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1934 Index to
Letters Written by William Irvine
Revised May 2, 2019


Fladungs - January 3, 1934
Filkeys - January 3, 1934

- January 8, 1934

Edwards - January 15, 1934
Gipson - January 15, 1934
Skerritts - January 17, 1934
Fladungs - January 17, 1934
Fladungs - February 3, 1934
Blackburn & Ramseys - March 3, 1934
Sheeleys - March 3, 1934

Tusseys - March 10,  1934
Reeds - March 10, 1934
Arcuris - March 17, 1934
Pike, Jack - March 26, 1934
Fladungs - March 30, 1934
Hulls - March 31, 1934
Pikes - April 2, 1934
Caseys - April  7  1934
Casey, Ethel -April 16, 1934
Adams - April 16, 1934
Fladungs - April 21, 1934
Mrs. Nakayama - April 21, 1934
Pages - April 23, 1934
Skerritts - April 24, 1934
Dormans - May 6, 1934
Hooes - May 6, 1934

Youngs - May 8, 1934
Blackburns - May 11, 1945
Fladungs - May 11, 1934

Duncans, Dunbars, Reeds - May 12, 1934 - re: death of his sister.
Rhodes, Myers - May 19, 1934
Corbetts - May  26, 1934
Boutrys - May 31, 1934
Fountains - June 2, 1934
Fritts - June 15, 1934
Morgans - June 16, 1934
Edwards - June 21, 1934

Fountains - June 22, 1934 ------John coming August 1, 1934

Edwards - July 6, 1934
Lias - July 6, 1934
Buckmans - July 7, 1923

Killions - July 7, 1934
Canada - July 20, 1934
Hulls - July 20, 1934
Linn - July 29, 1934

Pages - August 20, 1934
Peterson - September 1, 1934
West - September 15, 1934
Westlunds - September 25, 1934
Canada - October 5, 1934
Grims - October 10, 1934
Thorp - October 16, 1934
Donahue - November 3, 1934
Teske - November 9, 1934
Moores - November 11, 1934 - Irvine's work was to begin the Alpha Testimony Days
Mitchells and Peaches - November 17, 1934
Babylon - December 6, 1934
Skerritts - December 12, 1394
Abbott, Percy - December 14, 1934 

William Irvine's Letter To: Fladungs
January 3, 1934

No address

My dear Fladungs:

Thanks for yours and photos. We are now into /34, and the ending of the Popes Holy Year - which reminds us of what people thought of God - Man and Message 1900 years ago - and gives a sample of how hopeless people are who fail to have ears to hear and heart to understand - because of the human devil possessed nature they have.

They want to serve and worship God with what He has given them in Adam - and refuse what God has given them in Christ by His Spirit - whom they put on a cross between 2 thief murderers. God seated at His own right hand with all power - and gave Him the Message for today - which John wrote and now we bear witness to - and all who are my co-witnesses as part of the Tree of Life - which is in the midst and by the sides of the River - flowing from God and Jesus on the Throne. What greater Joy and comfort could we have today than to see who He was and why and how they treated Him.

I enjoy the Neverthelesss. He gave the chief priest - here after ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the Right hand of power and coming in the clouds of Heaven. And the Nevertheless - He that is least in the Kingdom is greater than John. But people love to honour those who were here and rejected 1900 years ago - but hate to think about Jesus now on the Throne and coming in the clouds - and every eye shall see Him - and the man who has the message is looked on and is the Least of all who name His name. But the results will be greater both in mercy and in Wrath for the whole human race on the earth today.

Think on all the pretended recognition of Jesus - and all who were His 1900 years ago. But the contrast in their attitude to the Man and Message for today - writes their own doom and reveals they are the same sort who rejected Jesus in pretending to honour Moses. If they had known Moses they would have known Jesus and if they know Jesus they would know me - and value my Message no matter who it comes by.

My love and best wishes for 1934,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Mr. Billett
January 8, 1934
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mr. Billett:

Thanks for yours (no date).  It's one of the hopeful marks when people are hungry and thirsty for the living waters and bread from Heaven, or what God has to say to them in these days.  You will find Jack Pike very useful in making the message of God plain to you.  Read carefully Isaiah 55 and Revelation 22, which makes it easy to grasp, and guides us in what to do and be.  All men are religious, more or less, and some are much better than others in what they teach.  No animal is religious.

72 years ago I was born into a Presbyterian family; 42 years ago I was born into the family of which Jesus is the head, as Adam is of the human family.  A Presbyterian preacher was the means.  He told me the right thing--to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. But I began to live by what God revealed through Jesus.  I found that the preacher was saying all right, but following quite another pattern, and was like a stone wall to me, in seeking to live by (which is the meaning of "believe").  So I told him my difficulty, and he was not a bit sympathetic.  And all these 42 years, I have been finding how willing many are to say, but do not, but rather follow the traditions of their fathers, and so find that it don't work out.  They claim the promises of God, but refuse, innocently and unconsciously in most cases, to hear and obey the Living God today, and so enter by the Wide Gate and walk in the Broad Way of their own thoughts and ways which God can't, and will not honor.  And people spend their money and labor on that which is not bread, or satisfying.

The Devil, by the Serpent, deceived Eve and Adam into eating of the tree in the garden, which appealed to them and satisfied them in opening their eyes and covering them with fig leaves, which is all the Devil, by the serpent preachers of the world can ever do.  And there are many branches of that tree, which is the whole religious world.  Revelation 17 shows you it's serpent ministry.  Revelation 18 shows you what God thinks, and what He wants us to do.

The voice of the Lord God, walking in the garden, was the only hope for Adam and Eve, and is the only hope for today.  And He needs a pair of human feet and lips to speak what the Spirit has to say for our salvation.  He cursed what they blessed, and clothed them in coats of skin, or sheep marks, and put them out of the garden.  I have more trouble getting rid of my old, traditional knowledge than I have in believing in and living by what Jesus so fully revealed.

It's easy to see the Jewish rabbis were all wrong, though outwardly righteous, but it's another thing to see the whole world of such people of many kinds, their successors.  Matthew 25 shows you the marks of all such in every age, and the witness of Jesus, and all His servants, has always been against them, in seeking to deliver men from all their traditional deceptions.  Revelation 12 shows that the Devil and Satan, by the dragon, deceived the whole world today.  You can read Matthew 22, 23, 24, 25, which are for today.  My reward, for a long life of trying to follow and serve Jesus in the way He lived and taught.  And the way He sent His disciples is to be blessed, or anointed to read Revelation to those who have ears to hear and obey, by letting the Spirit speak these same things by our lips and life--Revelation 1:3.

Revelation is the program for the judgment period, which began in 1914. Revelation 8 is the war chapter.  Revelation 9 is for the period since the war; verses 1 to 10 show the spread of Bolshi ideas in many shades. Last half is the coming war between East and West, or the League of Nations and the rest of the nations, ending in 1/3 part of men being killed-- chiefly in the East; mostly Moslems and Hindus.  What John the Baptist was to Jesus as forerunner, John the Apostle from Heaven will be to Jesus' 2nd coming.  Isaiah 40 is his work, and Isaiah 41 is my work, as Jacob, with a few who share my anointing, or blessing as Israel.

Malachi 3 is John coming from Heaven as Messenger of the New Covenant. My work as Elijah, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, in witness to the proud and wicked, or the religious, political and educated world: Malachi 4. You can see the 2 sides of the Wicked who are to be destroyed, leaving neither root nor branch, or parent and child, while to those who fear His name, the sunrise of a new day and age.

Isaiah 64 shows the prayer cry of all who are my friends today, for the opening of the heavens, and the flowing down, or falling away of the whole religious, political and educated world in power today.  Notice the confession of the friends, neither claiming righteousness or worthiness, but rather the outcasts of the religious world, but sure they are the clay, and He the potter - verse 8. Isaiah 65:18 shows the New Thing He is creating.  Isaiah 66 shows you His dwelling in the "poor man," and the end shows our enemies destroyed.

I have read all sorts of false prophet rubbish; for printing is the mark of false prophets of today.  Jesus and Paul did not do these things, but spoke living words to men, that they might live and thereby guide them into truth.

My love to all who bear your name,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To: Edwards
January 15, 1934

No address

My dear Wm., Rose and Co:

Thanks for yours. It's good to be getting over our month of folly in their attempts to honor the Babe in Bethlehem - but blind and dead to who He is on the Throne today - or His Man and Message on the Earth Test - as much as was the Man and Message when He - as Alpha came to Earth. They think they will be heard for their much noise and show - while it but proves who they are and gives us to understand the atmosphere of Jerusalem when they crucified and put Him in the Tomb, that they might hold their High Feast in memory of Moses 1400 years before.

Tomorrow we have demonstrations all over Palestine from 8 to 9 A.M. on the 1st day of Bairam feast after the month of fasting - from sunrise to sundown. So it may be a day of slaughter - just as they choose to obey the Law or break it. They have promised to keep the peace - but troops and police are well prepared for any rising which may occur. We had good rain last week - best since I came to Palestine - 1919 - but it all depends on what is to follow.

For past 2 years we had a good start - which dried out and left them with practically no crops - and only about 1/2 the original rainfall since 1919. They cut down the wheat acreage 20% and God cut it 60% in U.S.A. this year - and in Aussey 50% by rains - when harvesting of a boom crop was to commence. You can see almost every corner in the earth getting its quota of troubles one way or another. Today India got quake in its railway center - where many British are employed. War in China and all the other 4 forms of Judgment while Japan troubles the whole Western world by her cheap - competitive goods and prices - for people can sell them at handsome profit - and then at 1/2 price of other peoples goods.

I hope Rose will soon be O.K. again - and fit for whatever her heart and His desires. It's good to have such a little sanctum for winter months. Had a good letter from John Byers - who seems to be in touch with some of his old Testimony friends in trouble.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Skerritts
January 17, 1934
P. O. Box 69
Jerusalem  Palestine.

My dear Bob and Minnie:

Thanks for yours and I wish you many happy returns from the Throne of God and the Lamb.  It’s good to feel our littleness for such is the name among men He values in all who hear the Message from the Throne of God and the Lamb whom they regarded as the least of all who ever were or could be His Brethren and so the Man and the Little Ones simply harmonise (sic) on the earth with all who ever bore the Message of God, and now the Message of God and the Lamb.

We don’t measure Him by the reception they gave Him in the stable and manger, and later on the Cross and Tomb.  But by what God did and wrought and thinks about Him, and as sure as His Leastness led to  His greatness today, so shall ours though they gave us the stable and Manger reception as His Anointed and sent, and the Cross awaits us.

We know what is beyond as the two witnesses sit down right and left, and you can be sure the Little Ones hearts will be cheered as they see these things, for it’s but the earnest of our inheritance in Him.

You can see that as Rosey and King George choose; honoured among men as their servants to convey their messages, so we need to have His name or mark upon us, which can only appeal to the world as reason for our being numbered among the transgressors. It’s the least of our faith and their faithlessness. Why should men look for other marks in His servants today than He and His bore in their day.
So we have much to rejoice in, and our Message of Him as Alpha and Omega given so fully and clearly in Rev. - written  and spoken by His Spirit on the Earth today, and no wonder proud and wicked men despise us and our witness, for such is the marking of all when the Keys of Hell and death await.  If His Message to John made Him fall at His feet as dead then, we share in the same unbelief but He still lay His hand on us and says, Fear not I am Alpha and Omega; who began and will finish, and so our joy is fuller as we bear witness to the world in that we have the 2 fold marks to assure us of who we are in our 50 or 60 years rags in body, Soul, and Spirit, which is but our qualifications as His servants.

My best love and all others.

Wm. Irvine.

PS. This is our demonstration day all over Palestine, but it’s controlled and to 1 hour, and police and soldiers are well prepared to handle any breach. It’s only 10 A.M. so I have no news so far of how things are going, but we know Rev. 9: 12 - 21, is at   hand with any other surprises to the world.       W. I.

William Irvine's Letter To: Fladungs
January 17, 1934

No address

My dear Fladungs:

Thanks for yours. We are having demonstrations today all over Palestine - but under strict control from 8 to 9 A.M. and only for short distance. Police and Soldiers ready for any trouble which may take place. So they have perfect liberty to make their declarations in peace against the Jewish immigration which is the bone of contention. So we don't expect much trouble.

This is the 1st day of Bairam feast amongst Moslems after they have finished Ramadan fast of one month - when they neither eat nor drink between Sunrise and Sunset - which no doubt produces a fanatical Spirit generally - under promise of peaceful processions with neither sticks or arms - the police were to be absent - and only allowed to be present at meeting when they read their speeches - and then disperse. But they will go on in their opposition to League and Mandates. So long as Jewish Balfour declaration is in force - and plenty of backing from the East.

We had a good rain last week which has raised their hopes. But past 2 years were hopeful till it ended in no crops - when crop time came. They claim this is the best rain they have had since 1919 - my 1st year here. But we know the programme will be carried out no matter what appears to be - for it's snare like all over the world.

