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Beginner Book of Letters
By William Irvine
Revised March 28, 2016

TTT Editor's Notes:  Sometime in the 1960's, a follower of Wm Irvine named Orris Mills, asked some of the other followers to send him a list of the letters by Wm. Irvine that they gave out the most to interested parties.  From this list Mr. Mills, a printer by occupation, put together a collection of letters in notebooks. A number of Message people still use this collection of letters as a hand-out when someone expresses interest in reading Wm. Irvine's letters.  One section or collection contains 20 letters and  is called by some:  "The Beginner Book."  The letters are printed below.

  1. Letter to  Ackersons  11-5-37
  2. Letter to  Adams  4-13-36
  3. Letter to  Lyda & Wm.Baker 8-13-37
  4. Letter to  Harvey Beard 10-12-32
  5. Letter to  Berglinds 11-22-35
  6. Letter to  Blackburns 8-21-37
  7. Letter to  Brunts 2-9-37
  8. Letter to  Kenneth Burdick 7-4-36
  9. Letter to  Lottie Corbett 10-26-32
  10. Letter to  Drummonds 1-1-37
  11. Letter to  Drummonds 4-25-37
  12. Letter to  Edwards 08-31-23
  13. Letter to  Fred Harper 3-4-32
  14. Letter to  Hansens 3-4-32
  15. Letter to  Mrs. Hill 11-9-36
  16. Letter to  Keyes 7-17-37
  17. Letter to  Mills 1-11-36
  18. Letter to  Sargeants 8-30-20
  19. Letter to  Hilda  Spencer  6-2-27
  20. Letter to  Bruce Cutler and Ruth Stenger  6-4-37

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Ackersons
November 5, 1937
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Ackersons:
    Thanks for yours today and your two and a half good letters.  That such talk could be indulged in, or thought of this sort, regarding John, only betrays the fact that they were neither benefiting by the Spirit's reading through The Man, or by the Spirit sealing and revealing to, and in them.  And any excuse people have, only betrays their self-thoughts and desires.
It was in the name of loving God and worshipping Him in Heaven, that the Jews crucified Jesus, whom God had sent to give them clear, full revelation of who He was in heart and nature towards men.  All that's human in our conception of God, is exactly the opposite of what He is, in and towards men.  Only when men become like a voluntary vacuum, can He put His thoughts into mind and heart and make them partakers of His nature, and show it by our words and actions to men, as He did both to the sinners and hypocrites, who must ever be offended in what's of God, because they have a righteousness of their own.
    All men are religious, one way or another--or profess to know, and worship, and serve God-according to their own human concept of Him.  No animal is, or can be, religious, and if men are satisfied by their human experiences, etc., there can be no ear or heart for the Voice of the Lord God walking in the garden.  These are the ninety-nine "Just Persons," who need no repentance, and so The Spirit leaves them, while going after the man that is lost, and knows, and so has ears and heart for the Shepherd's Voice, and so turns from all that's not of God, to all that is of God and so finds life and salvation.  And you see this in operation in Matthew 22 in the servants being sent to the outcasts of the religious, political, and educated world with the message of God today.  If they were the self-satisfied, there would be no hope.  And proof that people have heard The Voice and got life, is seen in them being Babes and Sucklings wanting the sincere milk, by which they can grow and develop The Nature.  While only God does give, by the Spirit, to all who hear and obey His Voice and message, the true mark is to be Little Ones, dependent, in contrast to being big Little Ones, with a false center and no life.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Adams
April 13, 1936
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Adams:
    I hope you are feeling the better for your trip in visiting those who are not the public worshippers today, as was Adam after being put out of The Garden.
    You notice in the Message to the Seven Churches, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit sayeth." 1900 years ago, three million Jews, with the greatest profession and knowledge of the scriptures, and the most perfect form of worshipping God, killed and buried Jesus to enable them to carry on their public worship.  We have looked on this feebly, rather than a full manifestation of what all men--public worshippers on the Earth--have, and will do, till the time when they are cut off and destroyed.
    The Straight Gate and Narrow Way will always produce personal, private, home-worshippers, as truly as hearing the truth and not the Voice, will produce the Wide Gate and Broad Way worshippers, as in Noah's, Adam's, and Moses' days.  The public worshippers increased in 1600 years, to eight against eighty million, so you can see what we see today.  We have never been clearer, or more convinced, that God's way of revealing them is by their public worship and their idols--man-made., either from flesh and blood, or any other material, according to their choice, and our Christian world is as fully-supplied with idol factories, as we see the Eastern nations.
    All public worship is to make men good and hinder regeneration, or the need for it. Adam had this conflict in his own family.  So had Noah, for Ham was in, but not of, and so revealed.  We have failed to see the Wide Gate and Broad Way, and The Straight Gate and Narrow Way, has always been revealed in the personal, private, and home worship, and personal service--and by the Spirit.  So, we can better see how God looks on the whole public worshipping world and His purpose in gathering out of the dry bones the public worship has made and cast into the valley.
    Our joy is the greater for who and where we are and its possibilities.  Why did God drown in Noah's day and destroy in Abram's day?  And why did the three million Jews kill Jesus?  Simply to show they were public, unregenerate, worshippers.  So, I have had real blessing and cheer out of seeing clearer than ever the great -issue.

 Wm. Irvine 

Wm. Irvine's letter To: Lyda & Wm.  Baker
August 13, 1937
My dear Lyda and Wm.

