About the 200+ Workers on List
"Names of Workers at July 1905"
also known as:
"British Isles Workers List, July 1905"
VIEW: Earliest known Workers List, July, 1905
VIEW: TTT Photo Gallery of Early Workers
Below you will find various tidbits of biographical information regarding some of the workers who are named on the 1905 Workers List. This list does not begin to give details about ALL the 202 workers on the 1905 list. It is far from being all-inclusive. We could use your help! The TTT Editor invites you to forward additional information, suitable for inclusion in this page. Please be sure to provide the source of your information. Click here to Email.
Below is additional biographical information regarding some Workers shown on the July, 1905 Workers List. The list lacks details about many of these Workers. The TTT Editor invites you to forward additional information.
1905 Workers List
EARLIEST WORKERS LIST: The earliest known Workers Lists shows various headings, including:
Names of Workers at July 1905
Names of Workers at July 1905 and year they started in the work
Names of English and Irish workers up to 1905
British Isles Workers List, July 1905
New Workers by Year
Old Workers +Year They Went into the Work
This list is divided into two sections: “Brothers” and “Sisters,” and gives (1) the worker’s name, and (2) the “Year Started” in the work. The order of the workers on the list is by seniority; with the names of the workers who started in the work listed first (The first two names on the list are William Irvine and John Kelly), and the list ends with the worker with the least time in the work, as of July, 1905. This list contains 201* workers total: 76 Sisters and 125 Brothers; 62% Brothers and 38% Sisters.
The names of some workers who were not shown on this list, yet were in the work sometime prior to July 1905 are:
Sam Boyd (went in the work in 1900--was in the work at least until 1910; married by 1917 and living in Canada)
Mrs. Nat Dickson
Mrs. Elizabeth (Pendreigh) Betty
John Winter (Willie Gill's first companion)
Jennie and Lettie Doherty who preached at Derrygonnelly.
FORMAT OF WORKERS LIST: The format of the 1905 Workers List DIFFERS from the current format of the Workers Lists, in that it does not list the workers’ fields and addresses, but rather gives the “Year Started” in the work. As noted, the first two names on the official 1905 Workers List are Wm. Irvine and John Kelly, and curiously, there is no date beside their names. These two men were also listed on the Faith Mission Staff of Workers for the years 1895 through 1900.
Interesting that the format used for the oldest Workers List of record was the identical format also used by the Faith Mission.
MARRIED WORKERS ON THE 1905 LIST: In the early days, married couples were allowed to go into the work together. Married workers were also allowed in the Faith Mission. Some married worker couples are listed on the 1905 Workers List of Irvine's workers: (See Married Couple Worker List.)
- William (Bill) & Margaret (Maggie) Carroll (1903)
- Tom & Elizabeth Betty (also spelled Bette) (1905)
- Tom & Ellen Elliott (1902)
- Wilson & Anne McClung (1903)
VIEW: TTT Photo Gallery for photos of married workers.
FIRST FULL-TIME WORKER RECRUITS: Listed on the 1905 List just under the names of Wm. Irvine and John Kelly, are the first four (4) brother workers who went in the work in 1899: Alex Givan/Given, John Long, Thomas M. Turner and George Walker. After John Long and William Irvine, it would appear that Tom Turner and Alex Givan were the very first two men to commit to the work full time.
1905 Workers List Recap
Year No. Workers Went Out that year
18--: 2 2 Brothers; Wm. Irvine and John Kelly
1898: 0
1899: 4 4 Brothers; 0 sisters; Alex Givan, John Long, Thomas Turner, Geo. Walker
1900: 13 10 Brothers, including Willie Gill, John Sullivan, Irvine Weir, A. Alexander, Ben Boles, W. Clelland, John Hardie, Albert Quinn, Matt Wilson; FIRST 3 Sisters: Emma Gill, Jennie Gill and Sarah Rogers
1901: 10 9 Brothers, including Ed Cooney; 1 sister: Mattie McGivern
1902: 23 13 Brothers; 10 sisters; including Sam Jones, hymnwriter
1903: 34 20 Brothers; 14 sisters
1904: 42 25 Brothers; 17 sisters
1905: 74 43 Brothers; 31 sisters
TOTAL: 201 - 125 Brothers; 76 sisters
General Comments
“He noted that of the first group of nine original tramp preachers, six left the band for the same reason: that the sect became unscriptural in methods and teachings. He said that while preachers readily quoted scripture, they were unable to ‘rightly divide the Word of Truth.’” (Quote of Will Clelland, The Secret Sect, Footnote 20, Pg 10)
Those who went on the 1899 Bicycle trip to Scotland were: William Gill, George Walker, John Hardie, William Irvine, William Carroll, Irvine Weir, Jack Douglas, Warren Hastings and (according to the Secret Sect: Sam Boyd, although he is not on the famous picture). John (Jack) Douglas was from Coragh, Rathmolyon, Co. Meath and Warren Hasting, also of Rathmolyon didn't enter the work. Warren married Elizabeth Winter of Rathmolyon shortly after this trip and their first of four childred was born in1901. He died in 1917, aged 44.
"Names of Workers at July, 1905
And the Year they started in the work "
"British Isles Workers List, July 1905"
In Alphabetical Order
NOTE: * designates a Sister Worker (female)
1905 Abbot, Percy – left 2x2 group and became follower of Wm. Irvine’s Omega gospel, when Wm. Irvine was excommunicated in 1914. Wm. Irvine wrote several letters to Percy. See 1927
1901 Abercrombie, William (Willie) Born Oct 23, 1877 in Scotland – Died 1934, aged 57. Buried in Council Cemetery southwest of York, Nebraska. (John Doak, Annie Edwards, George Boyle buried there also. )
1900 Alexander, Alex (Sandy) From Knockeure, Avoca, Co. Wicklow Ire. In July, 1904, Sandy with John Hardie went to Melbourne, Australia, being the first workers to set foot on Australian soil. They only stayed there about two months, and had no converts. Brother to Hanna Alexander.
1905 Alexander, Hanna* From Knockeure, Avoca, Co. Wicklow Ire; (sister to Sandy Alexander). Went to NZ, NSW, Australia. Died April 12, 1954.
1904 Allen, Jean* Born in England, died aged 80; went to S. Africa in 1906 on SS Wakool.
1905 Allan, Kate A. (July 21, 1905) From Duns, Berwickshire, Scotland. Went to America Sept 7, 1907.
1905 Andrews, John - labored in England.
1905 Armstrong, Adam - brother of Edward. From Co. Fermanagh.
1902 Armstrong, Edward (Ed) - Came to No. America in 1905. Died 1943.
1905 Armstrong, Wm. George - from Derryglia, Co. Fermanagh.Died in Jacksonville, Florida in 1938
1904 Arrel, Campbell
1904 Atchison, Sam - married Annie Skerritt
1904 Bashford, Robert (Bob) - In April, 1908, Bob and Sam Jones, together with Tom Turner and Syd Maynard, sailed for Western Australia, PIONEERING the work there. Left the work in SA around 1911.
1904 Baxter, Barbara* - Married Joe Kerr. Was on the original team of workers who went to PIONEER South Africa in 1905. Around 1915-16, Joe and Barbara Baxter were married. After Joe Kerr was excommunicated from the sect in 1916, Joe and Barbara joined the Plymouth Brethren. They had 3 children.
1902 Beattie, George - Irish, born in March 1877. Came to America in 1905. Was a blacksmith. Left the work and had a forge in Ballinamallard Co. Fermanagh.