They cut down wheat acreage 20% all round - But God cut it down 60% in U.S.A. and 50% in Aussey. They say nature did it - but nature is God's mind and plan in operation always - and the curse of Eden is the curse that now rests on the 2000 million who eat of the Tree in the midst of the garden - and refuse the leaves of the Tree of Life today. So the curse will be fulfilled as always - but more definitely seen - and will destroy all such from off the earth - to make room for those who are to inherit the earth when there shall be no more curse because people will be the Tree of Life - and all His power and promises be for them as it has been against the proud and wicked doers on the earth from 1st to last. Our Jesus the Carpenter is on the Throne - and not in the Manger - cross or tomb.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Mrs. E.O. Gipson, New Castle, California
January 18, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mrs. Gipson:

Thanks for yours. If you were as hungry and thirsty for the Bread and Living Water from the Throne of God and the Lamb - as you are curious - you might benefit. It's not knowledge of good and evil you need, but Life by the Spirit, which comes today by hearing and obeying God's message from the Throne. Revelation - is that Message - given John to write 1800 years ago - when he was rejected by the churches, which the true apostles had gathered by their witness to Jesus, as the Son of God, Man and Message of God - to the world - at that time. But people -- religious, political and educational, were so full of their own thoughts about God, and the dead prophets and the false living prophets, they did not feel their need. And because He came in other form and guise, or manner of life -- their pride and orthodoxy was offended, -- so they labeled Him bastard, and as such they rejected Him and His message - and crucified Him.

When Isaiah was walking about Jerusalem, as in Isaiah 20; barefooted and his garments rent, they demanded a sign that he was a Prophet of Israel. God's answer was-- "I will give them a sign. A virgin shall conceive and bring forth a Man child and etc". They finally killed Isaiah and when the sign was fulfilled, He was born in a stable and cradled in a manger, and labeled Bastard by the Jews, Romans and Greeks, who were the leaders of the world in Jerusalem, - and finally crucified Him for saying He was the Son of God-- being to them - a bastard. I wonder where you would have been found then, had you been there. Israel and the world full of false prophets, who had everything but the Life and Nature of Jesus and the Seal of God's Spirit. Jesus said - "If you had known Moses, you would know Me".They knew all about Moses, but they did not know by experience who Moses was, by being born of God, and anointed by the Spirit.

The world is full of false prophets, which is the sign of the need for a true prophet, as was promised to Moses in Deut.18; - and in Acts. 3; The Prophet of Restitution of all things. A Prophet - true - will find the world, as Jesus the Prophet, found Israel in His day.. If you are able to read Isaiah 55 -- you will see what's to happen in these days when the message from the Throne for today , as in Revelation, is the message of life or death to the whole world, reaching either sheep or goats.

Read Revelation 22 with Isaiah 55 and note, - Wherefore do ye spend your money for that which is not Bread, and your labor for that which satisfieth not, Hearken diligently unto me, as His anointed, -- Hear and your soul shall live and etc.,-- Behold, I have given him for a Witness, Leader and Commander to the people (who will hear, or feel their need of hearing). If some one can read and make clear to you Isaiah 55; you will see me there, and all the other religious, harlot preachers and the Babylon of Rev. 17 and 18 - which shows what God thinks about what you call churches and church services.

It was the people who were strong in worship in public places and the stone temple, who crucified the True Temple and Priest, Prophet and King. So do they despise and reject the Least and little ones, who are His witnesses today. All whoever became superior to Jesus in manner of life - were false prophets, or thieves and robbers, and plainly - the whole religions of the world today, are Babylon of Rev. 18.

You will find the end of Matt. 23, 24 and 25 give you the man- who is the prophet today. I use the scriptures generally accepted by the whole religious world, - but a Bible is no more use to an unregenerate proud and wicked heart -than it was to the Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus' day -- or than a human newspaper would be to a monkey - whether he was a clever, educated monkey, or a common one. No man can get anything of value from the scriptures, till he is born into the Family of God, and sealed by the Spirit, as were the prophets. All other interpreters and interpretation, - is but the repeating of Adam and Eve's mistakes, guided by the serpent then - who was the type of all the false prophets of every age. Scribe - Pharisee, Hypocrite, Seed of the Serpent, Generation of Vipers - how can ye escape the damnation of Hell.

I am sure the very weakest of my friends could give you enough to open your blind, dead eyes, - if you are honest. And you can be quite sure, you will be well convinced - with all the other great, proud and wicked-hearted on the earth today.

Read Malachi 4 - and see what you can get out of it for all who despise the Elijah of today. Would you have known Noah, Abram, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah and etc.??? or Jesus and the Apostles, whom the church were the means of putting to death - thru the false prophets and false apostles, who had risen up-- even in the Apostles (true) days.

Your question regarding the Sabbath - reminds us that it was the people who kept the Sabbath and feasts best, who crucified Jesus. These are always the marks of Devil-deceived people. Eating and drinking was another of their points. They accused Jesus of being a wine bibber and gluttonous man, - and for eating with unwashed hands.

The Devil is very fond of keeping people interested in anything but what gives them life and the Spirit of God. The more of these things people have, the more torment by memory in the Hell they don't want to believe, -- awaits them.

My love to you in Him.

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To: Fladungs
February 3, 1934

No address

My dear Fladungs:

Thanks for yours. You can see how faithful He has been in His 10 months quake explosion - fires and now quake and floods together - since Roosey came on the job and filled the air with all sorts of cackle and passed a law forbidding any depressing news to be published. All the news from the Throne and of His works in Wrath are depressing. So He has accepted their challenge and given them something they can't suppress.

But you have much to rejoice over there because He has so abundantly sealed the abundant Test'y and witness you have borne to Him and His words and works from the Throne.

On 15 Jan'y/34 - India with its 2500 different sects and parties over an area of 2000 X 1000 miles and its 300 million got severe quake and floods ever since. The Victims can never be counted. They gather them in piles and burn them. But all are at peace now in Death and Hell - as they have been at War on the earth - and this is but a sample of what all the other R.P. & E. are to get who continue to refuse His Man - Message and Mercy - and go on in their 1000ds of way of worshipping God and fighting and despising one another - and oppressing each other more than any place on Earth.

Then China which comes next in the same strife and oppression - Religious and Political got shake and floods which took 10,000 - which is but a blind guess - as the report of 23 dead in the Indian quake was. Then Mexico on the 30th. But Los Angeles the Jerusalem of the West - with its many queer forms of Religion - Politics and Education is but a sample of what 1934 will bring to the whole world - and assure us that what's written for the Holy City and Holy Land will come in due time.

U.S.A. papers are full of war spirit and reports regarding Russia - Japan and U.S.A. and Japan sees she will have to fight the White race to get Justice under the Sun for her people and Empire. So we rejoice and Sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb - not yet slain.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Filkeys
February 3, 1934

No address

My dear Filkeys:

Thanks for yours. You have no need to hear more of the Truth when you see His seal so clearly revealed in Los Angeles and Southern California where His witnesses have been giving out His Message from the Throne all these years. People may not want it - but if they don't - they can't stop the earth from quaking - explosions - fire and flood from coming as the Seal on their wicked activities.

The smooth - clean - transparent glass which separates between all who are under Mercy and all who are under Wrath - leaves us with a Song in our mouth - and admiration and wonder at our Lamb of God - Slain by men - now on the Throne and all power to deal with his enemies being manifested on the earth. The Lamb not yet slain on the earth - who is Servant of the Lamb slain - helps us to get the Song of Moses and the Lamb clear.

If it was right for Miriam to Sing of Moses - her brother's victory - it can't be wrong in the woman body - my flesh and blood - to praise the Lord for all He is doing in honouring our words in Judgment. And who would blame us for rejoicing in seeing all His and our words in witness to His coming Judgments fulfilled before the eyes of all men. For every eye shall see Him - and they and all such people on the earth shall wail because of Him.

Los Angeles 9 or 10 months quaking and explosions - fires and flood - is cause of much joy and rejoicing in Heaven - as well as on the earth - to all who truly are one with Him on the earth. Revelation 3:20 - is very simple and sweet for all who fear and hear His voice and He will never fail us - but move Heaven - Earth and Hell in honouring our simple faith.

India - China - South Africa - Argentine - Australia - Brazil - Chili - all have had floods where they had droughts in past years - and also here, and many sheep and goats die from cold - and people also - thru the long drought.

My love to all,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Blackburns and Ramseys
March 3, 1934

No address

My dear Blackburns and Ramseys:

Thanks for your 2 letters which I enjoyed. It's difficult for me to know local conditions - but I see from the quakes and floods on both sides of the Pacific that we are in for Big Time in all the world - for it will be conflict between the Right - R.P. & E. powers and the Labour Socialistic - Bolshi or between Right R.P. &E. and Left to L.S.B. and you can see Russia the left extreme and Japan the extreme Right power in the world today and both preparing for the grand final war of Rev. IX: 12,21 - the result of the 1st Woe - or IX: 1,11 - or the poisoning of the world by Bolshism.

Nearly all the troubles in the various countries reveal this Right and Left conditions and Russia has been working ever since the war for world wide Revolution. But it can only end in Destruction for all the nations and to fulfill God's purpose and Promise to the Proud and wicked doers - Malachi IV: where the Roosey message from the Throne has been most in conflict with my Message from the Throne of God and the Lamb.

In Los Angeles district there the earth has been quaking ever since Roosey began to attempt to save the world from Depression and Wrath. But if he can't stop the earth shaking neither can he stop God's plans and purposes in judging and destroying all nations.

But during the destruction God will set up His Kingdom on the earth which never will be destroyed or given to. And then I am looking for this to begin in April when the nations go forth to war after the winter is over in N. Hemisphere. So don't be surprised at all that's going to happen. To all who let Him sup with them you can be sure of supping with Him. You have many friends there who can give you the help you need - but you will benefit more by trying to give the message to others and to find God gives you words and Spirit and wisdom as well as understanding which is His method or sealing you as His own.

My love in Him and to both the families,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Sheeleys
March 3, 1934

No address

My dear Sheeleys:

Thanks for your 2. Glad you are enjoying a little leisure and pleasure after your long and strenuous life raising a big family - and the greatest of mercies yours in having let Him come to sup with you in mercy and you to bear witness to His Omega Wrath to all who refuse to let Him come in.

In Los Angeles district I got and gave the message from the Throne in 1918. Since Roosey began to give his message with the Blue Eagle mark from the U.S.A. throne in Washington - the earth under you has been quaking and shaking. If Roosey and Co. can't quiet the earths crust they may find it impossible to stop depression and destruction and Wrath in every possible new form coming on the earth.

We had flood and shakes there on 1st Jany. In India on 15th in China on 27th - in Mexico flood and quake on 30th which means 2 on your Pacific coast and 2 in the far East. Then quake on 1st. in N.Calif., Nevada and Utah and many shakes since in all these places which is quite remarkable in that it covers both sides of the Pacific - where the Russian Extreme Left army and Japans Extreme Right army are face to face on the borders of Siberia, with China as the prize.

The 1st Woe of Rev. 9: 1-11 has been the poisoning of labour socialists and Bolshis to make war on the R.P. & E.. So there may be world revolution R.P. & E. versus L.S. B. all over the world this spring. You notice this conflict has been seen in Cuba - Spain - Mexico - Argentine - Chili - France and Australia and is deep rooted in the whole world with Roosey and Hitler like 2 mile stones to mark the conflict coming for destruction of both sides. Which seems the raising of 10 powers by whom the Whore of Rev. 17: is to be judged.

We had 2 ships wrecked here on the 20th Feby. and fire destroyed 1/2 million dollars worth of box wood for oranges last Sunday. So we have plenty to show that He is busy doing what we are busy witnessing to by the Spirit.

My love in Him to all,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Tusseys & Co., Orleans, Cal.
March 10,  1934
PO. Box 696
Jerusalem   Palestine

My dear Tusseys & Co.:

Thanks for all from friends there. They can all benefit by contact with others thru my writing letters copied and sent to them.  The Message is more than my writing letters, for it’s taken all these years, to have details, and follow up His wonder working power on the earth, in wrath to His enemies, and Mercy to all who will hear Him, who speaks by the Spirit thru His Servant and those who hear and obey.  We are now about the 1st woe of Rev. 9: which shows that the whole world has been slowly poisoned by serpent poison, and you notice in all the troubles, that its a matter of right, R. P. E. rulers versus the left who seek to oppose and claim rights they never did before.

Russia is the extreme left power in the world and Japan the most extreme right power, and they seem to be preparing for war in Manchucko, China.  The death of  King Albert and the crowning of Pu Yi the deposed Emperor of China as King of Manchucko, under Japanese protection links up the men who played such a big part in the last war.  For it was Gorman interference in Belgium which brought so many against Germany.  So today I expect the Manchucko King will be the center of coming trouble in the near East, and in conflict with the western Nations.

So that Rev. 9: becomes easier to see and understand for it can only be a great conflict and no victory but plenty of destruction in life and etc.  And while they war right and left, God will set up His Kingdom on the earth in and by the two Witnesses who will  be the gathering center for all who have heart and ears for God and all that comes from the Throne.

You will find it good always to let God, by His Spirit give you words and wisdom in your witness, and you will always see clearer the Truth after bearing witness to others as well as in talking one with another.

My Love to all who Love God and Jesus, and His Least and all the Little Ones many places, soon to be gathered together.
Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Reeds - Long Beach, Calif.
March 10, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Reeds
Thanks for yours. I am glad you have enough interest to give ear to what God and Jesus have to say by the Spirit in these days when Depression & confusion & war fills the Air--Warning anew that Jesus as Omega to deal with all His enemies who bear the R.P. & E. marks of Matt. 23- and have no more use for His servant today than they had in their days when they stoned & killed them whom God had sent & spoke by- to gather them under His wing. People are very fond of their own thots and ways rather than to live by every word which God speaks today. They love dead prophets & false living prophets & old musty books & traditions of their fathers but have no heart or ear for the living God who still lives & speaks tho always in ways that don't appeal to the proud & wicked hearted on the earth today. He has in other days Judged men by their attitude to Noah & Abraham by flood and earthquake, but these things are always looked on as out of date facts when they really are samples for today.

