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Darrel Turner 2009

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Darrel Turner, Overseer of Vietnam (1995-2010).

In early 1995, Darrel Turner from Alberta, Canada, became the overseer of Vietnam.
In 1995, Vietnam became a separate jurisdiction from China and Overseer Jim Chafee left Vietnam at that time.
The Canadian Workers took over--which was the beginning of the present distress.
In February, 2010, Lyle Shultz arrived (from Saskatchewan, Canada/India) and took the role of VN Overseer.


The Overseers of Vietnam from 1957 have been:
Alex Mitchell (born in Scotland/immigrated to New Zealand)
Fred Allen (from Australia)
Vu Ngoc Châu and Nguyễn Thanh Hoa (from Saigon, Vietnam)
Cliff Toane (from BC, Canada/Hong Kong)
Jim Chafee (from South Dakota, USA/Hong Kong/China)
Darrell Turner and Lyle Schultz (from Canada)
Hong Kong evolved into a staff that covered all of China, including Vietnam.

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