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1917 Heresies Exposed

1917 Heresies Exposed hilited.jpg 1916 SA SistersThumbnails1917 Heresies Exposed john long1916 SA SistersThumbnails1917 Heresies Exposed john long

From Book "Heresies Exposed" compiled by W C. Irvine, published by Loizeaux Bros, Inc, Bible Truth Depot, Neptune NJ.

First edition: 1917; several additional editions since.
"The originator of this new cult was a Mr. William Weir Irvine, a Scotchman,
who went to Ireland about fifty years ago as a preacher in connection with
the Faith Mission. He subsequently left them and started an independent
Mission on his own at a town called Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, where he found
a few hearty people who had recently been converted. These he succeeded
in gathering round himself and they became the nucleus of this new sect."

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