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World War II Correspondence
Revised July 24, 2008

The following documents are typed for your convenience in reading.

[See Photocopies in TTT  PHOTO GALLERY]

Western United States Correspondence

Canada Correspondence

Western United States Correspondence

The letterhead on which the following letter was written contained the following list of conventions:

WASHINGTON:  Olympia, Walla Walla, Chelan, Milltown
OREGON:  Boring, Saginaw
IDAHO:  Fayette, Hayden Lake, Bonners Ferry
MONTANA:  Manhattan, Geraldine, Dagmar
WYOMING:  Powell
ARIZONA:  Randolph

BRITISH COLUMBIA:  Silverdale, Salmon Arm, Prince George
ALBERTA:  Lacombe, Carstairs, Green Shields, Stony Plains, Nampa
SASKATCHEWAN:  Theodore, Antler, Aylesbury

Representing Assemblies of Christians
Assuming This Name Only

Seeing we publish no literature, it may
be necessary and helpful in the present
emergency to make a brief statement with
regard to our work.

Unlike other religious bodies we have no church property or real estate, and have not found it necessary to assume a denominational name.

There are in the Western United States over five hundred Assemblies of Christians in this fellowship, with a membership of about nine thousand.

Following the example of the first disciples of Jesus, and teaching of the New Testament, these groups of Christians meet together regularly for worship and fellowship in the homes of members.  Each Church, or Assembly, is presided over by a local leader usually called an elder, appointed by, and responsible to the regular Ministry.

The Ministers of this body of Christians and representative members of each local group assemble annually in conventions held at the above mentioned places, for the purpose of Bible teaching, considering and arranging all matters connected with the welfare and spiritual upbuilding of the whole membership.  At these annual conventions, young men desiring to enter the Ministry and devote their lives to the preaching of the Gospel have their qualifications considered and if counted worthy of a place in the Ministry, are ordained, given a definite field of labor, in fellowship with, and under the guidance and instruction of an older Minister.  Ministers are supported by the free will offerings of the members of these Assemblies of Christians.

All Ministers associated and in fellowship with these Assemblies of Christians are under the guidance of overseers and are responsible to live and discharge their duties in a manner befitting their calling.

The purpose of all ministry in connection with these Christian Assemblies in the United States is to bring about more Christ-like living and in this way help make better and more loyal citizens of the United States.

September 4---7, 1942

Notes of Statement made by John T. Carroll
Morning Meeting – Labor Day

We would advise all here in this meeting to read over Romans 13:1-7; I Tim 2:1-3; Titus 3:1-2; I Peter 2:13-17;  often.

These passages emphasize three things which should be characteristic of the lives and walk of Christians in the United States at this present time;  Submission to the United States Government officials as “ministers of God;” Obedience to the laws of the United States; and loyalty to the Government of the United States and the flag under which we live.  We would like all to remember these words:  Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, and be guided by them in their relationship with and attitude towards the Government.  There is no room in our fellowship as Assemblies of Christians for disloyal men or women.

We encourage all, young and old, to loyally serve their country and Government in some way at this time.  All are individually responsible for deciding the form of service they will render.  Liberty of conscience is given to each and all.  The form of service rendered is a personal and individual matter, and whether called to serve in the non-combatant or combatant capacity, no difference is made in our relationship or fellowship as brethren in Christ.  Some of our brethren are serving in the Navy, some in different branches of the Army and Air Forces, as well as in the Medical Corps.

Certificates of membership, when necessary, will be given to those whose sincerity and integrity are beyond question and who are willing to serve their country, regardless of difficulties or danger.

All should assist the President and the Government of the United States in preventing inflation.  One way this can be done is by lending the Government your surplus earnings by purchasing War Savings Bonds.  To spend your surplus earnings on things you can do without or in selfish pleasure is most unworthy and borders on disloyalty.  Whatever measures are taken by the Government to prevent inflation, no matter how drastic, should have the cheerful support and cooperation of all in this fellowship.