The world is full of people who think they will be heard for their much praying. But if they will not hear God and obey, then God cannot & will not hear them or encourage them in their selfishness & self-seeking rather than in seeking to please Him. Jesus said, "Father I thank thee that thou always hearest me, for I do always the things that please thee." Here's the secret of having God in & for us & by us in dealing with others, & life on any other line is a failure & now to be finished by His Judgments on all who are the proud & wicked doers on the earth.

Malachi IV is very complete outline of His purpose on the earth today. So read & understand it carefully. Is.55 is also very simple for the man & message of God by which we can have life & hope & comfort.

It's good to have friends there who can give you much help, but in witnessing to others, God will give you His Spirit & put words in yr. mouth & in this way you get much understanding of he whole living truth for today or what God & Jesus think & plan for the whole world, to end their wicked reign & set up His Kingdom on the earth.

My Love to Both,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Arcuri
March 17, 1934

My dear Arcuri Family,

Thanks for yours and the children’s.  It’s good you are all so hearty for what comes from His Heart in days when the world is ripe for wrath, because they will do anything but hear and obey.  You can see how you would like to be pestered night and day with people who cry to you and pray to you, but are rebellious against all you would say or desire them to do - God and Jesus wanting to dwell in men and women - hear what He says, and witness to the world of what He is doing in Judgment.

But they will not hear, but go on with their old cackle about God of Love, and Jesus dying for them, when God and Jesus are angry with them every day, and destroying the proud and wicked doers from off the earth.  It may seem a small matter in men’s eyes that we should hear and witness to men what the Scripture gives us, but it’s the most valuable service we can give God or men.

Every man who hears the Shepherd’s Voice and Message through our Spirit-given words will find life, and prove it by what God gives him as he speaks to others.  Then we can see our words and witness brings out what is in the heart condition of those who hear, to God and all who bear witness by the Spirit.  And our being common in men’s eyes, ignorant and unlearned, only makes it the more like what He and His Apostles and witnesses were in His day.  And the joy that fills our own hearts, and the Satanic opposition we get from people who become like Serpents and Scorpions in their wriggling and biting at us - openly and secretly - is but proof that we are His, as surely as they are the Devil’s Serpent seed.

You will enjoy reading Luke 10, where and how He sent forth 70 to be His witnesses in Alpha.  The Devils were subject unto them; meaning they could not resist their message.  But Jesus said, rejoice not at this, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven, and the proof that the Spirit is given to you as His witnesses.  Then He says, I saw Satan the adversary fall from Heaven like lightning, to oppose and hinder and harass you in your witnessing by the Spirit.  I give you power over Serpents and Scorpions, and all the power of the enemy.  It shall not hurt you.

And I have no doubt all who witness today will find Serpents trying to twist the Scriptures and prove that R. P. & E. or L. S. B. are right, and if they can’t do that, they will - like the Scorpion - try to hurt you by some attack on your weakness in your walk or conversation, and that behind your back, secretly very often, by calling you crazy, or any other thing they can imagine or find fault with you.

But increase in the number of those who witness, an increase in the Wrath of God being poured out on the earth will compel attention, and our Mercy will increase as the Judgments become more manifest ever day and place.

So the joy of our heart, hope and comfort, is not a delusion, but the proof of the Victory - which is God’s and ours as we bear witness to men.

My love to all the family and best wishes,

Wm. Irvine

R.P.& E. stands for Religious, Political & Educational

William Irvine's Letter To: Jack Pike
March 26, 1934

No address

My dear Jack and Co:

Thanks for yours. Glad to hear of all your varied activities as His witness.

I had a letter from Jim Gordon's brother in the U.S.A. a Testy man with his wife and family in Ireland. But as dead as an R.C. and alive only to the people and cackle of the Testy sort in spite of having heard thro his brother - Jim. Baptism and breaking of bread are like 2 chains by which the whole religious world is held in bondage.

Crops here are suffering badly thro the hot desert wind in spite of good rain which came late during the cold spell. L300,000 have been spent in giving help to farming people, who lost very much of their young stock thro bad feed.

Water turning to blood in fountains and lakes is reported from Mexico and India. Which is making people think and the chemists busy trying to solve the cause. But fear in men's hearts and resentment in others is fast becoming manifest everywhere as the day approaches and the 5 months from Nov.11, 33 - to April has been wonderfully marked in many ways and places.

While the high hopes in U.S.A. and Germany and Europe in general brings only bitter disappointment and we see disarmament talk dying and ever threat to League as the hope of world peace.

Holy year is to end in April 2nd and we have the 3 religious feasts all from 30th March to 7th April. Palestine is divided between prosperity of the Jews - thro German people and money raising values in land and property. While the general agriculture only points to ruin. But John's coming near etc., would be a big surprise and quellor to all their cackle and talk.

Tourist traffic is very small and result very meager by reports from a man in the business. We have had a busy orange season and many ships calling and 4 wrecks - 2 1/2 million surplus in Palestine budget, and no unemployment but rather Jewish crying out for more workers to be admitted - all snare like in every line you like to look on - as in all the world.

My love to all 3 and all others,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Fladungs
March 30, 1934

No address

My dear Fladungs ALL:

Thanks for yours. This is good Friday. So we enjoy the memory of what they did and what He did and we don't mix up the 2 seeds. Those He died for and those He died by - neither then or now or in the future - and they who claimed the most then in the name of God were the most bitter enemies. So it's a comfort to find it the same today - His blood be on us and our children is being well answered - which assures us that His disciples can't fail to share in the Glory and Honour of His name in Heaven - and their care on the earth.

The Passover feast at this time reminds us of the destroying angel who passed over all who had ears for God through Moses - and who obeyed. To be under His Wings in Mercy or Wrath is the great fact of the Passover which was fully revealed in Jesus' death as Alpha. But now much more fully and world wide in its results to all men that dwell today on the face of the whole earth.

Glad to hear of your new home and could enjoy a day with you as I did in 1918-1919. What changes have taken place since those days, and what destinies have been fixed for many - and who could have guessed that so much of what we saw then has been fulfilled, which is but pledge of what is yet to come and the programme being fulfilled. The perfecting of His eternal plan and purpose.

The Heaven and Hell we used to speak of - will now be fulfilled in large measure before our eyes in the Sheep and Goats. And Heaven come down to earth where the Devil and all under his power have made a Hell for all who have been the meek of all ages. Our bad neighbors will be moved far off to the other side of the gulf fixed and we will enjoy a taste of Heaven on Earth for 1000 years - because He and His will be our neighbors and friends - which always gives me some joy.

To think that all whom we have learned to love - admire - follow and speak about for our own comfort - will actually know us as we know them - in a clear clean atmosphere where the prince of power of the air has always polluted it by his scandal and reproach.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine.

P.S. Monday ends the Pope's holy year. So I hope it may mark our Pope's Holy Year in Wrath to all His and our enemies.

Glad to hear Fred Hull is on the mend.

William Irvine's Letter To: Hulls
March 31, 1934

No address

My dear Hulls - Boys and Co:

Thanks for 2 from you. Glad to hear of Fred's recovery and being back home. Simple food will be safest for him, and probably no soup and all that would feed flesh on his body. And as much exercise as his heart will stand. And attention to bowels and kidneys for they have the purging away of poisons, which cause suffering both to lungs and heart. To stimulate skin activity by rubbing from tip of toe to crown of head, is very easing on the heart. Lying or standing or walking is better than sitting and don't overlook the mentality.

This is Black Saturday - in memory of Him in the Tomb 1900 years ago, which so many are remembering and making capital of. Tomorrow is the surprise morning for all who are friends and foes. Monday ends the Holy Year in Rome, and worlds eyes. I was taking stock of what happened up and leading to His death - 6 days fasting and no houses opened - when the disciples were very much upset and wondering if they had been deceived. So read the Transfiguration; what quakes - sighs - groans - silence - hopelessness - homelessness - they all had. So why not see the same condition world wide today. They could do nothing once the floods of Scandal were let loose, which led to His death.

Peter and John sold their winter garments to buy swords and have a little in the purse. You can see the Nations selling their garments and buying ammunition and preparing for war and grabbing the gold. All the preparations for His coming Death were kept secret from Jesus and disciples. But for Moses and Elijah coming down to talk with Him about the decease to be accomplished in Jerusalem. So we can see the same - the coming war is all kept secret from the world but for the revelation from the Throne.

What a contrast between His lying in the Tomb and His sitting on the Right hand of Power - which the world scarcely suspects - the quakes - fears - fire - flood - unemployment and homelessness - marks the whole world - and Jesus still being revealed. It's hard to know why so many suicides - but we don't expect them amongst those who have used the privileges aright. So we may be as weak as were the disciples but He put pep in them - so we expect Him to care for the very worst and weakest of those who are truly supping with him.

The last Supper is good to explain our privileges and His care over all who let Him come to sup with them and wash their feet, which Judas missed - having gone out as soon as it was dark to fulfill his contract with the R. P. & E's. If I wash thee not - thou has no part with me - is a very simple guide for today. This was the Test of their obedience and fellowship. The details of Rev. 8: is very valuable - when we come to read the greater details of Rev. 9 - with its 2 woes. So with all the many signs and pointers in 1934 - we can be sure we are getting what He said the world would get - according to promise and plan,

France is all tickled up over a woman praying before a crucifix, when blood began to pour from the hands and side and He said - they are crucifying me afresh. We have seen these things practised in many places for many years, to gull the poor people, and never more than now. For it's His turn to be crucifyer - and it's all secretly arranged to be carried out - where all can be sure of it.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine.

The 3rd Apostolic Delegate sent to the near East - was buried in Cairo on Monday. One after another has come, only to die and be buried and all were men in the prime of life. The Arab Leader was buried same day - and Mother Queen of Holland - on same day.

Good rains but late and cold - now March hot and dry - has left a 50-60% of stock died in many places, as a result of cold and rains after drought - and no food and had no water. While Jewish money is raising the prices of land and houses about 50% and in some cases more. So Noah and Sodom marks are all manifest and ripe for the big day - which is soon to come. W.I.

William Irvine's Letter To: Pike Brothers
April 2, 1934

No address

My dear Pike Brothers:

Thanks for yours, which I always enjoy the Spirit of, and your faithful witness to Him and His work on the earth today done from the Throne.

While the world is feeding their flesh or what He was on the cross; all the shakes and quakes, fires, explosions, wrecks, floods, droughts, hunger and homelessness of 1934 reminds us of what the disciples had leading up to His death at the hands of cruel and wicked men, done secretly and by connivance of all sorts of wise fools. How little they realise that Lazarus sickness and death was preparation for Jesus comfort when He came to Jerusalem to find every door shut against Him by the clever wise R.P.& E. The Resurrection of Lazarus enraged them for it caused many of the common people to see who He was and so made the Palm Sunday entrance possible. Very much to their disgust and His scourging of the Temple and the 2nd time more courageous on His side but only provoking them to do their work openly. Planned secretly. There was not much policy in His methods, but rather revealing more openly the hostility, to the death in the conflict between their light which was darkness, and His life, which was light to all who ever would walk in it as He did.

Mary - stands out as the brightest star in His crown and Judas as the warning to all men for all time who will try to ride the fence and benefit on both sides. If the world could see today what's just around the corner they would shiver, but it's hid from their eyes, as completely as 1914 war was, from the whole world and we included, which shows the change in us, that we are able to see what has been in Rev. 8 - and what is and is to come in Rev. 9.

The 1sr Woe has taken away the foundation and leaves the whole world a quick sand into which their struggles will engulf both right and left, while the feet of all who have honest ears and mouth will find the rock under their feet, and His sheltering Wing over them in a sense we can never apprehend but by His Spirit revealing it to us in throwing light on the Book.

My love to all 3 and all others,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Casey’s.  New Zealand
April  7, 1934
PO. Box 696
Jerusalem   Palestine

My dear Mum, Ethel & Mrs. A. E, Casey:

Thanks for two from you.  Am glad you are feeling better and enjoying your old quarters and fellowship.  Am sure that slap you got from a Holy Lady fighting for her faith would be measured in Heaven.  "Take heed that you despise not one of the Little Ones who believe in me, for in Heaven the Angels do always behold the face of my Father.” So I expect there would be one mark up for you, and down for her, and all her kind.  We can never forget that the hand that rules the universe is marked by the nail prints, and happy are all they who have marks for His Name Sake on body, face or brow.

 71 years ago it was reported that a baby boy was born in a humble home in a humble town to humble parents, and as I look back over the tracts my feet have trod, how wonderful it all becomes and specially when we see the end in contrast to the beginning. How little notice God takes of all the details.  How much He enjoys finding a home in which to dwell, and where He has rest, in contrast  to a world full of shut doors and rebellious hearts; the fruit of the Tree in the Garden.

 If Adam and Eve got the curse then, 2,000 million Adam and Eves doing the same thing surely must explain why the world is under the curse, and now doomed to death and Hell, that there may be room for Him and His co-heirs to come and reign on the earth He created, redeemed, and now sets up His Kingdom and no more curse, for all shall know Him from the least to the greatest.  What a sigh of relief God must have, as He sees the coming end to all the wickedness and violence of a cursed seed on the Earth, and the coming of His Sons and heirs to rejoice in Him forever, and enjoy the earth with the curse removed.

 It’s a big thing to be able to see that all we call R P & E, civilization is just the curse in operation everywhere in high and low places, and to see Him clearing the earth of it day by day is joyous and hope rises in our hearts no matter how much suffering may appear around us.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Ethel Casey
April 16, 1934
Jerusalem  Palestine.

