no safeguards and standards regarding this in the 2x2s. Their policy has been to try to keep it quiet, or move the offending worker to another area so that he can molest there. There has been many incidences of this and this has been a topic of discussion and concern on this list before. The workers, 2x2s, deny that such a thing exists and try to cover it up. There are many wife beaters in the group, my ex-husband was one. The 2x2s have no understanding of sin and 'sin' does abound in the group. Sin to them is owning a television, a woman cutting her hair, going to the pictures etc. They call them the works of the flesh. This is not what the Bible calls the works of the flesh. Many have thought the same as you, but this group is not what it seems on the outside. They only let you know what they want you to know. They still continue to preach and tell people they were started by Jesus, when they know this is not true. You say the workers were up front about their beginning with you. Never in all the years of our family being in the group were we told this and most on the list believed as we had been taught that we were the one true church and started by Jesus. As you ask around you will find that most in the group believe this. The notion that it was started by Jesus and that it is one true church is always reinforced in the meetings and conventions. If the foundation is based on a lie, one must surely question how much of it is based on 'truth'. This group is a denomination and a well organised organisation based on the hierarchy of the workers and above them, the head workers. Your kids love it? Aged 6 & 8, but children are expected to sit quiet and do nothing. Many of us were brought up in it and hated just sitting there doing nothing. Keep asking questions! When we did we were told to just keep coming to the meetings, or that we lacked faith.
The workers and the friends DO NOTpromote a lifestyle of sin - immoral behavior. They DO promote a lifestyle of control. This control is contended to be bowing to the influence of the Holy Spirit. Most on this list have found the control to be the bowing to the influence of the workers - and the influence of the workers IS NOT the same influence of the Holy Spirit. 11/97
On any given Sunday thousands of people will worship a golden calf. The golden calf is worshipped because the people have an ungodly fear of God. They do not see a God of love. They see a God of laws. The OT depicts a God of laws. The NT depicts a God of love. However, thousands of people this day will substitute the golden calf for God because they see only a God of laws in the NT. The golden calf is a system. The system, the golden calf, is a substitute for God. It provides a visible and tangible object of worship in lieu of the invisible God. Like in the days of Moses, the people did not understand God and thus they made a golden calf. Their understanding of God was so very limited. They had lost sight of Moses and they turned their attention, their worship to the golden calf. Such is today. Today people have lost sight of the Christ and they turn their attention, their worship, their service, their love, their very being to a golden calf - a system. Jesus draws people to God. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the truth. Jesus is the life. Jesus points to God. When you see Jesus as he is you see God as he is. Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus is God. Not the human body, not the flesh that could be killed. But the life that was in Jesus was of God and was God. This is the mystery and this is the truth. When people become discouraged, as did the people in Moses' day, they look for a comfort of their own making, of their own desires. When their faith is not sufficient "evidence of things not seen", they look for a golden calf: something that can be seen. They become discouraged because they have not accepted the Christ within. They have a mental belief, conviction, but their life has not been turned over to the Christ, to God. Such has happened throughout time. Such is not limited to the people of Israel. Such is true today for all who look for something or someone other than Jesus (God) to show them and to bring them to God. Today there will be thousands of people worshipping a golden calf. The golden calf is lifted up. Jesus is not lifted up. The people are told that Jesus is being lifted up and because of their blindness they cannot see the golden calf. Yet, even in worshipping the golden calf there is a reverence. A reverence that is a godliness. And a godliness that is sadly and mistakenly seen and felt as a reverence for God. The ministry holds up the golden calf. The ministry preaches the system and the people think this system is Jesus. The ministry did not create the golden calf - the system. The system came to be and the system feeds itself and keeps itself - nourishes and protects itself - by using the ministry and by using the converts of the ministry. The system will live, will survive as long as there is a believer. The system does not grow stronger or weaker, it simply gets bigger or smaller in scope - membership. The system simply feeds off people. As people give their lives to the system, the system has life. Again, the system will always live as long as there is even one to believe in it. Today, not only will thousands of people worship a golden calf, but millions of people will also worship a golden calf. Not the same golden calf. There are many golden calves. There are many systems. Each golden calf has come to be because the people lost sight of the Christ or never wanted the Christ - and they turned to a system, a golden calf. The "thousands" that I refer to are the workers and the friends. Yes, they worship a golden calf - a system. A golden calf that came to be about 100 years ago. A golden calf that came to be because people