    Thanks for yours.  It was good to have so many friends with you these past weeks, and gives us some idea of what it will- be some day, when the greater gathering takes place in Jerusalem, when John comes and the great Tribulation begins to fulfill Malachi: 4.
    Malachi:3, last half, is very sweet to those who hear and fear, for we see Him attending to putting our names in the Book of Remembrance.  Then shall they be mine in the day that I make up my Jewels," or those who have in them the same nature that made Jesus what He was to God and man.  One such son of God is more value than a world full of the best humans that ever lived on the Earth, and only such are stored with Him in Heaven, waiting to come back to inherit the Earth and reign with Him for 1000 years.
    You can easily see around you the selfish humans, who neither fear God or man in seeking to satisfy their own self-will, pride and wickedness.  Jesus said, "I was amongst you as one that serveth," or as a bond slave.  This is the true pattern God desires to perfect in us, for we are only value in God's sight as we are conformed to the image of His Son, rather than be like the world dog, hog, goat, or wolf, which is the general mark seen on every hand, in the RP&E world and all else.
    It's quite difficult to sit back and down, and look at the world as it's going on.  What pleasure can God have in what He has created as it appears today?  And one longs for a day when all the present confusion, and strife, darkness, and misery will have disappeared, but this can only come when the humans, who have despised and refused to hear and obey, have gone, leaving such as have ears as proof that they have life and nature of Jesus.
    How vain and empty all else in human life, when it ends.  Money, position, power, and self can't meet the needs of the man who has so lived--only for feed and to gratify his own human, selfish nature.  If we can live without God, God can do without us, are terrible, but true words and describe what "Perish" means.

My love to both and all,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Harvey Beard
Jerusalem, Palestine
October 12, 1932
My dear Harvey Beard:
    Thanks for yours, 19-9-32.  If all the young men of 18 in the 2,000 million world had heard His Message from the throne today, they would all naturally write as you write.
    The god of the whole religious, political and educated world is the Devil.  It's preachers and teachers are Serpent Seed, who deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden, which is type of the religious world.  God said, "Ye shall not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or attempt to read the truth of God without the anointing of God, or light without life.
    No animal is religious; all men are, more or less, and I was what you are up to 30 years of age.  The Serpent showed Adam and Eve, and convinced them, that it was good for both of them for food; pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired, for it makes wise.  This of all religion.  And when their eyes were opened, and they saw they were naked, they put on garments of fig leaves--or outward righteousness, which all religion stands for-and they were quite satisfied, but the Voice of the Lord God, walking as a stranger in the Garden, came and called them, rather surprisingly, and they hid amongst the trees or the garden.
    You notice how smoothly the Devil, by the Serpent, wooed and won them to doing what God had said they were not to do, and convinced them they would be as gods, knowing good and evil, as all religious people do.  He cursed what they had blessed, clothed them with coats of lamb skin and put them outside of the Garden to do for others what He had done for them.
Their two sons born to them reveal the two choices that we can make: Cain's offering being all that a religious man's can be without hearing the Voice of the Lord; Abel's offering, the result of hearing the Voice and obeying and suffering for it at the hands of his brother's anger and wrath, to the death.
    In Noah's day, the sons and daughters of men were following Cain's pattern.  The Lord spoke to Noah, but they had no use for His message by  Noah but went on just the same saying, “All things are just as they were from the beginning”  till the flood came and took them all away. So shall it be in these days of the Son of Man bearing the Message of Revelation to them from the Throne of God and the Lamb.
    Ur of the Chaldees was the center of world religion, politics, and education, and the Lord spoke to Abram, and he obeyed, and got out with all he had and became the prophet of God, and  only three people in the five cities of the plain were found to have ears for His Message and fellowship.  And now the Dead Sea covers them, and the Jews are making money out of their ashes in producing various materials by their chemical skill in the Dead Sea works.
    Moses was educated in all the arts, etc. of Egypt, which was the center of religious, political, and educational power; was a man mighty in sword and deed in the RP&E center of the world, but he chose to suffer affliction with those who had heard and obeyed God, rather than enjoy -the pleasure of sin--or not hearing and obeying God for a season.  The Lord him to the desert for forty years as a "fellah"[common man] and sent him as His mouthpiece to deliver the oppressed  from the oppressors, who are always the RP&E people of the day.  And so on, through the whole Book, the conditions of the Garden, and seen in Cain and Able continues.
    You can see Jesus at supper in John: 13, before His crucifixion, with eleven who had ears for the Voice of the Lord God through Jesus' lips. And Judas trying to  ride the fence, and falling down a steep place and his bowels gushed out, or revealed him.  He did what most people do who hear and don't obey arid sold, for four (dollars, what cost the Son of God His life.  'The RP&E powers who crucified Him are but the Devil, by the Serpent Seed, can do for all men.  They went home to worship Him in Heaven, whom they had refused to hear on the Earth.  Cain-like, angry, and murder in their hearts.  The Devil, today, uses baptism and breaking of bread to gather people into Babylon, or the RP&E garden.
    It's little value what our thoughts and ways are; God and Jesus are speaking to the world in Revelation for these days, and Revelation: 17, 18 & 19 are plain for all who hear and obey and who can escape?  Either hear and obey and find a place at the Supper of the Lamb, or be left to the Supper of the Great God, (Revelation 13) when He will make the whole RP&E ,world food for the beasts and the birds. what hope can there be for the RP&E, ,when He is going to rule the nations with an iron rod and break them in shivers as clay vessels, one against another?  So awake, thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and the anointing of (God will give thee the light of life.
My love to you in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Berglinds
Jerusalem, Palestine
November 22, 1935

My dear Berglinds:
    Thanks for yours.  Glad to hear June is feeling better.  And no matter what people are, say or ,do, our job, as His sons and servants by whom the Spirit witnesses to the simple (or ignorant;) the scorners, and fools who hate knowledge, who are outside the RP&E camp--we are showing that we have the same wisdom Solomon had when he prophesied in Proverbs 1 for these days.  Notice verses 20-23, how it describes our witness and the results to follow in verses 24:32; while verse 33 shows the nature of "Hearkeneth in Peace and Safety," while Omega Wrath is poured out on all who refuse to hear and obey the Spirit.