My dear Ethel Casey:

Thanks for yours, I know it’s painful, but who can separate  pain & suffering, from the name we bear in a Devil possessed, run & ruled world.  His birth & death was the revealing of what the Devil is author of & what is of God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It was Him whom they put between 2 thieves in justice, as they, according to the scriptures thot. That God raised & seated at His own right hand.  I know you accept all this, but find it hard to connect your own experience with His.  What could He do to escape the consequences of  His Birth, and what can we do often, to escape the Consequences we find in our own life by our own actions, & yet innocently led into it by circumstances & in & out, but we had little control…. But the treatment we got and the suffering we get, in being the means of revealing the wicked hearted, devil possessed world; makes it the more valuable service we can give Him on the earth.  There is a destiny that shapes our end, rough hue it as we will, has more truth in it than at first appears.

I don’t doubt but that King David of Israel is prouder today of what made him the chief sinner in Israel, & fitted to write Psa. 51: with broken contrite heart, than he is of his record as King of Israel.  Coward we all are in our flesh in suffering FOR HIS NAME SAKE, or for revealing the same world conditions in our lives, over which we have no control.  I don’t look on Mary the sinner in Jerusalem as beginning her life where she met Jesus, but rather look on her as a vessel chosen from birth, in & by whom the Grace, Mercy & Love of God, could be and was manifested, as in no other of her day or any day.  Mary the Mother comes second, NOT FIRST, and people who worship her today in Heaven, would gather their skirts & pass her in Holy Horror, were she on the earth.  Such is the power of the Devil to deceive human hearts, & add suffering of all who are the instruments honored of God, in drawing & revealing the line between the most honored of the Devil & the most honoured of God..

If there can be no accusing person found in Heaven then we can see what a price people pay for their honour  on the earth.

The real Harlot in God’s and Jesus eyes in Jerusalem, were the Holy seed of whom Simon the Pharisee is a  sample , in contrast with Mary in the house of Simon, when the Devil by the Jews, had driven Jesus & Co. out of  Galilee where most of His mighty works had been done.  They were left homeless, moneyless & friendless & after 6 days at foot of Mt. Tabour 10 miles south of Nazareth, they went up the Mt. & the Transfiguration took place, at same time Lazarus in Bethany  got sick & died, & was buried… What anguish it was for Jesus & Co., & Mary, Martha & Lazarus.  But this was God’s tender way of providing for Jesus & Co. when they went to the feast in Jerusalem, to find every respectable person with shut ears, eyes heart & home to Jesus & Co. “This sickness is not unto death, but for the Glory of God & you see the raising of Lazarus, Jesus’ greatest victory over the Devil in His life and ministry. For they wanted to kill Lazarus also, for the part he played in defeating their Harlot power, & gathering the many common people to welcome Him as He rode into Jerusalem on the ass, to scourge out the Temple.

They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their Testimony, & loving not their lives to the death.  Rev. 12: means all, that includes you, Me, the thief on the Cross, & all whoever find a place with Him.  I can never look on all that yr. family have suffered, but as the mark of Honour  from God, both in yr. suffering thru yr. own actions in creating in you the broken, contrite heart, or a heart that would have been as rock, but ground to powder, which is the meaning of contrite.  I’m sure there’s none of all my friends who are more desirous of seeing the Manchild brot forth, than your family, & self in particular & we can sense its nearness as well as its dearness, to all who are part of the Woman body.  Read Isa. 54: very carefully.

My love in Him to you.

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To: Adams
April 16, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Adams:

Thanks for yours. Glad you are up and about and still heart and ear for the man and message, which is the Test for the whole world attitude to God and Jesus, and you can see how people treat their condition so lightly, never feeling that it spells death to them.

I heard of a man come to slay and destroy the character of a man and woman who earn their bread along side him, gave me a very clear grasp of why people suffer with fearful consequences to them for their pride and wickedness. The Psalms are full of all such marks as those of the wicked and endless rewards for them and now Malachi 4 oven being heated for their destruction, which is only the cure for all such people - and what joyous work it must be for all the Angels and all nature of His creatures, who have looked on and heard such wickedness and seen its consequences in all ages.

Malachi 3 probably is the sweetest thing on the earth today. To speak often one to another in the Spirit and Think upon His name. It's so rare that a book of remembrance is kept and they shall be mine in "the Day" when I make up my Jewels and I will spare them as a man spares His own son that serveth Him. These words get sweeter as the days go by and we are now in that day or near it. Can He fail to hear such ______ on the earth, no matter where or when. You know how most people love to hear their own voice even when they stammer or stutter. So God loves to hear His own voice in the family circle whether on earth or in Heaven. But He also hates to hear all the cheap imitations or mockeries so much in evidence and you can see what He thinks about all their own thoughts with His name on them - which is the worst kind of Robbery of God and man to be found on the earth. Then you can see where all sorts of grumbling, backbiting and scandal must be always abomination, for an artist does not like to hear such criticism of His worst works.

So the Creator, Redeemer and preserver of all flesh can be pleased or angry - by our words more than our actions.

My Love in Him to all.

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter To: Fladungs
April 21, 1934

No address

My dear Fladungs:

Thanks for yours - and news of Sylvia and the New York S.S. boy who I hope will have ears to hear and obey - which means live by letting the waters in and out by our witness to others.

You can see stagnant water by the River corrupts soon - and we have plenty evidence that those who most heartily hear and obey - get on best personally and every other way - and what people say or do with it don't matter much to us - but to them - life or death - for it's God they are dealing with - though in a cloud of darkness hid from their eyes - in the Least and little ones.

The Test of our service is in letting not our own weaknesses or follies hinder us from bearing witness and His Spirit by our mouth gives us strength to face the shadow of Death - which they always hang over us - or the Satanic influence which tends to resist and over shadow us all the time. I don't have quite so much of that feeling. But it has been mine these 20 years. But in spite of all and everything - we overcome.

Japan declaration to Russia - U.S.A. and the League who want to interfere in China against Japan - is very strong and timely. Hands off China else there will be war - and we have war in South Arabia between 2 Moslem Powers - and great efforts being made to stop it. So I guess we are nearing the day of our Redemption. When we will be like those who dream as He turns it all in our favour - and the proud and wicked find the oven hot enough to consume them - root and branch - and the end of all the big cacklers who have been filling the air literally with their resistance to Him while it's been heating the L.S.B. powers to destroy them.

20 years is a long time to have been on the job - but not when we consider who and what we were in regard to His Revelation and how glad that He not only opened the seals in Heaven - but the sealed eyes of many on the earth - very much to our Joy - Hope - Peace and Comfort in these terrible days growing worse all the time and not to end till all His and our enemies are destroyed and the look of conviction on their faces for ever.

My love to all there,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's letter to Mrs. Nakayama
April 21, 1934
Santa Ana , Calif.

From: Box 696 P.O.
Jerusalem , Palestine.

My Dear Sbige:

Thanks for your letter which points clearly to the fact that God has been treating you so you might find your only hope in Him. You may think it hard but it's in mercy, for this is His way of preparing honest hearts for His Message of life from the Throne today. All our thoughts and ways can never give us life; but to hear & obey His living message brings life and light, peace, hope, comfort & a new relationship to God & Jesus we could never have any other way.

People who can be deceived by the men & words of R.P. & E. are not honest neither with God or themselves, but proud & vain & often very wicked hearted, & ready to accuse & scandalise any honest man who fails to fall into their trap or snare. There can be no hope for people content in Babylon, as Revelation 18 shows it is where the pride of men and Devil rule & reign & flatter one another.

For those who come out of Babylon & use their ears in hearing what comes from God & sealed by His Spirit as we allow it to work in us & by us to others, have some hope of honest Virgins in Matthew 25 - refers to people who are free from the Harlot & Babylon & profess to have ears to hear, but if they fail in witnessing to others they will fail to find God's Spirit working in them, & so be but foolish virgins content to hear what God has taught others but not seeking to share in the anointing promises to all who bear witness. The simplest way, be willing to do as others do and be who bear the wise marks. There is no experimenting.

Revelation 3:20 just says what it means & means what it says, & all who test it out find it so & even much more than they ever dreamed it could be. Read Isaiah 55 & Rev. 22 & become a channel of life & living waters to others & part of the tree of life, & proof in your witness to others healing them from the Death producing false prophets interpretations of the Book.

There is no race or color bar in being partaker of the nature of God & Jesus, & we should not trouble about what people are to us or how they treat us. These things are only the Test for us to overcome as in Revelation 13.

My Love & Best wishes for you,

Wm. Irvine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

VO/S.Kelly 1981 nk

William Irvine's Letter to Page Family
April 23, 1934

No address

My dear Page Family:Thanks for yours. April is the 5th month from 11-11-11-33, and we have had the great 3 feasts - Jew - Xtian - Moslem. And 2nd of April war was started in Arabia - and this week Japan has said to the western nations - "hands off china" for Russia - U.S.A. and League were all working to interfere with China for her protection. So it's almost as good as war declared.Today we had reports of mining accident in Sarajevo - 200 entombed. This brings 1914 before our memories - and Japan is very much like what Germany was amongst European Nations. But Japan is world wide in her activities and the greatest menace to the West in industry - commerce and transport. Japan believes she has been chosen of God as the deliverance of the Asiatic peoples - and so wants and purposes to establish an eastern empire for this purpose - while the western nations generally are divided into R.P.& E. rulers and L.S.B. oppressed peoples.U.S.A. has fed 40,000,000 this winter and now the need is greater and the demand more insistent than ever - with the threats of bolshi activity in many places. The Senate has ordered an inquiry into the report that the Brain Trust - or those who have been the advisers of Roosey are using him as an Kerensky to bring about revolution and taking over of the industry - commerce and transport - and utilities in general.The examiner paper has been investigating Bolshi activity in many schools and colleges - and quite a number of different Leagues - no war and peace leagues - under all sorts of covering names - but all more or less under Moscow influence.

But the most dangerous move on Roosey's part was and is the allowing of Federal Labour to control all Unions and disputes - for Labour in U.S.A. is 40,000,000 strong. So it has organized them to fight Capital and employers - all over the western countries - between R.P. & E. and L.S.B. and even some of it in east also - but all is working out 1st and 2nd Woe of Rev.9 - to the letter. So our hearts are glad that the great day is near when it will be sweet and bitter to our taste for we are still human as well as having His Spirit in our hearts and minds.

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter to Skerritts
April 24, 1934
Palestine some place

Dear Bob and Minnie:

Thanks for two from you, one enclosed from Mrs. Miller, Ontario, and one from Colfax. I hope you enjoyed you stay amongst your grandchildren. I'm sure the Hull family have been a great comfort and cheer to you these years for they have been very active and fruitful and have often cheered my heart in finding such loyal co-operation in what pleases God the Trinity, in the Least and Little Ones offering the beginnings of the Everlasting Gospel to the whole world, either in life or death, to all who dwell on the face of the earth. Pioneers in all that succeed are always well spoken of. But our recognition will be as the foundations of the New Jerusalem.

Malachi 3 & 4 is very full of tenderness and terribleness. It's sweet to bear the marks of speaking often one to another and think­ing on His name as Alpha and Omega which the Babylon world don't know aught of.

The world has been looking around the corner for peace and pros­perity, but from the present marks, it's been world wide famine, pestilence, and plagues, for the seven thunders will come when John comes, and it can't be far off from present appearance and experience. Japan has spoken to the Russia-U.S.A. League, who purpose to protect China. Hands off China, and is equal to a declaration of what will happen should they persist in hindering Japan in the Far East. April is five months from 11-11-11-33. On second April, war began, which had been hanging fire for ten months in S. Arabia, and the danger is the spreading of war spirit amongst the many disaffected Tribes on both sides of the conflict.

British are quite active in preparing to enforce neutrality in those who surround them in Egypt, Transjordan, and Palestine, where help might be given to either side. The Bolshi scare in U.S.A is not without some foundation, in name of no more war and peace league in schools and colleges in imitation of Oxford and Cambridge, Eng. But it marks the whole L.S.B. left movement everywhere, which simply means any nation involved in war will have Revolt to deal with at home in attempt to change the form of Government. The brain Trust behind Roosevelt is blamed for having that as their Goal. But the whole world conditions is simply fulfilling Revelation 9, first and second Woe, and we can have perfect peace of mind in his words and will being carried through to the letter.

You can the better rejoice at His great wisdom and power when we see the whole world taken in the Snare; and as they destroy each other, His kingdom will be set up. Too often we look at the Dust His feet raises as he steps around, and all the Holy angels with him carrying out the greatest Strategic tactics the world has ever seen in destroying His enemies. The half of the world North and South has been quaking and shaking since 1934 came in, and a large part of it has been shaking ever since Hitler and Roosey [Roosevelt] came into power.

Yesterday we had reported in Sarajevo the entombing of 200 miners in the worst accident they have ever had, but it brings before our minds what happened there in 1914, 6 weeks before the war came on. Japan in the Industrial and world in general bears all the marks Germany had in 1914, which is also a pointer. The recognition of Russia by U.S.A., and Eng. is very much in line with Allied methods in 1914 to curb Germany and now Japan.The experience of the Least and little ones at the hands of those they have witnessed to without ears to hear is very like the Travail and pain in the Woman who is to bring forth the Manchild. Sorry to hear Minnie has been suffering and hope by this time she is well over her pains which are very severe in Boils.

My love in Him to both and all others,

Wm. Irvine.

I had a letter from Bessie Rooney now staying with John J. West in his new house in Rossahilly, Ballinamallard and John's photo which is good. Crocknacrieve is now a wreck and Penny Barton now mistress with name of Mrs. Loane, and sick - mentally - a sample of many. The letter shows they are trying to be truer and better in Alpha things than in my days but only a matter of polishing up the old vessels, full of hot air and poison and when punctured, as we have been doing for the whole world for 40 odd years and you know the rest. W.I.