lost sight of the Christ. The system is an external thing. The Christ is an internal being. The system gives an approval to those who do not wish to seek the approval of God that is in the Christ. Jesus sent a comfort - the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit people will learn of Christ and of God. Through the Holy Spirit all we must do to get God's attention, His approval, is to knock, to seek, to ask. The comfort of God is eternal and is known now. The system gives a comfort, too. The system's comfort, its approval, is limited. The system's approval is keep doing. There is a measure of comfort for its believers today. The system holds out its approval like a carrot is held out to a donkey. Leading and promising, but never giving, never knowing that the carrot, the approval, will never be had. The system is learned through the use of a ministry. The ministry is a tool of the system. The ministry holds up the system and personalizes the system. The system rules the people through its personalizing in the ministry - the workers. Its what the people want. A perfect way - a system, not THE perfect way - the Christ. The people want someone to rule over them just as the people in King Saul's day did. The visible ruler then was King Saul. The visible ruler now is the ministry. Yet, the ministry does not make rules of its own. The ministry accepts rules from the system, the golden calf, that the people want. The rules of the system provide a bit of comfort, also. The rules are dependent on the people. The system will give the people what they will accept. The system will change its rules to quiet the people, to keep the people. Yet, the system will remain the same - a substitute for God. The rules give a measure of comfort because the people can see, can see physically, that they are obeying and that they are doing okay. The rules pertain to the outer man. The love of God, the Christ within pertains to the inner man. We cannot see love. We cannot see the love of God in people's hearts. We can see the affect of the love of God in the works that the believers do. We can see the affect of the love for the system in the system's people, too. These works are the keeping to the rules that the system gives. The love of each is seen in the obedience to commandments and teachings. What are the commandments of God? To love him (yes, he is a jealous God), to love our neighbor, and a third commandment added by Jesus (God)... to love one another as Jesus loves us. Who are the "one another"? Those who have come to see Jesus as the Christ, as God. There are teachings of Jesus, of God, that help us to keep these commandments. The commandments of the system? They cannot be worded specifically. The particular system that controls the friends and the workers needs to keep itself vague, mystical in order to survive. The teachings, the rules of the system can be worded, expressed. But they vary from person to person and place to place. All dependent on the willingness, the wanting of the people. Aaron crafted the golden calf in Exodus to provide the people with an external manifestation for the people to worship in lieu of an invisible God. It is very common to desire some visible manifestation of the deity (nowadays as well as in ancient times) and the people pressured Aaron to supply one. When we hear the friends speak of their "love of 'The Truth'" more than they speak of a love of God, are they not holding up the system itself as a proxy for serving God? Was William Irvine raised up by God to rekindle the true form of ministry? Or, was he simply allowed to craft another golden calf that people would focus on instead of Jesus/God? So, whose tool was Irvine? The 2x2 system receives and is the focus for the reverence and respect due God. God would prefer to write His laws in our hearts and He would prefer that we internalize the Spirit. Instead, we conform(ed) to the edicts of the 2x2 system and are (were) in its bondage. "The Truth"? No. 11/97
I think for the time being I'd rather not have my name appear. It seems kind of weird that I feel this fear of having my name out there, not knowing whose going to be reading the mail and I was never even in the church myself. How is it possible that the bondage the2x2's have people under is so far reaching and so long lasting? I feel much more compassion towards those under it and those who have been directly affected by it than I ever did before. And it also makes me angry when I see how hurt my brother has been because of the church and how he and my Dad will probably never have much of a relationship. 'Course, neither do I have much of one with him and probably never will. 11/97
Being raised in the "truth" I was not allowed, from day one, to have a thought that was my own...but was taught what to think and never how to think. I was taught so well, I did not even know that it was not my thoughts I was thinking. 11/97
I *do* believe that most of the 2x2s have been misguided about certain aspects of this religion that I feel they should be aware of and I want people to have the information available that will enable them to make a truly informed decision - that's all. 11/97