------people forget that in hearing the message from the throne by the Spirit, it's God speaking to them and holding out a friendly hand.  And in refusing what the Spirit of God prompts us to do , they are refusing the Godhead, though, it’s done through our lips and persons.  The Devil always uses the high-ups and cultured man to deceive.
    Noah, in his farmer-carpenter manner of life and way of speech, was not known as a prophet till the flood came and took them all away.  Abram was the prophet who dared not go down, to Sodom, but the Dead Sea is a monument to remind the world that Abram was the prophet.  There, was plenty of religious leaders in Sodom, for they had plenty of bread and pleasure in the five cities of the plain, but no use for the Bread and Water by The Prophet, or Lot, or the two angels He sent to warn them, and sent low, brutish men to dishonor the Servants. You notice,
    "Jerusalem, the great city where also our Lord was crucified," is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, as in Revelation 11. reminds us that Jerusalem today, and when they kill the Two Witnesses, [Revelation 111 is just like Sodom and Egypt, when Moses and Abram were the prophets--where the Two Witnesses will witness to them.  Jesus said as it was in Noah and Abram's day, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man bearing witness to Omega wrath coming on the Earth.  The Jews, today, are making money out of the potash in the Dead Sea, t-he ashes of the destroyed people now being used for manure.
    So, when men won't hear the message of the Angel of Revelation 22, they are only doing what was done in all other ages and which Solomon, in Proverbs 1, says would be.  So, our joy does not depend on them, but in being able to hear and bear witness to any we can reach.  It proves we are Wise Virgins with oil in our vessels and Good and Faithful Servants, as in Matthew 25.  Read Psalms 45 to 72, which are specially for these days and you will get much fresh comfort and assurance.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Blackburns
Jerusalem, Palestine
August 21, 1937

My dear Blackburns, (4)
    Thanks for yours.  Glad to hear you survive in these wild days, and find some ear to hear His Message, by which we are assured 100 million will get life--only 5% of the human race, but what a lot, when we know present conditions.  Read Daniel: 7 and Revelation: 10 for John's coming, equipped for the double purpose of speaking mercy to the meek and-wrath to the proud and wicked, who despise God's offers of mercy.
    Today you see the world deluged with ungodly cackle by the kings and rulers of the Earth, all contrary to the Lord and His Anointed, as in Psalm 2; all seeking to justify themselves and carry on their pride and wickedness, when His purpose is to end the whole unregenerate human control, because they are controlled by the god of this world, the Devil, who [was] created to minister to they who are the heirs of salvation, but fell by their pride and iniquity.  And the whole world under their delusion, walking in pride of every sort and doing the Devil's will and refusing the will of God, as revealed in Jesus, who was the full pattern of all that God desires of man, no matter what his condition or position is.
    Jesus was amongst men as a slave, serving fully and freely, and no desire to dominate others, but as a sample of what God desires in all who will seek to please Him.  "9y love, serve one another," is the law in the Kingdom of God.  And all who have His nature will find it very joyous service, when the proud and wicked are cleared off and the meek, controlled by God, inherit the same old Earth for 1000 years.
    So, all that's happening on the Earth is but preparation for evacuation of the usurpers, who dominate the religious, political, and educated world.  So don't worry, if you find this power opposing today; it will soon be ended in John's coming and the Two Witnesses begin their work.  The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 are all preparing to destroy each other.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Brunts
Jerusalem, Palestine
February 9, 1937

My dear Mr. and Mrs. Brunt:
    Thanks for your honest, hearty letter.  You are just the sort of people I expect will have ears to hear gladly.  Read Matthew: 22 and you will see there, the marks of those prepared for Message, as Matthew: 24 shows you who the 8 woes of Matthew: 23 means.  Matthew: 25 shows us the use people will make of the Man and Message, either--foolishly and miss the blessing, or wisely and find the Spirit come to work within, and by them, in seeking to help others.
    Isaiah: 55 is the simplest guide you can have: "Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters," etc.  "Hear and your soul shall live, and I will make a covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David,"--or what's promised to all who share in the anointing of God; for when God can work in a man's heart and life by using him to help others, all other matters become His interest, as in Revelation: 3:20: "I will come into him and sup with him, and he with me." So, it's a fair exchange and no robbery.
    To be honest, simple, sincere, and courageous will bring peace, comfort, hope and joy, when the world around is being slowly but surely cleared of all that's Godless.  No matter now much gold a man or a nation may have, it's the Godly who are His special care, and by them, His blessing will reach all who give God ear and heart.  To be a Wise Virgin, with oil in your vessel--a Good and Faithful Servant in His promise.  "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." We are for Him; He for us.  The Foolish Virgins and Unfaithful Servants are Goats, who will hear "depart from me, I never knew you," or you me.  These shall go away into everlasting punishment prepared for the Devil and his servants.
    You will find much true Joy in speaking, often., one to another, and find your name in His Book of Remembrance written before Him.  Read Malachi: 3 and 4 to have a good scriptural foundation gives us great confidence and, also, ability to help others.

My love and best wishes to all in the home.

