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Divisions in the 2x2 Church
Alaska, 1989
Revised February 12, 2024

October 3, 1989

Our dear Alaska Friends,

We know that you would be somewhat bewildered over the change in Robert Ingram's status, and why such action was necessary. A few years ago, three of the young sisters who now labor in the Orient, mentioned that Robert had taken too many liberties with them, and they were crushed as a result. When they confronted Robert with this, he apologized, and said it would never happen again, because he had prayed like Jacob prayed that night, and kept on praying until God took away all desire from him, so that he would have no trouble from now on.

When Sydney Holt and Jack Price were at the Olympia convention this year, a number of the young sister workers came to them. A rumor had been passed around that Robert would be having responsibility over Washington. They were quite distressed over it. One of them said, "If Robert has responsibility over the State, I will either have to give up the work or go to another State, as I couldn't work under him." Several of them went into details to explain to Sydney and Jack just what they had previously been subjected to themselves, and of the embarrassment and heartache that had been caused.

We were also disappointed to hear that there is a division in the ministry caused by a few of the Alaska workers bringing into Washington the influence of the doctrine that Truitt has been teaching in Alaska. This type of division has previously been evident in other areas where Truitt has laboured. We had a long visit with Truitt in hope that he would see the damage that had been done. It has been decided that Truitt would go to Alberta with Willis Propp in hope that he could help him see where his doctrine has been in error.

The purpose of the meeting in Seattle was to see if something could be done to salvage the situation. We all felt that the only solution would be to bring in a new overseer for Alaska. One that everyone would have confidence in and would be inspired by His care. We hate to see situations like this arise in a kingdom as wonderful as the Kingdom of God, but there were problems in Bible days, and the Lord's people rose above it, and we have every reason to believe they will overcome this, and go on to enjoy a true hearty fellowship with God and with each other. I am sure if any of you wanted more details, either Sydney or Jack would be able to furnish them for you. Our prayers are with you and we wish the best for the future of Alaska.

Your brothers in Christ,

Tharold Sylvester
Eldon Tenniswood
Ernest Nelson
Howard Mooney


1. Out of consideration for the preservation of integrity and unity in the Ministry.
2. His doctrine which was privately taught creating division among the Saints and Workers in Montana, Washington, and Alaska.
3. Additional information obtained since the meeting in Seattle, October, 1989.
4. Numerous past admonitions which he failed to observe:
  a. admonished by Fred Keller in Montana.
  b. three admonitions given at Manhattan, MT during 1965-66.
  c. admonished by Willie Jamieson at Olympia, WA, circa 1967.
  d. admonished by Tharold Sylvester In Washington prior to going to Alaska, 1974.
  e. admonished by Jack Price in Alaska, Oct. 24, 1986.
5. Justifying both Robert Ingram and himself among Saints and Workers following the meeting in Seattle, October, 1989.


1. Accepting the decision of the Elders of the Ministry as just and final, and encouraging others to do the same.
2. Refraining from teaching his divisive doctrine while filling his position as a Saint. Failure to honor this would jeopardize his privilege of fellowship.
3. Being asked not to lead meeting:. April 12, 1990


1. Out of consideration for the preservation of integrity and unity in the Ministry.
2. Moral misconduct involving a number of young sister workers (1961-19--??) primarily while responsible as overseer of Alaska.
3. Failing to consult senior workers to have this matter resolved.
4. Justifying both Truitt Oyler and himself among Saints and Workers following the Seattle meeting of October, 1989.
5. Additional information obtained since the meeting in Seattle. October, 1989.
6. Failing to counteract Truitt Oyler's doctrine which was taught in Alaska.

1. Accepting the decision of the Elders of the Ministry as just and final and encouraging others to do the same.
2. Refraining from supporting Truitt Oyler's divisive doctrine while filling his position as a Saint. Failure to honor this would jeopardize his privilege of fellowship.
3. Being asked not to lead meetings.
April 12, 1990

Seattle, Washington
April 6, 1992

Dear Washington Staff,

Here are some more lists that may interest you. I’ve worked on them while on the road in the van off and on! Just hope I haven’t left anyone out as we want everyone to get an out of state convention. I’m asking Wayne and Brian to type them up and mail them out as I’ll be on the road another week and a half at least. Let me know if for any reason these arrangements won’t work for any of you. Hope you are having good interest in your meetings and not long until early preps will roll around.

