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Carroll, Bill, Maggie (1903) & Daughter May

Carroll, Bill, Maggie (1903) & Dtr May.JPG Carroll, Bill (1903) & Jack (1904)ThumbnailsCarroll, Bill, Margaret (Maggie) & Daughter MayCarroll, Bill (1903) & Jack (1904)ThumbnailsCarroll, Bill, Margaret (Maggie) & Daughter MayCarroll, Bill (1903) & Jack (1904)ThumbnailsCarroll, Bill, Margaret (Maggie) & Daughter May

Bill, Maggie & daughter May Carroll.

William Charles (Bill) Carroll was the first Overseer of Victoria, Australia.

Bill and his wife, Margaret (Hastings) Carroll were from the
village of Rathmolyon, Ireland, located about 25 miles NW of Dublin.

Bill Carroll was born August 15, 1876, at Newtown, Moynalty,
Kells, County Meath, the eldest of 6 children.

Margaret was born April 20, 1875.

Bill Carroll and Maggie Hastings were married on June 6, 1901,
in the Church of Ireland at Rathmolyon, County Meath and
their daughter, May, was born in 1902.

Bill and Maggie Carroll entered the work in 1903 and
arrived in Australia in 1913.

Maggie died in 1944 and Bill died in 1953.

Bill's brother Jack and sisters May and Fannie
were also workers until their deaths.