William Irvine's Letter to Mrs. Dormans, San Bernardino, Calif.
May 6, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Dormans:

Thanks for yours. The Devil has in all ages made people believe that if they were good, & religious etc., they would go to Heaven. This is the Devil's lie, which Adam & Eve believed from the Serpent & which is world wide today. A good animal is no more human than a bad animal, so a good man is no more a child of God than a bad man. We need to be Born into the family of God, before we can be conformed to the Image of His Son. Just as we need to be born of human parentage & means to be partakers of human nature - which is but the Soil in which God can produce true Sons of God. The Serpent seed or preachers have always made people believe by Baptism, ceremonies, & doctrine & commands we would become Sons of God, or eating of the various branches of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, we would become Sons of God. Humans either young or old, rich or poor, wise or insane, perish or miss the very purpose for which they got human life.

Rom. 8: 29-39, whom God did foreknow out of the human family, He also predestined or planned should be they who were conformed to the Image of His Son, and whom He predestinated them, He also calls, & whom He also Justifys, & whom He Justifys them, He also Glorifys. No Serpent preacher or teacher can ever be the Lord God to call, only such as He anoints & sends as His Mouthpiece can speak words by which people can be saved. Rom. 10: 9-16 & even people who may have heard a true Messenger of God, may not believe it & so perish just the same. God don't punish, neither children , insane or others. They suffer because they find out too late they have missed their opportunity of being Born into God's family & that by being deceived by the Devil thro Serpent Preacher. If we are in Christ or Born of His Spirit we are those whom He foreknew, & predestined. There is no election to Eternal Life in Adam; only such as have been Born of God are the Elect. Its offered to who so ever will, but only those who hear the True Voice & Message & obey it, find life. So don't trifle today for you have heard His only Message for today, as you can see from Is. 55 & Rev. 22 & will become the Gospel Everlasting by which the whole world will get their chance. To hear & obey means Life & all that comes with. To refuse means Death, not punishment, but Eternal loss.

Acts 3:23 shows what my Message will become to the whole world. For its the clearing of the wicked unregenerate seed off the Earth that the meek of all ages may come back to live here for 1000 years with Jesus as King over them, no more curse, etc. as you see in Rev. 22.

Nations were formed at Babel in Gen. 10 and scattered over the earth in many tongues to keep them from Domination of the Earth. Rev. 18 the destruction of Babylon is the end of all nations, now the Job coming on in world war, famine, pestilence & plagues. If these days were not shortened, there would be no flesh saved. But for the Elect's sake they shall be shortened.. Beware of all sorts of thots & ways of your own or others, as you see in Is. 55 is the hindrance. You have heard His call today, & there is no other. So use it wisely & well.

My Love to all there,

Wm. Irvine.

You may find some of the friends in Calif. to help you over the Devil and Satan's tricks to hinder you.

William Irvine's Letter to Sam & Oriole & Neawana Hooe
May 6, 1934

No address

My dear Sam, Oriole, & Neawana:Thanks for yours and all its details. We are nearing the great day of our expectations. We seem to have seen the feasters commit themselves by their big performance at 1st of April.The Pope closed the door ending the Holy Year in Memory of what the feasters did 1900 years to His own son; the marks still in His body as He sits at His Father's right hand to avenge the Blood of all whom the wicked seed ever made to suffer.If you read Isaiah 54: today and note the last verse you will see how impossible it is to escape the consequences of fighting against God in His Servant or Servants - the little ones. Then Luke 17: 1, shows that offences from the world (Babylon) will come - but Woe to that man by whom they come. A millstine round his neck and in the sea would not be surer death. Then you see offence amongst the little ones - but the True will ask and the True will forgive - while the foolish will offend or be offended and neither ask nor give forgiveness - and so they are revealed. For we only do our duty when we do what the Master says and all are unprofitable servants at best. We don't get puffed up, but watch and wait patiently His time and circumstances at Supper time.Then you see the Pharisees want to know when the Kingdom cometh. But they will see nothing. It will be power given to all who are His and their words will be fulfilled in Mercy and Judgment to all men on the earth. You notice what is to happen as in Noah's day and Lot's day - or when the Son of Man is revealed. like lightning shining from East to West - and the Eagles ready to devour the carcasses or those without life. And if these days coming were not shortened there would no flesh be saved - but for the Elects sake they shall be shortened - shows that no matter what comes - we are safe and sure under His wings - to the end.

My love and best wishes to all,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Youngs
May 8, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine
My dear Bert and Daisy,

Thanks for yours (2). I’m glad to hear that your health is improving, and your unemployment ended.  And that you had a nice trip and welcome to your end country and friends, even though you may seem like pilgrims and strangers on the Earth to them, whose only hope is on the Earth under present conditions, with neither peace of heart and mind, nor hope for tomorrow.  Only now and again do we find people open their heart to reveal the pickle they are in, who look for Peace and Safety around the corner, where God has prepared sudden destruction.  People measure by what they can do or be in the world, while God’s outlook is always what He can be and do in them to bring them from death to life; darkness to light; from the Kingdom—human, deceived by the Devil, into the Kingdom of His Dear Son, and make them heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, to share in all that’s possible with God forever.

A monkey would be very glad to hear that he could be changed from Animal Kingdom into human, and become like Roosey [*Franklin Roosevelt?]; compared to living in a tree and fugitive, to living in White House as ruler of a great nation. But that’s but a small picture of the greater possibilities offered us in being born into the Kingdom, or family, of which Jesus is the head, with all the same possibilities as have been manifested in His life, work, death, resurrection and Kingship, which is His purpose in all who let God’s purpose be fulfilled in Him.  What man, in all history, could we desire to be like, or believe, or live by, (which is the meaning of “believe”) contrasted with Jesus?  And though we, today, are the least, it’s that we may become the greatest in God’s sight, and in possibilities forever.  All that’s human perishes, with only the memory of missed possibilities forever.  And that includes all humans:  young, old, rich or poor;.  And how vain it all appears in the light of His life, place, power and position today.  And we are sharers of all He is, as we belong to the same family and inheritance.

A new friend was asking me, by letter, the other day how she could be sure she was foreordained, or predestined, to be one of God’s chosen. Romans 8:28-39 deals with this. But the Devil’s lie, through the Serpent Seed, makes it a human choice. "All things work together for good to them that love God, and are called according to His purpose."  Verse 29, “Whom He did foreknow,” for he was sure there would be some who would have ears to hear and heart to obey,  just as a farmer foreknows what he wants to grow on his land, and so arranges toward that end.  Whom He knew, He would get out of the human race, by their own choice and free will. “He also predestinated,” or purposed they would be conformed to the image of His Son.

A human begets after his kind, so an animal.  So, God begets, by His spirit in those who hear and obey, after His kind, as revealed in Jesus, as the head of the regenerate race.  As Adam was the head of the human, that He, Jesus, might be the first born amongst many brethren.

Verse 30 shows God’s method is by calling them, by His Spirit, through His Anointed and Sent.  Them who hear and obey, He justifies, or shows the Godly nature in, and the hatred of the Devil-possessed enemies in Jesus’ experience.  You can hear them crying for His blood to be shed, while He prays, “Father, forgive them.”  What a change and contrast!

We are justified, in that we were dead to God and alive to the Devil; become alive to God, and dead to all that’s of the Devil, and men, Devil-possessed.  We might have become murderers of the sinners; whereas, we suffer, and even die, that they may live.  A man is justified by his humanity, in contrast to the animals.  So we are justified in showing the marks of belonging to the family of which Jesus is the head.  Whom He justified, Them, He also glorified, or, by His Spirit in them, made it possible to speak words by which others may be born into His family, and helped to grow by our guidance, or the sincere milk of the living word—or  bearing the marks Jesus revealed, and which all the Apostles had, even to the death.  And the same cry, “Lay not this to their charge.”  Showing the same forgiving Spirit He had, and all marks.

William Irvine

P. S.  I’m sure you will all be able to say, bye and bye, "All things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose," purposed before the start of the human race, out of which He purposed to all those who would hear, by their own choice and free will.  For God can never violate the personality He gives to all humans, grown.   W. I.

The joy of Heaven will be realizing what one’s choice made possible; and the torment of Hell is the memory of our choice, contrary to His  purpose.  Luke 14.  W. I.

William Irvine's Letter to Blackburns
May 11, 1934

My dear Blackburns:

Thanks for your letters today. It's good to see the Goats show their horns and hoofs. For they have always more power to be our adversaries when we reveal them and you will always find they kick over the Man who is Least - more than over the Message for all honest can see things fast going to pieces and fulfilling His programme - while Kings and Rulers are set to try and resist His bands and cords only to be made ridiculous.

Anybody who can associate the name Jesus - with either Mrs. McPherson or the Temple - are neither intelligent or honest in reading the Book and reveal the crookedness of their own natures. Jesus had not and has not any such buildings nor hireling preachers, always what they are for or by money. Jesus was the Temple and all who were of the same nature and sealed of God were Temples and had not where to lay their head in their own right amongst men.

I am glad to hear of the James ear for the Message from the Throne and the Man and Reader of Rev. which is the Message of Judgments for all who refuse and mercy to all who hear and obey. If people knew its value, they would have put you in a cage to keep people from hearing or wanting to hear. But if they have no hunger and thirst to hear His voice and Message through human lips neither would they have listened to Him who was the Man and Message of God in their day.

The people who thought they knew the Scriptures best - put Jesus to death - and so when you find people strong on Bible - we know who they are and what awaits them. What men need is to know God - not about God by the scriptures without the Spirit. They don't need a Man and Message from God by the Spirit enabling us to understand God's mind - will - and purpose for today.

You will soon see the Goat marks on the Bible man. It's not a new Bible people need - but a hungry thirsty heart for the Living waters from the Throne by the Spirit. Satan comes to hinder and harass in many [ways] for us - but the best way is to pour out what God gives you of the Living Waters - which refresh you and offer Life to others.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine.

P.S. Scribes are always known by their great appeal to the Scriptures. Pharisees by their pretensions to holiness and living by the Book - showing they are the people Jesus speaks about in Matt. 23 - 24 - & 25 - which are especially for these separating days. W.I.

William Irvine's Letter to Fladungs
May 11, 1934

My dear Fladungs:

Thanks for 2 - glad to hear the details which are all interesting.

When the son of man is revealed - who has been hid from their eyes in humiliation - they will all sit up and take notice - for it will be like lightning from one end of heaven to the other.

Luke XVII: is specially sweet for it just fits into every detail in our witness to the world today - and like a living link where everyone can see who they are and the Noah day and Sodom's day will begin to separate them one from another - one taken by death - the other left. Showing how the destroying angels will be the saving angels of all who are under His protection. Not much time given to change their attitude.

When the eagles smell carcass in place of living Temple where He can dwell. You can see that the various happenings is hardening the hearts of the proud and wicked doers. But those under their power will get deliverance as they are cast down and revealed. I expect the revealing of the Son of Man will be a general revealing of all.

We have very few reliable details of war in S. Arabia. But so far as we get it - it seems Ibn Saud the Wahabi King will come out champion of the Arab world - and so make possible Zech. XIV. There is general fear of war every where. Japan gets stronger in her resistance to all western influence - and the whole East is with them in that.

But our joy and confidence is in Him being true to all He said so long ago both to His enemies and His friends. I very much enjoyed Mrs. Duncan’s dying request for it was making it a funeral like His own with not a hireling or hypocrite about which is a very rare scene on the earth. But Saints and martyrs of all time had the same marks and when Death comes is a good opportunity to give the Devil and all who are his a black eye and who can doubt His honouring our hearing and obeying.

When we see what He said to the Thief on the cross who had ears to hear and a mouth to call on His name - while hanging in the presence of His enemies in power. Such is our position and condition today before the world. But the cross is for them - and the crown for us.

My love in Him to all,

Wm. Irvine.

Extracts from Letter to Mr. Duncan, Dunbars & Reeds
May 12, 1934
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

Thanks for yr. letters and photos all very good under very trying circumstances. Under God and Jesus, I owe more to the loss of my sister when she was 25 and I was 23, than to all other circumstances and events for it cured me of my attempt at following Ingersoll and Co. - as I had been doing for yrs., and she of all my sisters has been a living fellowship even to this day and I'm no spiritualist, but strong in the hope of seeing her with little hope for most of my friends and relatives.

The 2 thieves on the cross gives us the clearest outline as to who will be with Him in paradise and who wont. They had no righteousness and plenty of unrighteousness. The one showed ear to the Spirit thro Jesus - the other's ear was open to the piercing mob around them and so we see very clearly the line which separates, between death and life. To hear God's message is the only way to pass from death to life, to refuse it is to seal our Doom. To let God begin to work in us, is the beginning of the possibility of being conformed to the Image of His Son.

Mother Duncan's funeral strikes me very clearly as very much like the Burial of Jesus taken from the cross - in a hurry to make way for the piercers to keep the feast. There was the Man surrounded by a few who had ears to hear the Message of God by the man whom He sent. No hireling - harlot - hearted - hypocrite at that Tomb. And the sweetest words He can hear from the Throne today is the echo - which comes by the Spirit from human lips by the same Spirit. How people can take the name of God and Jesus on their lips and yet associate with all who bear the marks of His enemies who crucified Him as Man and Message of His day and witness against the R.P. & E. of His time. All religions make people believe they go to Heaven when they die, but any death that does not bear more or less the witness Jesus bore to the world then or now - can have no place. The nature of Jesus in us and His Spirit by us, must ever bear the same witness against the Devil and Satans delusion and deceptions, for the Spirit of God can never give one sign of recognition to all that causes the human race to perish thro resisting God in His offer to save, and I am sure if mother could come back for a day, it would be to emphasize what she said as her last request; and if I had been privileged to see dust to dust committed I would not have broken the silence her words had created around her death.