1905 Betty, Thomas Andrew (Tom) (aka Bette & Bettie) born about 1862 was a Methodist farmer in Belnaleck, Co. Fermanagh when he heard the gospel. In 1899, married Elizabeth Pendreigh born Nov 4, 1870 in Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland. Elizabeth was with the FAITH MISSION worker from 1892-1899. They are shown on the 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 73, 101. The February 16, 1905 Impartial Reporter mentions Mr. & Mrs. Betty. They preached as a married worker couple. He is buried in Arbory, Isle of Man, Ireland in 1939, aged 76. She died Jan. 9, 1952 in Welland, Ontario, Canada. Had 3 sons: Moore, John and Thomas.
1900 Boles, Ben - From England. His wife, Mary (Galbraith) Boles died July 24, 1900, after which Ben went in the work until his death in 1948. He had an artificial leg. Died Jan. 29, 1948, aged 76.
1905 Boyd, James - came to N. America 1905
1902 Boyd, Lizzie* - Died 1953
1902 Breen, John
1903 Bullock, Robert - went to Montreal, Canada in 1905 with second group of Workers.
1905 Burns, Joe - From Scotland. Was a FAITH MISSION Worker who left to "become a Cooneyite." (BW, Oct 15, 1898; Nov/Dec 1898). With Alfred Magowan, pioneered the work in Ohio-West Virginia USA in 1907-08. He left the work in 1928, along with John Kelly and Harry McNeary, the same year Edward Cooney was put out of the church. Died in 1972 in Missouri.
1903 Buttimer, George - Born in 1886 in Cork Co., Ire. In 1904, came to Canada with FIRST group of Workers; by 1916 Canadian census was married with children. Died in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1970.
1905 Buttimer, Miriam* - Born Feb 20, 1875 in Kilmeen Co. Cork, Ireland - died in 1957 in Ireland. Her bro Willie and sister Sally also went in the work.
1905 Byers, John
1905 Calhoun, Tillie* (also spelled Colhoun). From 27 Brookhill Ave, Belfast, Ireland. Professed Sept 23, 1910. Left England Aug 20, 1912 for Philadelphia. Then to Oregon.
1903 Cameron, Dick
1905 Campbell, Jessie* - From Scotland - buried in England.
1903 Carroll, May* (Mae) - From Coragh, Rathmolyon, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland. Died 1961 - sister of Fannie, Jack and Wm. – became a worker with Faith Mission in Oct., 1899 and left in 1903. See Faith Mission Workers List. Came to America in 1904. She is credited with bringing an end to the professing women having to wear black stockings. She PIONEERED the work with Annie Edwards in Michigan, USA. See Impartial Reporter January 15, 1903.
1904 Carroll, Frances* (Fannie) Born Sept 2, 1883 in Moynalty, Co. Meath, Ireland. Died November 13, 1980, aged 96, buried in Sunset View Cemetery, El Cerrito, California. Sister of May, Jack and Wm. From her funeral Account: Aunt Fannie made her choice in 1897. Read her story
1904 Carroll, John T. (Jack) - Born May 9, 1878 in Co. Meath, Ire - Died March, 26, 1957, aged 78. Entered the work Feb. 16, 1904. Brother of May, Fannie and Wm. Was Overseer of Western USA. Had 2 Funerals; one in Oakland, CA and one in Milltown, WA; Buried in WA. PIONEERED the work in British Columbia, Canada and Washington, USA in 1907. Click here for Sermons by Jack Carroll.
1903 Carroll, Mary Georgina (May)* Born Sept 2, 1879 in Moynalty, Co. Meath, Ireland. Died Aug 6, 1961, aged 82. Buried at Sunset View Cemetery, El Cerrito, California
1903 Carroll, Wm. C. (Bill) – brother of Jack, Fannie and May. Wm. was born in Aug. 15, 1876 - Died Nov. 13, 1953, aged 77 in Victoria, Australia. Married Margaret (Maggie) Hastings on June 6, 1901 in Church of Ireland, Rathmolyon, Co. Meath, Ireland. PIONEERED work in Victoria in 1913, where he was the Overseer until his death. Bill wrote Hymns 140 and 142 (1951 edition) He and his wife are shown on the 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 91, 142; and their daughter, May (Schulz) as No. 201, born in 1901, married ex-worker Dolph Schulz. She wrote hymn Nos. 279, 258, 195, 315 (1987 ed); 203, 219, 280, 290 (1951 edition)
1903 Carroll, Mrs. Wm.* (Margaret/Maggie nee Hastings) Born April 20, 1875 in Isaactown, Co. Meath, Ire; died April 1942, Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia. See Bill Carroll above.
1905 Cavanagh, Charlotte "Dot"*. Nine years younger than bro. John. Labored in Ireland, England, Scotland. Last appearance on a workers list was in 1927; lived to 1953.
1901 Cavanagh, John - Born in 1875. Went with first eight workers to PIONEER South Africa in 1905. [Left the work and returned to blacksmithing in Kingwilliamstown, S.A. Died in an accident, per John Long's Journal]. Ship record from SA to England, arriving in London on May 3, 1927. He died in 1927, aged 52.
1903 Chapman, Jane (Jennie)* - From Scotland
1904 Christie, David E. (Dave) (born 5/31/1884) married Emma (Emily) Florence Wilson (born 5/8/1883) in 1923. Dave died 9/30/1969, aged 85; Emily died 2/11/1975, aged 91. On 1926-27 List in Hawaii. Both were workers from Ireland who married without obtaining the permission of their overseer. Dave was a cousin to the Carrolls. The Carrolls' mother was Cecelia (Christie) Carroll, born in 1854 in Scotland. On behalf of Dave and Emily Christie and their marriage, Jack Carroll made an announcement and statement concerning workers marrying on Dec. 1 1923 at the Milltown Convention. The Christies PIONEERED the work in Hawaii in 1923. They had 2 children while in the work: Mary Elizabeth (Betty) born 7/26/24 and David Earl born 10/26/25, both were born in Hawaii. Betty married Wm. Clifton and died 3/14/1990 in California; Dave died 2/17/11 in Oregon. View their photo in TTT Photo Gallery at 1921 Washington Convention.
1903 Clarke, Tom – PIONEERED work in Tennessee in 1907 with Willie Clelland
1900 Clelland, Willie - Wm. Irvine’s cousin from Kilsyth Scotland came to USA in 1904, along with Jack and Mae Carroll, and 3 other workers. PIONEERED work in Tennessee in 1907 with Tom Clark. Was interviewed by Doug Parker in Portland, Oregon. He was friends with John Hardie in the Kilsyth district from their childhood. They attended prayer Union meetings together for several years. He was excommunicated. Doug Parker said in a taped meeting June 9, 1995 in Bellview, Washington, USA: “And then on my way home, I called in at Portland and met one of the original workers then, a dear old man, Willie Clelland. And I refer to him in my book. He was present right from the beginning in the sect. He was shocked, absolutely shocked that the sect had given to its worldwide membership a feeling that it went back to Christ. He could never get over that. I sat with him in Portland in the Y.M.C.A. building, and when he knocked off work this night I picked him up…He was a watchman at a gate of this factory. I took him and tape recorded our conversation…He'd been frozen out of the work when he broke both of his legs and became a cripple. He was involved in a car accident and they just deserted him, and he nearly died, and he became a cripple. And he said, "I've never heard from them. I spent all those years in the work. For them to have given you the idea that it went right back to Christ," he said, "That's an absolute lie. It went back to Bill Irvine." And he grew up...in Kilsyth. He knew John Hardie personally. And he knew William Irvine personally. He was one of the original workers.”
