On this page of VOT we want to REACH OUT to any of the friends who would like to Email us. We've been where you are now. We hope you'll find someone you either know or can relate to from the names below. Don't hesitate to Email one or more of us.
IMPORTANT: When you Email us please use the following wording in your subject line: "I AM WRITING TO YOU FROM VOT WEB SITE" Why, you ask? Simply because we don't want to miss your Email and this wording will help insure that we don't! (Many of us are on the "List" and we often get 30 or more Emails per day.) Again, please indicate in your subject line when you write to us: "I AM WRITING TO YOU FROM VOT WEB SITE." We DON'T want to miss your Email.
We are from AUSTRALIA:
1. "My name is Mark Burrell. I was raised in the 'truth' and attended meetings in the Sydney/Gosford area of NSW, Australia for 30 years up until October 1998. God has taken me on a 'real' personal spiritual journey since then. I would love to tell others about it. My email address is mbuzz@ozemail.com.au" 9/99
2. Dale and Anne Carn from Adelaide in South Australia. We were both bornand raised in the 2x2 way and left in January 1995. Anyone wishing tocontact us is welcome to do so, email us at carndc@chariot.net.au 7/99
3. I'm Elizabeth Coleman from Canberra, Australia. I was born into the "Truth." I found I could no longer uphold the beliefs in the Way. I exited in 1993. I would be happy to hear from any of you. decoleman@effect.net.au May 2000
4. Hi we are Merv and Elisabeth Schmidt from Mildura Victoria
Australia. I have been 49 years active in the fellowship,
23 years as an elder before leaving with my wife Elisabeth,
on 12th Jan 1999. I believe it is only when you leave you
are fully set free from the bondage of legalism in the fellowship.
Please feel free to contact us if you are visiting our area. Email
mekschmidt@bigpond.com 6/99
5. Hello to all reading this from Danny and Rhonda Bell. We are in
West Australia and have 3 young children. We have just left the
2x2 fellowship (mid 1999). If you want somebody to talk to please
contact us at djbell@bigpond.com. We will respond as best we can,
not to knock the fellowship etc but to listen to your concerns and to
share any burden you may be carrying.
In His Love Danny and Rhonda Bell. 7/99
6. Rob Oxenbridge, QLD, Australia - Feel free to contact me.
samuroo@ozemail.com.au I am on a journey of faith of
unprecedented scope. God has given me more life more abundant
since I left the 2x2. Especially a calling to minister to those
who are trapped in spiritual deception. 7/99
7. Dear friends, I am from Australia but born and raised a 2X2 in England. I left the meetings in June 1999 and would love to hear from anyone with questions, concerns etc. especially those from the Old Country. 8/99 With Christian love, Elaine Williams cvsvic@techinfo.com.au
8. Hi My name is Megan. I am 20 years old and live in Western Australia. I was raised in the truth, professing at the age of 9. I am willing to talk to any young people and (old if they really want!). Please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address: mpack@eudoramail.com December 27, 1999
1. Hello! We are Leigh and Claire Townsend in Quebec City, Canada. I was
born in Prince Edward Island and Claire is from this area. We have lived
in various parts of Canada and have traveled to many countries and know
people in the "truth" around the world. We professed for a combined total
of 75 years but left the meetings at the beginning of this year, not only
because of all the corruption we saw, but because we could no longer
agree with the doctrine that was being upheld. Please feel free to write
to us at leigh@total.net and we will be pleased to share with and try to help
anybody we can. 6/99
2. My name is Marjorie Reynolds. I was born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada
and my parents were Doris and Nelson Calder. I was married to Ray Jordan
and lived in Alberta and BC for many years and I’ve been out of the fellowship
for 24 years and I’m currently living near Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’d be glad to
correspond with any one. margerey@yesic.com 6/99
3. Hi I’m Sandi Gunther and my fourteen years of professing were in Regina, Saskatchewan. In April 1993 I left behind some of the most wonderful people I’d ever known after I learned about the history cover-up of the "Truth." I’d especially like to hear from people I knew in SK. Bob and I are now living in British Columbia. rsgunther@home.com 6/99
