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Later Workers
Letters, Statements & Notes
Revised July 25, 2024

Letters, Statements & Notes by Later Workers

Workers Meetings Notes including Suggestions, Guidelines, Rules, etc.

Elders Meetings Notes Latest re Dean Bruer

Fellowship Meetings Notes

Divorce & Remarriage

US/Canada Notification Letters for Child Sexual Molestation

UNITED STATES: (alphabetical order)

Andrew Abernethy
- What is the Way of God? Bird City, Kansas Convention
Arnold Brown - Don't worry about tracing the truth back. The Jews could trace to Abraham. Didn't mean a thing. God can raise up people from stones…we don't need to trace it back.

Donald Fisher
- I remember a favorite subject of Wm. Jamieson (when the Workers would be gathered in a home) was to tell us that as far back as we could trace this fellowship was unto Wm. Irvine. He spoke openly and freely of all which he knew of Wm. Irvine, etc. What he told us was unto enough people that it would be common knowledge state wide.

Dan Hilton - The period of time between the first century and the twentieth century
Dan Hilton - The Nature of Jesus

Sydney Holt (7 Letters written on tour of the U.K. and Ireland in 1985)
Garrett Hughes - Overseer of Colorado, USA.  "So send I you;" wheat analogy re workers going to Australia; TV is devil's masterpiece.
Leroy Lerwick - General Letter of Concern, 2015. "The Doctrine of 'Grace' that Jesus did everything, and we only have to believe, has made the way so broad no one is excluded.

Howard Mooney
- Overseer of Oregon, USA New Addition: The Origin of God's Way
Willie Pollock - USA - Stump Restoration Concept
Lyle Schober - USA - 2017 Dress Code for Texas Friends
Leo Stancliff - History of the Church
Lecil Sullivan- Explanation of Beginning of Workers in Ireland

Tharold Sylvestor - Divorce & Remarriage
Eldon Tenniswood - Overseer of California, Nevada, Arizona and Pacific Islands (1974-2003)

Barry Barkley - Letter Ray Hoffman replacing Wayne Hutchison as overseer Quebec and Atlantic Provinces
Dale Shultz - Letter re: Alberta Purging, April 12, 1999
Price, Jack - Letter re Certificate of Disolution and Willis Propp, 1997; Stopped at US border with undeclared $20,000+ cash
Willis Propp - Letter re Divorce & Remarriage, 1986
Willis Propp - Letters regarding Incorporation of Alberta Society of Christian Assemblies, November 1996
Willis Propp - Transcripts of the Testimony of Willis Propp, Court of Queen's Bench, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, February 1999, Dorey vs Dorey Child Custory Case

Allan Kitto - Overseer of New South Wales - Response to 60 Minutes Australia televised program re: "The Truth Church" and CSA
Evan Jones - Overseer of Victoria and Tasmania, Australia
Malcolm Clapham - Overseer of Queensland, Australia - Phone Hookups discontinued.

Alan Richardson
- Overseer of New Zealand, Covid-19 Instructions, March 14, 2020

Ken Paginton- England

Jim Girton, John Mastin, Bill Walker, Renante Fermin
to Our Dear Philippine Worker Staff, June 2018 directive to ban Social Media

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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