Edwards - January 2, 1938
Smiths - January 2, 1938
Skerritts - January 6, 1938 - the end will come in 6 months
Edwards - January 7, 1938
Edwards - January 8, 1938
Smiths - January 13, 1938
Nobles - January 14, 1938
Edwards - January 18, 1938
Edwards - February 1, 1938
Edwards - February 4, 1938
Pages - February 21, 1938
Edwards - February 24, 1938
Edwards - March 11, 1938
Edwards - March 18, 1938
Pages - March 21, 1938
Edwards - March 26, 1938
Edwards - April 28, 1938
Berglinds - May 1, 1938
Edwards - May 18, 1938
Edwards - May 28, 1938--------(RE: Alfred Magowan)
Edwards - June 2, 1938
Edwards - June 9, 1938
Edwards - June 17, 1938
Edwards - June 24, 1938
Edwards - July 30, 1938
Edwards - August 12, 1938
Edwards - September 22, 1938
Edwards - October 7, 1938

Edwards - November 11, 1938
Edwards - December 2, 1938
Smiths - December 4, 1938
Edwards - December 16, 1938
Edwards - December 23, 1938
Edwards - December 29, 1938
Edwards - December 31, 1938 ------Death of George Linn
William Irvine's letter to Edwards and Co.
January 2, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Wm. & Rose & Co:
Thanks for yours and enclosures. We still have shootings and deaths and many being sent to long term imprisonment for possession and use of arms, but no solution in sight or hearings, some in Spain and China . So our hopes are in sight in Rev. 9 and 6. Ye shall not see me again till ye say --Blessed is he that cometh as I come, or in the name of the Lord, gives us some idea that John will bear the same light of Life Jesus revealed and the world's iniquity will fall away and perish. So you can see the value of trimming our Lamps to bear the same light as He bore.
In God and Jesus there is no darkness such as the Scribe and Pharisee human imitators or hypocrites filled and fill the earth with today. All human imitation is darkness, no matter how perfect it is and the more perfect the more deceitful it is, and the more devilish and room for Big flesh. And what we find in John 12 and 17 becomes a perfect guide to all that's acceptable to Him or useful to the world for salvation; and we can be sure all the true Servants and Saints of all ages had the same rejection by all who were human imitators, and Satan as their enemy and adversary.
The seal of God and the seal of the devil are ever manifested in all who ever were His-- the children of the Light and the children of the Kingdom of Darkness . All the prophets had the comfort of the Spirit in seeing afar off the day we are close to and looking for by the comfort of the same Spirit and the signs being fulfilled since Babylon fell in 1914, and the beginning of Sorrow became pointer to the great day of rewards at hand. If we don't have the hatred of the world we can't have the comfort of God as we see in John 16. When the Spirit is come to those who are His, He will convince the world of Sin, or of being only human imitators. So we see how important it is to have Oil in our vessels.
Everything in the Book, man and Devils can imitate and claim to have, but the cure for the false is to have the true, which will convince them of who are the righteous and of the Judgment of God revealed in the falling away from all their false confidence and cackle. I enjoyed reading Isaiah 41-44 it becomes all the fuller and clearer as we go on. Daniel's visions are very clear and reveal the same lowly marks we find in John 13 and the Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands is very clear as to the relationship of the Man who bears the Message with all the great Mountain of Iniquity Jerusalem was and is today.
Isaiah 40 is a wonderful contrast between God and what He creates and makes in contrast with man's puniness and what he can make and be at his very best. All that is flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof as the flowers of the field. The grass withereth the flower thereof falleth away and fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever.
Verse 15-17 shows what the Nations are today or in any age-- a Drop in a Bucketfull, or the human race of all time, all nations are as nothing before Him. They are counted to Him as nothing and vanity. It is He that sitteth on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers.
Verse 28-31 shows to whom He giveth the power and life. Chapter 41-44 shows how He works out the good pleasure of His will by Jacob the least and Israel , the few poor little ones. Isaiah 32 last verse is very good. "Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, and send forth thither the feet of the Ass and the Ox to tread it in," shows we are not to look on the muddy waters but to do it in faith--that as they did in Egypt's flood waters, they knew they would reap after many days, tho it looked like a flood to carry away all their seed, but the animals feet marks caught and covered to spring up when the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings.
So sow the seed and tread it in patiently and confidently. There are to be one million servants and 100 million saints, the fruits of the witness we bear to the world today. Isaiah 32:1-8 gives a perfect outline of the Man and the foolish and wise. Verse 3 shows the dim eyes will see more clearly, and they who hear shall hearken or listen for the same Voice always. The heart of the rash or hasty shall understand knowledge and the stammerers lips shall speak elegantly or very plain and effective.
Verse 5, 6 & 7 give very clearly the marks of those who speak villainy or against others. The vile person will speak villainy, his heart work out his own thots and ways--practice hypocrisy--utter error against the Lord--to make empty the soul of the hungry, and cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. The Churl or bossy self-seeker deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right, he will twist it to suit himself.
So you are well fortified if you can read and understand what's written to warn us in these, the day spoken of, vs. 9 to end is warning to the women who are at ease these day and no fear of the terrible times ahead for days and years in contrast to the Peace and quietness of the Woman Body and her seed.
My love and best wishes for all.
Wm. Irvine
Give this to as many as care to have it. W.I.
William Irvine's Letter to Smiths, Brisbane, Australia
January 2, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
My Dear Smiths and Co:
Thanks for yours and several others and their gifts. We still are short of rain. Today was like a summer's day, though cool in the A. M. and P.M. Shooting and killing still go on and many getting long sentences for having arms and etc., but no solution in sight or hearing here, in Spain or China. So our hopes are the higher and surer for Rev. 9 & 6 chapters. "Ye shall not see me again, till ye say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord", - referring to John coming as the light of Life the sunrise of the day of righteousness, and the worlds iniquity will fall away and perish. So you can see the value of having our Lamps trimmed to bear the same light of Life Jesus & John so clearly revealed for our guidance today. In God there is no darkness, such as the Scribe and Pharisee Hypocrisy then and now. All human imitation is darkness, no matter how perfect. The more perfect, the more deceitful and deceiving and devilish and satanic.
John 13 to 17 is a perfect outline of what He wants in our worship and service, and all else is but man and Devils pride and iniquity, bearing the same light of Life and the same rejection by the Devil possessed Satanic seed who walk in the iniquity of their own thoughts and ways. We can never expect but the same hatred and opposition from the Satan possessed workers of Iniquity, no matter where found. Such had all the true Servants and Saints of all ages. So we are drawn closer to them by our experience. And we can share the comfort the Spirit gave them though it was far off, and now nigh at hand, and the signs since 1914 when Babylon fell and the beginning of sorrows began, which is to end when Tribulation and Wrath begin in Rev. 9 and 6. We have had 23½ yrs since 1914, so the 24 hr period which marked His Passion and Death etc., is nearly finished.
You can see in John 16; the hatred of the Satanic seed but the comfort of the Spirit to us will convince the world of Sins, or want of the Spirit, and our righteousness in having it, which is God's Judgments in our favor and against them. They will fall away like snow before the Sun, while they who have the Spirit will shine forth in the Kingdom of God .
I enjoyed Isaiah 41-44: which is very full and fresh everytime we read it. Daniel's visions are very good, revealing the same lowly marks of John 16 & 17: and what's expected in the least and little ones today. The stone cut out of the mountain without hands, written for the Man who bears the Message in Jerusalem . Mountain of Iniquity . Isaiah 40: is a wonderful contrast between God the Creator and Maker, and the puniness of Man and what he makes as Idol: for all man made preachers and teachers are Idols - man made product - and what value can they be more than firewood for the great Fire. (ALL) flesh is grass, and the best of it but as the flower of grass. The grass withers, the flower fadeth, but the word of God standeth forever. Vs. 15 - 17 shows what the Nations now, and in all ages, are in His sight. A drop in the bucket of humanity that has lived and died on the earth. ALL NATIONS are as nothing: they are counted to Him as nothing and vanity, or the passing show in its onward passing to perish. He that sitteth on the circle of the Earth looks on them as grasshoppers, all feeding, breeding, and perishing. He looks on them very much as the farmer looks on them,-as the destroyers of what He values. Vs. 23 - 31 shows whom He giveth power to, the faint etc., they who wait on the Lord shall not fail. Chap. 41-44 shows how He works out the good pleasure of His will in Jacob the Least, and Israel the few poor little ones with Jacob.
Isaiah 32: last verse. Blessed are ye that sow beside all Waters, and send thither the Ox and Ass to tread, so that the seed may settle in their hoof marks, and not be carried away by the waters in flood. All they can see is muddy flood waters of the overflowing Nile : but the hoof marks of the patient ox and Ass work, does the work. So our witness may not seem much value today; but the hoof marks of our witness will surely bring forth seed when the Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in His Wings. So sow patiently and confidently. There are to be one million servants and 100 million Saints to Welcome Him when He comes, from the same witness we bear today.
So don't feel your labor lost if you don't see it's fruit, till John comes and the great Harvest and Reward for all begins. Isaiah 32: 1-8 gives a very clear outline of the Man and Message. Then the Dim eyes and dull ears will become quick to see and sure to hear what He saith to them. The hasty or rash witness, and the weak and stammering witness will speak elegantly it says, plain and effective. Vs. 5,6 & 7 gives us the marks of the vile and churl, the one given to back-backing and accusing and twisting everything his own way, and so robbing the weak and needy of the food and drink he needs. The Churl who tried to Boss and play Big to send his own purpose and plan, makes very clear who are the foolish; for it is as foolish to listen to such, as to be them. Vs. 9 to end is a very clear warning to the Idle Woman who are at ease, and don't trouble about what's coming. They will awaken by Judgements, as we to reward.
My Love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Skerritts
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
Jan 6, 1938
My dear Bob and Minnie:
Thanks for yours. It will be alright to do what ever your hears feel about going to Vallejo, tho it's well to remember that human claims are always apt to come first rather than the other, specially under the painful separation which took place.
This is my spiritual birthday and I expect we will be having a happy New Year and a real Xmas in John's coming at end f 24 years from 1914 war coming on when the 7 seals had been opened in Heaven. The 24 hours of Jesus' sorrow, death and burial have been well carried thru since 1914, and now 6 months ahead the end will come.
Matt 24 is the result of Matt 23 conditions in the whole unregenerate history of the world, and is in contrast to John 13 to 17, which is the marks of Regeneration, and there has been endless conflict and only their Tomb can end it. So the fuller measure is only natural ending and furtherance of His purpose from the foundation of the world.
Conditions here have not changed in spite of much attempt to crush the Terrorists. They stilla re able to do some killing every week…of Jew and Arabs, and so there can be no hope but for world war when the League, England and U.S.A. and the Bear will do the big killing of the present killers as in Daniel 7.
You can see how many names are in the world in how to worship and serve God…East, West, North and South. Jesus said, "Ye shall not see me again till ye say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. He was the man with the witness from Heaven to earth; John from Heaven and the other from the earth are the "he that cometh from Heaven and earth to bear witness and be His mouthpiece in rewards.
So many glory in Him being the same yesterday, today and forever, but never dream what it means for their many names and forms of iniquity. Matt. 7: 32, 32 and 33 shows the door barred against all who choose the way that seemeth right to a man, but the end is death. He that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven, rather than what we find on the earth. To fail in doing His will can only produce Dogs, Hogs, Goats and Wolves...showing the 4 forms of human selfishness sure to develop in all unregenerate profession.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards, PO Box 485, Phoenix, AZ
January 7, 1938
P.O. Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Wm.Rose and Go:
Thanks for yours and enclosures. Finished my 75th year, and today is my 76th
Birthday. Tomorrow at 8:00 P.M. I purposed to do His will, whatever it meant
or cost me, so here I am awaiting my reward, with all the other 2,000 million
on the earths to be signed and sealed by John from Heaven--probably at the
end of the 24 years from 1914; which marked the fall of Babylon and beginning
of the period of sorrows by wars, rumours of wars, famines, pestilences
and earthquakes in divers places, samples of the greater things in Reward
Period to the unregenerate world rule in past 6,000 years. Jesus' sufferings
in the 24 hours ending in the Tomb helps us to see the preparation in these
24 years ending in the Tomb for the Unregenerate world. The day, hour, month
and year:--1914+24-1938, likely the year we have long found hard to get,
but becoming easier and simpler by the hours, day and month never to be forgotten
when the last great war began when the 7th Seal was opened, at same time
an had been marked in Jerusalem on 9th of Ab on two occasions of Judgment
for Jerusalem.
That we should know and be interested in these things spells "Blessed," with
the Spirit which alone can enable us to ee what THE Man and witness, Jesus
of Nazareth gave to the world,--both in grace and Mercy, and also in threat
and warning of Judgment, and which God gave to Jesus and He to John, his
1st disciple and last the 12 Apostles on the earth to write that we might
read to these who had and have ears to hear what the Spirit saith.
He was THE witness of God to the world, but the 2 witnesses remind us that
they are from the human race, hence two. He sent His disciples 2 and
2, not one and one as the world generally has.
It took 60 years to prepare John for receiving what we get in the Epistles,
Gospel and Revelation, so my 45 years I have been learning some of the Alpha
and Omega Message Jesus gave to John to write for our benefit today, with
a Reader for those who had ears to hear and heart to obey when the time was
at hand.
You can see how few there were to hear and obey in Jesus' own time, and John's,
so we need not wonder at the few in the world today. But Pentecost for them
meant much for the disciples then, and will again when the two witnesses
go up and the Spirit comes on the 144,,000 Apostles of the New Gospel who
were prepared by the two witnesses and Woman Body. So the New Thing will
be as worldwide as He purposed and gave to His 1st disciples. The purging
of the disciples in Jesus timeand John's time is ut pointing to the purging
of those who profess to be disciples and on a larger scale as the work is
greater than ever before.
The fall of Babylon or the whole Religious world ends all hope from that
source of finding disciples there, for He confused their tongues as He did
the Temple Builders to reveal His displeasure at their attempts to dominate
the world and out of it get Abraham as His Prophet, which throws light on
Babel and Abraham from Ur, where the builders were to whom the promises were
given to Abraham and his seed forever. Not natural flesh and blood seed,
as so many claim but the Spiritual seed. In Isaac shall thy seed be
called," not the natural as in Ishmael. In Abraham's 2 seeds we see
the type of what a Servant of God will produce, as his servant flesh producing
flesh and Spirit producing Spirit according to the use made by their privilege.
Anxiety in Abraham to have a seed and heir caused Sarah and Abraham to be
the means of introducing Hagar and Ishmael, and so our fleshly anxiety to
have fruit or seed has produced what we see in Testimony and Foolish Virgins,
even as we see in the Gospel and in Epistles, to be revealed at the end,--trying
to understand Spiritual things without hearing to live, which is the promise
in Isaiah 55: "Hear and your soul shall live," and becomes possible in the
Message being to "Whosoever will," and specially in the streets and lanes
and highways and hedges today as always. The Hasty and Stammerer amongst
the vile covers a great variety of activity, while the vile and the churl
cover a great variety in marks of the foolish in Is. 32, and the detail of
their activities shows the effect on others. The Spirit's witness will always
increase true, loving, loyal service, and followship; the vile and
churl will do the opposite, create prejudice, strife--rather than feed and
refresh with the Living Waters.