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Kenneth Burdick
Jerusalem, Palestine
July 4, 1936
My dear Kenneth:
    Thanks for yours with the Baker's, so thought I'd write you a little note to cheer and encourage you in having ears and heart for the only Voice which can never disappoint--that of God--which delivered Adam and Eve from the delusion of hearing the Serpent in the Garden, which has been the trouble to all the human race; for the way which seemeth right to a man means death, and the way which seemeth wrong to humans, is the way which seemeth right to God.
    Animal can never understand human ideals and purposes. Neither can humans understand God's purpose in and towards Him.  Only by birth can we be made partakers, and this can only come by being born from above, by the Spirit's message obeyed, and His coming to dwell and work in and by us.
    You can see the endless conflict between the Cain and Abel--those who listen to obey the Serpent, and those with ears to hear the Voice of the Lord God and get the lamb nature, which alone makes us able to offer the lamb sacrifice acceptable to God.  Cain's vegetable work and sacrifice covers all we can ever be to God while only human.  And Abel reveals what pleases and is accepted of God--what the Spirit can make us as we hear, obey, and witness.
    Noah's flood day shows how many followed the Serpent's leading, and few with ears to hear.  And we don't need to worry about the variety of Serpent Seed on the Earth, then or now, being many, and few with ears for the Voice of the Lord God.  Our joy is in being delivered from the human light, which is darkness, to walk in the light of the Lord in spite of all that seeks to hinder, in and around.
    It's always our choice to accept what He, by His Spirit, offers us, and only to use it, that we may get assurance of its value.  There is nothing we can be, or do, to others as valuable as to be His mouthpiece to others, no matter how they receive it; that's their business, but we always feel benefited by the flow of Living Waters by our lips.  In this way, we get much understanding in our effort to help others.  Then, we can always  be sure of refreshing in company of those who have His Spirit, whether we speak or listen, so long as our purpose is to obey,
    So, we find Satan as your enemy in all, and by all, who are under his power.  He is our adversary, standing against us at every possible movement, but we need never fear.  If God be for us, who can be against us?
    I hope you enjoy other's letters on present conditions.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Lottie Corbett
Jerusalem, Palestine
October 26, 1932
My dear Mrs.  Corbett,
    Thanks for yours.  The, washing on Sunday is only one of the many things which the Devil tries to enslave people by, like keeping the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments.
    Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, not man to keep the Sabbath, as the Pharisees taught and beat the people with. God gave the Sabbath as the day of rest--one in seven, that men might find some time for themselves to use as they choose.  And it's for both man. and beast, as well as machine, but like all God's goodness for man, they turn it into a whip to scourge men, by making them believe it's -a day to go to public worship and be fed stones in place of bread, and to be accused, and bled by the wolfish false prophets.  Many a poor man and woman have found it the only day they could clean up and attend to their home, being over-worked during the six days and not much pay, for it, and then could only get little relaxation and fresh air.
    I got my ears boxed many times for whistling on the Sabbath day, and dragged to church to Listen to a man who was loafing all week, and talking proud words through his Beat on Sunday to deceive the people; although, he was so ignorant of God and His world. of truth, that he did not know that he was one of the religious, political, and educational people who crucified Jesus then and now.  And. you can fined them everywhere today doing the same thing.  They have brought the wrath of God on the world in every age. 80 millions like them drowned in the flood , and five cities in Jordan Valley lie under the Dead Sea, etc.
    Because of them,(the RP&E) the false leaders, all the judgments in the Book came on the world.  So give them no quarter, and you will sure that all people who are fond   of going to meetings are on the way to Hell, no matter what--they call themselves, or say, or do.  It was such people who rejected and crucified Christ and would do it again, and will show it in what they will do to God's Witnesses.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To:  Drummonds
Jerusalem, Palestine
January 1, 1937
My dear Drummonds:
    Thanks for 2 from you.  I enjoy your account of Frisco, for that spirit is what you will find [when] His seal [is] in anyone.  It takes courage and grit to bear clear, strong witness, kindly and clearly, to all you meet.  The very fact that people don't want to hear, is the very strongest reason for our best efforts to reach some.  If we saw people drowning, we would be honored for making an attempt, and dishonored in not trying to do what we could.
    The Spirit wants loving, loyal use of our lives in bearing His witness to men.  There's no other hope on the Earth today.  We may make mistakes, but none in trying to do it, for then, the Spirit can correct and guide; whereas, if we will not try, He can do nothing for us or by us.  He does not expect us to be somebody else, but just let Him have a fair opportunity in dealing with others.
    Revelation:3:20 shows Him willing to come in and "sup" with us, or share all we are in attending to His business. -And we have the promised 'supping," or sharing what is His, both in honor from God and dishonor from men.  In a world full of Devil-deceived people, and Satan-possessed adversaries around to hinder, you can see it's always effort to bear clear witness, but the more we do it, in the right Spirit, the more opportunity He gets to perfect us and help others.
    All I know of God has come in trying to help others. And even my mistakes only added to my value as I learned from experience, it's doing it, not wishing, thinking, or intending, but doing it--wholeheartedly--in serving God and Man.  Who can tell what one saved from the misery and tyranny of present world conditions might be in days to come?  For our service is only beginning, and great days ahead for all who are truly his Wise Virgins and Faithful Servants of Matthew 25, by whom the Sheep and Goats will be revealed.

My love to both,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's letter to Drummonds
Jerusalem, Palestine
April 25, 1937
My Dear Drummonds:
    Thanks for several letters.  What makes a Wise Virgin and what makes a Foolish?  The one lets God's Spirit work in their heart and mind; the other don't.
    A sheep loves the green grass in the meadow; the goat loves the high places and the tasty herbage of the high places.  The Devil can always get the Foolish to miss what he needs and take what can only pander to his human spirit, soul and body.
    A wise chicken does not swallow all that it scratches, but what it can digest.  It's very easy to feed those who are hungry and thirsty for what comes from God, while quite impossible to feed those who are full of their own thoughts, desires, and ways.  "Birds of a feather flock together," and it soon becomes manifest in people--whether they are clean clean-by their habits.  Probably the easiest fed of the winged sort is the dove, which is typical of the Spirit's brood.
    The Wise can learn from the Fool, but the Fool never from the Wise.  I have had more difficulty in getting rid of my own, and other's, thoughts and ways, than to find God giving me full measure of His for my own use and for other's benefit.  The wisdom of God, is foolishness with men; the wisdom of men, foolishness with God.  The flowing river from the throne is full, and free, and refreshing, and comforting.  The muddied waters of Babylon is large, but producing death, rather than -1ife, both in us and in those who hear us.
    The fruits, or results, of The Spirit in men, is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.  The works of the flesh in spirit, soul and body is just the opposite.  Galatians: 5:20 shows what the
    Foolish will enjoy most, to their destruction.  It is very easy to stumble over others, if we don't have The Spirit and let Him work in and speak by us to others.  So, cheer up and learn from your mistakes.  Err on God's side, rather than your own, for the Great Day is quite at hand, when Malachi: 4 is about to begin on the Earth.