We hope all here are regular contributors to the American National Red Cross.  This organization is the only channel by which we can establish contact with our brethren and relatives now in the hands of the enemy, and as President Roosevelt has declared: “has played a vital role in binding up the wounds of the injured, in sheltering and providing food and clothing for the homeless, in succoring the distressed, in rebuilding broken lives, and is rehabilitating the victims of catastrophes of nature and of war” in many lands.  This organization should be liberally supported by all.

National Headquarters
21st and C Streets NW
Washington 25, D.C.
November 22, 1946

File No. 3-164

Mrs. O. D. Hawkins
14967 Freeland Avenue
Detroit 27, Michigan

Subject:  Status of Christian Conventions

Dear Mrs. Hawkins,

Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of November 13, 1946, regarding the “Christian Convention people or Assemblies of Christians.”  It is noted that you requested information regarding this organization with specific reference to the question of the expression of any views regarding conscientious objection.

This Headquarters has issued a predetermination that Christian Conventions is a recognized church, religious sect, or a religious organization, within the meaning of Section 622.44 of the Selective Service Regulations.  This predetermination was based upon information procured directly from officials of the church; namely George Walker (overseer), 2350 East Susquahanna Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and others.  This necessity came out of the fact that the organization was not included by the Bureau of Census, United States Department of Commerce, in its publication, Religious Bodies-1936.

A photostatic copy of a memorandum submitted under date of March 24, 1942, by Mr. Walker is enclosed for your information.

 Under date of February 16, 1942, Jesse R. Bond, 3309 Holmes Street, Kansas City, Missouri, who represented himself to be a minister of this organization, addressed a letter to the Director of Selective Service which stated in part:  “We have no doctrine which in any way disables our converts to enter into the armed forces of our Nation and many hundreds of our converts to enter into the armed forces of our Nation, and many hundreds of our people are now in our armed forces of their own volition.”

In this connection attention is invited to the fact that the provision of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, relating to conscientious objection provides that such must be “by reason of religious training and belief” (see Section 5 (g) of the Act).  The claim is to be established as a personal belief and membership or lack of membership in any church body is not a  controlling factor.

For the Director,

Major, APS
Chief, Legal and Classification Section
Camp Operations


Canada Correspondence

The letterhead on which the following letter was written contained the following list of conventions:

BRITISH COLUMBIA:  Vancouver, Salmon Arm, Prince George
ALBERTA:  Lacombe, Carstairs, Green Shields, Stony Plain, Nampa
SASKATCHEWAN:  Theodore, Antler, Aylesbury

WASHINGTON:  Olympia, Walla Walla, Chelan, Milltown
OREGON:  Boring, Saginaw
CALIFORNIA:  Bakersfield, Los Gatos, Orick
IDAHO:  Fayette, Hayden Lake, Bonners Ferry
MONTANA:  Manhattan, Geraldine, Dagmar
WYOMING:  Powell
ARIZONA:  Randolph

Representing Assemblies of Christians
Assuming This Name Only

Sunday Morning July 14th, 1940

Romans 13:1-7; 1 Tim. 2:1-3; and Titus 3:1-2 were read

Much has been said here about our relationship with each other in the human family, and in the family of God. This morning we wish to say a little about our relationship with, and what our attitude should be, toward the Government under which we live.

These passages of scripture which we have read together emphasize three things which should always characterize the lives and walk of all Christians.

(1)  Submission to our established rulers as “the Ministers of God.”
(2)  Obedience to the laws of the land in which we make our homes.
(3)  Loyalty to the Government and flag under which we live.

We would like all here to remember these three words – Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, and be guided by them in their relationship with, and attitude towards the Government.  There is no room in our fellowship as children of God for disloyal men or women.

With regard to the National Registration in August – all should co-operate heartily with the Government and register at the appointed time and place.  All, young and old, man and women should be willing to render some service to the Government and country in this emergency.