You can see that all fellowship in the Spirit will build, feed and edify
and unite, while the vile and churl will create dissension and controversy,
and stimulate likes and dislikes. If you look up in dictionary meaning of "churl," you will notice its an ungracious, discourteous, ill-mannered person,--
showing lack of the nature and grace which should mark our dealings one with
another, and seen in actions and words and manner. So all our trimming can
only be along the lines of seeking to be to others what He was to His disciples,
and to what He was in witness against Scribe and Phariseeism. You can see
in Jesus the true clear light which is the only sure cure and hope of dispelling
darkness and in John you see the darkness in the Churches,-- fruit of unregeneracy
had not dimmed his vision and light as he saw, heard and handled Him
who was the light of the world. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which
is hypocrisy or human immitation in place of the outworking of the Spirit
in us.
My love to all who read, and a true Xmas and. happy 1938,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards, Phoenix, Az.
January 8, 1938
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Wm. Rose and Co:
I am sending you photos taken on my 76th Birthday, having finished 75, and on my 45th birthday. I sent them to you for your Denver friends and Lizzie in particular. 48 different poses for 60 cents.
The 24-years beginning of sorrow will prepare the unregenerate world for the Tomb, as surely as the 24 hours prepared Him for the Tomb, out of which God raised Him and seated Him at His owm right hand to await the day of their doom in the Tomb, before He comes to reign with the Meek of all ages and the Tribulation Saints to give them welcome. So 6 months more is not long to wait, as the preparation goes on hourly.
I have not written many personal letters since before Xmas; hoping that through you I may have reached all who, by honest effort will find oil in their vessels.
Sent Bob some photos also, and will get some more. Enjoyed the 48 poses for 60 cents and find them very good and quite interesting to see yourself as others see you in daily life. We have cool, dry weather but only 1/4 of rain compared to last year.
Love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Smiths, Brisbane, Australia
January 13, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine.
My Dear Smiths and Co:
Thanks for yours. 3 Arab bands reported on the job in the North. One policeman killed and 7 stripped and disarmed, and other attacks. So it goes on, Jerusalem being searched and gates closed, except 2 nights and day. But our eyes are set on 6 months from today, with much to prove His time is near, by all world marks for war, famine, pestilence and plagues during the great day of Wrath which follows the 24 hours of beginning of sorrows to the unregenerate world. Revelation 10:7 is worth reading, which shows the end of John's work in warning the world that time for them shall be no longer, and the mystery of Gods purpose in gathering out a people to reign, is finished, and now to be fulfilled in the Meek inheriting the earth.
The human race has never known the purpose of God in their being on the earth, and His long suffering Mercy; so long as they did not entirely stop His purpose. He always gave them Judgments, when His Seed were almost wiped off as in Noah's day. But the destruction to be wrought now, is that the world may pass into the hands of His Seed. You will find Cain and Abel good for giving you some idea of what to expect in the foolish and wise virgins; Cain offered vegetable sacrifice and service, Abel offered animal (Lamb) sacrifice. The one belongs to the lower Kingdom, and suggests the human in contrast to the Divine, the one of the flesh-human and other of the Spirit. The one sowing to his own human light and wisdom as taught by the Serpent in the Garden, in contrast to the Voice of the Lord God. And its here the Great and fatal mistake has taken place in all who ever heard the Voice of the Lord God through human lips; for Cain and Abel heard through Adams Voice. But you see where human choice comes in.
Repentance always means turning from all that He cursed to all that He Blessed Adam by. This is the meaning of the strait Gate and narrow way and the wide Gate and broad way, and building a house for God on Sand or on the Rock. Cain with all the human imitators marks, and you can see what conflict there would be between the 2, the human angry and intolerant, persecuting and scandalizing, finally killing him as heretic, blasphemer and mover of sedition, as they did Jesus. Only a truly regenerate person can ever see the difference. I'm sure that Adam would know as Jesus knew, who Judas was and why; though the disciples did not see till the killing of Jesus opened their eyes, and Judas' own confession - - too late.
We hear much of Jesus dying for the sins of the world, which the whole Cain seed today make so much fuss about, never dreaming His Blood-shed showed there could be no hope for those who shed it; for it was the Great objective in His Life, to get them to kill Him, to show what unregenerate men are at their end of broad way; they enter by the wide gate, which means human understanding of the things of God, and which the Jews have witnessed to all these 1900 years, in hardness of heart in spite of their much suffering through refusing to hear and obey His Voice. It was 50-50 in Adam's Family, and now we see the same in 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins. He destroyed 80,000,000 in saving His seed in Noah's day, and now He is going to end the human race, to enjoy His gathered out on the earth for 1,000 yrs. So we have much to comfort the wise, and nothing but suffering for the foolish.
My Love in Him.
Wm. Irvine.
William Irvine's Letter to Walter & Neomi Noble & Co.
January 14, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
My Dear Walter, Neomi & Co.
Thanks for yours. I have written a long letter to U.S.A. little ones per W. Edwards for copying.
The Ark of Noah and family is a perfect type for our trimming today and a clear outline of what hear and obey means. For if we don't see the seriousness of the whole world conditions we are apt to be cacklers, and muddy the pure river of water of life and rob others of the value of the Message.
There was no forgiveness for the 80 millions, tho the Sons of God would make that their main theme as they do today all over the world by offering forgiveness to unregenerate professors. While the Book only offers such to those who are regenerate.
If Noah and Co. had no ears to hear and obey, and build the ark according to revealed pattern from Heaven, there could be no forgiveness, while Noahs heart was perfect to do what God revealed. He was far from perfection in life, or free from fault, and failings as all flesh is heir to while in this vile body.
So our attitude of heart to God and what He has so clearly revealed as the way, truth and life, revealed in Jesus, John, and now made clear in the written record of Johns Epistles, Gospel and Rev. by the Spirit reading is the real test for all, and all selfish and pretentious marks in our witness becomes the more deadly to those who do it, and those who are influenced thereby.
Matt. 7 is very good reading for it shows the marks we may expect even in the little foolish ones, as well as in those who are the wise.
To see the world as God sees it and the consequences as did Noah, helps us to value hearing and obeying as did Noah and Co. Noah had many relations, friends and neighbors, but none of them had ears to hear, heart to obey. But rather to trifle and cackle out their own thoughts and ways, which were as devious then in the 80 million as in the 2000 million on the earth, and what a fool Noah would have been to allow them to influence or hinder him and Co. in his work and witness. So our confidence will increase as we see these things clear in spite of all the many things which harass and tend to dim our vision.
My love and best wishes to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: To Edwards
January 18, 1938
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine.
My dear Wm., Rose Edwards & Co:
Thanks for yours of Jan.1. I enjoyed Matt.13, yesterday again; which seems to have the full detail from beginning to end. “Behold a sower went forth to sow.” Why did Jesus not go forth till He was anointed, shows how hopeless it is for a man to go forth till he is sent, or anointed, or has the Spirit, or has the word of the Kingdom. Then we see the condition of heart of the hearers, shows why so much sowing is fruitless. They don’t know the difference between God speaking, and what they have been getting from the Whore of Rev.17, or those who are wicked imitators. Good soil HEARETH; hears and continues to have ears for God speaking, and “understandeth” who speaks when it’s Gospel. “Bearing fruit,” shows obedience and “bring forth”, or produces after His kind. Parable of the sower shows how the Kingdom is produced in human hearts. Tares and Wheat shows how it is propagated in the world.
A man sows good seed in his field, or where he is led of God, or where he spends his life, and the work in the world: the field here is the world. “Go ye into all the world.” The Seeds for the world is the children of the Kingdom, or those truly regenerate, and having the Spirit. The Tares are the unregenerate who have words and forms, but not the nature and Spirit, or ears to hear what He saith. No true obedience to God, though they say “Lord, Lord” they choose what suits them, and have never been known of the Lord, or are the fruit from true sowing. But it fell into hard or shallow ground, or thorns choked so it could not produce, or reproduce, so they are children of the wicked one who encourages us to say or do any thing in the name of the Lord, but have no desire or purpose, or will to be conformed to the Image of His Son.
All regenerates are God possessed used, honored of the Lord. All unregenerates are possessed and honored by the Devil. You can see in the last Epistle of Paul, Peter, James, Jude and John they comfort the true, and rebuke the tares; but let them grow together explains why God has allowed the unregenerate to multiply in the world till the Harvest at the end of the age. Verse 41, The Son of Man will send forth His angels: are those the two witnesses? For every one that will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from amongst the people, who are the regenerate. They shall gather out of His Kingdom all things or scandals that offend the Truth, as it is in Jesus, and then who do their own way in contrast to His, the Son of Man’s way, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, as in Mal.4: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. THEN, at that time, shall the righteous shine forth, as in Mal. 4:2-3. So the sower shows how the Kingdom comes into a man of honest heart to God, and how he becomes propagator in the world, while all who miss it becomes Tares, and propagator of Tares with all the outward marks but no Wheat in the Ear. God’s have ears to hear, Tares have no ears to hear God, so cackle and dabblers. The Mustard, those who have ears to hear, though the least in men’s eyes, are the greatest of herbs, and become a Tree of Life shows how the regenerate will have the Spirit, and ears to hear what He says; which is true Faith.
The woman who puts leaven in is the Tares way of propagating by using the letter of the word, or word of Jesus, but no nature or Spirit; only their human influence or leaven, or hypocrisy. The parable of the Treasure hid in a field shows what the regenerate find in their own life; which depends on the way they choose to possess, dig and have Treasure. The selling all, and buying that field and digging makes us rich in the end of the age for the Overcomer, and which you can see in the Apostles; all had the same light, but John got the Seal in Rev. and now we share it with him. The Kingdom, like a net cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: when full is drawn ashore, and set down to gather into vessels, or regenerate, the unregenerate or Tares, were cast away. So at the end of the age, or wicked rule. The Angels, Two witnesses, shall come forth and sever the wicked from the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire. Wailing and gnashing of teeth shows they will realize when too late. Have ye understood these things? “They say, Yea Lord.” Every Scribe in the true sense is like a householder for God’s dwelling in; which bringeth forth out of his Treasure found in the field things New, Pearl Truth for today: the things old, as in John’s day. In the time of the Harvest I will say to the Reapers, “Gather together first the Tares, and bind them in bundles to burn. This shows the attitude of the Tare world to the two witnesses, and the Truth for today. The burning shows when John comes, but gather the wheat into my barn; which is insured against fire.
Those truths may be encouraging in Trimming Lamps.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Edwards & Co.
February 1, 1938
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards & Co:
Thanks for yours and enclosures. We still have shooting and death and many being sent to long imprisonment, for possession and use of arms, but no solution in sight, or hearing. Same in China and Spain So our hopes in Rev.9: and 6: “ Ye shall not see Me again till ye say blessed is he that cometh as I came, or in the name of the Lord; gives us some idea that John will bear the same Light of Life Jesus reveal and the world’s iniquity will fall away and perish.
So you can see the value of trimming our lamps to bear the same Light He bore, In God and Jesus there is no darkness such as the Scribe and Pharisee imitators, or hypocrites filled and fill the earth with today. All human imitation is darkness, no matter how perfect it is, and the more perfect the more deceitful it is, and the more devilish, and room for Big Flesh, and what we find in John 13:17 becomes a perfect guide to all thats acceptable to Him, or useful to the world for Salvation, and we can be sure all the servants and Saints of all ages had the same value and Spirit, bearing the same Light and Life, and the same rejection by all who were human imitators, and Satan as their enemy and adversary.
The Seal of God, and the Seal of the devil are ever manifested in all who were ever His: the children of Light and the children of darkness. All the Prophets had the comfort of the Spirit in seeing afar off the day we are close to and looking for by the comfort of the same Spirit and the signs being fulfilled since Babylon fell in 1914, and the beginning of Sorrow became pointer to the great day of rewards at hand. If we don’t have the hatred we can’t have the comfort as we see in John 14: When the Spirit is come to those who are His, He will convince the world of sin, or of being only human imitators. So we see how important it is to have OIL in our vessels. Every thing in the Book, man and devils can imitate and claim to have, but the cure for the false is to have the true, which will convince them of who are the righteous and of the judgment of God revealed in them falling away from all their false cackle and confidence.
I have enjoyed reading Isa. 41: to 44: It becomes the fuller and clearer as we go on. Daniel’s visions are very clear, and reveal the same 1(?) lowly marks we find in John 13: and the Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands, is very clear as to the relationship of the men who bear the Message, with all the great Mountain of iniquity Jerusalem was and is today. Isa. 40: is a wonderful contrast between God and what He creates, and makes in contrast with man’s puniness, and what he can make and be at his very best. ALL that is flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof as the flowers of the field. The grass withereth, the flower thereof falleth away and fadeth, but the word of our God SHALL STAND FOREVER. Vse. 16 -17, shows what the nations are today, or in any age, a drop in a bucketful, or the human race of all time. ALL NATIONS are as nothing before Him. They are counted to Him as nothing and vanity. It is He that sitteth on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers.
Vses. 28-31, shows to whom He giveth power and Life. Chs. 41-44: shows how He works out the good pleasures of His will by Jacob, the Least, and Israel the few poor little ones. Isa.32: last verse is very good; “Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, and send thither the feet of the ass and Ox to tread it in,” shows we are not to look on the muddy waters, but to do it in faith that as they did in Egypt’s flood waters, they knew they would reap after many days, tho it looked like a flood to carry away all their seed, But the animals feet marks caught and covered, to spring up when the Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in his wings. So sow the seed, and tread it in patiently, and confidently. There are to be one million servants and 100 million Saints, the fruit of the witness we bear to the world today.
Isa. 32: 1-8, gives a very perfect outline of the man, and the foolish and wise, Vse.3; shows the dim eyes will see more clearly, and they who hear shall harken, or listen, for the same Voice always. The heart of the rash, or hasty, shall understand knowledge, and the stammerers lips shall speak elegantly, or very plain and effective. Vse. 5-7, give very clearly the marks of those who speak villiany, or against others. The vile person will speak villiany and his heart work out his own thots and ways; practice hypocrisy, utter error against the Lord to make empty the soul of the hungry, and cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.
The Churl, or bossy selfseeker deviseth wicked devises to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right he will twist it to suit himself. So you are well fortified if you can read and understand what’s written to warn us these days; the days here spoken of, vs. 9 to end is warning to the woman who are at ease these days, and no fear of the terrible times ahead for days and years, in contrast to the peace and quietness of the Woman Body and her seed.
Give this to as many as care to have it.
My best love and wishes for all.
Wm. Irvine
William Irvine's Letter to Edwards, Phoenix, Arizona
February 4, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
For Every One
My dear Wm., Rose & Co;
The reason I prefer one letter than many is because it gives every one the same chance to trim and gives them more to trim with, though it saves me also, and puts more labor on a few who have the Slave Servant marks.