It was a noble witness under very trying conditions. The only comfort I ever had from my father and mother was when dying - to confess that I was doing the right thing after they had done everything they could to hinder me and my witness for Jesus and against the whole R.P.& E. world which has brought me much suffering in 40 years, but much joy today to find Him fulfilling what I had warned millions of all these years. And the resurrection of all who died bearing His witness to the world is as sure as His rising from the Grave, the R.P. & E. had put Him in for His faithful witness and judgments and warnings. The more we know of the terrible power of Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan's power to deceive and resist God, the more we will be strong in life and in death in witnessing against them. And such are in Heaven - waiting to share in His Glorious Victory.

All Saints and Martyrs in Heaven witnessed with their last breath to Jesus and all He said and did in fighting the Battle against the Devil and Satan in their power to destroy every chance of people being conformed to the Image of His Son. Bearing the cross is being willing to be counted a criminal by the R.P. & E. world as His witness against them - and the death of Mrs. Duncan will put iron into your blood in bearing the same Testimony. I have read of and been to a few death beds, but few ever struck the same chord, and I'm sure there was joy in Heaven that such a witness should be borne on the earth today, when the whole world lieth in the arms of the wicked, so that people are scared to say what the Spirit witnesses in every age amongst the few who have died bearing this witness we bear today. She bore the same marks as all of them did, and they were all women whom I valued most; and 5 of them by Tumor, which was a surprise to me, but not now, for a dearth witness is clearer and stronger and more stirring for the living little ones than many years of witness in is many.

My Love and His Joy & Comfort to all who wish to be as faithful as she.

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Myers Rhodes
May 19,  1934

My dear Myers:
Thanks for yours. My letter to your brother was misdirected and returned, & sent on again. I hope you keep in touch with some who can help you with copies; for there is abundance from the Throne - both in Mercy and Wrath  - to satisfy all.  We had a cloudburst on Tiberius the town named after the Roman Emperor in Jesus’ ministry days and crucifixion.  It stands on the West side of Lake of Galilee, and looks out on Bethsada, Chorazin and Capernaum - now in ruins - in fulfilling  the woes He pronounced in Matt.11:  Where His Mericles(sic) in Mercy were plentiful 1900 years ago, now we have the Miracles in Wrath clearly manifest in old days, and up to today.  34 were drowned in muddy water, and with big rocks from the hill west of town 1000 ft. high.  The town is about 800 ft. under sea level.  Tomorrow is Pentecost feast in Xtian world.  So the outpouring is not of the Spirit, but in Wrath over the whole world.

The Arab war truce came on the same day, with report of Soviet fort firing on a Manchucko ship with Japanese officers and soldiers on board, which has stirred the Jap Nation.  And Hong Kong has a big Gasometer explode - killing 20 and injuring 60; to draw our eyes & ears to the far east. The dust clouds in U. S. A. & Canada, are to big and black to disregard, & fit into Rev. 1:7 to(sic) well to be misunderstood.  For every eye shall see His coming in the clouds of every sort -world wide- and the R. P. E. people feel it, the  (   )they try to hold the reins, now slipping into the L.S.B. hands  to fulfill  Rev. 17: & 18;. You can see the lowly in Isa. 41: 14 and on Isa. 54: the barren woman whose maker is her husband, the little ones of Luke 7: and the Widow with many avenge of their adversaries -speedily- tho He has borne long  with them.  So our Publican claims on the ear and heart of God, & the Babe & Suckling marks, assure us of  the Kingdom soon to be set up in all who are His.

My love to all,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter To:   Kellys
May 11, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mr. & Mrs. Kelly:

I was glad to hear from you and congratulate you on your marriage, but more, on the choice you have made to hear and obey the Message of God from the Throne, which alone can meet your needs; for it's only a matter of time, till all will fall.

"Pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flower, it's bloom is shed;
Or like a snowflake on the river,
A moment white, then gone forever."

[--??--]  is the poet's version; and he had tasted its best.  I was so, ere I began to realize there was something, though unseen, real and satisfying for all who would pay the price, and stand, only and always, for Jesus against the whole religious, political, and educated world.  And after 40 years' experience, I have only one thing to say:  It satisfies, when all else would, and does, fail.  And now, we are in the shadow of the greatest calamity in all history, for all the religious, political and educated, and the labor socialist, Bolshi crowds raised up to be destroyed and destroy one another to end the wicked reign on the Earth. The only hope for any to escape is to, with honest purpose of heart and will, give ear to what God says, and see what He is doing, and the provision for all who are His Servants, by their witness to others, in the Spirit.

God created the Earth and put humans on it, that He might have ears from those willing to hear His Voice and let Him come in to sup with them; that they might share all that's His as sons and heirs, and joint heirs with Jesus.  For He is the fist begotten of many brethren.  Romans 8 is good to read.  All that fail to become partakers of His nature, and be conformed to the image of His son, perish--good, bad, or indifferent; young or old, rich or poor.  And all religion is but the Devil's gag to hinder you realizing His purpose in you, and finding your name in Heaven, as sure as it's recorded on the Earth as humans.

So, put all you have and are into His service; and, like Maurice you will find satisfaction in having your oil can full of oil, or the Spirit of God, and His thoughts and ways.  Maurice can be a true helper to you in attaining this end.  And I hope Sylvia and you may be mutually helpful in every way to each other forever.

My love to both,

William Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Corbetts
May  26, 1934
P. O.  Box 696
Jerusalem,  Palestine.

My Dear Mrs. Corbett:
Thanks for yours, and glad you have heart to bear witness even as He did when there were few to hear Him and many to Speak Evil and hinder Him bearing His Father’s Message.  On May 13th the friends in So. Calif. Had a picnic to meet each other and many strangers amongst them for the 1st time,  On same day we had a cloud burst on west shore of Lake Tiberius in Galilee where most of Jesus’ mighty works were done when He was there and where He gathered out of Bethsaida, Chorizin and Capernaum on whom HE pronounced the woes as in Matt.11: and which were fulfilled in destroying those cities by raining mud and boulders out of the sea by volcano.

Luke 3: shows who was Emperor in Rome and Herod the Ruler  of that part who played a part in  killing John Baptist and in the Trial and death of Jesus.  The old part of the town was pretty well destroyed by water, mud and rocks from the hillside.  34 were killed, young and old, and there would have been hundreds if it happened at midnight in place of mid-day.  79 were injured and another cloud burst took place on 14th at same hour tho not so severe.  This happened 7 days before the feast of Pentecost on May 20th, so if you notice 13th reminds us of Jesus and the 12.  Then 34,79,7—120, the number who were together 1900 years ago when the Holy Spirit was poured out on them.  Jesus was put to death about 34 AD. or 33 1/2 .  These figures may seem fanciful to people who have no ears to hear, but they are cheering and comforting to US ? and remind US of the 12 still around the Throne who were the leaders of the 120 at Pentecost, Rev. 4 and draws the eyes of the whole world to the Sea of Galilee and whats recorded in the Book of them who first heard the Voice of the Lord God, as fishermen on the Lake of Galilee  people love to sing about in Church.  It was Black Galilee on the 13th of May 1934.

John was the first and last disciple of Jesus and so his coming may be indicated in what took place on May 13th  1934.

My love to all there.

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Fritts
June 15, 1934

My dear Mr. and Mrs. Fritts:

Thanks for yours. You may be quite sure you make no mistake in having ears for the Message of God and Jesus from the Throne.

Read Isaiah 55: and Rev.22: It means everything to you and there is no other safety for any. And the great storm of wrath is about to break over the whole world and no escape for any but under His wings for those who have ears to hear. So give God an honest chance and find it works, when all else fails.

I expect you will hear and see great things by Aug. 1st when the storm breaks as in Prov. 1 - and Rev. 9 last half or the coming of the world war. You can benefit most by the help you can get thru others, who have ears for the Man and Message - and can benefit by copies of my letters now and in past years.

My love to all 3 -

Wm. Irvine.

You can write to Mrs. Fladung who is a very old friend of mine. Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To: Norman & Charlotte Morgan, Santa Ana, California
June 16, 1934
From:Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Morgans:

Thanks for Charlotte’s letter. If you have a place under His wings, you will see how little all your human weaknesses and frailty, loves and hates, and all human emotions, have done to bring you there.

All human life is but vanity. But out of that condition He will deliver and perfect, like unto His own Son. Read Ecclesiastes and see what human life is, in contrast to our Eternal relationship to God. What seems so big and bulky in our life today will seem as dust laden air, in contrast to the eternal life, light and love, which marks the future of all who inherit. Normal life – or a life of intimate fellowship with Him. Human life and love is but the scaffolding of the great eternal building; - and it’s good to have it sound, clean, knotless timber, in such. Wood is type of humanity; and you can see how many kinds there are, - and what we value in timber conditions guides us into the humanity.

Whatever makes us good, reliable humans is worth attention; knowing that our usefulness to God and man depends on that, when it comes to God and Jesus, the carpenter, choosing us for His purpose. Heart rot is the worst disease timber can suffer from. Then comes the value of good bark, or outward conditions. All the experiences you have passed through is but giving you a little of the discipline which reveals where dry rot was, - and its dangers. Letting Him in to sup with you and you with Him, surely means to supply what’s lacking in our fellowship with God and our neighbor.

The human is always used to reveal the heart condition toward God, and you can be sure, no matter what you do today, we will all see that to give God an honest chance to make us Sons and Heirs and Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ, is the sure, safe sane way of acting. So put away any thought of self-will, or drifting, and let Him lead and guide into quiet waters where you can get the feast now and eternally. Yesterday is God’s; today and tomorrow ours to choose what they will be.

My Love to both,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s letter to: Edwards, Vallejo, Calif.
June 21, 1934

From: P.O. Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Wm. & Rose and Co.:

Thanks for yours and Alphie’s, which I have sent on to John West today so he can have a taste of what the Devil and Satan can give. He that deceiveth the whole world is adversary of all who have any anointing of God. How any honest man could be who he is and bear all the marks of being the Devil and Satan’s prosecuting fiend, beats me. But I suspect he suffered in having his easy bread and butter taken away in part.

He tried to get me to send him fares to California, which revealed his condition better than all else to me, for he was on the rocks badly, and what came out in California was but proof of who he was, and vengeance because he was tied up in a knot so far as being able to live on the friends there through his polished, empty oil-can full of hot air and now poison gas. So he is only one of many who have tried to live by bread which they never produced and when disappointed were filled with wrath and vengeance in my absence.

I am expecting August 1st will settle them by world war, famine, pestilence and plagues after they have been well revealed and John’s coming will settle who is His King on Mt. Zion. Read Isaiah 3: and 4:, Jeremiah 23:, Zechariah 3: and 4: and all you can find in the Book for the Branch of the Lord which will be beautiful and glorious when the Salome dancing girls of the world will be content with the seventh part of a man to take away their reproach because their men shall die by the sword, etc. You can see God and Jesus’ vengeance on all the Herod, Herodias, Salome world in making them manifest before He destroys all such from the earth.

The Rainbow is very often misread to mean no more Flood, when it’s a reminder of who God is and what He is going to do more effectively than then. As the Dead Sea and Great Gulch, 6000 miles from North to South, reminds the world of what happened to them who would not hear God’s Prophet Abraham, as they would not hear Noah and now will not hear the Man and Message of today.

Everything is working out perfectly and we know the 14 men of Galilee and their work and witness, and now power to put in operation is all one with us who are His witnesses on earth today.

My Love in Him to all

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Boutrys
May 31, 1934

My dear Boutrys:

Thanks for yours. Glad you show ears and value what comes from His Throne today in witness of what His purpose plan and power is doing on the earth, that the meek may inherit the earth denied them by the wicked seed in all past ages.

On 14th May we had cloudburst over the Sea of Galilee where John Baptist - Jesus and His disciples said and did so much to convince men of His and Message for that day. Read Luke 3 - and Matt. 11 - Tiberius was built by Herod who beheaded John the Baptist there at the beginning of Jesus ministry to please Salome and her mother who are type of the general womanhood of today - as every paper is polluted with - which explains Isa. 3 - the Salome and Herodias marks for the avenging day for all the blood shed thru being His anointed of all ages.

There were 34 deaths which reminds us of the 34th year in which He was crucified - and which the Pope's Holy year has drawn attention to - and which gives us the year of Rev. 9 - which has been difficult to locate. When 79 were injured - and you notice from 14th May to Aug. 1st. is 79 days. This gives us the hour - day - month - Aug. 1st. 1914 - Jewish time - the beginning of the last war - and the coming war - which is to start on hour - day - month and year 34 - to avenge the blood of His saints and martyrs on them that dwell on the face of the earth today.