1903 Coles, Lily* - [Mary Elizabeth (Lizzie) Coles Waddingham]. Born April 5, 1878, Liskeard, Cornwall, England; died July 31, 1946, Portland, Oregon, US. Came to America in 1904. Married Charles Alfred Waddingham in 1914 in India. Children: John Alfred Waddingham (1915-1902); Helen Margaret (Waddingham) VanDenBerg (1918-2010); Jean (Waddingham) Day (1920-1983)
1905 Cook, Mary* - From Scotland.
1904 Cooke, Bella* - Came to America in 1904
1901 Cooney, Ed – Born 1867 - Died 1960; EXCOMMUNICATED in 1928.
1902 Cooper, Nellie* (Marjorie) died in B.C. Canada Jan. 8, 1973, aged 73)
1905 Corcoran, Sarah (Sally)*- From Finnoe, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary, Ireland; Pioneered work in Alaska in 1909-1910. Sister of Jack & Bill Corcoran.
1903 Corcoran, Jack (John) - From Neenah, Tipperary Co., Ireland. Brother of Sarah & Bill C.
1903 Craig, Tom – From Scotland. Came to Montreal, Canada in 1904 with first group of Workers; PIONEERED work in Nebraska in 1907, U.S. with Hugh Doak
1905 Crook, Crawford - died young; bro of Alfred Crooke where convention was held near Monaghan.
1904 Dane, Rebecca* - From near Ennis, Ireland. Born Aug 11, 1878. Born Again 1900. Died July 5, 1907, aged 28, after being in the work since September 1904. Cause of death unknown. She went to the USA with other workers in September 1906. Died at Liverpool, England, and is buried in West Derby Cemetery there.
1905 Darling, Robert (Rob, Bob) - Born September 4, 1883 in Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland - died June 9, 1970 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is buried in the British cemetery portion of Chacarita cemetery in Buenos Aires, in the same grave with Jack Jackson. Age 22, came to Canada with 7 other bro workers aboard the SS Parisian. He PIONEERED work in Alberta, Canada with Noble Stinson in 1907. Is shown on Workers Lists for Iowa in 1915-16; in Minnesota 1919-23; in South America on 1923-29.
1905 Davis, Anna* (Annie) - From Corbally House, Clonaslee, Queens Co., Ireland. Died 1975
1905 Davis, Maud
1905 Dennison, Harry - Born Oct. 3, 1884 in Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary, Ire; died May 13, 1968 in Lebanan, Oregon. He and John Baillie arrived in Quebec in August 1908 and were the first to preach to the French-speaking Canadians.
He married Agnes Emily Kennedy (1899–1989) on May 17, 1919. Had at 3 children. Harry's bro. Tom and wife Shirley were one of the married worker couples.
1903 Doak, John – Born March 26, 1879 in Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland, died Nov. 3, 1950, aged 71; professed in 1902, came with first group of Workers to Montreal Canada in 1904; went to N. Dakota in 1907. TTT has his Funeral Account. (buried in Council Cemetery southwest of York, Nebraska where Willie Abercrombie, Annie Edwards, George Boyle are also buried.) Grew up with Tom Patterson--lived one mile apart, same school, etc.
1904 Doak, Hugh - Came to America in 1905; PIONEERED work in Nebraska in 1907, USA with Tom Craig. Married sister worker Dessie Dick from Iowa in 1914; left the work; then re-entered work as married couple. Died aged 90 circa 1972. Shown in Kansas per 1922-23 & 1926-27 Workers Lists.
1905 Dodd, Annie (Dodds?) - From Scotland; Died May 27, 1965, aged 81; buried Colorado
1903 Doherty, George
1905 Downie, Frank - From Scotland
1905 Easy, Edie* - went to S. Africa in 1906 on SS Wakool.
1904 Elliot, John - farmer from Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh; died in Ire.
1902 Elliot, Tom – married to Ellen Elliott. Was an ex-policeman. Went in work 2 years after they married. Converted thru Ed Cooney. The Elliotts sided with Ed Cooney and left the sect in the 1928 Division. Tom died in 1930.
The pair are shown on the 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 16, 168. See photo.
Tom was called "Tom the Baptist," and he had baptized ten of the workers who excommunicated he and Ed Cooney.
1902 Elliott, Mrs. Tom* (Ellen) died April 16, 1966. Both passed away in England. Read Elliott Account
1902 Falkiner, Laura* - From Hillsboro, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Professed thru Wm Irvine's mtgs in 1898 in Borrisokane. Died in 1967. One of 8 workers who went to Australia in Sept. 1905. Went to Western Australia in Jan.1906. Apart from a couple of years in Victoria and Queensland, she preached in WA until her death Nov 4, 1967, aged 91; buried in W. AU.
1904 Fawcett, James (aka Faucett) - Born 1886 – Died Aug. 10, 1958, aged 72; spent his last days in Tallassee, Alabama. From Fermanagh Co. N. Ireland. Uncle of George Walker. He is in a 1911 photo of Blossburg, Alabama, so he may have been the first worker to go to Alabama. During his last year, he was trying to hold a few tent meetings without the help of a companion. It was during that time that he passed away, in 1958. Apparently he had done a lot of physical work on that particular day, and was sitting visiting with one of the friends on her veranda. He mentioned the manner in which his mother had passed away suddenly, and expressed the opinion that something like that would likely happen to him sometime... and at that moment, having spoken those words, he died. Wrote hymns (1951 ed) 173, 215, 221, 326, 239-Cease Not, a favorite.
1905 Foster, Joe
1903 Fraser, John - One of eight workers who pioneered Australia, arriving Sept, 1905. Overseer of New Zealand 1905-1909.
1905 Garvan, Wm.
1904 Gaskon, Joe (Gaskin - came to USA 1905)
1905 George, Thomas; went to USA in 1907; dropped out of meetings; reprofessed in early 1970s in Wellington, NZ, where he died in 1975.
1905 Gibson, Alex - From Scotland.
1900 Gill, Emma* - From Dalystown, Rathmolyon, Co. Meath, Ire. Died 1944, aged 73. Sister of Jennie and Willie. One of FIRST 4 sisters in work.
1900 Gill, Jennie* - From Dalystown, Rathmolyon, Co. Meath, Ire. Died 1951, aged 62. Sister of Emma and Willie. One of FIRST 4 sisters in work. Came to America in 1904.
1900 Gill, Willie - From Ashmount, Kill, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ire. Born in 1863, Died 1951 aged 88. Brother of Emma and Jennie. Appeared to have been the oldest of the workers in the band of FIRST workers. Willie was a wealthy landowner, or stood to inherit it, and his going into the work in 1900 made quite an impact on his community. He was the elder worker in the British Isles from 1914 until his death, aged 88.
1905 Gillespie, Harry - labored in Scotland. Left work and settled near Clones; had a grocery business.
1899 Givan, Alex (also misspelled Given/Givern/Girvan) After John Long and William Irvine, Tom Turner and Alex Given were the very first two men to commit to the work full time. Born in Slane, Co. Meath, Ire. March 12, 1874; died/buried in Glasgow, Scotland on May 28, 1948, aged 74. Came to US in 1911; labored in USA in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, West Virginia; also in Ireland.
1902 Glenn, Charles (Charlie) - From Scotland. Started in the work in 1902; came to USA in 1904 and was in the work at least until 1907.
1905 Gordon, James (Jim) - from Ireland, professed thru Adam Hutchison, started in teh work in 1905. Was involved with Bethel Mission. Preached in South Australia 1909–1915, then in NSW. Became a follower of Wm. Irvine's Omega Message. Married Elizabeth Edwards, sister of Willie Edwards; lived in Australia. Had 2 children.