Complete details have not yet been given out with regard to the purpose of this National Registration, but the Government is evidently desirous of finding out what help the people of Canada can give at this time.

Each child of God here will have to decide for himself or herself the form of service they will render.  We feel we cannot make a hard and fast law for any in this matter or interfere with the individual liberty of any child of God.  There are some, no doubt, who would like us to make some definite ruling about this but we cannot do so.

We are up against the fact that, while some of our brethren in the Old Country have had difficulties with regard to bearing arms asking for some other service no matter how difficult or dangerous, which was granted by the Government; others of our brethren in full fellowship are serving in the Army and Navy in defence of their homes, families, and country.  In the light of this, we would like to repeat we are not making any ruling but leave it to the individual Christian to decide what he can do and how he can best serve his country at the present time.

These of our brethren who may be called to serve in some capacity in coming months may rest assured that they will have the help and fellowship of the Lord’s servants in every Province of Canada.  They will not be forgotten or neglected.

We are glad to know that a number have offered to care for children that may come over from the British Isles, and are contributing to the Canadian Red Cross and helping in other ways.  To deny ourselves some of the things we would like to have in order to contribute more liberally to the Canadian Red Cross would be a good thing for all of us.

We are desirous in every way possible to prove to all men that as a body of Christians we are true and loyal citizens of Canada, and that there is not room for disloyal men or women in our fellowship.

10647 – 113 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta,
October 9, 1942.

J.P. McIsaac, K. C
Registrar, Division "N"
National War Service Board
Court House,
Edmonton, Alberta.

Dear Sir:

Re: 556604 - Clarence B. Hunt of 1138 – 21st Avenue. N.W.  Calgary

I wish to make further representations to the Board in reference to the standing of the above named.  In addition to the material which is on file I wish to call your attention to a similar situation which has just been dealt with by a Board in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in regard to the case of one, John Pizzy, who is one of the youngest ministers of our group, as he was only ordained in January of this year.

In support of his application he placed before the Board three statutory Declarations showing that as an ordained minister he should be exempt from Military call.

I might say that the only difference between the situation of John Pizzey and the above named is that while Mr. Pizzey has been only ordained a matter of same nine months or so, while the above named has been ordained since 1935.

There was placed before the Board at Winnipeg the history of the Assemblies of Christians.

Mr. Pizzy received his call to report for Military service and as a result of receiving this call he made the representations which I have referred to, to the Board.

I am now advised that the Board in Manitoba has notified John Pizzy under Section 6, Subsection (c), of the National War Services Regulations, that he is exempt from Military training, so he will be free to continue his work in the ministry.

As the situation is exactly the same in regard to the above named, I am placing these facts before the Board so that his case may receive similar consideration.

Yours very truly,

SIGNED:  W. D. Fullerton

10647 – 113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Please note new address.

We understand that the government is going to take the census in June and will be wanting to know our religious status and how we are affiliated;  so we thot after talking it over with the older workers that we can truthfully tell them again that we never had any denominational name and desire to be known individually and collectively as “Christians” only.

In case they want to question further on the matter we want to make it clear to the authorities that we do not belong to Jehovah’s Witnesses or any new cult that would show any disrespect towards the government that is reigning over us.

The Military authorities know us as those who attend the “Christian Conventions,” and if they are not satisfied with this explanation, we can refer them to Mr. McIsaac, The Registrar, Court House, Edmonton.

* * * * * * * * *

We are sending a copy of the above to the elders requesting that they read this information to those who meet in fellowship.

Trust it may help in making our position clear.

SIGNED:  W. D. Fullerton

(No date)

Notes about Authors of Above:
J.T.C. was John ("Jack") Thomas Carroll, Overseer of Western USA & Canada
W. D. Fullerton was Willie Fullerton, Overseer of Alberta

See Actual Copies of some of these in TTT  PHOTO GALLERY

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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