My love in Him to both,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:   Edwards
Jerusalem, Palestine
August 31, 1923

... The world is like a ship full of passengers all bent on their own purposes, pleasures and destination--lst, 2nd, 3rd, and crew, with officers--with her seacock opened, and nobody aware of the fact, and each so busy, they don’t notice it till it will be too late.  Then, the hubbub will come and the SOS will be wirelessed without any chance of reply.  They will go down singing, "Nearer, my God, to Thee," little reckoning where the trouble came from, so blind have men become through all their Godless words and works, but it like a snare and a trap for them because of their blind eyes and deaf ears.
    Eddie Cooney now preaches that we are drifting into a famine.  If that were all, we would not have much to fear. I suppose he will be preparing for a further delusion.  I wonder if there are many strong on "The Rapture?" I enclose a cutting from Auckland, showing their attitude towards military service.  Very far from all I taught.
    The whole Old Testament shows that the Jesus of the New Testament was the Lord of Hosts, who never failed to be with the nations that used the sword, against those who used the sword wickedly.  And pacifism is the worst form of delusion one could imagine, and proves them to be just as blind to who Jehovah, of the Old Testament, was and is, as are the Jews concerning the Jesus of the New Testament.
    How can a man fear God and honor the King, and refuse to pay his share in money and service in defence of his country and home?  It's just as unchristian to refuse to use the Sword of the Lord of Hosts, against the sword of the Wicked One, as it would be to take the sword of the wicked aggression against others.
    Zechariah 14:3 shows that the Lord will go forth and fight against those who take Jerusalem, as in days gone by, and that, by the Christian nations, in vengeance of God against the Moslem world.  I suspect out of this will come the Dragon making war against "Those who have the testimony of Jesus," and they will well deserve it, just as the man who would not help put out the fire, which was destroying another man's house, is sure to have his own in danger.  God made all men of one blood, but He also fixed the bounds of their habitations, making it a sacred duty of every man, that wants to dwell in any part of the world, to be willing to defend their frontiers and rights, as he would defend his own family, blood, or home.  The method of doing this must be determined by his willingness and ability, but no man can escape the responsibility and have the Spirit of God in him.  Neither can a man have the Spirit of Christ or God and do violence to his neighbor's landmark consciously.
    All those who take the sword in defense of the Man of God shall perish by the sword, for God cannot honor or protect such, but will leave them to the consequences of their own.  Non-resistance is the way of bringing God to our deliverance.  To use this as an argument against warfare in defense of our land and home, is to prostitute the words of Jesus.

Yours very truly in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Fred Harper
Jerusalem, Palestine
March 4, 1932

My dear Fred:
    It's always best to part when our fellowship is not edifying, or building us up in the faith.  And do it with a kind, forgiving heart on both sides, for there may be difficulty in oneness of a human kind.  I hope you are well on your own feet, for that's where men grow strong.  To lean is always a source of weakness and temptation to those we lean on, but always show Gratitude to anyone who has done what they could for you naturally or spiritually
    To do to others what you would have them do to you, is a great guide in making us considerate of other's interests, feelings, and comforts.  This is the law in all service of Jesus, no matter where or when placed, and keeps us safe from doing to others what they might do to us.  A forgiving heart is the surest mark of true fellowship with God in the Spirit, as an accusing heart is always indicative of devil possession, or being wicked.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, and you will find that keeps us clear, clean and steady, no matter where placed.
    Psalms 15, 24 and 101 are very good guide to how to keep in touch with God and Jesus.  You will find all the Psalms the very best reading, for they were written by David, the anointed of God, and show his struggles and battles with. all sorts of enemies of the soul that would please God and be useful to man.
    The Lord of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New, and our Alpha and Omega today on the throne.  So that all we read of Him in the Old Testament is in harmony and line with what He was, is, and ever will be. and one can have closer fellowship with Him today, than even if we had been His disciples when He was here on Earth.  Arid as we hear and obey Him, we can be sure He will hear and obey our honest desire in His service.
    It's very important to keep low, humble, and meek in all, our dealings with men, and in giving them all the chance possible to hear, obey and live.  We don't trouble about what they may say any more than we would blame a corpse for smelling, for men are dead to God till they hear and live.
    So don't take their ways and words too seriously, but tenderly and truly seek to lead them from the place of wrath to the mercy place, where all their wailinqs will be turned to joyous confidence in God and Jesus.

My love in Him,

Wm.  Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Hansens
Jerusalem, Palestine
March 4, 1932

My dear Hansens:
    Thanks for yours, which came all right.  I was glad to see the photos enclosed of the few there.
    It's always good to do all we do to the glory of God and obedience to the Lord; for otherwise, there is always danger of flesh--or human influence--creeping in, in the most subtle forms.  "Wicked" covers all that can come from our human nature, and you can see that there is no hope for slothful, wicked service; but to serve Him in all we say, think, or do, will get rich returns.
    It's a personal matter in hearing and obeying, and no team work can ever be of such value to us, Him, or those who hear our witness, as The Spirit, by us, allowed to witness to someone who is dead and deaf to God.  It's a personal matter for them, also.  And He can never fail to reward according to what He sees in our heart of loyal service--No room for show-off.  Everyone is a centre of, more or less, activity, and in that circle lies our opportunity and privilege and responsibility.  And there we grow wiser every day, or more foolish, according to the use we make of our God-given place.
    It's much more important to develop, by the Spirit, in our sphere, than to want greater opportunity and be less able to use it.  When people get too fond of bunching up, there is less room for God to work.  It's the person who has been most loyal to Him in personal, private ways, whom He will choose for larger and largest opportunity in coming days.  We are like calves of the stall today, being hand-fed, as it were, till the day when we will go forth to greater sacrifice and service.  So chew well all you get, and digest it, and keep in healthy condition for service.  You can see we are moving every day nearer the great day of opportunity and reward.  I hope you are all well in body, soul, and spirit.