It's good to see that Malachi last Book in the Old Testament and Revelation is very much one. "I loved Jacob and hated Esau". Though brothers you can see how different they were to Him, and Him to them. Both like Cain and Abel were worshippers, but in heart were the opposite. The one the victim, the other with murder in his heart. Jacob's sins made him seek unto God and honour him,- Esau's sins only cut him off from God till too late, he sought repentance with tears, but it came not. You can see the Priests marks;- ingratitude to God, speaking with their mouths, but treacherous to God and all His interests, using His name and Truth for their own honour, glory and profit, and all who do the same are priests or professed servants of God to man in their witness to others.
Chapter III; shows God's way of dealing with Esau and Jacob. You can see Esau always thinking about Jacob's sins and forgetting his own and justifying his wickedness and poisoning every one he met; but only proving what an unregenerate professed servant of God will be in every case and no exceptions, and Judas is the fully developed Cain and Esau of the New Testament, - even able to criticise Jesus. It's not the wrongness of the man, but the proof of his lack of True Repentance in turning to God and Jesus from all that was Devilish and selfish in his own human nature. No one can do this for another. Malachi shows the two natures by their work and words in name of God. Chapter IV; shows the final reward to both - Ver. 1, to the unregenerate, and 2 & 3 to the regenerate.
John who had tasted most of all the Disciples and Apostles for 60 years, was comforted of God and Jesus by having the final ending revealed to him to write. The programme of reward for all on the face of the earth, and no doubt includes all who have ever lived on the earth, revealing the Mercy of God to the Merciful seed, and wrath to extermination of all who forsook their own mercy, and were left helpless and hopeless to wail and gnash their teeth at what fools they were. You can see in "Even so, Come Lord Jesus" as revealed in the Message from God and Jesus shows how glad all regenerate people will be to hear what's to happen, while the unregenerate will rather not hear it but go on in their Esau ways, adding to or taking from the Message and Messenger to suit their own purpose. Chapter 22: 18, Jesus says, "I Testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this Book, Rev.,- if he shall add, God will add the Plagues, and if he take from, God will take his name out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city and from any part in these things in the Book written".
So you can see the value and importance of the Message and Messenger, because they are the Message of God and Jesus to all who will hear, now and in future days, in warning to the world. So Trim up on Rev. and see if your witness is to what's written or some of your own cackle. If you have ears to hear what the Spirit saith in Rev. you will find it easy to get understanding; if you are only a trifler, it will be seen in being careless about whether your witness is the Book revealed by the Spirit, or the Churl marks of using it for your own purposes.
You can see the value of having brothers you can play Esau with, and create the same Spirit in others who are triflers or foolish as Esau did for 25 years in Jacob's absence, feeding his own unregenerate nature and that of others; always ready to hear of other's sins and encourage the Spirit of vengeance on the Sheep. Cain and Esau were always right in men's eyes; Abel and Jacob were always wrong, but you see the nd was Abel and Jacob were accepted of God and sealed by the Spirit, while Cain and Esau had only a bitter memory and getting what they gave. For with the measure we mete out to others behind their backs or in wrath before their face. Ye shall receive the same measure from God and Jesus.
So stop and Look and Listen and Learn. Your attitude to your brother is like a looking glass in which you can find out what God sees in your heart and to get rid of doing these things, begin at the root, for there is where all the trouble comes from. The sins of our neighbor or brother is a test for whether you are regenerate or unregenerate. The two sorts of wisdom in James are very clear, but don't think to imitate them will cure the unregeneracy of a human nature.
If you are Abel or Jacob seed, you will offer to God and man the Lamb Sacrifice. If you are Dog, Hog, Goat or Wolf - then you will offer Dog, Hog, Goat or Wolf offering, which God can never accept in any shape or form. So be sure you are found amongst the sufferers rather than amongst those who cause suffering by your words and works.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine.
The NET gathers all sorts in, but only good and bad came out at the shore. So today. Wm. Irvine.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Page Family
February 21, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Page Family:-
Thanks for mama's note. glad you had such a good busy time at Xmas and New Years, but don't wear yourself out entertaining or any other way, we hope to see you here when your health and strength will be renewed and fitted for service in a bigger and better way than ever before with assured possibilities in the new gospel producing 100 million tribulation saints, when the others will all disappear who are piercers of Him and you.
In Cain and Abel's day they were in the field and strove about who and what was of God. Cain angry, killed his brother Abel. But incoming days two shall be in the field, two at the mill, two abed, "One shall be taken, the other left", to be taken in judgement from the earth. In Noah's day they knew not till the flood came and took them all away. So shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.
You notice how the Cain seed had increased from Adam to Noah, and only 8 of the Abel seed. So don't think your labour is in vain though people don't hear. For life and death is the outcome of our witness to the whole world, and when things happen you can be sure many will be keen to hear and live. The closing of the door of the ark, and the closing of Lot's house and the closing of the door in Egypt by Moses putting on the plagues shows us what is about to happen to the virgins.
If people have not heard so they live as in Isaiah 55:, they will just be as others for it's a matter of saving the regenerate and destroying the unregenerate, no matter whether they are good or bad in mens eyes. God wants a people who are sons, heirs, and joint-heirs with Jesus, all else perish. So don't let men or Devils scare or make you afraid in the conflict,- or doubt His Power to protect-- provide for, lead guide and use you in His Service in these wonderful days.
The Song of Moses, after the Red Sea had saved the Israelites from angry armed enemies, who perished, is for today. The Song of the Lamb will be the same. Rev. XI, is wonderful as we see the plagues are to do the work of Red Sea . God hardened Pharaoh's heart to show what He will do to all unregenerates to bring about their own destruction.
You can see how personal the whole matter is in the man and two women at the Mill, Both will have their say and have to accept His decision. Isaiah 66:3 is a wonderful revealer of all who worship, burnt offerings, Sin offering-- testimony or witness to salvation (oblation) and burning incense or prayer is all abomination today, which people delight as the Jews did in their sacrifice at the Temple. They chose their own ways, and thoughts, and delighted in what was abomination or rotting flesh to Him. So He chooses their delusions and will bring their fears of judgement upon them as is 2nd Thess. 21. They had the profession, but it was Godless.
They had not the love of God in them, though they had the scriptures as did the Jews. So He gives them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie concerning the Lord's coming. They believe they are to be raptured or saved some way, when His coming is for their destruction and falling away from a place in the earth to practice their unregenerate abomination in His name. So we have much to rejoice and be glad in that the day is drawing near.
My Love in Him.
Wm. Irvine.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
February 24, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours today, all enjoyable - and many others. We have
had another rain and windstorm, the tail of what Great Britain had at week
end. What is happening in English politics is very interesting -
a talk and attempt to arrange matters with Italy, which gives us the key
to Dan. 11. You notice it's a conflict between Persian and Grecian
Empire, as typical of what's to come in our day. Italy to restore
the Roman Empire, at expense of British Empire, which explains why Italy
is in League with Germany and Japan, and trying hard to make friends with
any others possible.
The King of the North is England and Company, or Empire; Italy, King
of the South. It was Roman Empire who crucified Jesus and killed,
or martyred, the Apostles, all except John. So you see His Vengeance
on them is by putting the Empire now ruling Jerusalem, etc., in conflict
for the Judgment of both. This is Kingdom against Kingdom, Matt.
24:7. This was true in 1914 war on a smaller scale. British
Empire and Co. But this will effect the whole world more directly.
England wants the League now to be made a responsible power to control
any aggressor and punish them; and you can see Italy, Germany and Japan
all out on the other side to hinder, humble, and break all nations.
Daniel 12 is especially for us. Daniel 10, last verse - no one but Michael will hold with Daniel. You notice Michael in Daniel 12 and Rev. 12. It's interesting to know that McMichael is the name of our new High Commissioner coming here on March 3rd. Daniel 12 is worth a close read now. "At that time" - during the 7 years of world war, or the time of trouble such as never was, and never will be again - when His people whose names are in the Book of Life shall be delivered, is a statement of fact for the whole period. Verse 2 shows many that sleep in the dust of the earth, poor, broken-hearted, blind and prisoners, as in His day, shall awake; some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. The wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament as in verse 3, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the starts, for ever and ever.
So you see the wise and foolish who have been awakened, and the 2 results to them according to the use they have made of the Man and Message. These things are shut up and sealed till the time they are to be revealed, signed by increase in knowledge and going to and fro on the earth. Verse 5, Daniel saw other (2) on each side of the river from the Throne, flowing as in Rev. 22. One said to the Man clothed in linen, or the righteousness of Saints, which was upon the waters, (or margin says, from above) "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" Verse 7 shows this to be John as in Rev. 10; he lifted up his right hand to Heaven and sware by Him that liveth forever, it shall be for 3 1/2 years, or time, one year; times, 2 years; and half a year. And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people - or the 144,000 - when the 2 witnesses are killed and caught up, all these things will have finished.
Vs 8. Daniel asks what shall be the end of these things, was told to go his way, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
Vs. 10. Many shall be purified, made white and tried, but the wicked shall continue to do wickedly, and none of them shall understand; but the wise shall understand; for they are regenerate and sealed by the Spirit, showing the many then will bear the same marks as the wise in Vs 3.
Vs.11 shows the daily sacrifice taken away, is the 2 witnesses; and then the abomination of desolation, or the Anti-Christ comes into power, builds the Temple in 1290 days, till the great earthquake of Rev. 16 destroys Jerusalem, and the cities of the Nations in the League, which covers 1290 days, 3 1/2 years.
Vs. 12. "Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days, or 45 days beyond the earthquake, or till Jesus comes in person to reign; and Daniel will rise to be with Him and all who are counted worthy.
Vs. 13 shows the resurrection of Rev. 20:1-6. Dan. 12:1 is a general statement for the whole 7 years. Vs. 2 and 3 shows the awakening of those who profess to hear the Man and Message during increase of knowledge days, and when men run to and from, which are the marks for today.
Vs. 6, And one (of the 2 of vs. 5) said to the man in white linen," as in John's Epistles, Gospel and Revelation, when shall these wonders end? When the Holy people with the power of God are scattered on the earth, where they came from as in Rev. 14. Vs. 11 shows the 2 witnesses or the daily sacrifice taken away, and the Jews come into power in Palestine for 3 1/2 years as in last half of Rev. 13.
These things the wise will be able to grasp by the Spirit, but they won't be impatient, but watch to see them all fulfilled. You can see this will be our hope. Vs. 10 shows the many in the whole world who will understand as do the wise today, but the foolish Virgins and the wicked of all time will not understand; for their names are not in the Book of Life, and therefore can't have the Spirit's Seal. I hope this may be helpful to all who are wise; no help can be any value to people whose names are not in the Book.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Edwards
March 11, 1938
P.O. Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards' and all others:
Thanks for yours. It's surely better for every one to have the same letter, than a number and varied. It's good to read Dan. 12:2-3, and see there are only two possibilities,--Wise to shine as the Brightness of the Firmament for ever and ever, --or to awake to shame and everlasting contempt.
Zerubbabel laid the foundation and also will finish it. This is John,--the other witness is the Man clothed in filthy garments; the High priest Joshua being type of the stone cut out of the Mountain without hands, and Satan standing to accuse him as no other on the earth. So don't let men's shame blue your vision or hinder those who are the truly wise, for all their attempts to place themselves amongst the Wise only proves their folly.
You see in the trials in Moscow how they have been using influenza poison on men and animal's food and drink to destroy their enemies, as they call them. This trial going on brings it before the World and helps us to read Rev. 9:1-11. I mentioned the three accidents in my home town and 5 miles West and East, which was very special for me to read and understand; also the 5 years since Hitler and Roosevelt came into power with the Los Angeles County quake and its subsequent tremors up til now,--marked on 3rd March and recorded on 4th March papers here,--said to be worse than the quake 5 years ago in lives and cost, while the North of California coast and up records damage done by floods and wind, etc, equal to the Frisco quake in 1906.
These things all help to link the signs with the witness we have borne these many years. The Wall Street joke of raising a 5-million dollar fund to offer Roosevelt if he retires in 5 months;--all these 5's seem to draw our attention to our being in the last 5 months of the 24 years of Beginning of Sorrows, and helps to place the hour, day, month and year for Tribulation about 6th August. The Fast of Ab, the day Jerusalem was taken and destroyed on two occasions, and the date the last War came in 1914.
It's worth noticing Rev 1:7: "Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him" (in His Judgments of past 24 years), "and they also which pierced him: and all (such) kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." This is the 7th verse in 1st chapter of Rev. In Revelation last chapter, 22nd and 10th verse from the end of Rev.: "behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" at that day,--either for or against Him [Rev. 22:12].
So you can see the value and importance of trimming so our light will shine clear and no mistake, for he can't be fooled by any human unregenerate imitation, no matter how long it may have fooled us or others. Unjust, filthy, righteous or holy will all be measured by the same standard,--the light of life manifested in our works. "Hear and obey," of Rev 1:3 becomes works in Rev. 22:12. The 7th verse from beginning of Revelation and the 10th verse from end of Revelation are both numbers worth pondering.
Behold, the signs in the past 24 years, and now the Reward day for every man on Earth. Twenty-four years of warning and seven years of Execution and Rewards,--for or against, will settle the whole matter and he can't make a mistake.
Isaiah 55 is for the 24 years; Is. 56 is for the Wise in ver. 1-8, and ver. 9-12 for the whole foolish world in whose heart and mind He could not work, for their regeneration no matter what they said or did could only deceive themselves. Beasts of the field and forest come to devour; unregenerate watchmen are blind; all ignorant, all dumb dogs which cannot bark to warn of danger; greedy dogs which never can have enough; shepherds that cannot understand. All look to their OWN way, every one for his gain from his quarter.
Ver. 12, all want to have a good time in their various ways and sure there will be no judgment, but rather a bigger opportunity for their own thoughts and ways of many sorts and kinds; a wonderful contrast to ver. 1-8. You can see that the works of Cain and Abel will be manifested between the two seeds in the Man and Message People and spread to the whole earth later on with similar results; 2 in the field, 2 in bed; 2 at the mill; one taken for his Cain marks and works, and the other left to enjoy liberty and freedom and deliverance from the bondage which the Abel seed have been denied. So don't be surprised at the works which will be the proof for or against all that is of God. The same Abel nature and Seal of the Spirit will create love amongst those who are His good works, as we can be sure will be seen in Cain anger and hatred.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
March 18, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others this week. I notice the Hansons
have been down south on their own for they don't seem to need a Leader
and Commander. Leon finished his letter by saying, "Love in Him till
George Linn becomes John," which is the most honest confession of his faith,
so we don't need to dwell on anything else that may or has happened.
George Linn and Percy seem to be anxious to complete their long planned journey and mission on a one way ticket, proving that their light and leading is not mine, but theirs; and so a return ticket would show wisdom on their part. Many seem to have lost sight of the great fact that what they are to me, they are to Him, and are to God. So they are all up against something worse than a stone wall.