1903 Gownes, Maggie* (Maggie Gowans came to America 1905). From Scotland
1905 Grace, John
1905 Greaves, Art
1902 Guy, Charles
1903 Haggart, Tom - From Scotland.
1900 Hardie, John (sometimes spelled “Hardy”) Born in Scotland January 20, 1870–died April 24, 1961, aged 90 in NSW, AU. Entered the work in 1900. He came over from Todd's Mission. From Kilsyth, Scotland. Arrived in Sydney, NSW in March 1907, and John continued in the state until he passed away on April 26, 1961, aged 91. In July, 1904, with Sandy Alexander went to Melbourne, Victoria, being the first workers to set foot on Australian soil. After getting no response there, John went to New Zealand in September 1904. From A Spiritual Fraud Exposed, Mr. Clelland stated: “I have known John Hardie since I was knee high to a duck. I can remember John as a young man, and I remember well when John was converted The reason I remember this is because I had a brother and a sister and my own mother who professed in the same meeting John was converted in, a meeting which was fully connected with the churches, the Faith Mission. This meeting was conducted by two women workers, one of whom was Miss Smellie and the other a Miss Harris. John was a fitter and learned his trade at Twetcher Engineering Shop and became an engineer repairing locomotives. This belief was wholly and solely founded by William Irvine and if John Hardie says otherwise, he is lying.” Read Account of John Hardie pioneering Australia
1905 Harrison, Helen* - From Manor Farm, Fotherby, England. Born Nov. 8, 1866 - Died 1968, aged 102! For many years, she was the oldest worker on earth; she lived to be 104 years old. (Lillian Tenniswood surpassed her, dying at age 106, in 2015)
1905 Hodgins, Frances Matilda* - In October, 1905, Frances and Jim Hodgins were with the first group of 8 to PIONEER work in New Zealand. Frances returned to England in 1910 and preached several more years then left the work and married Albert Oliver in 1915. Sister to Polly and Jim.
1903 Hodgins, Polly* (Mary Elizabeth) Born Feb. 23, 1880 in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, Ire; died in Ireland in 1946. Came with Lizzie Sergent as the first pair of sister workers to Queensland in January 1907, at which time there were only six other workers in Australia. Sister to Francis and Jim.
1904 Hodgins, James (Jim) Died of tuberculosis May, 14, 1907, aged 31. His grave is in the Greytown Public Cemetery, NZ. Francis and Jim Hodgins were with the first group of 8 to New Zealand in October, 1905. Brother of Polly and Francis.
1902 Holland, Dorothy (Dora/Dot)* From Annanville, Woodlawn, Co. Galway, Ireland. Born Jan. 1, 1876. Went in the work in May, 1902. Came to Sidney, Manitoba Canada in 1905 and brought the gospel to her family there. Six Holland siblings became workers: Dora, Harry, Maud, Kathleen, Mable and Muriel. Dora died Aug. 1, 1968, aged 92. She and her brother Harry share the same tombstone in Graceland Cemetery, Madison S. Dakota. In 1897, Dora was THE FIRST PERSON to profess in a mission by Wm. Irvine after he went to pioneer the work in S. Ireland in Kilrush, Co. Clare. Sister to Harry Holland; aunt of Sydney Holt.
1905 Holmes, Beattie*
1904 Hughes, Agnes (Aggie)* From Ireland. Professed in 1898 in Rathmolyon Mission of Wm Irvine. Went to West Australia in January, 1906. Died in 1929,
1905 Hughes, Thomas - professed at Rathmolyon Mission; left work, lived at Fairhill, Co. Meath.
1902 Hume, John - was a coal miner from Scotland; left work, got married in Ontario.
1905 Humphries, Robert (Bob) Born in England – died Pennsylvania US in 1936, aged 46
1905 Hutchison, Aggie* - From Lauder, Berwickshire, Scotland. Came to USA 1905. She and her brother Adam pioneered South Australia in 1911. To Tasmania in 1916; to Queensland in 1918. Returned to Scotland in 1922 when Adam went to India.
1902 Hutchison, Adam - Born Sept. 10, 1873 in Lauder, Berwickshire, Scotland. Brother to Aggie Hutchison. For a time he worked with his father as a blacksmith and then went out as a Colporteur under the Faith Mission until he met George Walker and his companion. He came to Carnteel, Ireland in 1903. Wrote hymns 98, 105, 161, 184, 198, 222, 233, 237, 244, 269, 279, 315, 324, 330, 333. He professed in 1900 through George Walker and Albert Quinn. From Dublin, preached in Ireland. One of 8 workers who pioneered Australia/NZ in Sept 1905. Went to New Zealand in Oct 1905 with the first group of workers and in 1906 pioneered the South Island with Joe Williamson. In 1907 he went with the first group to Victoria. In 1908 he and companion pioneered South Australia. He was in Tasmania from 1915 -1922, then was the first worker to go to India. In 1924 he and companion were the first to Burma, where he contracted smallpox and died January 19, 1925, aged 51.
18-- Irvine, William –Born January, 1863 - Died March, 1947 in Jerusalem. He is buried in Zion Cemetery in Jerusalem, Israel. While cemetery records positively show that he was buried in Zion Cemetery, there is no tombstone for him. There may have been one that was destroyed as during World War II, much destruction took place in the area of No-Man's Land, where the cemetery was located. Numerous unmarked graves are to be found in this cemetery, and his grave is likely one of them. See also Notes on George Walker's EARLY DAYS in AMERICA
1904 Irvine, Annie* (no relation to Wm. Irvine) From Kilclay, Augher, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Professed July 7, 1903. Entered work on Jan. 1, 1905. Left for Canada Aug. 4, 1905; died 1935 in Pennsylvania US.
1905 Jackson, William (Robert Wm. aka Will) – Born Nov. 2, 1874, died Nov. 20, 1951. Brother to Jack. Professed in 1898 after hearing Wm. Irvine preach at Parsontown, Ireland. Preached in Robert Todd's Mission in Ireland before becoming one of Wm. Irvine's workers. Was preaching in Oklahoma in 1917-18 (WWI), registered for the draft in OK and also filed naturalization papers. Spent a number of years as Illinois Overseer of Illinois, dying there in 1951.
1901 Jackson, Jack (John Samuel Jackson) - Born Oct. 20, 1880, in Edenderry, County Offaly, Ireland. Professed after hearing Wm. Irvine preach at Parsontown in Nov. 1898. May have preached in Robert Todd's Mission in Ireland before becoming one of Wm. Irvine's workers. Came to America in 1904. In 1919, he went to South America where he PIONEERED the work in Brazil and was Overseer til his death on Nov. 30, 1966, aged 86 in Argentina. Buried in the British Cemetery in Buenos Aires.
1905 Jamieson, Violet* - Born Dec 8, 1972 - died 1977 ?; Sister of Willie and Elisabeth, from Scotland. Her full name was Euphemia Violet Jamieson, born in Langton, Berwickshire, Scotland. After Canby, OR convention in 1914, Violet left the work due to poor health and returned to Scotland. After her father died, she moved to Australia, where her brother lived. Her fields were South Dakota, Nebraska, and Oregon.