 My love in Him to all,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:   Mrs. Hill
Jerusalem, Palestine
November 9, 1936

My Dear Mrs. Hill:
    Thanks for yours.  Your last question is easily answered by the fact that the people who kept the Sabbath Day best, and were careful tithers and also keepers of the law, were those who were the means of putting Him to death, and so today, are all who put emphasis on keeping the Sabbath, which was but a typical matter.  The true keeping of the Sabbath is to cease from your own thoughts and ways and let God work in you, and by you, by His Spirit, as in Isaiah 55, where you have a perfect guide for what to do today.  What value is a Witness, Leader and Commander for the people on the Earth, if the people don't feel their need of such?
    Revelation is the program for the judging of all nations, and every man on the face of the whole Earth.  Half has been fulfilled in the past twenty-one years; now comes the Tribulation years with world war, famine, pestilence and plague.  The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 will appear when war begins in earnest.  If these days were not shortened, there would be no flesh be saved, but for The Elect's sake, on the Earth, they will be shortened to seven years.
    Revelation 17: The Whore and her daughters covers the whole religious world of false prophets, or they who read--or try to read--the Book, pretty much as the Scribes and Pharisees,, then and now, do.
    Revelation 18: The Spirit, by all whom He dwells in, cries "Come out of her my people." If you can hear this, then you may begin to get understanding.
    Revelation 1:3 shows who are "blessed, "or given the Spirit to read Revelation, which was a closed book till 1914, when the war began.  "Blessed is he that readeth and they who hear the words of this prophecy," etc.
    Revelation 22:6-7 shows Jesus sent His Servant, or Angel, to show to His servants things which must shortly be done, so you see a Sent One at the beginning, and end, and all through, but the world of false prophets, by the Devil's deceivings, has greater power to blind and keep in darkness, those who are content with their own thoughts and ways.
    Matthew 22, 23, 24 & 25 are good reading for today.  The Goats don't need God and Jesus' Sent Servant; they have their own made, chosen, and paid preachers, and so Goats.  There are many in and around Los Angeles whom you can trust to read Revelation to you, as The Spirit has given unto me, and by me, them.  Mr. Emil Ritzman, 2205 La Paloma, Alhambra, are not far from you.  I have known them for 30 years.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Keys
Jerusalem, Palestine
July 17, 1937
My dear Keyes Family:
    Thanks for yours and other two.  It's good to be anxious to know both Man and Message, by which you may know the Trinity of God, for the Spirit on the Earth is always seeking for some true, humble heart that He can dwell in, and by whom He can speak living words of guidance to others, that they may also become temples, or houses, in flesh and blood, by which He can speak and work.
    Jesus was but a simple, humble carpenter in Nazareth, but He was the Son of God and the home of the Spirit, and did the Father's will.  Such was a sample of what God wants today, that we may be partakers of His nature and anointing of The Spirit, and do the Father's will, in spite of our own thoughts and ways and those of all others.  So seek in all things to honor Jesus and He will honor you.
    Revelation: 3:20 is very simple and easy to understand and enjoy, if we be sincere and honest in all our dealings with God.  Excuses of any kind won't do any good, and you have many around you who will be very glad to share all they know of God, His Man, and Message.
    Human nature is very selfish and always after its own, but His nature should make us unselfish, and seeking to help others to know God, and be conformed to the image of His Son, which is the true pattern, which alone can please God.
    The world conditions are all in our favor, for people are forced to see the coming of war and judgment in all other ways, so preparing them for hearing His message and being willing to do the will of God at all costs, and so share in the promises of mercy and protection in the coming troubled days.
    Get good scriptural foundation for all you say to others, so will it help you to bear clear-, helpful witness, when you find an honest, thirsty, hungry heart, for they will increase as days go on, and we will find many, by and by, with ears to hear.  We are only being perfected for greater work.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Mills
Jerusalem, Palestine
January 11, 1936

My dear Mills:
    Thanks for several from your end.  Your last was on the air boat, which went down in the Mediterranean on January Ist, 1936, just one and a half miles from its landing place in Egypt.  So, the letter, which I am returning to you, has been four days in the sea, along with twelve who perished in the plane, and only reached me two days ago.
    Glad to hear of your mother, and brother, and all others there.  I had two from Maurice today, one 16th and other 26th, 12/35, with details of his operations amongst those called "The churches" in Revelation 22:6, to whom I, as His Angel, was chosen to bear witness to the things contained in Revelation, as His Message to all who profess to have and hear Him, but their closed ears to His Man and Message settles who they are and what's coming to all such.
    I notice some trouble over saluting the flag.  Jesus said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God, the things that are God's." Paul says, "Honor to whom honor; custom to whom custom," which shows we are to be loyal to king, ruler, or country, no matter where found.  Daniel 4 shows the Prince of the Kings of the Earth has put down the highest and raised up the basest of men, so that even the present dictators are His appointees to rule the world.  So, it's quite clear that we should honor the flag and government, no matter where found.  You can see the Communists honor the basest of men in their attitude toward Stalin.
    We are not rebels against His chosen rulers, high or low, or the law.  We are apt to get confused, when people begin to discuss these matters and others that don't count.  Satan is very clever in getting us off the plain, simple path and mixing up our witness to the finishing of the old to give us a new and better world condition in His way, and so weaken our witness so clearly given in Revelation.
    In the midst of all the cackle and confusion in the world, our privilege is to be clear and strong on what God has revealed for our comfort, hope, and help, and in proving our service to Him on the Throne.
    Witness, by the Spirit, to all who care, or don't care, to hear; thus, the truth becomes clearer to our minds and hearts.  People are always in danger of confusing the issue by getting their own affairs mixed up with the truth, so keep simple and sincere, knowing that Satan is the adversary of ail that the Spirit seeks to use in conveying the mind and purpose of God.
    The photos were damaged, but not enough to make them valueless.