Read Rev. 1 and 5 and 6 and see what's going on in Heaven during the years since 1914 - and the place John Baptists and Jesus' disciples have around the Throne of His Glory - from whence comes all the wrath outpoured on the earth since 1914 and now to be intensified 10 fold. Last war had 20 million in combat and ten million dead - with 20 million wounded severely - coming war is to have 200 million in combat and 1/3 part of men killed - as 1/3 part of ships and submarines were destroyed on 1/3 part of the sea - and 1/3 part of the earth in last conflict. So our hearts are glad for what has happened from Easter to Pentecost - the 50 days.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Fountains
June 2, 1934
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Fountains:

Thanks for yours. Canada and USA is badly hit in their Bread Basket, which a year ago they tried to reduce by 15% -- God has reduced it 70% in this and past year. On 14th May I had a snap taken at my door at 11:40 in a little shower of rain, and next day we hear of cloud burst over Tiberius town on Lake of Galilee. Herod built it and named it after Tiberius in Jesus' time. On his birthday Herod beheaded John the Baptist to please Herodias his mistress and Salome her daughter who danced before the distinguished company – now in hell remembering their folly. Better they had never been born than treat God's mouthpiece so. In prison & his head taken off like a sheep without trial – at the whim of Herod, Herodias & Salome, who are samples of the whole R. P. &E. world today. Every girl today wants to be a Salome, and there are plenty of intriguing matrons like Herodias and plenty of foolish, vain, conceited, autocratic fools in power provoking God and man.

14th May reminds us of Jesus, John & the 12. 34 were killed reminding us of His age at death – as the Pope has been doing & giving us the year the war is to begin. Loose the 4 angels bound, prepared for an hour, day, month & year – 34. 79 were injured, and if you notice May 14th to Aug. 1 is 79 days The last war began on August 1st, the 11.11.11 Jewish Civil time or Noah's time, and ended on 11.11.11. X tain time. So we can see when the Rev. IX war is coming in which 1/3 part of men are to be killed, with drought, pestilence and plagues to accompany it, and so break the nations in pieces as potters vessels. How insignificant were these 14 in men's eyes. But Rev. 4 – 5 & 6 shows where & how they are today, pouring out wrath in avenging the Blood shed of all who have seen God's true seed and that on those who dwell on the earth today. The seed of the killers or pierces in His day. Read Luke III & XIII and Matt. XI, and see the connection. The 3 Woe Cities lie in ruins 3 miles from Tiberius, fulfilling the Woes. And the same mud and rocks which destroyed Tiberius, was thrown up by the same volcano to wait for the double cloud burst on 14 & 15 May – '34.

So cheer up and rejoice.

My Love to all

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvines Letter To: Frank & Jenny Presbury
68 Spring Rd., Normocott, Longton,
Staffs. , England .
From: Box 553 P.O. Jerusalem , Palestine
11th. May 1927

My Dear Frank & Jenny,

I was glad to have yours, and hope your eye troubles of all kinds pass. You can be sure that He hearkens and hears and notes all your interest in me, and these things we write, and can make all things work out for your good as He recognizes your heart interest in what He has nearest and dearest to His heart. You are looking on His handiwork as Creator destroying the old to make room for the new creation of God, and preparing us as a seed to begin with in the setting up of His Kingdom on the earth.

Its good to put our own thots and ways as far from us as we know how, and live by what He gives and I read and you hear and keep. This is the beginning of faith in us, and all we see going on is to strengthen our confidence in Him. For He can create the new as sure as He can destroy the old. For He has said both things and its ours to trust His word, which shall not pass till all these things have been fulfilled.

The taste you have been having this past year of suffering and seeing and hearing others suffer would only quicken your hearts and cause more longing for the day when His Sons of God shall be made manifest in the earth in the New Heaven and Earth, where none of the present Godless seed shall rule over others or be able to rob them of what is His blessing and purpose for all men. Jesus said all that ever came superior to me were thieves and robbers, and we see the world to day what they have made of it for men.

Just as Palestine reveals the work of the robbers of the land in its present state. We are apt to think that present conditions have been produced by our generation but we are reaping what has been sown by the Devil and all his seed for 6000 yrs, and no matter what men say, re our civilization and advancement in every way, we are more slaves and sufferers than our fathers were. But it will be foolish to expect any few or many would change present conditions, when He alone can and will finish up all thats wicked and give us righteousness as He means it to be on the earth.

Every form of suffering is only a spur to those whose confidence is in God. For all will work towards the accomplishment of His purpose on the earth. To hear these things and see by the Spirit is to be partakers with Him now, and so share in the victory, which the Lord of Hosts is going to have on the earth. What He is going to do, He reveals to those who have ears to hear, that by this means He may prepare a seed by whom the New things will be made known to the world. We wld not expect you to have a very big grasp of these things from the oppys you have had, but to have ears and desire for more is a good mark. His Servant is not to break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, till Judgment is brot forth to victory.

You may find Is.42 worth reading, which gives you an outline of His Servant, and much detail when the Spirit opens it up to your understanding. Bob can give you some help over the Book, making up or gathering His Jewels around the Manchild when he is the least, like the babe in the midst of the Woman of Rev. XII - who is to be brought forth as the Manchild to rule all nations with a Rod of Iron and dash them in shivers as clay vessels are when smitten with an Iron Rod, and when the work is finished to be caught up to God and His Throne. The part I wished to emphasize most is, I will spare them as a man spares his own son that serveth him. So your 2 lovely children can help to make this plain.

You know you can't help loving your son, and what dreams parents have for their children's future; but for one that serveth them in the way they want. What love, care and interest you have in such. This is the picture given here and you cannot strain it, I will spare him. Who would not spare such a son, and what does spare mean, but that He will not test you beyond what you can stand & care for your interests as much as you care for His.

We have been polluted by all sorts of false professions which He could not honour, till it's hard to find those who will so love, fear and honour Him, that He can honour them. You little dream of the possibilities of your meetings, talking and thinking these days, and I pray you be as hot and sincere as you were in your love making, so that He can honour you as never people have been honoured in all time. For such is your privilege, and this is the purpose for which I exist as His servant, and under the conditions here, when you have a wife and children, and a simple life where you have the best conditions, and you can use them as guides to help you into the love activity in Him, which He delights to honour, just as surely His Wrath will wreak His vengeance on all the hypocrisy and empty professors who talk love and walk in their own iniquity.

I don't ask you to be angels, but just plain people with a sincere heart interest in all He is doing on the earth. And don't be afraid to speak out and interest yourself in all that's His work on the earth. You will find the Spirit of God shed abroad His Love in your heart and give you great understanding and vision of all that He has done, is doing and going to do; only keep simple, sincere and honest towards Him. For you know how He must be sick of all else. I will spare Him as a man spareth his own son that serveth Him. Let the Spirit of God give you the fullest meaning of this in your heart or hearts, and you can be sure of it as if it were written history. For His promises are all yea and Amen to those who are His Jewels.

Best Love and Thanks,

Yours very truly in Him,

Wm. Irvine.


Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Fountains ------John coming August 1, 1934
June 22, 1934
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Fountains and Don:

Thanks for yours today. It seems drought everywhere. If Don's stomach is bad, some Milk of Magnesia is good and less cigarettes. It's good he has a place to shelter & fellowship. Would there be more work further West. USA has had a pretty bad season so far and many find it hard to hope thru these trying days, for even with all the help given, there must be 15 million unemployed now in U.S.A. and I fear Canada has not made much headway. Our crops are said to be fair and good and summer crops coming on well, and shortage of labour in harvesting reported today, which but adds to our hope that Aug. 1st will bring the war on. May 14 & 15 we had cloudbursts on both days on Tiberius on Lake Galilee. At 11:40 A.M. 34 were killed – 79 injured. This reminds us of the 14 names of the men of Galilee. John B. who was beheaded by Herod in that town. After burying his body, Jesus and the 12 went across the Sea to desert and fed the 4,000, and then returned walking on the water, while the disciples were struggling with a storm and Peter made his first try at walking on the Sea, which may help you to read why of these 2 miracles.

34 dead points to His death year & Pope's cackle last year. So Rev. IX is easier to read now than ever. 11.11.11 Jewish time was the hour, day, month of 1914 war. August 1st Jewish time it began and finished. 11.11.11 Christian time, and the coming war hour, day month & year may be 1st Aug. 1934. And John's coming at same time, for the world war, famine, pest & plagues I expect will begin together.

So our long expectations may now be in sight. 20 years to a day from 1914 war to 1934 and even the hour will convince many and reveal the perfection of His plan and program as did Rev. VIII to me after the war ended. You can see the whole world fashions very much after Herod, Herodias and Salome for the half-clad dancing, jazzing girl holds the stage today, with the intriguing matron behind her and the ruling classes admiring the charm. Read Isa. III and see the marks of Salome to point to in Judgment and see Isa IV the consequences to them, and also to the Branch of the Lord in Jer. Read Jer 23 Zach III----------------------

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Edwards
July 6, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My  Dear Wm. Rose & Co.:

Thanks for two from you four, all hearty & good,  Trail events may only be the awakening of the sleepy to trim their lamps a little.  The solution is quite simple as indicated by the report of past air.  Tussey’s death is a reminder that it’s folly to presume to do the impossible things, but it can’t affect his relationship to those on the Throne, tho it may seem hard on the family,  There is always danger of presuming on his care in all who are Babes & Sucklings.  Those who have died (the few in number) & bore clear wittness (sic) to the end are as safe & sure as they could be on the earth. But always reminds us that we are only Dust & only encourages our hopes the more for the great day & voice of Rev. 12: and only adds to the desire to see the Child brought forth.

You can see the conditions everywhere are such as will cause us to welcome John with the Decree from the Throne which will silence all doubts & fears in all who hear, & draw the line between those under His Wing & those under Wrath.  Our human naturelly (sic) hates the Barren Woman & Widow conditions, But it is the perfecting of our confidence begotten by his Spirit & promises.  These all died in faith not having received the promises written for our comfort, & they will as surely come to reign as those who entered the vineyard at the 11th hour & are to get the penny we enjoy today.   How many Knotty problems have been solved & cleared to us these past 20 years. We would not have known our ignorance apart from the 20 past years experience.  See how much we have today compared to Easter 1919

I am living in Hotel in Jer. Now & have good opportunity to meet tourists of U. S. A. & eng. (sic) it’s comical to see all the fuss they make over death of the False Prophet Jesus, now they recognize who He is but quite dead to who & where He & His are, around the Throne where there is no fuss, but clear activity in preparing for his coming.

My love in Him

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:   Lias
July 6, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mr. & Mrs. Lias:

Thanks for yours.  Hope you keep in touch with the Sheeleys, and so get copy of my letters to others.

If you let God, by His Spirit, dwell in you, as in Revelation 3:20, how can you avoid letting Him speak His words by your mouths?  "Open thy mouth wide, and I (God) will fill it."  What comes out of the mouth, is proof of who dwells there.

He created us that He might dwell in us, and conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus.  All else is vanity.  And you can see what an insult to God it is to read the Book, and worship in public places, while we are godless; or refuse to let God put His thoughts and ways into our mind and heart, and show it by what we say and do.  If people knew all they miss in their living godless, good lives, compared to having Him dwell in us to share all our joys and sorrows, they would be as miserable now, as they will be later on, in Hell, when they find it all out.

My love in Him,

William Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Buckman's, Vallejo, Calif.
July 7, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Buckman's:

Thanks for yours, glad you have such nice times with one another, and enjoy each others talking one with another, and thinking on His name, sweet to us but sweeter to Him, as He sees the world in general only interested in their own cackle, thoughts and ways, and zealous for all that makes the Devil's lie, by which the whole world is deceived.

World drought conditions intermingled with storms, floods and many other forms of judgment which people refuse to believe comes from an angry God, taking vengeance on all who refuse to hear and obey Him as in other days. But for a very definite ending of all the Rebel race who have dominated the world so long, results of pride and wickedness ruling angels and men who were meant to live by hearing and obeying God as His sons and servants. They only think about living by bread alone which God supplies, and refuse the bread and water from Heaven. Parents hate to have children who refuse to hear, and obey,

knowing how much danger it brings them into. "Honour thy father and mother that thy days may be long on the earth", is but the echo of what God desires in us. Father and mother are but the channels through whom we get human nature if they remain unregenerate, but our parents were meant to echo to us God's command - honour the Trinity that ye may be members of the family of which Jesus was the head - or first begotten of many brethren. This is the very purpose God had in mind from the beginning and though people may refuse to be what He purposed they might become, they only perish, and His purpose goes on, and will be perfected in those who have ear to hear and heart to obey God, and so become the meek at any cost, who are to inherit the earth. To lose sight of this purpose- for any or all, means to perish or fail to be conformed to the Image of His Son, and you can see more people seek after other perfection, and miss this-- the more they perish. If people war against God and eat His bread of earth- is it any wonder He should create war against them and cease supplies, and let them taste pestilence, - the result of short food and water, and even give the heads in rebellion plagues according to what they are to Him.

My love to all there.

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:   Killions
July 7, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Killions:

Thanks for yours and photo, which I enjoyed.  It’s not good to give pearls to those who bear marks of dogs, hog, goat or wolf.  It’s better to try and find those who are hungry and thirsty; and, in all, be wise with the wisdom of God.  But don’t forget that the Devil is deceiving the whole world; and, in most cases, hopelessly so.  And every word that comes from human lip, by the Spirit of God, in witnessing, will stir up Satan to be adversary.  But we are nearing the day when our words and witness will be sought after by many, who, today, despise and even persecute us for being His witnesses.

Bearing the cross means being hated for our witness.  Read Matthew 5:1-7 and see the marks of those who inherit the Kingdom; and what Jesus says we should do, when treated badly by those who are His enemies.

My love in Him,

William Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Maurice Canada
July 20, 1934

My dear Maurice and Company:

Thanks for yours and enclosed letters which are cheering and encouraging to you, me and Him, and all who are His on the earth and in Heaven, which is as opened to us by Revelation 4,5, and 6 etc., as on the earth. And we find it interesting to watch all His many activities and especially on California - or Pacific Coast which has been specially marked since 1906 - when I tasted the Quake in Frisco, which made Rolph the hero and landed him in Sacramento as Governor, where he heard His Message by a very weak witness but he never seemed to get over it and until death in San Jose about June 1st. Hulls took you up in car and home and gave you the Message - which has landed you in Sacramento - the fruit as His seed - both in hearers and those with horns. We are apt to look on all our wanderings as by chance but now we are beginning to see light and His hand leading from 1906 up till today in Thyratira, marked by Jezebel, the high Priestess of those who rebelled against my Message then.