1905 Jamieson, Willie – Born April 28, 1882; from Duns, Co. Berwickshire, Scotland; Came to America 1905; died October 11, 1974, aged 93. Professed
in his first meeting according to Elizabeth’s Reminiscences. Brother of
Violet and Elizabeth. Went to Canada about 1915 to at least 1925. Wrote the hymn "I've a Friend." PIONEERED WORK in China with Max Bumpus in 1926-27. Funeral handout: William Rankin Jamieson was born April 28,
1881,[most documents have 1882] in Scotland, to William and Elisabeth Jamieson. He heard the
and made his choice January 2, 1905. Later that month, he entered
the ministry. In the fall of that year, he came to California to
work. He labored in Oregon and Manitoba before going to China in
1926. He spent six years in the Philippines, from 1939 to 1945,
interned part of that time. Uncle Willie has been in California
March, 1957. He became ill January 11, 1974, and passed away
11, 1974. The funeral service is October 15, 1974, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Whittier High School, Whittier, CA. The interment will be at 10:00 a.m.
at Pacific Crest Cemetery…on the corner of 182nd and Inglewood Avenue,
Redondo, CA… Officiating: Tharold Sylvester, Ernest Nelson,
Mooney and Eldon Tenniswood.” (The overseers under Willie) Note: Jack Carroll passed away March, 1957; and Willie J. came back to
in March, 1957, and took over Jack’s place as Overseer of the Western
in the USA. Willie J., along with some other brother workers
Beaber, Ernest Stanley, Cecil Barrett and Leo Stancliff) were all
at Santo Tomas, Philippines by the Japanese on January 6, 1942. They
were finally liberated on February 23, 1945.
"On Saturday Robert took me about 15 minutes
ride to just outside
the town of Duns where we saw the home where Uncle Willie Jamieson was
raised and the hills where his dad shepherded sheep. Drive down
road Uncle Willie walked down after he said goodbye to his parents who
weren't in agreement with his going forth to preach. Also saw the
spot where he sat down and looked back wondering if he were making the
right choice! Then the train depot (not in use now) in Duns where
he caught the train...We then drove to Chirnside where Uncle Willie
for a butcher in his shop. Saw the very hall in Reston where
Willie worked for a butcher in his shop. Saw the very hall in
where Uncle Willie first heard the truth at a special meeting! In
Chirnside we saw the farm where the first convention was held (1911) in
this part of Scotland....Across the road is a...large cemetery with
markers...Five workers are buried here (saw John Martin, Jean Gibson
Sarah Skerritt's graves). John wrote some of our hymns and his
was "Nothing Matters But Salvation." (May 1, 1985
by Sydney Holt).
1904 Jardine, James (Jim) - Born in Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire, Scotland on Aug. 9, 1884 – Died Jan. 6, 1969, aged 84; came to USA in 1904; wrote Hymns 3,6,27,28,51,61,76 (1951 ed). Two brothers in American work: Nichol and Walter. PIONEERED work in Switzerland and in Germany in 1913 with Otto Schmidt (of Australia); both left during WWI and returned in early 1920’s.
1905 Johnston, Robert (Bob)- From Scotland. Died Dec 30, 1940. aged 70 in Sask, Canada. Came to America 1905.
1905 Jones, William (Willie) - From Scotland. Came to America 1905.
1902 Jones, Sam Born 1887 in Portadown, N.Ire – Died Apr 14 1946, aged 68, buried in W. Australia. On Dec. 27, 1907, Sam sailed from London to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. On April 8, 1908, Sam and Bob Bashford, together with Tom Turner and Syd Maynard sailed for Western Australia. Sam was the Overseer of Tasmania from 1922-1938; and of Western Australia from 1938-1946. Sam Jones wrote MORE hymns than any other professing person published in Hymns Old & New. He was called "The Sweet Psalmist of Israel."
18-- Kelly, John - Born April 6, 1872 in Connor, Co. Antrim, Ireland to James and Matilda (Dinsmore) Kelly. He joined the FAITH MISSION on May 27, 1896 when he was 24 years old. He left them in 1901 to "become a Cooneyite" (Bright Words, Oct 15, 1898 & Nov/Dec 1898). He left the work in 1928, along with Joe Burns and Harry McNeary, the same year Edward Cooney was put out of the church. He married and had at least one child. "We received a letter from John Kelly's daughter saying that her father was very ill. She told us he was nearly 90" (Selected Letters of Fred Wood edited by Patricia Roberts, Dec. 20, 1960 Letter to Lena Roberts by Fred Wood, p 12). He died sometime after 1960. NOTE: John Kelly entered the work in 1901 or 1902.
1902 Kerr, Joe - From Scotland. Born abt 1881-1883; Convert of Ed Cooney; EXCOMMUNICATED in 1916. He is credited with being the one who FIRST applied the Living Witness Doctrine to the 2x2 ministry. Click Here to read 2 Letters by Joe Kerr. Was one of the original team of workers who departed for Cape Town to pioneer South Africa on SS Geelong in August, 1905. Joe and Barbara Baxter married on February 3, 1915 and had 3 children: Norman, Doreen and Joe Jr. Barbara was a sister worker who went from Britain to S.A.on the same boat as Joe. After he was excommunicated from the sect in 1916, Joe and Barbara joined the Plymouth Brethren. Joe became Chief of the Traffic Dept. in Cape Town.
1905 Kerr, Bella* Sister to Joe Kerr.
1902 Knox, Mary*- From 21 Leadbetter St, Belfast, Ireland. Died Jan 24, 1970, aged 91; buried in England (Maggie Knox died 1940)
1901 Little, Jack - John Sullivan and Jack Little PIONEERED the work in Queensland in 1906. Jack deserted John in Australia, left the work and 2x2s within a year or two.
1905 Loftus, Florence (Florrie)*Margaret Annie - From Co. Wicklow, Ire. Born 1886–died Feb. 1973 in Ireland. Started in the work in 1905, preached in Ireland and died in the work there. Sister Lillian went in the work in 1913.
1899 Long, John – Died in 1962. He got permission for the FIRST mission which was held at Nenagh, where Wm. Irvine preached. John was EXCOMMUNICATED by Wm. Irvine while preaching from the platform at the 1907 Crocknacrieve Convention. He left the sect and married; wrote a very comprehensive Journal in which he chronicled the "Early Days" of the movement. Was the FIRST worker to commit to the work full time on Faith Lines.
1904 Lyness, Dave - born 1878 in Portadown, Ireland. Came to America in 1904; married Sarah Jane Atcheson in 1930, and lived in Tacoma, Washington USA; died in 1965 in Pierce County, Washington: his wife died Feb. 17, 1967. Not a sibling of Tom and Annie Lyness, possibly a cousin. Someone who was personally acquainted with Dave wrote: "He exuded Irish wit and a love for teasing, making Jane the object of a good share of it. She seemed to enjoy part of it, deflect another part, and reflect still another part!! He told stories of getting off the boat in New York and intermittently preaching and working at such jobs as coal mining in order to scrape up a few dollars to have another mission in those parts. He spent about 20 years in the work, until his 'nerves' and insomnia overcame him and bothered him the rest of his life."
1903 Lyness, Tom Born August 9, 1883 in Ire. – Died in Montana, US in 1970, aged 87. Came to America in 1905; PIONEERED the work in Idaho, USA. In 1931, he was shot and seriously wounded in Bozeman, Montana by a jealous husband and not expected to live. See Great Falls newspaper. Brother to Annie Lyness, sister worker. Annie spent most of her years in Montana in the work and died just a few months after Tom. They share the same tombstone. View tombstone in Findagrave
1904 McBride, Annie* From Belfast, Ireland. Professed in 1904 thru Ed Cooney. Went to Canada with Sue Pattison in Nov. 1909. Married John Micheletos in 1917 and the couple pioneered the work in Greece in 1920. Annie died in 1944 and John in 1966.
1902 McCauley, Maggie*
1903 McClung, John Wilson From Armagh, Ireland. Born in 1868 – died May 15, 1944, aged 76, in Auckland, NZ. He and his wife professed thru Wm. Irvine in 1898 in Galway. He was a prison warden, Entered the work Nov. 1903. Left for Australia in 1908. PIONEERED work in New Zealand. Married to Annie. They are shown on the 1921 Staffordshire Worker Convention photograph as Nos. 92, 94. "The chief Missioner is a bearded Irishman named M'Clung, who is assisted by his wife." (Impartial Reporter June 21, 1906 p3) Had no children. There were 4 McClung siblings in the work-- Frank, Walter (also married), and Sally.