My love to you two and all others.

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Sargeants
Jerusalem, Palestine
August 30, 1920

My dear Sargeants:
    Thanks for yours.  It's good to have plenty to do; it keeps one in better condition of mind and body.  When our fellowship is with Him, or partnership with Him (which is a better way to say it) we can always rely on the quickening and guidance of His spirit, if we are honestly for Him.  We need never fear that He will fail to be for us, and if God be for us, who can be against us?
    It's comical to see the whole of history prove this, yet men will always put their confidence in following the crowd, and afraid to give them offence by naming His name.  What we are to Him, He will be to us, so that we only rob ourselves by giving place to others, no matter how many or powerful in men's eyes they may appear.
    The popular cry is always the spirit of the god of this world--"The spirit that worketh in the Children of Disobedience." All that's wrong with the world, is the heart attitude of the people, which is the key to all His dealings with us.  And people are often very careless about what pleases Him, and which pleases men around them.  If we suffer at their hands, we can always be sure He will reward us.  In all the peoples on the Earth, God only sees two sorts: Those who are the Children of the Day, and those who are the Children of the Night, or those who are clothed with the Sun, which means showing the light He gives, as the Children of the Night are who walk in traditional moonlight and hang On to the old things, which means rejecting the new.  All flesh loves the old   and the many. All that's born of God, love what comes from God, even as a new-born baby loves the milk of his mother.
    We have had the peace pact signed in Paris on the 27th of August, So now we are ready to see the Day of the Lord come as a thief in the night, for "when they say 'Peace and Safety,' then, cometh sudden destruction and they shall not escape, " so casting down the Earth the Dragon of Revelation: 12, in giving them  the very opposite of what they have prayed and worked for in the whole political, religious and educational world, which is behind our so called civilization.
    I am glad you have so many opportunities to get and give help to those around, and use them as His gift to you faithfully, no matter what men may say or do.

 My best love to both,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To: Hilda  Spencer
June 2, 1927

My dear Hilda;
    Thanks for your letter today.  Nerves are very hard to make over, and many people suffer from conditions which they had and have no control over, for we are the product of 2 or 3 or 4 generations.  But this should only be the reason for expecting that we have some control, even in our day and generation.  We are always influenced by our environment, which includes all we come in touch with from infancy.  I once knew a very capable, nice, young woman who was haunted by what her mother said in a temper to her when a girl growing up: she would never scratch a grey head.  She had always remembered this, and so was thinking she would die young, early.  I use this as a sample of much misery that may be caused through words spoken carelessly, not to speak of cruelly; and there are many whom I meet learn phrases and habits of thought form older people, suffer very much from fears.
    We are tri-part: body, soul, and spirit; and we need to recognize that if we don't attend to law of health in each sphere, there will be some suffering.  And it's little use to try to overcome spirit disease by human, or natural means. Many people have been broken in spirit by early training and association.  Too, others suffer in mind through wrong ideas of life and living, and their relationship to others.  And when spirit and mind have lost its balance and control, it takes clear understanding to control.  Spirit and mind have much to do with our bodies and their nerves, of course.  For instance, your tears are no cure or help to Jack's condition; rather, your spirit should be stirred up to do what's needed. And the more you give way to emotion like that, the weaker you are to do what's needed.  A strong spirit becomes ours as we face all the difficulties which come in our way, and use our minds to find out the way to overcome.  And you notice a strong spirit generally expresses itself through an active mind working out its will in face of all difficulties.  So you see the cure for strengthening your spirit and mind, in controlling your thoughts and actions to bring about needed and desired purposes.  Many people, when their spirit is stirred, lose their temper and say 1000 foolish thoughts, and have allowed their stirred up spirit to show them what's to be done, and do it.  And when people do, they get stronger; just as those who blow off and cry, get weaker.  A cheerful spirit is just as good as a morbid spirit is  bad. For instance, for people to brood over all the wrong of life, and the calamity of every day and its tyrannies, makes the spirit bitter, hard, and indifferent.  Whereas to see beyond the darkest day and hour, and the sun shining out when the dark clouds have been dispelled, helps to keep our spirit strong, cheerful, confident and helpful.  Then our minds do not conflict by thoughts which are not useful, constructive, and in harmony with all that God has made, and is doing on Earth.
    You notice the practical mind gets strong because it feeds on clear thoughts, and strong; and so the mind is strengthened by thoughts, just as our body is with good food. For instance, when I use to come in touch with men whose spirit and mind I admired, I did not always want to be where they were, and hanging on to what they were or said; but rather, wanted to be free to act as they did, and so become what they were.  When I read the Bible, and see what men in other days overcame; and how they could know God and do His pleasure; and that, in spite of all that was against them, it caused me to see that it was possible for me to do as they did; and that at any cost, and in spite of all that was against me in the world today.  I never had any use for people who tried to make me believe times had changed; and we can only follow the crowd, and take the easy and short cut when we fail or fall down. You know how important it is to forgive and forget, and stand on your own feet, and watch our steps all the more carefully.  You have seen some children, who, when they fall, would lie there and cry till someone picked them up.  This is bad training, and worse for us as we go on.  No matter what the difficulties are, they will make us stronger if we face them cheerfully, brave, and confident we can overcome.  People who plan for an easy, plain, flat path have yet to learn the value of a hill to climb, and one to go down; both of which are good for the heart, both in spiritual and natural things.  Then, in reading and hearing and seeing every day, we need to know what to take and what to let alone; just as we do in eating and dressing.
    We are living in the worst age in history; and so the greater need to be simple, sincere, and sensible.  The Devil is always known by his accusing us of all that will make us suffer; so to resist the Devil, he will flee from us.  If he accuses us of our sins and failures, we can tell him that Jesus' blood cleanses us from all sins.  If he tempts us to accuse others, then tell him, and yourself, that we must forgive as we hope to be forgiven; and so there's an end to his attempts, and you have peace straightway.  If we are wronged by others, and no chance of redress, we can always rely on God adjusting such matters; no matter how big, or hopeless they may appear.  Beware of all scandal, either out of your own or other's mouths, for that's the Devil's territory; and his spirit is always busy in this way, as it hinders God's spirit in our hearts.
     For your general health I will advise both Jack and you to give good heed to Mallet's way of health.  Cut out all that would hinder you of good, healthy blood; which is the secret of all sorts of health.  You notice Moses' law had much in it concerning what to eat, wear, etc.; and much concerning our relations with our neighbors, as well as towards God; and it was all to guide people into ways which would be safe and sure to follow.  The crowd in any age never could be wholesome and helpful.  Cultivate robustness in  spirit, soul and body; and you will find everything become less harmful.  Most people cultivate the very opposite, and so become supersensitive.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Ruth Stenger & Bruce Cutler
Jerusalem, Palestine
June 4, 1937