Matt. 18:6-7 is more applicable to all who try to hide their self-will and self-thoughts and plans behind the 10 disciples and the two, or behind Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem. It's BLAH, and worst form of iniquity and presumption no matter who tries it on to fool people and rob them of their only hope of Salvation. If to cease from their controversy, as they call it, and turn broken-heartedly from it with ears to hear and get Life, and bear living witness to others that they may have a chance - but their attempts are like suicide, and murderous to others. It's not the 12 disciples and Jesus of Gospel days, or the journey to Bethlehem, but the revealing of those I have awakened out of the DUST of the Earth, SOME to Everlasting Life and some to shame and Everlasting contempt. For there will be shame and contempt when people see how churlish they were in their foolish misuse of their privileges. I can honestly commend any such to read and fulfill Isa. 55 and they will find life, rest and peace, joy, and true service. It's not to be had any other way.
The separating of Sheep and Goats is very clear on 2 points. The Sheep were quite unconscious of their having borne the marks of the "Blessed of my Father" in what they had been to the one who is the Least of these My Brethren; while the Goats were just as sure they had done all these things. The honoring of the one who is Least of these His Brethren, was the Sheep mark; the dishonoring was the mark of Goats. Any honest person can easily know where they are. It's not a matter of sentiment, but fact. What the Sheep did was the expression of the regenerate nature God had given them, and shown in the value they put on the Servant. The Goats who had not got the Sheep nature, but only stood in relationship to the Sheep, did all they did as their duty. You notice how the world is full of people who put up the shutters (shut out the light) and do whatever feeds their pride and vanity in His name.
"Behold, I stand at the door - outside - and knock, in these last days. If any man, wakened by the knocking of the Ho-man servant, hear MY voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me." This shows there is danger in old profession, and simply adding on new truth and profession, but no hearing of His voice and true opening of the door to let Him come in to use us in bearing His Message of Revelation to the world and so share in the deliverance wrought for His own true witnesses. Goats are clearly people who may have been awakened from the dust of the earth by providence and the voice of the Lord God through His Servant and Message, but have never heard the voice and so go on pretty much as the whole R.P.&E. world, with name, profession, words, works; hoping to get life rather than, or proof of having got life by hearing and obeying the Man and Message.
We can best understand what Foolish Virgin means by the mark of the Goats and Sheep-oneness with the Least of these His Brethren and the little ones will be perfectly natural and no desire to climb the high spots or be puffed up over our service or relationship to Him or His Servant or little ones. The test of all true service must ever by John 13 - the loving, loyal slave service which gives it's best - looking for no reward but in seeing others go and do likewise. The coming down is but a natural result in the True child or servant of God; the going up is just as natural in the goat or Christian professor or servants. "If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me," is very solemn warning to all who refuse the witness and service of others, and here is the whole test of discipleship.
Which of all the many people I have awakened these 24 years could I not count it a privilege to serve them in washing their feet from the various defiling things which the world and our past experience profession have defiled our feet? Two hands, two feet, two eyes, or our perfection in our own and other's eyes is a terrible snare, and that John 13 chapter will be the means of reconciling one another to healthy, hearty fellowship, but only as we let the Sheep nature control and the Shepherd's Voice.
My love in Him to all,
Wm. Irvine
Trust no past experience. Hear the Shepherd's Voice. Open the door - let Him come in; get down; keep down. Aim only at serving others - acceptably to God and man. Be reconciled one to another, for all who are in Christ Jesus are one in Him. Behold I come quickly - my reward with me to give every man according as his works shall be, at that time. So live that way now. W.I.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Pages
March 21, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Pages Family:
Thanks for Eva's and hope Owen found his holiday refreshing and the fellowship wholesome and helpful. 5 days after Hitler had completed his 5 year rule, he took his army into Austria , as he says to make Civil war impossible as it has been in Spain . So the 5 months of Revelation 9; was well marked for a start. On same day 18 prisoners of body, soul, and Spirit against Bolshi rule in Russia, were shot as Traitors for Treason, which helps us to understand the Bolshi work of poisoning as with the poison of a Scorpion, and we will probably see much of that during the 5 months from March 5th to August 5th, when the crash will come, and John with it to rule and break the Nations, and give to every man according as his works shall be, whether he be unjust, filthy, righteous or holy. It will depend on his heart and life attitude to God's declared purpose for the Earth and all that are on it. For the 4 marks are more circumstances than actual choice and rebellion against God. So according to his expressed opposition, so will His reward be to every man.
The Truth in any age is the Message of the Spirit for that age and condition as seen in the various prophets, and their attitude towards the Prophets settled their doom, not because of the Prophet, but the Spirit of God speaking by the Prophets. To refuse the Message of the Spirit, is saying "No" to God, and the attitude taken up, is exactly determining what His answer will be to that man. Up to August 5th, it will only be warning, but after that it will be according to their attitude to Him as revealed by that towards Man and Message.
Poland and Lithuania had a narrow touch for war but the latter was advised by the friendly nations to give way meantime till better opportunity came. All these attempts to adjust matters which came out of the last war, only proves that the 1st. and 2nd. Woe - or consequences of the last war, are the cause for the now troubles, and of course demand that the League of Nations stands by its promised protection. So you see it all rolling up into position and power for the great war.
Brazil has put in jail 1000ds of Nazi people, who are the best citizens in South Brazil . Mexico has confiscated Oil properties of British and U.S.A. people under the promise of compensation later on. In South America there are both Bolshi and Fascist marks seen, as all over the world, and no doubt what took place in Austria will have stirred up the same Spirit in other nearby European countries, and indeed in the whole world, and no doubt will have repercussions here and in the Asiatic countries.
The past 5 years have wrought great changes in the attitude of the Eastern people towards the Western, while the number of the 5 year plans which has marked both Fascist and Bolshi, is also interesting for the 5 months which are to end the 24 years. It's like the Boiling - or fusing point or the heating of the Oven to consume rather than cook as has been in past days.
Conditions in U.S. A. continue to be very serious, and now they are manufacturing arms, etc., for China , which help themselves 1st. and China after, but late in the day.
Spain Rebels is pegging away with - no doubt - equipment of Italy and Germany supply, all mounting up the various bills which will have to be paid when reward day comes; for it will not be as in former wars, the strong winning, but His reward according to.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine.
Thanks for copying and sending to others.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
March 26, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others. The world has got well shaken up, in Germany taking over Austria and doing there what she has done at home; but making clearer evidence that war is coming world wide in spite of all that men can say or do to hinder Judgment coming to all Nations and every man on the earth according to their works. So we don't need to trouble about other people's works, but rather give attention to our own, and see whether they are the works of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit.
You can see in Galatians what a mess they had got into through some people who had brought in Jewish Circumcision amongst the Gentile Christian people, which was only a sample of what flesh and blood profession can be and do in any company of people. Read Gal. 5 and see what Paul said. Circumcision was the mark of those who were the persecutors, so Paul said, "Why do I yet suffer persecution?" Vs. 11 and 12, "I would that they were cut off that trouble you." Vs. 13, "Ye have been called to Liberty, only use not Liberty as an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in - Love thy neighbor as thyself, but if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another."
Vs. 16, "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Vs. 17 shows flesh and Spirit are contrary one to the other, so that in the flesh you cannot do what the Spirit desireth, or what the flesh desireth if we walk in the Spirit. Vs. 19 shows what the works of the Flesh are in their grosser form. Vs. 20 shows the works of the flesh in the more dangerous and disastrous form, IDOLATRY - choosing our own Idols, or those we prefer in contrast to others. Witness, Leader and Commander seems to be given to make this impossible. You can see quite a number of Idols who unconsciously have become so, as they appear to some in divers ways. It's clear from the Scriptures God has never chosen the Man who would most appeal to men's liking or pander to them in their various likes and dislikes. Idols are man-made and man-chosen in contrast to God-made and God-chosen.
Vs. 20, Idolatry, then witchcraft. People have their dreams, signs,
hunches, etc., according to the superstitions they have been brought up
in, and the flesh is always ready to use such aids which fit into their
plans, purposes, likes and dislikes. HATRED is number 3, in such
lusts of the flesh, for people will love their Idol and hate some other.
Variance is number 4. You will see exactly opposite and say and act so.
What is Spirit will be made flesh, and what is flesh made Spirit.
So you see what a mess people get into, if they allow flesh to operate
in the things which are of God.
(EMMULATIONS) - Every one person or party trying to outdo the
other. Their wrath, angry feelings, looks, words and deeds, strife,,
pulling the Man and Message about like some dirty rags. Seditions,
parties for or against - this, that, or something else. Heresies,
or some other than what the Spirit has given.
Vs. 20 is a wonderful outline of what's possible if people will not once and forever choose to follow what they have proved to be of the Spirit by the Witness, Leader and Commander. So cease from Idols, witchcraft, hatred, etc., and walk in the Truth as God has given it by His Servant for your safety and salvation, and value very highly any real help which God gives by the Spirit through others, but beware of the works of the flesh as in verse 20.
Vs.22 is a very pleasant contrast. The way to know the Spirit is by it's works or fruits; Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance; these are the fruits only possible in regenerate people, as surely as the verse 20 marks will be revealed in the unregenerate; and it's God's work to reveal the 2 sorts in all who are the Virgins, either as Foolish by their works of the flesh, or those by the fruits of the Spirit.
So choose wisely and well, knowing that by your works or fruits, you will be revealed, made manifest, and rewarded. So don't be rash or hasty, for you must be found on the side God sees you belong to. The people whom Paul wrote these words to have long ago found out who and what they were and why, and so found their own place where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary victims of their wickedness have found rest.
Your privileges have been great, so the consequences wise or foolish will be all the greater. Some have been well revealed already, and all will be in due time.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
April 28, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others today. All through the Book from Genesis to Revelation you find unregenerate and regenerate. Adam's first attempt to understand the Truth of God by getting light only ended in him being deceived by the Serpent, saw he was naked and covered himself by fig-leaf garments and was quite satisfied with light, but had no life which is the beginning of all hope. And so was like the servant who got 1 talent. You find Cain the first sample of such a one with light but no life. Esau; Ham in the Ark was revealed as unregenerate in spite of being in the Ark, by the value of his father's regeneracy. But you see there is no such a chance in a man without the wedding garment being accepted.
Rev. 22:14-15 shows who are blessed or regenerate, and verse 15 shows Dogs, Sorcerers, etc., without, while the regenerate or blessed do His Commandments and have a right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city as surely as verse 15 people will be outside. Cain, Esau, Lot's wife, and all the Sons of God drowned in the flood and even Ham was revealed and cursed after he had been in the Ark. You can see Saul fell on his own sword as surely as Judas went out and hanged himself, falling down and his bowels gushed out, showing what can happen to the most favored and privileged persons who value the light but have not been made partakers of the Life which makes it possible to love all who have life. The 2 talent servants who will love and value the fellowship of all, not those who are self-centered, who seek to Edify and build up the whole Woman Body. "Remember Lot's wife" are solemn words of warning which shows that all will be revealed no matter how long concealed and who had been the cause for all her husband’s troubles with Abraham. David did not know his many enemies who were his closest friends will after taking Bathsheba to wife as his queen, and the Psalms show how much he suffered from unregenerates in Israel which he was King over, and so the Apostles in the Churches were to the true Apostles as Cain was to Abel.
The Devil and Satan will have power over all unregenerates as truly
as God will be in and with, for and by, all who are the regenerate 2 and
5 talent people who are the brethren who will love the brethren and value
their fellowship and friendship, while the Cain seed will hate them the
more they manifest the blessing of God. God is life, Light and Love
- "in Him is no darkness at all". In the world ye shall have tribulation
and especially from the unregenerate, most highly privileged people.
But tribulation days will reverse this condition, bring to the regenerate
deliverance and to the others the reward for all they have been and done
to the True Seed of God or those who have Oil, Life, Light, and love to
all who are the chosen of God. For many are called but few are chosen.
Isaiah 32:5 shows that the vile man and churl will be looked on as
liberal and the churl as bountiful, or full words or works which appeal
to the unregenerate till they are revealed.
On 9th April Bob Lauchlin, Sr.died, and on 20th March, Sandy Hinds died suddenly. A great contrast, but were 2 men whom I had known for 40 years. Bob bearing all the marks of the churl, Sandy only past 2 years hearing the Message and loving both Man and Message, while the other had been using Man and Message for his own purpose by writing to all he could, and whom he had never seen, pretty much as George Linn and Percy, trying to make a place for themselves in the name of Man and Message, bearing the marks of verses 6 and 7.
You can see in the coming days 2 a-bed and 2 a-field, one for; and against will be taken away for their churlish and vile ways and words, showing the grace and mercy which has been shown in the virgin days, when it was possible to play Cain or Abel, to be revealed by Oil in the Vessel; Life, Light and Love to all who are the 2 or 5 talent servants.
I know the seriousness of what I write and the fact that a number of those who have been most privileged have proved to the most vile and churlish, have been most clearly revealed as a warning to all not to presume, but test their Life, Light and Love to those who are His servants truly.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to Berglinds, Fosterton, Sask.
May 1, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine.
My dear Berglinds;
Thanks for yours. If it's right to sell groceries and do Post Work, for all who are around you, why should it be wrong to earn your living in serving those who want music, when people find it impossible to earn their living on the soil, a little friendly dance can't be out of place. But the Devil who is the deceiver of the whole world today, and Satan who is the adversary of all who are Babes and Sucklings must have some way of showing who they are, this Devil possessed seed by accusing, scandalising, and harassing.all.
People are 1000 times safer in the worlds amusements than in the Devil's Den- and hold of every foul Spirit and a cage of unclean and hateful Bird as God describes the Religious world in Rev. XVIII, about to be destroyed.
Luke XV: shows where they are, the 99 just persons-the Prodigal who has no pretence of that sort.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine.
P.S. I have written this in answer to your question in a hurry for mail.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
May 18, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Means all who bear your name and His Nature. I don't expect Wm. has divorced Rose. What you say regarding Peter cutting off the ear is useful. For violation of the John 13 to 17 marks cannot expect God's Approbation and seal. The works of the flesh are manifest, so also, should the fruits of the Spirit be manifest or seen and felt by all, and the forgiveness of Matt. 18 should be the predominant Spirit in all who are the wise virgins. So there can be no room for accusation. Jesus was the true interpretation in all He was, said and did of what Holy means, and all the other words which express the mind and heart of God. The strongest expression of it's fullness was heard in what Jesus said to the Thief on His right - "Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise," because he had ears to hear and eyes to see who was the anointed of God, and His silence to the Thief on the left is all we can expect from the Spirit.
Both men were equally sinners in the sight of men. The Publican and Pharisee forever guide us in what is acceptable to God, and what can only express what is unregeneracy. So any blessing which makes us feel like one or the other is revealed. Judas' feet could not be washed, for he was unregenerate, while the 11 were regenerate and only needed their feet washed to make them clean. "Now ye are clean, through the words I have spoken unto you." because they had ears to hear and obey what the Spirit saith unto them.