1903 McClung, Mrs. Annie Elizabeth* - From Ireland. Born 1871; died Jan 29, 1945, aged 73 in Auckland, NZ. See above.
1902 McClure, Robert (from the British Isles)
1904 McCreight, James - from British Isles; went to Western Australia in Jan. 1906; left the Work after a couple years in SA.
1902 McDougal, Maggie* - One of 8 workers who pioneered Australia in Sept 1905.
1905 McDougal, Ella*
1901 McGivern, Mattie* (Martha) - One of the FIRST 4 sisters to go in the work. Born and died in Ireland in 1965. Came to N. America 1905, preached some in Pennsylvania. In 1913, shown as "In Ireland, Invalid, sometimes preaching." Is in the 1921 Dimsdale Staffordshire photo.
1905 McGreggor, Lizzie* - From Scotland. Died Sept 1964, aged 83 in Indiana/Illinois.
1905 McQuirk, Minnie* - Entered work summer 1905. From Dunganstown, Co. Wicklow, Ire.
1905 McKay, Hugh - From Scotland.
1901 McKay, Donald
1904 McLachlin, Dave (aka Duncan) - from Scotland. Went to Australia where he died in 1919 at Shadforth, aged 42.
1905 McIlwrath, Wm. Age 23, from Co. Down Ireland. Came to Canada in Dec. 1905 with 7 others bro. workers.
Married Millie "Minnie" Olive Spillett; were Canadian married worker couple. Had at least one son. Shown married on Canadian workers list as early as 1922-23.
1904 McNaughton, Annie* - From Doune-by-Stirling, Perthshire, Scotland. Professed in 1904-05.
1903 McNeary, Henry "Harry" James Oliver – was a FAITH MISSION Worker who left to "become a Cooneyite." (Oct 15, 1898 Nov/Dec 1898); preached in New Zealand from early1908-1913; in Aust 1914-28. He left the work in 1928, along with John Kelly and Joe Burns, the same year Edward Cooney was put out of the church. Married Elizabeth Belle Fullerton in 1934; lived in NSW. He died in 1958 and is buried in Sydney, NSW, AU; she died in 1978, and is buried in Auckland, NZ.
1905 McNeill, John – Born June 3, 1878 Castledawson, Co. Derry, Ireland. Died in the work March 2, 1959, aged 81; buried in Council Cemetery near the York, NE convention grounds, where Willie Abercrombie, John Doak, Annie Edwards, George Boyle are also buried. Professed in 1902. Labored in Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska. No relation to the Rev. John McNeill through whom Wm. Irvine professed; and not the same person as the John McNeil (one "L") who was for a time in the work in Oregon and married Dorothy Dunaway June, 1936.
1904 Manning, Liz*
1905 Manning, George
1904 Martin, James (Jim) - From Scotland.
1905 Mathews, Charlie - b. 1886,entered the work in 1904; from Ireland. Came to USA in 1905; not listed after 1907 on workers lists.
1904 Mathews, Hugh - b. March 24, 1878 in Downpatrick, Co. Down, N. Ire.; entered the work in 1904; to America in 1904, preached in NE, CO, AZ, OR, ID, TN. Died March 16, 1974, aged 95, buried in Bangor, N. Ire.
1902 Meikle, Richard – From Langrigg, Chirnside, Scotland. Died May, 1951 – TTT has typed funeral account.
1902 Moodie, Mary* - From Gairney House, Sauchie, Alloa, Scotland. Was one of Workers who went to PIONEER South Africa in 1905.
1904 Moore, Matilda Mary "Tillie"* - b. July 10, 1875, in Drumquin, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, died May 22, 1941; labored in Scotland and Ireland; sister of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Moore. On the 1921 Staffordshire picture, both sisters are named "Lizzie"; actually Tillie is the fairer-headed one.
1903 Moore, Elizabeth "Lizzie"* - b. 22 Nov. 22, 1870, in Drumquin, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, died Mar 14, 1949; labored in Ireland; sister of Matilda "Tillie Moore." On the 1921 Staffordshire picture, both sisters are named as "Lizzie", but the fairer-headed one is Tillie. Retired from the work due to age.
1905 Myros, Abe
1904 Noble, Tom – Born in Ireland; died May 22, 1971, aged 91 in Kentucky US
1903 Oliver, Harry –Born March 3, 1881 in West Meon, Hampshire, England; died May 15, 1953, aged 72 in Cascade Co., MT; entered the Work in 1903, arrived in Canada with second group of Workers in 1905, died May 19, 1953 in Montana U.S. Preached in Eng, Scot, Ire, Canada, Montana;
1903 Patrick, James (Jimmie) - From Scotland. Born 1872 - Died 1960, aged 89 in Quebec, Canada; Wrote Hymn 148 (1951 ed); from Scotland; Came to Canada in 1906.
1904 Patterson, Alec
1903 Patterson, John R. From Scotland. Died Sept 1940 in Virginia. Came to USA 1905
1904 Paterson/Patterson, Tom Born March 8, 1881 in Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland - died Nov 3, 1964, aged 82. Came to Canada in 1905 with second group of Workers. Interment: Ivy Hill Cemetery, Malcom, Iowa. "I got a letter the same day I heard about his departure...I had a letter there that he had written to me. In this letter, he mentioned he had been 60 years in the work, October 5." (James Greenfield) Geo W: “It is 62 years now since we (Tom Patterson & George Walker) first met..." Note: Tom is not on 1905 list, but entered work October 5, 1904, per his funeral account. He and John Doak were boyhood playmates, who grew up just one mile apart.
1903 Patton, Maggie* - Princess Victoria wrote several letters to this sister worker in the years 1917-1920. See Princess Victoria Account.
1904 Pearce/Pierce, Alex - From Ireland. Was on 1905 boat of workers who PIONEERED South Africa; overseer there til his death Nov 20,1946, aged 74.
1905 Pearson, Minnie* (Mary Anne). From Carrig, Rathdowney, Queens Co., Ire. Born Feb 5, 1885 in Ballycolla, Co. Laois, Ire; died Feb 13, 1919 in Pennsylvania (aged 32)
1903 Pipe, Alice* - Born in Wilby, Suffolk, England in 1867-68. Labored in England. Her mission in Cretingham, Co. Suffolk, Eng. started W.D. Wilson's persecution of the church.
1905 Purves, Tom - Born in 1887 in Scotland, started in the work in 1905 at age 17. Invited Willie Jamieson to Willie's first meeting, where Willie professed and went into the work two weeks later. Came to Canada in August, 1905 with second group of Workers; went to California in 1906, and died in Riverside CA of tuberculosis in 1911, aged 24.
1900 Quinn, Albert - Son of Dublin shop-keeper.
1903 Reading, Alf
1905 Reid, Bella* - (1884-1937) From Carnteel, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone, Ire. Sister of Wilson Reid. Died at Carnteel.
1904 Reid, Herb (Herbert) Came to America in 1906.
1904 Reid, Lily* - Was on 1905 boat of workers who went to PIONEER South Africa. Lily, Lottie & Mina were siblings.
1904 Reid, Lottie* - From Canhteel, Aughnacley, Co. Tyrone, Ire. Died March 3, 1966 in Michigan. Lily, Lottie & Mina were siblings
1904 Reid, Mina* - From Carnteel, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone, Ire. Died 1978. Lily, Lottie & Mina were siblings.