My dear Ruth and Bruce:
    Thanks for yours.  All humans are religious one way or another; no animal is.  The Garden of Eden shows the two possibilities: The Serpent beguiled Eve to eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which satisfied them in their experience, as it does all humans.  This covers the whole of religions on the Earth.  "The Voice of the Lord God came walking in the garden in the cool of the day," revealed God's way of regenerating men deceived by the Serpent--the name given to all who are false prophets, paid and honored by the Devil, who is "The god of this world," or of all humans who are content to believe that a good man goes to Heaven and a bad man to Hell.  A good man is better than a bad man, but both are human, and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, any more than a good animal can the human.  The animal can't beget the human, nor can a human, by any means, beget that which is of God.
    The Serpent's work was seen in all its fullness in the Scribes' and Pharisees' hypocrisy, or human imitation, as in Matthew 23, while Jesus was the full manifestation of God's way of saving men, as He did Adam and Eve in the garden and took them out of it to do for others what had been done for them.  Cain and Abel are samples of the Devil's work, and of God by His Spirit.  Animal can't understand human documents; neither can the human understand the scriptures, without being born of God and His Spirit working in them and by them.  All human knowledge of God, or the things of God—or theology--is darkness.  Only the light of life can be any help in the things of God.  Adam and Eve show humanity at its best.  Jesus and His
    Disciples shows us the only way we can become children, sons of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  The Cain Seed will always persecute the Seed of God, or the Unregenerate will always persecute the Regenerate.  The one will hear and obey the Serpent-false prophets; the other will hear only the Voice of the Lord.  "My sheep hear my Voice," etc.
    The Lord cursed The Serpent, the Woman and the Man, to show whence comes all cursing.  Religion influences politics, and they, education.  So, the more power they have, the more cursing, and now we are in the end of human control, to be ended and destroyed.  Pride and wickedness dominate all we see and hear and is to be burnt up, root and branch, as in Malachi: 4:1, and the sunlight of those who have light of life will shine forth as in Verses 2 and 3.
    I enjoyed what you said about your doubts about religion.  I also had that from a boy.  I also enjoyed your battle for place amongst men and regard your position today as His mercy and seal in keeping you from your ambition.  I am alone, so far as my relatives are concerned, and in spite of all they could do to hinder me.  If you can understand what's written in Daniel: 7: 9-14 and in Revelation 7, you will see what a victory is mine in having overcome all that has been against me, and in winning promise of 100 million to give ear to God by my message, and as you see in Revelation 7, 144,000 and a great multitude' whom no man can number, while the whole others will become smoke and ashes.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

You will see from other letters where we are at today.  Try and get a good scriptural understanding of all, and so become strong and useful in-coming days.  I enclose a photo, which may help to show you the hair of my head is like the pure wool of Daniel: 7:9.

To find a place either in the one million helpers or the 100 million, who will stand before the Ancient of Days, will reward you for all that you may have to face or endure and many may yet say of you, "That man made it possible for me." W. I.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Drummonds
Jerusalem, Palestine
April 25, 1937

My Dear Drummonds:
    Thanks for several letters.  What makes a Wise Virgin and what makes a Foolish?  The one lets God’s Spirit work in their heart and mind; the other don’t.  A sheep loves the green grass in the meadow; the goat loves the high places and the tasty herbage of the high places.  The Devil can always get the Foolish to miss what he needs and take what can only pander to his human spirit, soul and body.
    A wise chicken does not swallow all that it scratches, but what it can digest.  It’s very easy to feed those who are hungry and thirsty for what comes from God, while quite impossible to feed those who are full of their own thoughts, desires, and ways.  “Birds of a feather flock together,” and it soon becomes manifest in people—whether they are clean or unclean, by their habits.  Probably the easiest fed of the winged sort is the dove, which is typical of the Spirit’s brood.
    The Wise can learn from the Fool, but the Fool never from the Wise.  I have had more difficulty in getting rid of my own, and other’s, thoughts and ways, than to find God giving me full measure of His for my own use and for other’s benefit.  The wisdom of God, is foolishness with men; the wisdom of men, foolishness with God.  The flowing river from the throne is full and free, and refreshing, and comforting.  The muddied waters of Babylon is large, but producing death, rather than life, both in us, and in those who hear us.
    The fruits, or results, of The Spirit in men, is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.  The works of the flesh in spirit, soul and body is just the opposite.  Galatians 5:20 shows what the Foolish will enjoy most, to their destruction.  It is very easy to stumble over others, if we don’t have The Spirit and let Him work in and speak by us to others.  So, cheer up and learn from your mistakes.  Err on God’s side, rather than your own, for the Great Day is quite at hand, when Malachi 4 is about to begin on the Earth.

My love in Him to both,

Wm. Irvine

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Galatians 4:16

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