It's good to remember that Jesus was the most hopeless criminal on the Earth, and no escape possible for Him in the eyes of men. When any man forgets who he is by nature as a sinner, he is not likely to be able to meet the needs of those he meets. The false prophets are always up - as Jerusalem is 2500 feet above sea level of ordinary humanity. The true prophet's paradise was in the Jordan Valley - 3890 feet below Jerusalem and 1390 feet below sea level, showing in physical geography the humiliation of the true prophets; and the exaltation of the unregenerate. Humility and humiliation are different from each other. Humility may be found in the ordinary human, but humiliation is the destroying of our reputation and self-righteousness, bringing us down to the voluntary slave level for service, bought with the precious blood, our only standing ground before God or man, and we are never safer than on such ground, no matter where, when or how, before God and man. Nor can we ever meet on level terms with our fellows - sinner, saint or servant, and all the Satanic power is used to get us on different levels.
Joshua the High Priest, standing between God and man, before the Angel of the Lord for protection, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist and accuse till the filthy garments were taken away, and a mitre on his head, and the men who stood or went before him were men to be wondered at, in that they had not despised the day of small things and so were able to enjoy the privilege of the change wrought in Joshua, when John comes.
So thank God for all the humiliation which makes such possible.
You can see that any despising of Joshua and Co.'s humiliation would be
fatal, and leave out all such in the crowning.
Unregeneracy is always manifest in going up; regeneracy is always willingness
to come down to where God can exalt us even as He raised Jesus from the
Dead and Hell where they thought Jesus had gone in His death at their hands.
So the more humiliation in men's eyes, the more likely to be exalted in that great day, and we have the earnest of it in all who are regenerate.
Alfie and Co. are having a taste of these same things I write to you as we show them kindness and hospitality in seeing with their eyes the Idols of the Idolatry of Babylon, and probably they are hearing what is the only chance they ever had of sharing what you have so plentifully had offered for your salvation and escape of wrath to come. You can be sure that all that brings down will be helpful. Do, don't shirk it, ye who want to share in the sitting before the High Priest in his clean garments with the fair mitre on his head; and remember the end of Matt. 18 is the supreme test for all who are to be found wise.
My love to all such,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
May 28, 1938
My Dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others. I hope you enjoyed your trip South and found ears and heart, both for you and your Message.
We have Alfie and Co. with all the Dog, Hog, Goat and Wolf marks. So we have had rather a busy time taking them around, while troubles have been multiplied all over. We expect to go to Transjordan tomorrow. He does not like to hear the regenerate and unregenerate marks clearly revealed from the Book. When we walk and talk he pretends to get interested in the various thorns and briers of Palestine. He is physically strong, but he has had a nervous breakdown. He likes to talk [about] all the scandals of the various Testimony people. He was asking what of all the good people who have lived before the Message for the end of the days, so the answer was: the regenerate go to Heaven and the unregenerate to Hell. 99 of the latter and one of the prodigal, which simply means 99 to 1, very much like we expect in these days. I said, “One Son of God is more value than a world full of Cains.
I notice a great struggle going on in him and the Ego drives him on, taking notes of all that’s material, though I don’t know what his notes contain. I encourage him to think that it was a hopeful mark to have Testimony people put him and Eddie out. The dead Whale rotting and smelling, that got sick of the Prophet and vomited the Prophet out, is often referred to, and is like a parable of the producing of the Prophet for the Message of Judgment to Ninevah, who knew not their right hand from their left.
We saw a few dry bones yesterday which set going Ezekiel 37, but one can see how impossible. The unregenerate can’t change his spots, Leopard-like they lie in wait to jump at every opportunity to resist the Spirit. People who want help to their own reading will welcome it, while the others will naturally prefer what would justify their past mistakes. John 13 is a perfect outline for those who expect God to use them in helping those who are washed; only their feet or walk towards others corrected.
So let there be true humility in all that’s said and done to help those who can be helped. Love, Joy, Peace to the person who walks and works in the Spirit; Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness towards others; Faith, Meekness and Temperance in all our dealings. Speaking evil of no man reveals Spirit control, just as speaking evil, bitter words reveals lack of it; forgiveness from the heart as in Matt. 18.
We are only voluntary slaves by love of--not Masters--which is the Baal mark. Strive not one with the other. Idolatry and Witchcraft are clearly works of the flesh. Emulation and Strife, seeking to climb over one the other, rather than in meekness, willing to be patient and helpful to any who care to hear. The Love of God shed abroad in our heart is the surest sign of Oil in the vessel, so seek to bear the 1 Corinthians 13 marks.
Galatians 5:1-15 is very valuable as showing the marks which are flesh and Spirit, so let all be careful in reading verse 14 & 15: “Thou shalt Love they neighbor as thyself, by love serve one another,” saves from using our liberty as an occasion to the flesh. You can see from what has happened the need of trimming before the gathering.
They shall not hurt or destroy in all my Holy Mountain; love not in word, but in deed and in truth—not our own thoughts and ways. Isaiah 55 proves to be valuable to all who have been walking in their own thoughts and ways, or in wickedness, not knowing what has been wrong. We are not interested in what is past, but anxious to see all bear the true brotherly love marks; for if any came here with any other mark, water changed to blood would reveal them. So let all strive rather for His justifying them, rather than justifying ourselves.
The Publican and the sinner are always a guide to naming His name. The lost sheep and 99 who went not astray also show the sinner marks are the cause for Father’s arms, robe, ring, shoes, music and mirth in the house.
Conditions here and in the world seem worse everyday, and it’s very nice to have Alfie and Co. here, when the conflict is on there and all over the world also. But get down and keep down is safe advice for all who truly want His Seal. Tare heads rise, while wheat hangs the head when ripe.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
June 2, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and many others, with a heart-healing note, which must be very appealing and comforting to God and all who are Godly. You notice how Matt. 18 makes forgiveness the mark of all who will be the wise of the professed Little Ones. So there may have been His wisdom behind all the seeming madness of all.
Love, is the fulfilling of the Law, and by love serve one another, in it's fullness is revealed in John 13, and the key condition of all true, acceptable service of one another. Our share of the Spirit's control is Love, Joy, Peace, and when these are disturbed in us, we can be sure something is wrong. Long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, is for others; so there is a double revealer of our condition. Faith, meekness, temperance or control of God. So any violation of these conditions means loss, for God can never be fooled and the marks of the flesh are just as clearly marked in all our activities.
The marks of the 18 marks of flesh ruling, reveals where the Devil and Satan rule, as the 9 marks are of the Spirit's control. So we are well hedged in, if we have any honest or true purpose to do the will of God, no matter how we are tempted to step out of the way, which pleases Him in all our dealings with our neighbors, friends, or enemies.
The angels fell by their pride and iniquity or in serving themselves in others, using the words of God and God's name in doing it, and so we can see the marks of wickedness, which makes it impossible for God to write His Law in our hearts and put into our minds His thoughts. His hope in a House and place of rest being built on the Earth is in and by the man who is poor, nothing to puff him up or make him a man of reputation; contrite in heart, no hardness, but ground to powder and willing for all the suffering to the death in doing the will of God, and "Trembleth at His word." So it's fitting that all who are to be the body should bear some or all of these marks, else there would be schism in the Body. Beware of Theory, rather than practice of all you know.
All that would puff us up would only lead to chastisement in bringing us down. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten - be zealour therefore and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice," seeking admission to come in and sup with us, and we with Him. So you see it's not what we think or like or any human patronage, but giving Him the place of honor always and forever.
You have plenty of evidence around you on every hand as to what the Devil and Satan wants in humans. Devils and Angels who fell from their purpose in God's plan and became masters rather than servants of others by love in supplying what the heirs of Salvation need, while the true Angels will ever seek to help all who are in God's regenerating work on the Earth.
Isaiah 55 and 66 are very simple and clear in what God wants and what He doesn't. Isaiah 66:3 is a terrible indictment of all unregenerate influence by the Truth without the Spirit, that shed life and love and light in our hearts, only creating death, Dog, Hog, Goat and Wolf marks.
Alfie went on 1st June after 19 days under my care and protection with all the marks of Devil-possessed Goat and Wolf, but I did not give him but the best I had and sent them off without a grudge or cause for it. It was a difficult matter to keep clear of running into a gun knocking about all over Palestine, and everywhere we went we had plenty of proof that violence followed our steps; 22 being killed, more wounded in our last week of travel.
I gave them, in small convenient doses, the Truth or Message of the Spirit for today, and a welcome back to Palestine when John comes to all who are honest hearted to God and all who are His. They were on a sea voyage for their health by Doctor's orders; and I enclose Eddie's photo to show you he also needs a holiday. They confess that I bear by age, 75 1/2, better than Eddie at 71.
So what was going on there was what they need if they are to have any hope, but all their activities in scraping the old dead bones of the whale and fulfilling Isaiah 66:3 is but what they have for 24 years of such work, and John's presence here will be the final opportunity for all such to escape the consequences.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Edwards
June 24, 1938
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards and Company,
Thanks for yours and many others. It’s good to hear of love reigning in hearts of those who name His name, for that is the true mark of all who can hope to be His disciples, in contrast to the whole world.
Revelation 22 shows the value of being true disciples of Him, to testify to all who hear the words of the prophecy of this book; to add to or take from is fatal. To hear and obey is to be His disciple; and loyalty to His message will make us careful in our witness. And in your newness of Spirit, I’m sure you won’t want to waste your time too much in seeking fellowship with others who are true disciples, but will seek to be even more useful in offering the waters of life to those who are perishing around.
Selfishness in the things of God is dangerous, no matter what excuse we have for it. The Spirit can only honor what is useful and helpful, or edifying to the whole body. Self-seeking works the other; so, let our words be His words, and our thoughts and acts, His deeds. The grace and mercy He shows us will be seen and heard and felt by all we come in contact with, as we seek to bear His Revelation message to the world.
Psalm 32 has always been very sweet to my taste, and gives a very simple outline of the marks of those who are blessed. There is not much room for deceit or conceit in reading this Psalm; "Transgression forgiven;" sin covered by the blood. Verse 2, "Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit is no guile." How foolish for any man to be insincere with the Lord; or thinking to hide the motives which move him. This can only be possible to regenerate people; and if they want to enjoy His fellowship, these are the marks; while if we don’t enjoy forgiveness, it’s because we fail to forgive others their trespasses against us. How can we enjoy our sins being covered by the blood, if we, in thought, word or deed, seek to accuse and scandalize others; rather than cover our brothers’ sins?
Verses 3 and 4 shows what happens when we fail to see, by our conscience, where we err; and refuse to confess to Him what He sees to be wrong in us. Refusal to confess our transgressions and sins, iniquity or guile brings "sore bones," or uncomfortable feelings which disturb us night and day; for like a faithful father or mother, His hand is heavy upon us: and our moisture like a summer drought, where we might have had living waters flowing.
Verse 5 is the cure for all spiritual diseases; and only the godly can ever know what it truly means, verse 6.
Verse 7, "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye." How personal and intimate is His and our relationship.
Verses 9 and 10 - Why be like flesh, horse or mule, which needs to be controlled by bit or bridle as the unregenerate are. "Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about." Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye who are upright in heart. What a wonderful fellowship with Him, for all who will seek to walk with Him.
It will be good for all to read this Psalm every day for a month, for it shows us our privilege in walking with Him; and is the surest thing to keep us in health of body, soul and spirit; and able to meet all that comes our way as we walk and talk with Him. This is the foundation of all true value to God and man - the most priceless friendship possible, and on which all true experience must be based; while all our enemies will be forced to recognize that we are partakers with Him who has all power in heaven and on Earth.
You can see how foolish to be only human imitators when we can have such close, personal, all-the-time fellowship; Him sharing all we are, and we sharing all He has --no lonely hours if He is in us, and we in Him. Others will feel it, and see it, and taste it as we contact them; as surely as they will feel, see and taste the mulish or horse flesh which marks the unregenerate. I am sure many of you will be glad to have rest, relief, and hope, and confidence in such a friend; who knocks and calls at every honest heart’s door. But the latch is on our side of the door; He can’t and won’t force anyone.
My love and best wishes for all to share such a fellowship in these troubled days.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
December 16, 1938
Jerusalem Palestine
My Dear Edwards & Co.
None today yet but will write anyway – 9 days to Xmas. I notice George still here but have not seen Percy for 2 weeks or more. Have never seen together all the time. Mitchels sent me on one from Percy which shows what an unregenerate can make of what I have written proof that without the spirit or oil in their vessel it will be an impossibility to read and understand, no matter whether it’s the book or my letters, and proof that the woman body can only be they who have the wedding garment, or the same witness John and the reader have.
So people use of the privileges the have will settle the matter of the Wise or Foolish. Alpha, virgin and talent opportunity would have given them Life , but if they missed in Alpha days you can see how hopeless deceived they be. Rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing and lukewarm about the whole matter. We have 200 troops into our streets to live, and from Jerusalem, troops can reach all the various centers of action in about an hour. They were out yesterday, last night and today; so there will be news of their action tomorrow.
A sheikh(sic) was killed yesterday a few hundred years from yn(sic) door. This was the fourth attack on him. Papers are very full of indication of condition in the whole world, and the Limce conference has been an eye opener of what the American continent means for coming days the fourth?
Arrangements are complete for who are to go to London for conference when the Arab nations and their backers will all be brought into line and forced to declare their purpose and methods of accomplishing it.
France has spoken out very clearly in todays paper in answer to the Tunisia, Corisca, Dyibauti (?) Italian cry of past week; Not one inch of French possession will pass to Italy but By war, and she will back Great Britain in case of any attack from any quarter. At best they can only fill in the detail of whats written in the book and revealed; like worms in a fishermans bait tin moving, but inside the tin of his purpose.
“When the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the Earth, was prophecy and shows that the reading of Revelations would be the test for the whole world of professors, and tho – they tried hard to read the written record, it was impossible. So all men started from the dead, but progress apart from having ears to hear what come from His Anointed to Read and they obey; and their very experience and inability made them little ones: while the blind and dead would read gook and signs of times.
Isa. 41: 1-20 and from 29 to end, We have Jacob and ye(sic) few men of Israel with all the promises of power to reveal the wicked unregenerate, and power of God to protect and provide, but in verse 21 He challenges them to produce their cause and tell what they know of the (----- ) to come. “ Behold” see by the Spirit,” they are all vanity. V.29. Their works are nothing; Their man made molten images are wind and confusion”. (V) 24 Ye are worse than nothing. An abomination is he that chooseth you.”
Verse 25 I have raised up one from the north and He shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon My name; and he shall come upon princes like morter(sic) and as the potter treading the clay.” The Man,--- who from the beginning hath declared that he may know and before time that we may say, he is righteous, or right. “Yes there is none that …………
-------------------the rest of this page is missing---
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
June 9, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
My heart is glad to see Brethren dwelling together in Unity. Ps. 133 is a wonderful expression of what causes joy in Heaven and brings blessing to those who are His and on all who come in contact with them.
