Jardine Brothers- James (1904) Nichol & Walter.JPG Jardines 1913ThumbnailsJennings, Roy and Gus Jeanson  Jardines 1913ThumbnailsJennings, Roy and Gus Jeanson  Jardines 1913ThumbnailsJennings, Roy and Gus Jeanson

The Jardine brothers were from Lanarkshire, Scotland,
entered the work in 1904 and pioneered Switzerland and Germany.

James (Jim) Jardine was born 1884, and died 1969. He wrote several Hymns in 'Hymns Old & New'.

Two other brothers were also in the work in American: Walter and Nichol. (Names in random order.)

The three Jardine brothers were long-time overseers in the North Central states;
Walter in North Dakota, Jim in Minnesota and
Nicol in Wisconsin where that area became widely known as "Jardine territory."

When Nicol Jardine died, there were about 1,340 people present and 220 cars in the funeral procession.