"I do not believe that only the friends and workers will be saved." "I do not believe that what we have is the only way." The two sentences above relate to what seems to be a new and growing belief among the friends - at least if we can judge by what some have posted to the list. If such really became the belief of the friends and the workers, would their church - the system - still continue? The preaching would surely have to change. There would be no more reference to "the work" being the only true ministry. The bashing of "worldly" churches would have to diminish. Could it change as much as it would have to and still have young men and women of the church offering for the work? Would the new preaching "because God wants this for YOU, but not for all" be compelling enough to allow the work to have its workers? What of the meetings in the homes? Would there still be the offering to have the meetings in the various homes that do so now? Would the rules have to change? Or could they continue under the teaching of "differing administrations and operations"? Would the friends' view of their neighbor change? Could they begin to see the Christ in their neighbor? Would the friends be enticed - compelled - to attend another church? If the friends and workers did believe that they were not the only ones nor had the only way, I believe the system would die. (But that does not mean another system would not come to be.) If they did believe such , the exclusivity of the group would be gone. The appeal of being different for "Christ's sake" would be gone. I see this new belief to be just one of the varying beliefs of the church - the friends and workers. Some believe they are not the only ones and some believe they are the only ones. Some believe that the way as always been and some believe that it was rekindled in the late 1890's. Some believe that Jesus is God and some believe he was filled with the Holy Spirit (is that the same as being divine, but not being God?). Some believe the rules are man made and some believe the rules are not rules but that they are teachings of God to make his people a peculiar people and a separate people. The only thing of one mind that the friends and the workers have is "keep going to meeting". 12/97
If you do not want to profess but are held in by fear, there is help all around and you need not fear that "maybe the workers are right". The workers are wrong - they are WRONG. Yes, there might be some with a genuine concern for people, but as a group and as a ministry, there is error, there is a LACK of truth. Still, if you want to profess, I have nothing against that - like it would matter to any. :) What I mean is go ahead and profess and enjoy your fellowship. However, PLEASE, DO NOT get caught up in anything to do with "the only way" or "from the beginning" - PLEASE, speak out against these things. PLEASE, DO NOT judge others and DO NOT allow the judging of others - PLEASE, speak out against these things. PLEASE, DO NOT believe the rules are God given and do not allow the promotion of such - PLEASE, speak out against these things. And, PLEASE, when it rubs up against you, DO NOT allow any immorality and DO NOT allow it to go unchecked - PLEASE, speak out against these things. 12/97
I also remember the friends talking about other friends and what they were doing "wrong" and the workers talking about those who were "weak". Other than a few hymn sings, I never remember the friends talking about the bible or anything spiritual. The workers would talk about those who they were "working on" and the funny (at that time, now just sad) stories regarding their misunderstandings -especially about those who came out of a "worldly" church to come to the meetings and the beliefs the workers had to "correct". I don't remember discussions about Jesus or any comfort offered. If the workers did talk about anything spiritual, it was with warning and fear. I have often told my mother (still a 2x2) that they are the least religious people I know when it comes to speech. Oh, outwardly they look religious and they follow the "rules", but never do they talk about the bible or their beliefs or the "truth". 1/98
Last night I was reading in Galatians. I won't try to quote (and I don't have a Bible with me), but Paul said something about REMEMBERING THE POOR. Oh, my soul ... how many opportunities have been missed? Especially with those who are poor and live in our own communities? I've NEVER heard any professing people say anything about "looking after the poor". Unfortunately, I know first hand that some professing folks are not concerned about widows and orphans. 1/98
The meetings keep people so entrapped, by spending so much time programming the minds of their flock that all other ways are false. This is designed to leave people with no other option if they dare leave. 1/98 Viola Burns
It is VERY HURTFUL to hear anything said about something we once trusted and believed in. But it is also very hard, in the company of others connected to the meetings, to hold ones tongue, after the realisation that from the earliest age, consciously or not, our spiritual guides have absolutely fleeced us. 2/98 Viola Burns
And when the workers were at our house, I can't tell you how many times we talked about other people who were "struggling", and about workers and where they were being sent and about the "unsaved" person that just started coming to gospel meetings and wearing jewelry or someone cutting their hair and not being willing, and how sad that such and such is now a "lost sheep", and wondering why such and such hadn't been to Gospel meetings, and the list goes on and on. Never once, and I can say that emphatically, do I ever remember talking about Jesus and his priceless gift to us. It was always about people. 2/98 Cheryle Winberg
There was so much emphasis on submission!! That meant submitting to what the workers said. There would be special meetings & conventions where you felt you were being whipped back into conformity to the group. There would be sermons on the ladies being modestly dressed. Wearing dresses would be emphasized and rather snide jokes or stories of women who dared to wear men's clothing or trousers. Things were said about those women who cut their hair or who cut bangs -- these were very derogatory remarks and if you really felt you were part of the group and felt this was the only way on earth that led to heaven -- you felt disciplined as a result of these criticisms. Things would be said on how we were raising our children and the need to withdraw from the world and the influence of the world. This could mean anything from not having a television to making the girls wear dresses in participating in physical education at school. Often these things were mentioned rather subtly at meeting but when the workers came to visit --much more emphasis was given. 2/98