Since meeting all of you at the Washington workers’ meeting held at Robert Den Herder’s home, we have travelled by van to Vancouver, B.C. for a workers’ meeting, Manhattan, Montana, Southern California, Northern California and Eugene, Oregon.

It seems that each staff of workers have appreciated an understanding of what took place in Alaska and how things worked out. It has been special and most helpful to have Fred Skalitzky along with us, but he left Saturday for Juneau where preps will start April 13th.

As you know Mark Huddle is going to take Bob Dye’s place as Bob’s nerves were about to get him down. He will help at Bonners Ferry preps and convention. Glen Hamilton, Sally Alexander, Myrna Danell and Charlene Beck fly to Juneau April 11th and will be with the prep crew there to learn their way around. Also, Mark, Fred, Kay, Darlene and Suzie will come to Washington to labor after Wasilla convention. I look forward to being at the Juneau convention also.

As we have traveled along in the van over many miles and days, we have had many helpful discussions about the Bible and the doctrine we believe. Willis has said that from now on he wants to start his gospel meetings by letting all know three major truths: 1) Christ is totally divine, 2) Jesus is totally human, 3) Jesus is totally sinless. The Bible is full of pictures which help us to see this picture. As Paul Sharp said, Jesus left footprints in the sand by the sea when He walked there, but He also walked on the water and we have no problem accepting both.

Your letters have been appreciated and I hope you understand why I haven’t given you a personal answer this time. We are weary, but hope to hang together until we finish the job. April 8th we speak to the Alberta staff in Edmonton and April 10th to the Sask. staff in Saskatoon. We’ll surely miss Mark from Washington, but Dean and others will help me. I’ve asked Mike Thorsteinson to look after the Olympia preps this year. Tharold and I hope to have a little time at each early preps, but it will be cut short with my going to Juneau. We’ll have a prep study list worked up by time for preps to start so all can be together on the study again this year. Thanks for all your prayers.

Your brother in Him,

(Signed) Sydney [Holt]

First 1989-1990 Alaska Workers List

Robert Ingram, Darryl Doland - Juneau
Truitt Oiler, Fred Skalitzky - Fairbanks

Kay Stout, Rebecca Huddle - Kenai
Marge Major, Suzie Smith - Anchorage
Judy Dudley, Darlene Cheek - Ketchikan

1989-1990 Alaska Workers List

Arnold Blonke, Darryl Doland - Juneau
Harry Henniger, Fred Skalitzky - Fairbanks

Kay Stout, Rebecca Huddle - Kenai
Marge Major, Suzie Smith - Anchorage
Judy Dudley, Darlene Cheek - Ketchikan

Lawrence Byrd - Juneau

1990-1991 Alaska Workers List

Arnold Blonke, Fred Skalitzky - Anchorage
Harry Henniger, Darryl Doland - Fairbanks

Kay Stout, Suzie Smith - Fairbanks
Marge Major, Darlene CHeek - Ketchikan
Judy Dudley, Rebecca Huddle - Juneau

1991-92 Alaska Workers List

Robert Dye, Dan Lawty - Anchorage
Harry Henniger, Freed Skalitzky - Fairbanks

Irene Bement, Kay Stout - Kenai
Ann Bailor, Suzie Smith - Juneau
Darlene Cheek, Gloria Peterson - Ketchikan

1992-93 Alaska Workers List

Mark Huddle, Glen Hamilton - Anchorage
Harry Henniger, Dan Lawty - Ketchikan

Irene Bement, Myrna Danell, Juneau
Ann Bailor, Charlene Beck - Kenai
Sally Alexander, Gloria Peterson - Fairbanks

See also: Revolt against Tharold Sylvester and Bob Ingram

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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