All true preaching and teaching by those who do the will of God is that others may know and choose to do the will of the Father. All preaching, teaching, and profession that fails in this, only adds to the strife and confusion. Matt. 7:21, “Not every one that saith unto me, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven – but he that doeth the will of my Father in Heaven” – all else can only end in walking in iniquity, our own thoughts and ways in His name, no matter how or by what means this is brought about – this is the very foundation of all hope, and this is the true meaning of Repentance or turning to God to do His will at any cost, and brings joy in Heaven, for another child is born into the family of which Jesus is the Head. 99 just persons, that need no repentance, stands out in contrast to the deceived and deluded.
I was talking to the son of Mr. Paul Rader (here); the father is in Hollywood, dying of heart and kidney trouble, one of the greatest preachers of our age and day, only 58, but who can fail to read Matt. 7:22 and wonder what it all means to him and me. He confesses all his great work has been only disappointment to him, and so every man will find out his actual value. “He that doeth the will of my Father, shall know the doctrine to be of God. Father, I thank thee, thou always hearest me, for I always do the things that please thee. Not my will, but thine be done, as thou wilt.” This was the hope of the thief on the right hand, as the other chose his own with the crowd. The angels fell by doing their own will, as they were meant to do His will, and work in His way.
“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” Righteousness always means doing the will of the Father; so there can be no past or future, but doing His will as it comes into our lives in His providence and grace. This we see in Noah, Abraham and Moses, and the test got harder all the time. So in Rev. 1:3, to read Revelation to “those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep these things which are written therein for the time is at hand,” how clear and full is His will and purpose revealed to us, that we may be as Noah, Abraham and Moses were in their day.
Rev. 22:18-19 only adds to the power of these words. All true knowledge of His will, will not put us up, but rather the opposite way, and make us in all our service, after the pattern in John 13.
Matt. 18:1 – “Who is greatest in the Kingdom shows the influence of their human nature and all they saw around them. The washing of their feet was to remove the defilement, and you see the clear pattern in the loving voluntary slave service Jesus rendered them as His last service in preparation for the trials ahead.
You need not fear greatness in others, but in yourselves, for there is where true battle is fought and victory won, not in Pretence, but in deed and truth. Noah, Abraham, and Moses had not much to puff them up when God fulfilled His Judgment Jesus had very little to tempt Him to be great the night He was in the garden, other than to submit to His Father ‘s will being done at the hands of His enemies. Such is our Goal, and any other thought, word or deed can only rob us of the great reward.
What has been going on these past 20 years may prove to be His purpose for those who truly are being perfected and by present experience, and the end of Matt. 18 leaves no room for doubt about forgiveness being the crowning mark of all who . So let it be as heart perfect as there stated, for any other Spirit manifested can only end in the being found under the bann (sic) of the Judge.
I’m sure every true heart will be glad to have forgiveness and give it heartily and genuinely, for only then can we enjoy His greatest of gifts and taste of the Love, Joy, Peace – His gift to us; with Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, for all outside. Faith, a hearing obedient heart, meekness, no desire to lead or dominate others, and Temperance in thought, word and in deed. You will all get freer and happier in giving to others who have not had your privilege, the Man and Message, rather than too much writing to each other about your experiences.
Let Willie and Co. be free to do for others what God used him in doing for you, rather than burden him with too much of your attention. What I saw in Alfie for 3 weeks and in Eddie’s condition and what I heard today of one of the great preachers of our day, did not come to my notice by chance, but in contrast with my own condition and position.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
Isaiah 66:2 seems like the family or Body marks of those who will be
His house and place of Rest.
Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
June 17, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and enclosures, and a number of others. Our new Post Office costing 120,000 pounds was opened today. Postage from Canada is 6 cents now for ½ ounce, owing to all letters to and from Jerusalem going by Air Mail.
What does God require of man, but to do justly, love Mercy, and humbly walk with God; and one can see where danger lies for all, for it’s very hard to do Justice to others with our own selfish human nature urging us in the opposite direction. It’s possible to do injustice to ourselves, even in Spiritual things. The Disciples, except Judas, did not need washing, but only their feet, and for 2 talent people to treat themselves as 1 talent people is apt to create discouragement and hopelessness, and so in our dealings with others it’s very important to avoid harshness or hardness. Sick people like the Nurse or Doctor to be careful to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. So as we seek to be helpful to others, let it be such as keeps us and those we help from feeling they have been treated, or we, unjustly.
So be Just in thought, word and deed; love Mercy. We all love Mercy for ourselves, but it’s Mercy for others; as God is merciful to us, so let that be the Mercy we show to others, and this will ever be seen as the fruit of the Spirit in us to others. If we truly know what it means to be forgiven 3 million, we will not hold up any others for the 3 they owe us, either in our thoughts, words or works, for thoughts and words can be more merciless than works and the novice is very apt to fall into the snare in trying to edify others without due care.
The official spirit creeps in unconsciously. Not every one is trusted to take the mote out of a Brother’s eye, so be careful and remember we have a little choice in the matter of who can help us without doing hurt unnecessarily. Patience and time heal wounds. The words of the wise are the fruit of the Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace in ourselves will help to produce the same in others. So seek to help and heal rather than irritate. Humble thyself to walk with God, is a wonderful expression of the great danger which besets all men who still have a human nature.
How easy for pride to creep in when thinking, speaking, or helping others in the things of God, and whatever has meant our humiliation should give us experience and poise in helping others. Jonah 2:8, “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” It’s easy to get words and phrases into our mouth of a sort of official kind in speaking one to another, or by our over-zeal in moving amongst others. So keep low, and true to Justice, Mercy and humility, and don’t offend or be offended too easily. God will ever honor those who honor Him in seeking to bear the Loving, Voluntary slave marks of John 13.
Many people come to see the place where Jesus was buried, but seem to forget where God has placed Him. The grave only shows where and what flesh and blood worshippers can do; but to walk in newness of life is our privilege, so don’t walk or work in memory of all our mistakes or short-comings.
Jonah 2 is well worth reading, for it shows what the big fish belly had done for him in revealing many of the lying vanities or idle words, spoken in the flesh. You will find relief in aiming at helping outsiders, rather than too much being together. The Spirit is given to witness to others rather than only to one another. An open ear and mouth go well together, so avoid hysteria and use what God has given in trying to help others, and so save ourselves.
When any one purposes honestly to do the will of the Father in Heaven, you can be sure this is the result of all true teaching, and the decision lies with us, and our service to God is in seeking to have empty vessels that He will fill. So all true blessing should end in truer purpose to be useful and helpful to others.
The dry bones in the valley – our bones very dry and our hope gone, could only be realized when they stood on their feet an exceeding great army – God’s True Israel, for our experience will be that of all who find place amongst the 144,000 apostles of the New Gospel. Living waters must ever flow, else we become like marshy land on the Banks of the River of Life.
Conditions here are pretty much as in past and the world doesn’t get any more peaceful. Our peace will flow calm and sure, while war will increase for the whole Cain seed.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
July 30, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and others who have shown ears to hear the mark of Revelation Saints for which the Message from the Throne of God and the Lamb is the test and hope for all such, while the world is saturated with the Message from the Cross where he suffered, as the unregenerate professed people – His own – received Him not and the Spirit’s Message by Him. But to those who received Him as the Mouthpiece of the Spirit, to them He gave power, right and privilege to become Sons of God, even to them who believe on His name; born not of blood, which is the common cry today, nor of the will of the flesh, but of God. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory; the glory of making manifest the Glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of Grace and Truth.”
John bare witness of Him. He that cometh is preferred before me, for He was before me, and of His fullness have all we received, and grace. No man hath seen God any time. The only Begotten of the Father, He hath declared Him, and is in the Bosom of the Father. So Grace of God is revealed in Him in all it’s fullness and in detail in all His dealings with men; and the Truth as in Jesus is the only truth or revealed mind of God for all who are in the family.
John 17:3, “This is Life Eternal, to know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” The god of this world, the Devil and Satan, is only interested in revealing the Adamic human nature in all its selfish, self-seeking nature and manner of life; always climbing up some other way. Jesus from the Carpenters bench climbed down to the slave servant of John 13, and even to the death as a criminal in revealing God the Father, and also those who were of the Devil and Satan, and we have a perfect sample of what the Devil can make a man, in Judas, who sought to serve himself in Jesus, even to the selling of Him for 30 pieces of silver to his enemies, and friends of Judas. But there was no resurrection for Judas or his sort, as Jesus was raised as a guarantee to all who are true Sons of God and Servants of Jesus.
Cain, Esau, Judas, and Lot’s wife had their resurrection on this side of the grave, as warning to all men, as truly as God’s chosen will have it beyond the grave. The heights men can reach in pride and presumption are but witnessings and comfort to all who have found the way down, as they found the way to express their pride and presumption, and no privilege can put right their wrong, which begins in profession without having chosen to do the will of God at any cost. So DOWN is the word for all who are His, as UP is for all others who say Lord, Lord, but have never in heart submitted and chosen the will of God. Their prophesying and making converts and all other works can only deceive themselves and others. The revealing days have come, so don’t wonder at the marks being seen in the wise and foolish as well as in all men and nations on the earth, for He that sitteth in the Heaven can never be fooled, or change His will or purpose. A broken and contrite heart he can never refuse, nor can a proud and presumptuous heart be accepted of God, no matter what their words and works may seem to be.
My love to all in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
August 12, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours and enclosures. It’s clearer every day what trimming means. We have seen the meaning of being little ones in so many finding out their littleness in spite of all the privileges they had; for if they had all shown perfect hands, feet, and eyes, where would the little ones have been? So the 2 talent little ones are now rejoicing in finding out their littleness, and seeking only for the fruits of the Spirit in themselves for themselves; and Love, Joy, Peace, their experience – longsuffering, goodness, and gentleness for others, with faith, meekness and God control in their attitude to God.
Faith in having ears only for God, meekness in being satisfied with Him as their portion, and temperance in all they say, think and do, or God control. These marks are professed now by those who bear the marks of God in their lives. The Edwards amongst you have shown the value of the 5 talents in helping others. In George, Percy and Co. we see what 1 talent people get in losing even what they seemed to have, in their attitude to the Witness, Leader and Commander, and trampling under foot all God has so clearly and faithfully given them in privilege.
What men or people are to the Servant, they are to God and the Spirit, so the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is like a man travelling into a far country, who called those who professed to be loyal servants and delivered unto them his goods – to every one according to their several ability. Five gained other 5, 2 gained other 2, and both earned 100%, and “Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many in days to come. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” The joy both of the man who went into a far country as the Servant of the Trinity of God and of the Godhead.
Is this not true in the experience of the many today who have been helped to share in the 5 talent help they have been willing to benefit by? Is not love, joy, peace, and the other fruits of the Spirit, entering into the Joy it has given me and the Godhead whom we profess loyalty to; and is there not the sure promise of greater usefulness in coming days in Jerusalem when He gathers the 144,000 to be the Apostles of the New Everlasting Gospel to the world?
The Love, Joy, Peace in our hearts, is but an earnest of what is in the heart of the Godhead to all who are the 5 and 2 talent or the 10 talent and 4 talent sons and daughters. Is this not true in your and my experience and pledge of greater power to help others, who will become our responsibility in future days, to and by the 144,000 and by them, the million servants and the 100 million who will yet stand before Him at His coming to reign.
Think on the many who were called by the 5 and 2 talent people and how few have been chosen – and now we come to the servants unregenerate with 1 talent. “I know thee, both Servant and Master, thou art a hard man, reaping where thou hast not strawed, and I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth. Lo, there thou hast that is thine.” The Servant and the Lord both answer, “Thou wicked and slothful servant,” you measure the servant and Lord by your own unregenerate nature. Thou, therefore, should have used the talent to profit for the Servant and the Lord, but all they ever produced was like themselves – wicked and slothful, and not one seed the result of their professed loyalty to Man and Message and the Lord.
They were all very anxious to seek their own, where others had fruit to their witness, and cause trouble wherever found. “Take therefore the 1 talent from them and give it to him with 10 talents.” Is this not what Wm. Edwards is getting these days in his labors amongst all who profess? What they could not and did not use they have lost; for unto every one that hath shall be given more, and unto him that hath not, shall be taken away even that he hath, or seem to have. AND cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness or where the whole unregenerate world is found; THERE shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is the END of George, Percy and Co.’s trip, and all who are of them.
So don’t worry, it’s all too plain and clear by their fruits what has been wrong. There never can be fruits of the Spirit found possible in any 1 talent person no matter what he seemed to have; though we could be deceived at the start, they are revealed at the end.
My love to all who know what the Spirit’s fruit is and the reward, which speaks of greater things ahead.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards and Co.
September 16, 1938
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards' and Co:
Thanks for two from you and enclosures. What is the cause for and why
are George Linn and Percy Abbot in Jerusalem today, though I don't know whether
they are still here or not, for I told both in few words they were unregenerate
and presumptuous rebels against the Man they professed to believe was made
of God—Witness, Leader and Commander to the people with ears to hear and
heart to obey--and so were the Household of God (or those He could dwell
in) to get meat in due season, when Alpha unregenerate Testimony was cut
asunder from me and mine and appointed their portion with the hypocrites
to await John's coming, when weeping and gnashing of teeth will be their
This was the general witness by all. If there had been no Wm. Irvine
found wise and faithful, there would have been no Son of Man chosen to rule
His Household and give them meat in due season these 24 years past.
Has any other known person done this--and now being so clearly fulfilled
before their eyes and working into their hearts and lives everywhere as they
see it fulfilled. And so fear is on all our enemies as it brings joy
to all who are His Household. "Not every one that says Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the Kingdom, but they that do the will of My Father in Heaven.
Many shall say, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy
name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works. Then
shall I (Jesus) say, Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew
Are these words written for the time of the end, when the storm is to try
the houses great and fair, and find out those which built on the sand of
their own iniquity, and those on the rock of doing His will and work in His
way. Here we see what has been going on before our face in Testimony
unregenerate, and in the one-talent people, and the reason for them being
what and where they are, unregenerate in spite of many of them professing
for 30 years to believe that I was God's anointed by whom they heard the
words of life. But if people, the many, start by saying Lord, Lord,
to all they speak, from unregenerate lips and hearts, seeking their own,
not the things that are Jesus' Christ's,--there can be only one end.
They began wrong, remain wrong, in spite of the failure of all their profession
and converts.
Dead men can never produce live children, but only produce what they are
and pervert the words of life to their own purpose, to be found out at the
end as Judas and all were, and are being revealed like George Linn and Percy
Abbot's deceit and conceit in using my name and Message as a means of making
victims to their iniquitous ways, destroying souls, and committing suicide
in themselves.
Their letter to me and others have given abundant proof of their condition,
and misuse of their privileges. Letters written by Percy and in my
hands, reveal the audacious insanity working in him and Co., as he reveals
his utter disregard of what's written in the Book, and also in many letters
I have written him and George Linn. They quote Daniel 7:13, "One like
the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of
Days." Why should people quote Daniel 7:13 to cover up their wicked
audacious insane attempt to rob John, at Jesus' feet today in Heaven, of
the place of honour God and Jesus have preserved for John the Apostle, who
is worthy of all the honour we can give him.