The 2x2 group teaches its ministry is between God and man, inferring themselves to be a type of continuation of the Old Testament priesthood, establishing traditions of worship, and much more as being "God's Way." Such teaching, wherever it is found, results in many forks in the road of instruction, ALL leading away from sound doctrine. One fork results in Grace being replaced by Works. When such happens the search for human "worthiness" by adherents' own works begins--a worthiness which can NEVER be found in such a manner. NEVER EVER! Other forks rapidly follow. Soon, eternal life is NO LONGER equated to a gift of GRACE received by pure faith in Jesus as GOD THE SON. Simultaneously, Jesus is NOT worshipped as "GOD with us", becoming a believer's Righteousness through substitution of his perfect life JUST AS he is a believer's Kinsman Redeemer by substitution of his death. It is BOTH those substitutions which makes Him and HIM ALONE a believer's absolute. Next, a subtle shift is made to suggest "eternal life" means becoming part of an exclusive group of specifically identifiable believers. Somewhere along the line, Eternal Life (which is simply a gift by Grace received in faith) becomes entangled with Eternal Reward. Eternal Reward IS earned by individual human efforts extended to properly use the gift of Eternal Life to do those things which always please the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Once those two different things, Eternal Life and Eternal Reward, become totally entangled, humans begin believing salvation (or eternal life) is dependent upon their own works, (at least to some degree of obedience, rather than being received by belief: pure faith alone). This opens a wide gate of trusting even in the least bit of human works, which entices many. While FEW enter in to Eternal Life by Jesus and the absolute pure trust/faith/belief in HIM and NOTHING nor NO ONE else, MANY find it more acceptable to believe their salvation is by a sort of "works". Thus, trusting in such "works" is indeed a wide gate that many will find has led to their destruction and dismay. Suddenly, as blind people follow blind leaders (who are after all merely mankind) they begin looking to those very leaders for instructions in how to be righteous enough to merit eternal life. "Accept a certain ministry, worship in a certain method....believe only those of a certain group of specifically identifiable people are God's a specific "standard" of righteousness (which once included ONLY black stockings on women...), etc." Quite unintentionally, quite blindly...both followers and leaders find themselves in a "muddy" ditch. However, being blind, most are totally unaware of their condition. They are to be pitied, NOT condemned. As to specific teachings of the 2x2 group (I cannot refer to it as "the truth" any longer), their traditions of group worship, and form of full time ministry/priesthood "sacrifice" are probably as good, perhaps even better in specific ways than others.... And at the same time surely worse than some.... However, none of THAT is the criteria for eternal life and atonement for sin and unrighteousness. Further, as long as the group is exclusive, separate, proud...focused on "place", (elder's place, place in the kingdom, worker's place, Little Place... Wife's place, Man's place, etc.) it demonstrates itself de-facto pseudo-christian in concept, with members unable to extend grace freely to others. This is so for the simple reason that by focusing in such a manner on appearance and specific works to obtain eternal life, its adherents reveal they have NOT freely received the true gift of grace themselves. 2/98 Dennis Jacobsen
I believe the 2x2 look at the world in terms of black & white; something is either good, or bad. There must always be a judgment on all things. Problems arise when one thing or action is good in one man's judgment and bad in another’s within the 2x2 system. Take radio's - good in the western USA, bad in the east. Wine good some places bad others. Brandy - always bad. TV's - always bad, other churches - always bad. Even good people, doing good things will go to hell. When in the 2x2 I felt I always had to come to a decision about about every thing, and every action. Since leaving I see shades of gray (sorry no colored elephants yet) :-) and take longer to come to a conclusion. If something is 99% good and 1% bad to me it is good. While in the 2x2 it would have been bad. 2/98 Brad Teets
In the 2x2 system the appearance of discord was discouraged and suppressed. We had to keep that perfect image before the world, you know. Anything that rocked the boat was frowned upon. If a friend or especially a worker said a wrong thing or anything that you might disagree with, you should say nothing. If unacceptable acts happened, it must be contained and swept under the rug for appearance sake. Conflict was to be avoided because that was the wrong spirit. The right spirit was one that was meek, obedient, quiet, etc. To react otherwise was the have a "bad spirit". Something that is desperately needed among 2x2 is expression of disagreement. It will do wonders to correct a lot that is wrong. 3/98
One thing we learned in the 2x2 system was how to be judgmental. 3/98
My experience of the 2x2s is that they tend, as a group, to be mostly opposed to psychological perspectives on human experience. The Bible to them is the only reliable guide. This is one of the many reasons I left the sect. I find psychology utterly fascinating and feel it contributes much to my understanding of life and its ultimate meaning. 3/98