5. Bonjour, Nous sommes Joanne et François Masson et vivons à Chicoutimi au Québec. Nous avons passé chacun 20 ans de notre vie à vouloir faire la volontéde Dieu mais sans succès. Nous avions une réunion dans notre maison. Nous avons été tellement surpris de connaître la vérité sur la "vérité" mais nous sommes heureux d'avoir vraiment trouvé la paix. Si vous avezdes questions SVP écrivez-nous en confiance. Hello, We are Joanne and François Masson from Chicoutimi, Quebec. We were in the "truth" for 20 years and had a sunday meeting. Has others, we never saw fruits beside many laws. What a surprise to find out the truth ! We can safely say now that we have truly found what freedom is all about. 7/99
My name is Gloria Sjol. I was raised in the 2x2's in Mexico from age 8 until I left at 17. Deep in my heart I knew that God would not be unpleased with me wearing pants, make up, and a fashionable hairdo. Remember 1 Sam. 16:9, 'The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart'. I've been out of the meetings for almost 30 years, and I just found so much information on the 2x2's three months ago. I now live in Washington state. gloriasjol@mailexcel.com 7/00
Me llamo Gloria Sjol. Yo crecí en las reuniones de los siervos en México desde los 8 años de edad y las dejé a los 17. Dentro de mi corazón yo sabía que yo no desagradaría a Dios usando pantalones, maquillaje y un peinado moderno. Recuerda 1 Sam. 16:7, '…porque Jehová no mira lo que mira el hombre; pues el hombre mira lo que está delante de sus ojos, pero Jehová mira el corazón'. He estado fuera de las reuniones por casi 30 años y acabo de encontrar tanta información sobre los siervos hace sólo tres meses. Ahora vivo en el Estado de Washington. Pueden comunicarse conmigo: gloriasjol@mailexcel.com
Pueden comunicarse conmigo ...***
We are from NEW ZEALAND:
1. Hello our name is John and Judith De Wys. When we were going to the
meetings we lived in Christchurch, both of us having been brought up as
such for around 30 yrs or so, till we left in around 1981. We would welcome
anyone who would wish to contact us in New Zealand or from within New
Zealand. Our email address is johndewys@xtra.co.nz We now reside in a
North Canterbury town called Sefton. 6/99
2. My name is Lynn Cooper. I professed when I was 15 years old and left at the age of 30. I attended Puke convention from a young child up until I left. You probably have many questions or just want to share. I offer complete confidentiality. I know how difficult it can be to take that first step so you can even use a pen name if that helps. lynnc@ihug.co.nz 2/00
l. I’m Fred Roberts. I grew up in Durban, South Africa and professed at 12 in ‘56. My wife Melanie and I live in Port Elizabeth, SA. I was excommunicated in July 1985 on instruction by the head worker at the time, Jimmy Johnston, who heard that I had remarried after being divorced for six years. After 13 years of trying to get back into the "faith" I was told about the VOT by one of the "friends" and soon after my eyes were opened. We'd be happy to hear from you. fredroberts@icon.co.za
1. I am near Aberdeen Scotland and left meetings 9 years ago. Please feel
free to E-mail me directly at fletcherfamily@sol.co.uk If you are still IN
the meetings and struggling - I have been THERE, if you have just left
and are struggling with all that it means, I have been THERE too!!! You
are NOT on your own! Please, please don't be afraid to write me.
Karen Fletcher (nee Duncan) 6/99
Hi my name is Gerald Whitaker. I live in and professed at Texarkana, Texas Convention in 1990 and quit in 1997. I was born in the "Truth". Feel free to contact me at gm7@gte.net I would be glad to talk to any one who needs help. I am now attending a Christian Church with my wife of 4.5 years. Jan 2001
1. Our names are Brad and Robin Teets (rteets@ptd.net)
and when we were professing we lived in West Virginia,
Akron, OH, and the northwestern New Jersey area. If
you knew us when we were professing and would like
to contact us, we would very much like to hear from
you. We wish all of you well....... 6/99
2. Hello My name is Bob McPhail. I grew up in the Tacoma WA field (with a two year detour to South Dakota). Nedra and I now live in San Francisco. If anyone wishes to contact me I would love to hear from you. You can reach me at Doginfog@aol.com if you wish to talk. 6/99
3. Hello, My name is Kate Ruiz, formerly Smith, nee McPhail. I grew up in the Portland, OR and Tacoma, WA fields. I now live in Oregon. If anyone wishes to contact me I would love to hear from you. You can reach me at kls121453@aol.com if you wish to talk. 6/99