It makes their deceit and conceit the more abominable and attempt to cover
up their lying and hypocrisy in their pretence of having any part or lot
with me or any who are mine in what is the hope of God for all who are yet
to be His on the earth. They and all such have lost the one talent
they had and did not use, and now they are cast out. Jesus said, "Cast
ye the unprofitable servant unto outer darkness, there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth."
The same words are written for Testimony and one-talent hypocrites or human
imitators, and it was strange but God-like that George Walker, The Testimony
false apostle should meet in my town of Kilsyth when George and Percy were
there. Tho it last only 5 minutes, it was enough to show they were
coupled up for outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth, which we will
all see and hear of to our joy when we enter into the fullness of the joy
of the Lord in John's arrival. As I look back over 45 years of having
had all sorts of unregenerate humbugs and hypocrites to meet and face and
suffer at their hand and see them seeking glory and honour in those they
deceived and destroyed--how my heart is cheered that the end of all such
is at hand.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards, Phoenix, Arizona
September 22, 1938
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My Dear Wm. Rose and Co:
It's 50 days from today til Armistice Day, 11 – 11 – 11, and you can see the year marked very clearly now in the conflict over Palestine and its Partition. Iraq and Egypt speak very clearly and England purposes to go on with her Partition. I notice the Greeks and Moslems are also working in the Balkans, Rumania and Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia, so we have the whole near East, Balkans, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Persia, or (Iran), Afghanistan, and yesterdays speeches, as you will see from paper, gives no hope for Peace in Near East if Partition goes.
It's good to have a look at Isa. 8:9-10, and on to end which refers, no doubt, to the League as the sign of what's come out of it and it looks that way from every angle. Vs. 11-18 is advice to us who have ears; 19-22 shows the triflers to seek to foolish wizard peoples in place of to the Lord. To the Law and Testimony of God. If they speak not according to our reading, there is no light in them.
The opening of the Seals gives us what will and has happened as the Angels sounded the beginnings of the various Seals,--"Come and see" what happens in each of the 4, and you can see how perfectly it describes the conditions at end of War, in Vs. 8 of Ch. 6. The 5th Seal and 5th Angel shows conditions in Heaven as they cry for vengeance on the persecutors and so Bolshevizing of the Earth has gone on to fulfill this in the destructions to be wrought when the 6th Seal and 6th Angel period comes as in Ch. 6:12-17.
The earthquakes or War and its consequences have gone on till the Great Earthquake comes, turning the world's light, not the light of the world, into sackcloth of Hair – the signs of mourning. The light of civilization ending in their funeral. The Moon, the Religious of the world, to be expressed in blood by Holy war as in Rev. 9. The reputed Stars of Heaven, great and small and high, will be cast down to the earth as untimely figs by a mighty wind. It will be Woe to all who have been the big talkers, writers and world wide men of all sort. The mountains, etc. long established religious heads and people, and the holier-than-thou breed which marks specially pride and wickedness, will pass away.
But what we have tried to see and say to men all these years and all others who have been bearing wise witness and seeking not their own in doing it, but as His Servants bearing His witness to the world in place of the big, self-seeking cackle many have indulged in to their shame and loss.
I enclose letters to me yesterday which reveal some clearly, and they will not need to wait too long for His answer in John from Heaven and His out-poured wrath on all flesh which will put fear of God by wrath if not fear by love.
My Love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
William Irvine's Letter to the Edwards' and Company
October 7, 1938
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine.
My Dear Edwards' and Co:-
Thanks for yours today I hope you are enjoying a rest after your months of a strenuous effort in preparing guests for the Marriage of the King's Son, which seems to point to John, the Son of Man, coming in the clouds of Heaven to the Ancient of Days, as in Dan. VII: 9-14, and Ps. II: 5 & 6, where you find the great war and the anointing of His King coupled together, which will make fruitful the Woman Body who have gathered around the 12-star crowned head of the Woman as in Rev. XII: 1-2 and Jer. 31.
It's good to read Matt. 21, which helps to make clear Matt. 22. Many were bidden to the Marriage, but would not come,--Alpha Invitation. He sent forth other servants to tell them everything was ready. They made light of it and went their various ways, and some treated the Servants badly, and so you see the Wrath of the King in destroying those wicked people along with Marriage again when guests had been gathered from the Highways and prepared by the Wedding garment. The Wedding was furnished with guests, so you see the two rewards to those who were bidden and refused, and those who accepted and put on the Wedding garment, or the Spirit and Bride's reading of Revelation, as in Ch. XXII: 17, which ver. 18 & 19 makes clear is received lovingly and loyally the Living Waters from the Throne; while to add to or take from is fatal as in the case of the man or any number who come or pretend to come, not having on Wedding Garment, or the same witness of the two who are the centerpiece of the Wedding.
Why do they not come, and why do some come or pretend to come in their own garments? Because they are unregenerate. "They say, Lord. Lord, but do not the will of My Father," --is Jesus explanation for " Many are called and few chosen. "They heard the Message with iniquitous ears and only sought their own, rather than the things which are Jesus Christ's, which the Spirit always witnesses to and by the Bride, or those who put on the Wedding Garment.
The Alpha people all professing to be disciples, gathered from many quarters, were revealed by their beating one another, and were cut off from the household where the Son of Man was chosen to rule and give meat in due season, and appointed their portion with the hypocrites; but the cause was in their being unregenerate, and so hypocrites as in Matt. 23. In Matt. 22: 13, "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth;" also in Matt. 24 :51 & Ch. 25: 30, "Bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer darkness." They were called, but chose their own way in their witness or garment, concerning my reading and John's coming as in Revelation.
Then the Virgins who profess to hear and obey are found to be two sorts,-- Wise and foolish. The wise with vessels, regenerate, and so oil, or the Spirit in measure. The foolish, no vessels, and so no oil and when near John's coming are revealed and go out to buy oil or seek help from those who have none to give. So you see Un - and - regenerate again.
Then the talents show the same marks: those who have misused their talent, - but why? because they are the sons of Belial, or professors without possession. While they, the unregenerate went to buy, the Bridegroom came, showing how all the marks seen in those who were hidden and professed and said Lord, Lord are being revealed as unregenerate, or regenerate are being revealed.
We are nearing the great Event, which brings joy and gladness and possibility we could never dream of, and weeping and and gnashing of teeth, no matter to the unregenerate. "Bound hand and foot," means they will not be able to help going their own devious ways and in outer darkness,--no light of God even if they have prophesied in His Name, cast out Devils in His name or done many wonderful works, which only deceive them the more and increase their Bigness, as the regenerate will feel like Babes and sucklings wanting more, or hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
So while the war clouds point to John's coming as Son of man in the clouds of Heaven, what we see in the Testimony and in the Virgins and Talent people and in the Wedding Garment or other witness, is pointing to the great day we look for. Matt. 25:13. Watch Therefore!
My Love to All,
Wm. Irvine
The fact that people don't show any sign of response is no proof that we are not giving them the Message of the Spirit. It's harder to witness to people who have no ears to hear, so don't let the Devil and Satan worry us about who and what we are. Use wisely all you have - is proof of your faithfulness and be good in seeking to help others all you can.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
November 11, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
I have not yours this week, probably too busy in Denver, where I am sure you will have good time and they much benefit, for wherever you find people hunger and thirst after the right condition, or righteousness, which makes it possible for the Spirit to work in them and to will and do of His good pleasure – not what we want to be or do – but what He wants to make us hear, say, and do and be; all other righteousness only adds to our conceit and deceit. To say Lord, Lord, and do not choose to let God work in, out and by, His good pleasure in conforming us to the Image of His Son; and this has been the lot of many who have made profession. The wide gate, the broad way, has always caught the many in all ages who heard the Man and Message of God. Many were called, but few chosen because they had not heard carefully and obeyed implicitly.
This was true in Jesus’s day, and the Apostle’s day, and so today many will say Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, cast out devils and done many wonderful works. Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work out the good pleasure of your own will – reveals that only at the end can people ever know the terrible mistake they made when hearing the Spirit’s Message by His Servant, which produces unrevealed hypocrites many, and few who are true and choose to do the will of God at any cost.
Matt. 5:1-11 shows the marks of the blessed, poor in Spirit – rich in Spirit; Mourning – in place of being boastful in their profession. Meek, not seeking place or power, in contrast to those who make the most of it for themselves on every occasion. Hunger and thirst – always seeking after rightness towards God and Man, while the hypocrite seeks what pleases him and is satisfied with his profession as a human imitator. Blessed the merciful, always ready to help the weak, while the other helps himself. The pure in heart, who only want to please the Lord in all his hearing, saying and doing, as the hypocrite pleases himself.
Blessed are the peacemakers, in contrast to those who are troublemakers for others. Notice Judas was always the troubler and offender in the love Mary showed Jesus, and so went and sold Him for what he could get for himself. Jealousy and envy working and revealed destroyed him. Blessed the persecuted for seeking only to please the Master who dwells in them. Verse 11, “Blessed are ye when men shall persecute and revile, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake,” and the worst enemies are they who make loud their profession. Few have these marks but they are the chosen; the many hypocrites have all the other marks and always in the spotlight and appeal to the unregenerate as the best saints and workers in all ages.
It’s easy to see this hypocrisy in the revealed hypocrites of the world, but hard to believe it of the many who profess, yet all bear these marks. Chap. 6. Alms, prayer, fasting, etc., serving 2 masters, a double eye. The 2 seeds are more clearly revealed in chap. 7, and the final ending, judging by the mote in their brother’s eye and knowing not that they are blind, unregenerate themselves. Give them pearls and they will trample them under their feet, and turn to rend you. Such we have seen and know as Dogs, Hogs, Goats and Wolves, in Sheep’s clothing. If you ask bread, they give you a stone; if you ask for a fish, you get a serpent; for the unregenerate have nothing else to give but what they have.
Ask, see, knock is only possible for those who are the true sheep-natured sons of God. The true seed will always guide into the narrow way, the false into the wide gate and broad way that ends in destruction and ready always to become false prophets in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly ravening wolves, seeking to feed their own unregenerate natures. Their thorns and thistles show they are corrupt trees, bringing forth evil fruit.
I have written these things to show how the many and few who have heard the same man and Message may develop, but the end always reveals them, and their doom sure, as the reward for the few is certain. The false are always doing to impress others; the true let God do in them and reveal it by their words and acts. If the tree is not His planting, then it shall be rooted up. In testimony pre-1914 days, there were thousands to one – in Omega days, He says 5 wise and 5 foolish. In talent test there are 2 right to 1. So you see we are moving to the day when John comes and finds the Woman Body gathered by the head with the 12 Star Crown, clothed with the Sun or the clear witness of God because they have His Nature and Spirit, and the Moon under her feet; just as the foolish virgins 5, will have the moon on her head, outer darkness her garment. Moon gives reflected light of the sun, so people who have no life or oil in their vessel have only what they have heard from those who have life and the Spirit, or oil in their vessels.
Those who heard the Alpha Man and Message and obeyed, got life and so had ears for the same Man and Message as Reader of Revelation, the Omega Message, and all others who have been hearing and obeying will prove to be the wise virgin Woman. But you can see the many are always in danger of missing it all, as seen in their attitude to the Man with the Message, but the many will be found outside, no matter what they heard.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Paul and the true Apostles had many false prophets in sheep’s clothing rise up amongst those who professed through them, and were only revealed at the end, and that by their attitude to the few true apostles and prophets. They said “Paul and We” then said “We and Paul,” so you can see the same spirit at work today amongst those who have had 3 times offer of life, and now are revealed as hopeless unregenerates in outer darkness, by and by to weep and gnash their teeth.
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
December 2, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours today and papers. I generally have more papers than I am able to read.
Jack Nelson’s activities may have been the best way to recall Percy from his folly; and George’s Pension may come up for review in Vancouver, B.C. if he is not careful. But both men have been well revealed in their deceit and fraud in claiming to be the Woman and John, and a severe warning to all unregenerate flesh and blood who have been content to receive the light and made little of the fact that all true Light must be the Light of Life. All outward righteousness before the eyes of men is a wonderful deceiving cover for iniquity and hypocrisy. You can see in George’s post cards and Percy’s letters, imitation of the Man and Message, but not a scrap of evidence to prove their presumptuous claims.
I noticed the same marks in old Bob and other’s letters in seeking to be authority, and all them only proved they had no marks of usefulness to those outside, but rather seek place amongst those who profess as Virgins wise and foolish; seeking their own rather than the things which are Jesus Christ’s, neither entering in themselves and hindering those who would, for if you read carefully Matt. 23 and its 7 woes, you will find George and Percy have all the marks given there of the Scribe and Pharisee imitators.
Elijah of Malachi 4 coming before the great and dreadful day of the Lord – the Son of Man chosen to rule His household and give them meat in due season and to rule over all His goods – the Reader – the Overcomer – the 12 Star Crowned Head around which the woman clothed with the Light of Life and the Moon, foolish Virgin light, under her feet, and the Least of these His brethren as the test for all men’s relationship to Him on the Throne – the Angel to the 7 Churches, (I, Jesus, have sent mine Angel to the churches to testify these things to them) making Revelation prophecy, which to add to or take from is fatal – all these point to one man and no others. Rev. 10:1, “I saw another mighty angel come down from Heaven clothed with a cloud,” suggests the other mighty angel on the Earth as in Daniel 7. The meeting of John and the Angel of Rev. 22:8-9 when the time is at hand is too clear to need any comment; and all these references shows who produced The Testimony and no man with horse sense need be deceived or misled when the time is at hand.
The man going into a far country and giving to those according to their several ability, shows clearly the 5 and 2 and 1, according to the use they have made of my Alpha Witness, which made it possible to have 5, 2, or 1 as they had used it; and finding added power in their Virgin witness and larger service and reward in the Joy of their Lord; proving good and faithful witnesses or servants, in contrast with the unregenerate, slothful witnesses, or servants, in their accusing even the man whom they failed to get life by, both in Alpha and Omega days, to be cast out into outer darkness and his 1 talent taken away that you see has happened, which made possible the presence in Jerusalem of George and Percy. It surely was a merciful warning to all who have never truly submitted to doing the will of the Father, and even at the last minute when the time is at hand, offers them mercy, for God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Nor have I any pleasure in seeing those who have had privilege of knowing the Man and Message these 45 years shut out – and no man can be shut out but as he has shut God out of his heart and life and been content with the form and words and imitation, which has made them like suicides and murderers in the spiritual sense.
“Reveal not the sayings of the prophesy of this Book, for the time is at hand,” whether men in men’s eyes are unjust, filthy, righteous or holy. “Behold I come quickly and my Reward is with me to give every man according to his works” shall be at that time, as revealed in John’s coming as the Servant chosen from those of Alpha days – the beginning – and the other chosen as the witness in Alpha and Omega days – the beginning and the end, the first and the last. It’s all His work but done by His Servant. John was the witness chosen from the 1st of Alpha witness; I was the last, the beginning in John, and the end in my Alpha witness.