1904 Reid, Wilson - Died Dec. 10, 1968, aged 88; buried in Durban, South Africa. Brother of Bella Reid. PIONEERED work in S. Africa with Alex Pearce & Joe Kerr. Some called his converts "Reidites." Read Letter by Wilson Reid; Brother of Bella Reid. Overseer of Ireland and Africa simultaneously.
1901 Robb, Andrew (Andy) Hamilton - born Jan. 8, 1872, in Dublin , Ire., died July 16, 1964, aged 91, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Possibly a lawyer before he entered the work in 1901. Worked in all the countries of the British Isles, as well as in South Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe ) and Bechuanaland (now Botswana). He wrote the music (but not the words) for "O Bless the Lord, My Soul." Andy requested there be no funeral service for him; just his coffin lowered in silence with nothing said.
1900 Rogers, Sarah* - From Tulnyagoan, Derrygonnelly, Co. Fermanagh, Ire. Professed in Maryboro, Queens Co. Ireland in 1898-99 thru Wm. Irvine. Died Oct 20, 1943, aged 72. She was the FIRST sister worker to go in the work. Came to USA in 1904.
1901 Rooney, Edward (Ed)
1904 Rooney, Bessie*
1905 Ross, Charles "Charlie" Herbert was born May 10, 1881, in Drumboorey, Co. Fermanagh. N. Ireland. Died April 12, 1961 in Nelson, BC, Canada. Was in the work at least up until 1917, maybe longer. Married Ethel May Wagstaff (1892-1953). Labored in England, N. Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan. Arrived in Winnipeg in 1906 from British Isles. Shows on the 1911 census in Saskatchewan.
1904 Russell, Archie (Archibald Marshall); born Nov. 4, 1879, in Tarrareoch, Armdale, Linlithgow, Scotland. It is believed he was orphaned in the Tay Bridge Disaster of Dec. 28, 1979, and he and his siblings went to live with their grandmother Russell in Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scot., although their names do not show on the Tay Disaster Memorial. He and David Gibson sailed from London to Cape Town, South Africa on Aug 20, 1907 on SS Geelong. He married a sister worker of Dutch descent, Gladys Koekemoer on Feb. 3, 1915. About the same time, Joe Kerr also married a Sister Worker, Barbara Baxter, and both excommunicated and both joined the Plymouth Brethren. Archie was a longtime childhood friend of Joe Kerr. Died in mid 1960's in South Africa. Had 3 children.
1904 Ryan, Cha.*
1905 Samuel, George - From Scotland, came to US; labored in MO and OK. Married Sister Wrkr Mary Austin; resided in Oklahoma. George's daughter, Margaret and husband Jack, hosted the Perry, Oklahoma conv. grounds; one of their sons currently resides there (2023).
1903 Sargent, Lizzie* - From Rathmore, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland; went to Australia Nov. 16, 1906.
1903 Scott, Frank (Francis) entered the work in 1903; went to America in 1904. Preached in Rhode Island.
1902 Skerritt, Robert - Born 1875 in Tullamore, Offalay Co. Ireland, died June 11, 1953, buried in Phoenix AZ, U.S. Came to Canada in August 1905 on SS Virginian with 17 other workers, including his sister Annie. Wrote Hymn 28; Note in Hymn authors list: "in work in EARLY DAYS." Was in the work from 1902 until at least 1913, laboring in Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Minnesota, North Dakota & Nebraska. By 1922, he was married to Nan who died. Immigrated to NE Montana, U.S. in 1919, per census records. Became follower of Wm. Irvine's Omega message. Remarried Minnie Gerow on Oct. 15, 1924.
1904 Skerritt, Annie* - Came to Canada in 1905 with 17 other workers; was in the work from 1904 until at least 1909, working in Ontario & North Dakota; married Sam Atcheson.
1905 Skerritt, Sarah* From Ireland, buried in Scotland in 1963. “In Chirnside we saw the farm where the first convention was held (1911) in this part of Scotland....Across the road is a...large cemetery with grave markers...Five workers are buried here (saw John Martin, Jean Gibson and Sarah Skerritt's graves).” (Letter by Sydney Holt dated 5/1/85).
1903 Skerritt, Martha* - From Ireland. Died in England, aged 92 in 1975, Was on 1905 boat of workers who went to PIONEER South Africa.
1903 Smith, Annie* - (Mary Anne) From Bridge House, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, Ire. Worked for Ed Cooney's father in Enniskillen. Prof in 1902. One of 8 workers who pioneered Australia in Sept 1905. Labored in Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand. Married Wilfred Charles Heyes in 1914 from Tasmania, Australia. Had 2 sons.
1904 Smith, Jonathan - from Kilkenny; left work, married.
1905 Smith, Walter - Born Oct. 24, 1887
1905 Snedden, Wm. Hunter (Willie) - From Scotland. Died Dec. 24, 1925 in Moneague, Jamaica, aged 41.
1905 Somers, Bella* From Scotland. Left work, married and lived in Scotland.
1905 Sommerville, G.
1902 Spence, Mary* - From Springfield, Enniskillen. Left work about 1911 and kept a shop in Co. Donegal.
1903 Stanley, Annie* - From Derrinduff, Birr, Kings Co. Ireland; went to Newfoundland and New Brunswick.
1905 Stewart, Maggie - came to USA 1905.
1901 Stinson, Noble - Came to Canada in 1905 with second group of Workers; PIONEERED work in Alberta with Robert Darling in 1907; married, had a family and lived on a farm near Enniskillen in the Boho area.
1905 Stone, John - From Ireland. Went to East Canada in 1907. Was Overseer in Ontario and Quebec. Died Nov 12, 1965; buried in Ireland
1900 Sullivan, John – Born March 28, 1874; from Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ire. Died unexpectedly (aged 50) on Dec. 1, 1924, buried in Lutwyche Cemetery in Brisbane, AU. Was school teacher in Co. Tipperary. Went with first workers to Queensland, AU in 1906. Was the elder worker in Queensland until he died. Wrote Hymn No.13 (1951 ed);
1905 Taylor, Annie* - From Carnamoney, Draperstown, Co. Derry, Ireland; came to USA 1905.
1899 Turner, Thomas McCausland - Born September 1, 1877 in Swatragh, Maghera, Londonderry, Ireland to William and Melisina (Bateman) Turner. He was a schoolteacher in Co. Galway when he professed in 1898. After John Long and William Irvine, it appears that Tom Turner and Alex Givan were the very first two men to commit to the work full time, in 1899. In January, 1906, Tom Turner (age 27), Jim McCreight (24), Laura Falkiner (29) and Aggie Hughes (27-sister to Willie Hughes) arrived at Fremantle, Western Australia aboard the S.S. Oroya and pioneered the work there. After spending some time in Western Australia and Victoria, Tom spent the last 35 years of his life as the Elder worker in Queensland. He died April 19, 1959, aged 81 and is buried in Brisbane, QLD, AU in the Mt. Gravatt Cemetery (MON4e, isle 6, plot 508). He also preached in Poland, Latvia and Ireland. He wrote Hymn Nos. 306, 236 and 369 in Hymns Old & New (1987 Ed.).
1899 Walker, George – Was a Methodist. Born Feb. 12, 1877 in Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland to John & Jane Walker. – Died in North Penn Hospital in Lansdale, Pennsylvania on Nov. 6, 1981, aged 104 years. Buried in North Wales Cemetery, PA. Became Eastern USA Overseer. See further details.
1904 Walker, Alec (also Alex) – Born 1876. Married sister worker Queenie Higgins (left the work). Wrote Hymn No. 72 (1951 edition). See Review of Hymns.
