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Jamieson, Wm - Letter #2 Page 1

Jamieson, Wm Let P1 Wml.jpg Jamieson, Wm Letter #1  pp 3-4ThumbnailsJamieson, Wm - Letter #2 Page 2Jamieson, Wm Letter #1  pp 3-4ThumbnailsJamieson, Wm - Letter #2 Page 2Jamieson, Wm Letter #1  pp 3-4ThumbnailsJamieson, Wm - Letter #2 Page 2

August 1, 1911 Letter #2. -Page 1 of Willie Jamieson Letter to Henry & Cordia White of Scappoose, Oregon,
written from Scotland, telling about Wm Irvine preaching in the Scotland Conv.

"This is my first time of writing you since landing in this Country.
..because time was scarce. Conv. has kept us very busy for the last month back
but now it is over again and we will have a little more time for
correspondence etc. It was the best Conv. ever held on this side and
all seemed to profit by it. There were very large crowds all the time.
WM IRVINE, as usual, did the ,,,

" Typed copy of letter at: http://www.tellingthetruth.info/workers_early/jamiesons.php#willie_wmi

Jamieson, Wm Let P1 Wml.jpg
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