Blessed are they that do His commandments” by John in his day to me in my day as Witness, Leader and Commander, “that they may have right to the tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” John in his day and I in mine are the gates into the city,” but no chance if people have not been blessed with His Nature and the Spirit’s Seal. “Without are dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie,” all revealed by their attitude to the Angel Jesus has sent to Testify these things to all who profess to be His. The angel has not only fed and ruled the household, but has been feed for dogs, etc., in giving them opportunity in feeding on all else but the meat in due season for the Household.
My love in Him, Wm. Irvine
P.S. Those who are not the “Blessed of the Father, must be found classed amongst dogs who feed on everything but the meat in due season.
SORCERERS – who use my name and Message for every purpose but to have
life, and help others into the Kingdom.
WHOREMONGERS – or those who encourage others to use His Servant and
Message for their own purpose and pleasure.
MURDERERS – who hinder others from being truly blessed.
IDOLATERS – who choose their own idols, man made, and according to
their own thoughts and ways and WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE.
These are the marks of the unblessed.
John would be a wonderful Xmas present to all who are “Blessed of God” and fitted to enter into the Joy of their Lord.” W.I.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Smiths
December 4, 1938
My dear Smiths and Co:
Thanks for yours and Mrs. Boal’s. I’m sure Mr. Jones will have
no regrets for all the faithful witness to deaf ears in Brisbane.
It only reminds us of the living link between the living in Christ – on
the Earth and in Heaven. God is not the God of the dead but of the
living, linking up Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the living of his day
and all other days. One family of all who have been made partakers
of His nature by Regeneration. If any man have not the Spirit of
Christ he is none of His. If any man have the spirit of Christ he
is one of His, and proof and assurance is seen in people living by what
He revealed in Himself and what the Spirit reveals today.
The last
Message, to the Laodiceans in Rev. 3:14-22, is a wonderful and merciful
message. I look on this message for all who have been hearing my
witness these 24 years, and now there are many signs to compel people to
see that much we say has and is being fulfilled. These things saith
the AMEN, and faithful and true witness, the beginning of the Creation
of God (the New Creation). The Lord speaking to and by His Angel.
How many are the New Creation? Then, either Cold or Hot. Luke
warm I will (spue) out of my mouth because thou sayest I am rich and increased
in goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched,
miserable, poor, blind and naked.
I, Jesus, by my Angel, counsel
thee to buy of me Gold tried in fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white
Raiment Wedding Garment that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear,
and anoint thine Eyes with Eye Salve that thou mayest see. One Man
and Message has been well tried in the fire these 24 years and our witness
has been clear and clean of any of the pollutions which come from contact
with unregenerate Scribe and Pharisee Hypocrisy and iniquity. Anoint
thine eyes with Eye Salve which has opened so many eyes, or use the help
I have been able to give others, that they see as He sees, and is revealed
by, the Spirit’s reading of Revelation and the signs of times we have been
living in during the 24 years of beginning of Sorrows. Those who
are wise Virgins are now awake and their Lamps trimmed and burning bright,
and full of hope in John’s coming. While the foolish are going out
because they have not realized the use of life to give them light, content
to share the light of others.
They who received 5 talents, 2 talents by my Alpha Witness in their own Experience, while the unregenerate talent people have failed to become 2 talent people, or get Life in Christ as they had Life in Adam and so are unprofitable Servants, having failed to use the 1 talent measure which might have saved them if used in place of hiding it; they were thinking of what the Lord wanted from them in place of what the Lord wanted to give them. At best we can only offer an Empty Vessel that He can fill; a dwelling place where He can come in to dwell and Sup with us, that we may sup with Him. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore, and repent of your being Lukewarm and too easily pleased with ourselves. Vs. 20 is the most wonderful and merciful in all that’s in Rev. 2 and 3 Message.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock by the hand of the Man in whom He dwells and speaks. If any man, no matter who, where, how or when, hear my Voice and open the door, I will come into him and Sup with him and he with me. You can see how merciful He is, not willing that any should perish, and doing all that he can to awaken them to their danger of missing being born into His Family. No questions about the past misuse of our privileges, no matter how, when, why, and if they will hear His knock, listen to His Voice and open to Him, he will come in to dwell by His Spirit and make them His Child and Servant, as He has done in the Wise virgins and in the 5 and 2 talent people. If not, we will be left outside the door and in outer darkness, and all our privileges taken away.
It’s very like the 2 thieves on the Cross, the one who called on the name of the Lord was assured of being with him, while the other stayed with the crowd who cried, away with Him, Crucify Him. His blood be on us and our children; as we see the Jews tasting the bitterness of today. Whatever hinders him from coming in to possess us can only end in what we see the Jews having all these 1900 years, and now more severe than ever before, to warn every man on the Earth how simple it is and how necessary it is that we should knock and let him hear His Voice by our lips. The foolish virgins can become wise, the other talent people can become 2 talent if they can realize their danger and use their opportunity even though they have misused much in failing to be helpful to others in past. So let every one be zealous and let Him in if He has not been first before; there is no other cure – OR HOPE.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
December 23, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for yours. Wish you all the compliments of the Season. Very severe weather reported all over the British country. Military very busy cleaning up Palestine, while the Arab nations are discussing what’s to happen in Palestine at the conference in London, their demands stronger than ever, while the Jews cry for open door and their needs increase in Europe; U.S.A. and Germany a little hot under the collar; Japan and Russia similar in the East. Spain in the same old turmoil after 2 ½ years war; the American continent intent on preparations for defense against any European or Asiatic attempt on them. But all in line with what we have in Dan. 8 and Rev. 9. Fascists versus Bolshi the first 12 verses, and East against West and no solution possible apart from War, so but pointers to the day when the 2 Sons of Man will meet, uniting and bringing the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
While every human on the earth has a father on the earth, only regenerate people can say, “Our Father which art in Heaven, and Hallow” – by loving, loyal obedience His name revealed in Jesus and all who ever were His as samples we can honor. Thy Kingdom, or the day when the world will be under His will and care to be inherited by His meek of all ages, who will do His will on the earth as it’s done in Heaven. John being the interpreter of what’s done in Heaven, and the Son of Man on the earth, His Witness, Leader and Commander on the earth of those who in Truth and verity have chosen to let His will be done in them, (all profession short of this will be valueless) and their sins and iniquities will He remember no more forever, just as the unregenerate will find their rewards sure in His wrath. So don’t expect the Pharisee righteousness in the Sons of God, for Noah’s righteousness was by Faith in hearing and obeying what God revealed.
“Give us each day our daily bread” covers our needs in the day when war, famine, pestilence and plagues is the reward of the wicked. “Forgive us our sins as we forgive them that tresspass against us.” The Law of forgiveness in the Kingdom and quite a delusion to all others. “Lead us not into trial, but deliver us from evil” – lead us not into temptation or trial refers to discipline for lack of true forgiving Spirit, or errors in our doing His will by allowing the human to overcome us rather than letting the Christ Nature control. Noah was not perfect in men’s eyes, but he was perfect in heart and will to do the will of God, condemning the world and saving his house. “Thine is the Kingdom (not ours) the power and the glory,” for it will be His Grace and Mercy only which can make us partakers of His Nature, while it should be grace on our part to let it be done. There can be no force used, and our wedding garment will be to bear the same witness as John and the Son of Man bear. The Spirit, life, nature, vision – one spirit ruling the whole body to bear the same witness which is to be spread over the whole earth. Noah was to pitch the Ark inside and outside to keep out the waters of Judgment, and such should be our witness.
So beware of anything that would leave open seams in the Ark. Noah used pitch to trim the Ark after all his best endeavors to build properly, and I’m sure a little common sense and the love and grace of God will unite all the living boards in His Ark to make them water proof or keep out all that’s the influence of human influence work on us from outside, even to the closing of the door by which we enter.
Noah was obedient to the voice to the end as at the beginning, and to the “Enter thou and all thy house into the Ark,” and God shut the door, as it’s spoken when John the Bridegroom and Son of Man from Heaven comes. So love one another, even as I have loved you. This will close the cracks, rather than pick holes in it. There was only one Noah and one family then – so now. No bulging out or bulging in of boards, but all in place according to the great Architect who spoke to Noah and gave him the size, design, and every detail, and the quality of the wood was the same throughout. The quality of timber refers to the same human marks which will be seen in all the boards, not knotty or twisted, but plain, clear, simple straight-grained timber of one kind only. Can you see Noah and Company going around with the hot pitch filling the gaps or cracks rather than blaming anyone for them? There would be plenty of timber rejected and used as fire wood in the 120 years work. A rotten board would have endangered the whole Ark, just as the man who had not the Wedding Garment had to be bound and cast out into outer darkness.
Not what we think but what the Architect or builder thinks fit and suitable. So it’s good to see that sincerity marks all our activities. Sincere means a piece of wood with no concealed cracks, which will be revealed later on. There is a great pillar laying half made in Russian Square here, and the weather for hundreds of years has revealed very clearly now why it was left unfinished as a pillar for a temple, and when John comes there will be many on whom much work has been done but left unfinished and unfit for building. In a world full of hypocrisy you can see the danger, but in the Ark, proof of righteousness by Faith, you can be sure all were sincerely anxious to build well for their own safety.
So don’t be carping critics, but true builders controlled by the same Spirit – only wanting to edify rather than pull down or cast away. So do and say in a way that will edify or build till John comes and the Ark closed and ready for the clouds of Judgment to burst and the Ark float as the waters rise.
My love to all,
Wm. Irvine
P.S. It’s good to hear of John and Anna finding a way of expressing their energy, and desire to perfect themselves for future usefulness.
Discourage all tittle-tattle scandal and gossip, or any attempt at measuring others by their iniquities or sins, and concentrate on emphasizing the personal responsibility in having a house in which He can dwell and do his work through us, so shall we share in all that’s promised to Him and all who are His. If the heart is true to Him, it will be true to me, and all I’ve tried to give them as His Message from the Throne. The body of the Woman is to compass a man – this is the goal and hope of all who are His. And the London conference seems to be the clearest mark of all we have had so far. W.I.
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards
December 29, 1938
My dear Edwards and Co:
Thanks for your last week’s letters. Xmas has come and gone, with its record. The Nations are all more or less angry and speaking over their back yard fences, words very like what we find amongst bad neighbors, with threats of one sort and another and reminding each other of their weakness or crookedness in the past, which is a rather queer way of Peace on Earth, Good Will to men, the Message of the Angels then and now, but only for all those who know the peace of God in their own hearts can we expect such to be fulfilled. That promise looks forward to the day when His Kingdom will have come on the earth even as it is in Heaven, when the Love of God will be shed abroad in the hearts of all, which is charity that suffereth long, and remains kind, envieth not others, because there is nothing to envy in others when we have the Love, Joy, Peace in our hearts; longsuffering, gentleness, goodness towards others; faith, meekness and temperance, the marks of true fellowship with God in hearing, believing, and obeying.
Charity vaunteth not itself. If the Devil and Satan can’t get us deceived and cast down, they will try hard to get us to be boastful over others who are cast down. Is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly towards others, seeketh not her own. Is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. Impatient towards others and unkindness in look, word or deed. Envy of others in any sense – how can we envy if God’s purpose is fulfilled in our own experience. Vaunting, looking, feeling, word or deed, which puts others down and we up; puffed up like the turkey or dove when some one is looking on.
Acting unseemly or in a way that others can see and feel hurts others. Seeking our own in those we meet, speak or write to, impatient with those less fortunate even in experience and privilege. Thinking evil of others; these are the marks opposite to the true marks, and possible even in Iniquity working in the true child of God. For how could we have forgiveness, through the blood, of Iniquity and Sin as His children are promised, if such was not promised and needed.
Psalm 32 says Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the Man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile. Come ye Blessed of my Father or ye who are begotten of God, or regenerate and made partakers of His Nature. He could not say, come inherit, unless we were of the family Jesus is the true, full pattern of, to which we are to be conformed. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. All the power of God by the Spirit seen in the Life and work of Jesus is the Kingdom promised to those who are His True Born Sons. You can see how the hypocrite world tries to claim healings and miracles, but you can see in Matt. 25 that these things in fullness are our inheritance and we could only have an earnest and they are for our use in the coming work in our witness to the world.
You find the true Apostles had some of these marks but never more than an earnest or sample of what He showed was to be our inheritance in Him and co-heir to the same power and promises.
You can see the value of true charity in seeking to be perfected to use these powers in the Salvation of the 100 million by the 144,000 who share them through us. Everybody would like to have the same power He had by the spirit, but not the discipline in being perfected in obedience to God and impartial in the use of them in the coming days of wrath when they will be the only hope for those who hear and obey His Message by us.
If sin and iniquity needs to be forgiven now in the true seed, you can see that such conditions need to be cured ere we can be entrusted with the Kingdom, which is His, but promised to His children. So it’s very important to be schooled in seeking to have the fruit of the Spirit, tested, and purified in all our relations with the people we live amongst on the earth.
You can read Psalm 32 in the light of these things and so learn to be true and not easily fooled by your own iniquity, and evil thinking of others. In the healings and miracles you can see the disciples and apostles often came far short in sympathy and understanding of the people they met. It would be like giving a boy Father’s gun to play with, were we entrusted with the power of God as He revealed. This gives us some idea of what the Wedding Garment White means, for the Marriage of the King’s Son when power is given to the 2 witnesses as it is in Heaven, and helps us to grasp who are the Woman Body in Rev. 12:1-3, to share in the inheritance enjoyed in Heaven and now to come on the earth in John’s coming to the Son of Man to make him Manchild to rule the Nations, die and be caught up to His Throne.
So seek to cultivate the marks He had ere He was anointed at 30, and be able to say Come unto me for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye who come will find rest to your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden light. So don’t fly high, feel or speak hard, or be too critical of others, or scandalize by word or letter those who may be under rebuke or chastening, because He loves them and is seeking to perfect them.
We have a great many amateur soldiers and police not skilled in the use of firearms and quite a number of accidental shootings of themselves and others, and so it is possible to misuse and misfire with the privileges and powers we enjoy. So be kind, helpful to all, and some day we will have no reflections when our bedmate, workmate, or millmate has gone because they were not perfected to stay and do His work in His way and share in the Kingdom. The true test is to Love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, strength, and mind, and THY neighbor as thyself, is like a looking glass to see if you feel, act, speak, or write, or think as He would.
My love in Him,
Wm. Irvine
Wm. Irvine's Letter to: Edwards and Co.
December 31, 1938
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Edwards:
George Linn died in Hospital at 1:30 P.M. on Dec. 30th and is to be buried
on Mt. Zion cemetery at 2:30 from Hospital today. They phoned me from
Hotel in A.M. but I was not in, and did not suspect it was more than a call
to speak to him. In evening I had phone telling of his death; so I
did not have any chance to hear from him directly.
Percy went home 3 weeks ago, expecting to come back in spring bringing young
George with him. I met him (George) in P.O. about a week ago, and advised
him to go home and begin all over again. But he had given over his
home to his daughter and said he had no home.
A sad ending to a life of 3-fold opportunity for 30 years, and only proof
that no amount of "Lord, Lord" can escape what is so clearly written from
His lips.
My Love to all,
Wm. Irvine