1904 Watchorn, Dick - Came to No. America in 1905.
1905 Watson, M.*
1905 Weir, Edith "Edie"* From 21 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin, Ire. Born Nov. 4, 1886 – Feb 21, 1959, aged 72. Professed at Nenagh Mission in 1897. Brought gospel to Dublin. Came to US in 1911, age 34. Left the work due to rheumatic fever; returned to Dublin, where her parents had the FIRST meeting over Weir's Store on Baggott Street. Lived over shop til her death.
1900 Weir, James "Irvine" - From 21 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin, Ire. Born Dec. 7, 1878, died October 18, 1957, in Massachusetts, and is buried in N. Weymouth, MA. Was 1903, was one of first 3 workers to come to US (others were Wm Irvine and Geo Walker). Pioneer of California in 1904. One of 9 Weir children, many of who professed. The FIRST Sunday Morning meeting was held in their home in Dublin, over their store, Weirs Hardware Store. He married Mary Elizabeth Lillian Reid Jan. 16, 1921, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, had 2 sons and a daughter, and lived in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He was later EXCOMMUNICATED by George Walker.
"Somewhile later I asked George (Walker) about the two men which came with him in 1903. They were Irvine Weir and William Irvine. Sadly both men got off on the wrong track. George said that Irvine Weir had a weakness for divine healing and later on in life wrote his sister that nothing could hurt him because he served God. Before the letter arrived, he fell off a ladder, rose up and said, 'I'm all right,' then died. He had said that some of the friends, who got killed couldn't have been doing God's will." (From Notes on George Walker's EARLY DAYS in AMERICA).
"Irvine Weir has written me (Ed Cooney) that George Walker, Tom Tuft, and the bishop in whose house Irvine meets, came to his home. George told Irvine that he would instruct the bishop to close his house to him unless he promised not to speak in the meetings. Irvine refused, so without any scriptural reason being given, he has been cut off." (Letter to the Churches in Alabama and Kentucky, August 2, 1948, Selected Letters Hymns and Poems of Edward Cooney 1867-1960, Edited by Patricia Roberts, p 56)
1903 Weir, William (Willie) – From Scotland. Born 1882 - Died July 24, 1969, aged 87, buried in Sweden. Went into the work in 1903 and labored in Scotland, USA and Sweden. Overseer in Minnesota for a few years in the 1920s before going to Sweden where he was Overseer in Sweden and possibly Finland also from the early 1920s until his death in 1969. Buried in Bjarnum, Sweden. Listed on the 1929 Swedish Workers list, and from then til his death. Wrote Hymn No.152: A Living Offering. (He is not related to the Weir family of Dublin, Ireland.)
1905 Wellwood, Lily* From Geashill, Kings Co. Ireland; labored in US
1905 Williams, Bill - From Moneygall, near Cloughjordan. Died in Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh in 1942. Married a nurse, Minnie Kerr, who had been in the work
1905 Williamson, Joe - From Scotland. Died April 6, 1963, aged 77, buried in NSW, Australia. One of 8 workers who pioneered Australia in Sept 1905.
1905 Willis, Eddie* From England?
1900 Wilson, Matt - Was preaching independently before he met Wm Irvine or any of the Faith Mission. George Walker and Matt preached together the first mission George ever preached. From Scotland. Married Letitia Armstrong in 1903, and they continued in the work together. They appear on the 1915 Nebraska Workers List, and eventually left the meetings, reportedly with a following and continued having meetings in California. (Further details - see Goodhand Pattison paragraph re Conventions.) Ralph Derkland wrote: “Recently we have had
the privilege of meeting Matt Wilson and his wife. Matt was preaching the
gospel before he ever met any of the Faith Mission. Then he met William Ervine (Irvine) and joined hands with him, and George Walker and Matt preached
together the first mission George ever preached. So we asked him to tell us about
the first days, which he gladly did and we got a better understanding of what
Jesus had in His heart when He came to earth, as Matt and his wife are still,
after 59 years giving their lives as a LIVING SACRIFICE without the support of
HEAD WORKERS, and have a few converts here and there, some of which we have had
the privilege of meeting and had it not been for seeing the incorruption in their
lives, we may not yet have seen His Way as it was in the day He lived the earth.
Matt told us that after he was with the others for some time, then George sat
himself up as the leader and began telling the rest of the workers where to go
and who to go with and after a few years he could not go along with this in getting
up and telling people that God sent them to certain places when God had nothing
to do with it. So he went to George and told him they used to set (sic)
at the same table, they used to sleep in the same bed, used to preach together
and now you go to the soft places and tell the rest of us where to go and I am
thru with -?- and plan to go it alone and if I can’t continue, I will take
a job. Again I say those were the days when there were a few who had not corrupted
His way. From thereon, he separated himself from what was destined to be God’s
true way brought back to the world after the ‘dark ages’ but, instead,
became “Christian Conventions.” (Letter by Ralph Derkland)
1905 Wood, Lillie*
1905 Wrightman, J.
1905 Young, Francis*
My married surname is Kropp. Some readers may recognize this name as German. My maiden name was Berry, an easily recognized English surname. Surnames often shed light on the country of origin of a family. If this fellowship was existing all over the world before 1900, there should be many foreign workers' names on the 1905 list...but there are none. The workers' surnames are names very common to the British Isles.
According to the book Family Names by J. N. Hook, the most common Irish names in America are: Murphy; Sullivan, Bryant, Ryan, Dunn, Burke, Riley, O'Brien, Kelly. Some other names which are Irish but can also be English or Scottish are: Kelly, Coleman, McDonald, Kennedy, McCarthy, Boyd, Carroll, and Duncan. O'--anything; Fitz--anything; Mac--, etc. Interesting that the 1905 Workers List contains many of these common Irish names.
Many of the names brought to America by Scots are identical with English, Irish or Welsh names. In Scotland, there are more people with the surname of Smith than any other name; with MacDonald/McDonald in second place; and Campbell in third place. Other names especially likely to be Scottish are: Ross, Murray, Wallace, Gordon, Cunningham, Johnston, Ferguson, Graham, Andrews and Duncan. The 1905 Workers' List contains many of these Scottish names.
Some claim the "way" came from Switzerland. Switzerland has few surnames of its own, but there are some that are based on names of Swiss places that are peculiar to Switzerland; i.e. Huber, Bern, Basler, Bessler, Zurich, Zuercher, Ablanalp, Effinger, Geis or Heidegger, Oberlander, Szer, Thies, Klegerman, Schnyder. However, the 1905 Workers' List contains none of these names.
How many names are on the 1905 Workers list which you cannot easily pronounce? How many names appear to be foreign names? How many Scandinavian, Rumanian, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Jewish, Arabian, Oriental, Dutch, Belgium, French, Italian, Russian, Indian, African sounding names are there on the list? See any Spanish Gonzales, Ramierez, Perez or Rodriguez on the 1905 Workers' List? How many Oriental names? Nguyen, Chung, etc. French names often start with the prefixes Le, De, Des, Du (Dubois, Delacroix, Deveau). See any French names? Just a cursory review of a book on common surnames for various countries will show many common surnames that would be a tremendous challenge for an American to pronounce. Russian, Polish and Italian names are often quite difficult for English-speaking people to pronounce.
Is there a single name on the 1905 List that you cannot pronounce easily? Absence...speaks. Why is it that nearly all the early workers who were pioneers to a foreign country were English, Irish or Scottish? Why were all the head workers throughout the world from Ireland or Scotland?? Because, "Ireland is the only country where workers weren't imported, but rather exported," as Sydney Holt said it so well in his letter dated June 27, 1985. A man who was born and raised in Ireland wrote, "When I realized the part played by William Irvine...that explained why so many of the friends in Ireland had ‘Irvine’ as a Christian name."