4. My family history in the Truth goes back to the beginning.
I professed in the 1950's and 1960's in the Seattle, WA
area. I currently am a teacher living in Yakima. If you need
any information or would like to talk about how to find a
new church home, feel free to write at YakimaRose@nwinfo.net
Rosalie Armstrong (nee Millar) 6/99
5. Are you looking for someone to talk through all your conflicting
thoughts and feelings? Are you even offended by what you have read on
this site and want to talk to someone about that? Whether you know us
or not, we would be happy to hear from you. We are Brian and Connie
Jacobsen. From our professing teen years on, we lived in Montana,
Colorado (briefly) and now Washington. Our e-mail address is
briconj@worldnet.att.net 6/99
6. Greetings! My name is Debra Frederick (Brown) and I can be reached
at nightwatch3@HOTMAIL.COM. As a teenager I lived in Beaverton, OR and moved
in my Sophomore yr of high school to Orofino, ID. I also lived in Hilo, HI
before leaving the 2x2's. My husband (Ed) and myself now live in Gig Harbor,
WA and would love to hear from anyone that we knew or would remember
my folks or grandparents (Johnson) from Veneta, OR, or my great grandmother
(Eicher) from Eugene, OR. 6/99
7. We are Bob and Mary Jane Sundin, of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Sunday morning
meeting and union meetings were held in our home here in Cheyenne for over
thirty years. Please contact us if we can help you in any way. Our e-mail
address is mjresunwy@aol.com. 6/99
8. We are Daryl and Joetta Heiser in Indiana. We were born and raised
in the fellowship but after MUCH prayer and soul searching we left
in 1992. We would be very happy to hear from any who knew us or
any others who may want to write. DHeiser813@aol.com 6/99
9. hi! we are charles and cheri mattison from the chicago, illinois, usa metro
area. charles and i married several years ago: he was first in the work 24
yrs in michigan and wisconsin, usa. we left the fellowship 4 years ago after,
as the others have mentioned. much soul-searching. if anyone out there
wants to talk with us confidentially about the fellowship of the secret sect,
please contact us @ angel503@prodigy.net. love, c and c. 6/99
10. You are welcome to contact us. I was born and raised in the fellowship in
Montana, North Dakota, and Washington states, and Diane in Spokane, WA.
Some of you may recall my time in the work in Washington from 1961 to
1970; or our enjoyable years in Phoenix from 1973 to 1975; or the more
recent years we had meeting in our home here in Walla Walla, WA until
1995. Even though looking into the historical, administrative, and doctrinal
issues of the fellowship can be frightening we have learned it need not
undermine one's faith in God, in Jesus Christ, and in The Holy Spirit. Rather,
such investigation can actually bring liberty and growth in real, wholesome,
newly focused faith in God. You can express your heart to Diane and me in
confidentiality. Paul and Diane Abenroth; Walla Walla WA; builder@bmi.net 6/99
11. This is Martha Nelson Knight (or Marti) greeting you from Northwest
Pennsylvania, USA. I was born and raised in "The Truth," professed
when I was 12, stopped going to meetings when I finished high school
and left home, but many of my relatives and friends are still professing.
You are very welcome to contact me by email: martini@penn.com, or by
ICQ: UIN 3905225; or by AIM if you put drymartina on your Buddy list. 6/99
12. I am Susan Howard presently of Olympia, WA. As a teenager was raised
and professed in Richland, WA - Jensen is my maiden name. Moved to
Anchorage, AK in '79, married and returned to WA in '86. In 1993, I left
the fellowship with Glynn leaving shortly thereafter. Please feel free to
contact either of us at HowardSus@CS.COM. 6/99
13. We are Van and Karen Brown, living in West Des Moines, Iowa, USA. We have
also lived in Denver, Omaha, Topeka, and Kansas City. In the 2 years since
we left, we have tried to answer openly and honestly to any who have asked us
"why". It is such a personal decision, but we felt that the hypocrisy, which
is endemic in the System, was coming between us and God. We are now retired
and travel a lot, but will happily receive email and respond ASAP to any who
may have known us. Feel free to write to us at KVBROWN@aol.com. 6/99
14. My name is Wilma Davis, nee Englishbee. I was B&R in the truth in Houston, TX, (Pasadena) and I now live in the Dallas area. Anyone who knows me and wants to contact me may do so; my e-mail address is wilmad@heart.org
15. We are Jean and Sam Dudley; New Englanders by birth, Virginians since 1993;
from hearty professing families back three generations. Discovering the true
history was a shocker - knocked us from our smug complacency; initially
brought much turmoil and fear. With prayer and Bible research, conviction
by the Holy Spirit led us to make the hardest decision of our lives: to
leave "The Truth." jdudley5@juno.com