My fourth field in Alpha days has proven to be the center and ends of the earth from here, as it's about equal distance with Japan and where Eastern and Western civilization met from Moses to Jesus - and Eastward and Westward from Jesus till today - or from His First coming to His Second. Indians - so called, from Patagonia to Alaska were found when the white men came and still remain with more or less conflict. The signs in Quake, Fire, Flood, Explosions and now the great strike in Frisco - is very important for the R.P. & E and L.S.B. the fruit and outcome of Roosey and Hitler, for both have produced the same results, and world wide they look on and see the conflict and necessity on both sides.

It's easy to read the Angel to the churches when we see it the same Man sent to seven different places and sealed as was Paul, who is used as the center for the Message of that day, when John was the writer of what was to happen in the Latter days or when the time is at hand. You can see what's said to those who Hear and what's said to and of the Overcomer. What is promised by the Father to the Son, is given to the Servant - the Iron Rod and Morning Star, which Jesus says He is in Rev. 22. Sometimes there is confusion in mind who fail to see the Father giving the Son - and the Son giving to His Son. If Revelation is the Message - it's all coupled up with the Man from Revelation 1 to 22 and you notice how Jesus - I - testify to every man that Hears the words of this prophecy - add to or take from will be fatal - which makes both Man and Message a Life and Death matter to all who hear, quite as strong and in harmony with Matt. 25; and you can see all who witness to it are the Separators of Sheep and Goats.

So we are in an invulnerable position even by our weakness in Men's eyes. What great things we have seen men try to do and be and yet it seems to be ending in failure - both spiritually and naturally. It was like taking in the ends of the earth by my Alpha Message & then find it become the center for the Alpha & Omega - cheers & throws light in all the seeming dark patches, which was but the covering of His Hand over our tendency to be puffed up. Now we are looking for more out of the strike which began May 11, five days before the cloud-burst, which gave us 14, 34, and 79. Tomorrow is the Fast of Ab, for the Jews, the day the city was taken by Nebucadnezzar and then by Titus in 70 A.D. This day in 1914 was July 27th, the day Russia mobilized against Germany.

My love to you,

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter to Hulls, Los Angeles, Calif.
July 20, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Hulls, Boys & Co.:

Thanks for 2 from you with compliment to the Prophet, which will stir up the Devil and Satan - for he is the Prince of the Power of the Air - either to praise or blame, and rules in the Children of Disobedience by which we know them. He loves his own as much as he hates all who are His who is Creator and Redeemer. The verses were creditable to you and may be serviceable to those who have truly Tasted of Life through the Man and Message of God and Jesus by the Spirit.

The Thyatira Message of REVELATION 2; 18-29, the center of the 7 - has been cheering my heart as I look back to 1906 and my taste of the Frisco quake - out of which Rolph came Hero of the Day and which led to his becoming Governor of Calif. in Sacramento, where he got the Message from a very weak Witness and never seemed to be free from trouble till his death in San Jose about June 1st.

You picked up Maurice in your car and gave him the Message, and proof of it in your taking him home, and he is now in Sacramento enjoying the Fruits of your and his labors as the Wise Virgin and Servant, separating between Sheep and Goats by his witness for and in God's Witness by Revelation - includes the Man or Angel, or Servant - as well as the Message. The Reader, Overcomer, 12 Star Crowned Head of the Woman, the Manchild, and as Son and Heir with Jesus, and the 7 fold promises to the Overcomer, is quite clear and distinct from the Reward to those who Hear and Obey.

The Pentecostal Work was produced by RESISTING the Message I gave a big tentful of people in Los Angeles for 2 or 3 weeks. Jezebel, the Prophetess, is now Chief Priestess and General Robber of Many who were scattered to preach their own thoughts and ways. It was by Jezebel's name I was able to identify Thyatira, and so we can see what California - beyond ALL the places where I Witnessed - has become the Stronghold, both in Witnessing and Fruit. Then the activities in natural phenomena, Quakes, Floods, Fires, Explosions, and Droughts, and now Strikes centered and its hottest in Frisco - is very interesting to me.

It looks now to me, that California and Pacific Coast is the uttermost ends of the Earth, for there we find the Eastern Civilization pioneers from Moses to Jesus' day, from Patagonia to Alaska, called Indians, and now the Pioneers of the Western Civilization from Jesus' day to our day, which makes the whole more interesting, for it locates both the Natural and Spiritual developments from Moses, Jesus and today, and the gathering from the ends of the Earth, more literal and simple spoken in Psalms 2: and other places.

You will enjoy reading the Thyatira Message - specially the last part which seems to show that Jesus is by a Servant, carrying out the Ruling of the Nations by the Iron Rod and giving Light by the Morning Star which He is - as in Rev. 22: I am the Bright and Morning Star, Jesus says of Himself, so we don't rob Him, but He enriches us by doing it through His Servant and Angel. You can also see how the Message to those who Hear what the Spirit Saith to them who have Ears to Hear, to hold fast what they have Heard and etc.

The Strike on the Pacific Coast began about May 11th, 3 days before the Cloud-burst, which gives us the 14, 34, & 79. And 79 days for Frisco will end on the 29th and 1st of August for our end of it, but it seems to link up the far and near. Frisco and Japan are about the same distance from here, which also seems to give hint that the whole is linked up in His purpose. You can have a read and may get more than I got of encouragement.

My Love to all there,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's Letter To: George Linn
July 29, 1934

My dear Linn Family:

Thanks for yours by air - took 20 days to arrive. Yesterday was 100th day of strike marked by 10 Arabs killed at Nablus after 12 hours conflict in very difficult country. This Abrams city Sheeben and now the strongest Moslem quarter in Palestine. Saturday 12 Arabs were killed half way on the Jaffa, Jerusalem road. It seems queer to be reading about all the various places in Gospel story as places where the hottest conflicts arise. So it's in line with the Woe, Woe, Woe Message from the Throne which is ours to give to all who will hear the Message of the Spirit by which alone men can have life.

It seems that the 1st and 2nd Angels soundings gave us war on land and sea - the 3rd ended the Gentile Gospel by the drying up of the fountains and rivers and making them bitter - so that all that drank of the dead, bitter waters died. The surest double mark of Testimony in living days and the after effects. But to find our insignificancy Gospel work so marked along with such a terrible conflict is like madness but it's too true to our experience to be overlooked. The 4th Angel Woe, Woe, Woe is too like our Message since 1918.

Fifth Angel has produced conflict of all sorts on the earth and now we see two samples of it here in Palestine and in Spain between the rights and lefts which seems very common in many places and peoples. U.S.A. and Canada have both been hard hit, but by natural calamities proving Natures loyalty to His purpose and we can't doubt the Angels activity in many and varied forms. I am sure your visit south was good and it may have been better short than long when so many others were about you.

Notice the Message to the servants of Revelation 22 is concerning things which must shortly be done, and we can expect the Angel Message to the 7 churches is the same tho we would expect greater understanding in general, but the attempt to give Epistle teaching or injunction to the servants as if they had been part of the churches, can only beget trouble. So the need for Spirit given intuition in dealing with the 2 classes, tho the Spirits Message is the same and there is always the wise and foolish amongst virgins and the 2 kinds of servants as we find the world divided into sheep and goats.

So we are ever getting some light on the Message to those in the streets and lanes - highways and hedges where they are being gathered to the feast as guests.

My love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Page Family, New Zealand
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine
August 20, 1934

My dear Page Family:

Thanks for Eva's. I was asked to be present at a Masons mark degree meeting on Wed., this week, but I have not been in a Lodge for 40 years, though I used to enjoy it when I was seeking joy and satisfaction on the human plane. A hand shake and pat on the back from a few friends is very sweet, but I have learned that lasting satisfaction is only possible when it comes from the pierced hand of the horny-handed Carpenter.

I wonder how Dolfus and Hindenburg feel now and what memories they have as they look back on their life work in the light of Jesus who is Judge and Standard by which men are valued or devalued. God's Pattern and Standard is only old fashioned, and from the foundation of the world. But it's the one that will endure when all else crashes up. People are very loth to take this Standard, but it's the only one that will out last all the changing fashions of time and the world.

When I saw the plaster cast picture of Hindenburg, it brought floods of thoughts to me. How changed a man becomes when he puts off uniform and the proud look which so often accompanies it. Jesus never put on any side, and so had nothing to put off; being poor and under accusation and condemnation from the cradle to the cross. But inside, with only one thing moving Him to please His Father from cradle to cross.

How simple and single it all appears now in contrast to Pilate, Herod and the priests of then and all time, and when we bring up to date, one can see how few and far between are those in History who bear these simple marks. That God's foreknowledge and purpose was to conform us to the Image of His Son that He might be the first begotten of many brethren, seems very far and out of sight as we view the whole R. P. and E. world. So willing are men to follow the human, while refusing all that will fit them for a place in God's Family and Forever. Perish is a big word when we view things in this light, and nothing can cover up missing the inward and outward marks so dear to the Heavenly Father and revealed in Jesus and to which the Spirit always witnesses in every age.

My Love to all

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Olaf Peterson
September 1, 1934
PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Olaf Peterson:

Thanks for yours which betrayed your adherence to the Babylonian religious world which you may think right. God has told us clearly in Rev. 17 & 18 what He thinks about the whole preachers of the world, hirelings hypocrites. Jesus called all such. So you can just stay in Babylon & cackle till your eyes are opened in death. "Come out of her my people" is clear enough for anyone.

1st. Rev. was closed awaiting the man whom God chose & anointed to read it to those who have ears to hear and heart to obey Him.

2nd. What you call Christian suffering, is God destroying hypocrites from off the earth in preparation for setting up His Kingdom in those who have ears to hear & heart to obey His Rev: Message and Man.

3rd. Jesus & His Disciples neither asked 1/10th, nor received. People who pay & receive such end in hell, to meditate on their folly. Rev. 3-20 shows He is outside the door, calling people to let Him in to sup with them & they with Him. The servants of God in Rev: days are the 11th hour labourers in the Vineyard, who are to be the first in enjoying the blessings of the Kingdom on earth, the first of those who were with Him to share in their reward. Those who are the servants today are the last & those who were with Him the first.

You can pray your head off, it will only deceive you, not even others. Faith is hearing His Living Message from the Throne today, and obeying. If we don't answer His prayer, how can we expect Him to answer those who are full of their own thoughts & ways.

Read Isa. 55 which is a guide for all who would benefit by His Living Message & Man today. Suffering will increase for the whole world, but especially for all public worshippers who are abominable in His sight in all ages. It was they who crucified Him & do it today, so beware.

My Love in Him,

Wm. Irvine

Wm. Irvine's letter to Amos & Nettie West
September 15, 1934

Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Amos and Nettie:

Thanks for your two letters. It's good to hear that you and sister can look after Father and Mother's interests and hope you will be reliable and useful in every way for to honour father and mother is the foundation of all true character building.

You can be quite sure to start at 13 and 15 to honour God in heart and life and have ears for all he has to say to you is the sure way to escape much suffering now and later on, When conditions are in such a bad way everywhere you will find it good to give Maurice and others who are God's witnesses today to the Man and Message of God and Jesus careful attention and get to read all the parts they advise you to read.

Your youth is the best you can offer God. Read 1st Samuel and see when he began to hear and obey God--also Jeremiah who began at 14 to be the prophet of God, also David and Daniel and Joseph all began in their teens and ended in old age.

My Love and best wishes,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's Letter To: Westlunds, Auburn, Calif.
September 25, 1934
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Westlunds:

Thanks for yours with all the details of His mercy, in offering them life and their response.  When we think of all the organized man and message of the Devil to deceive, as in Babylon, we don’t marvel at their despising and rejecting of God and Jesus’ man and message, the reader of Revelation for all who will hear.  And they can’t separate man and message; they are clearly in the book.  And Revelation 22 is the strongest evidence, and the consequences to all who dare or care to trifle with them.

The refuges of lies, which men seek shelter in, will all be destroyed as sure as He will established His alpha and omega message; by which men choose life or death, the inside or outside of the walls of the new Jerusalem.  Our very least and littleness is our qualification for testing them.  If we had more shine and show, we would but prove to be part of Babylon; for it’s by these big popular things men are lured into Babylon.  And their whole outfit is something that appeals to the pride and wickedness in many hearts, with God’s name made very big in the eyes and ears of men.

But what He and His were in alpha days, He wants us to be in men’s eyes in omega days.  Their baptism and breaking of bread is a snare for all who are simple.  But there is nothing of that sort in Revelation; and the message is ever to gather out of what was church, truly, by the message of the Spirit. So, "Come out of her, my people" is the very first step in those who would benefit by the man and message.  The angel of the church is not in, but outside, giving them a chance to hear His voice, and open the door; that He may come in to sup with them as persons, and they with Him as [a] person: and no organized number.

My love to all,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Maurice Canada, Sacramento, Calif.
PO Box 696,
Jerusalem, Palestine
October 5, 1934

My Dear Maurice & Co.:

Thanks for 2 from you this week. Glad you are having a holiday and in as much as you seek to share with Him, you can be sure of sharing with Him. And that's the Best and Biggest and Surest Friendship in all the world, though the Devil has filled the world full of these words, they have no meaning - but to those who truly do His will and work from the heart, with set purpose and at any cost.

You can see what abomination it is In His sight, to follow the mob who say and do not. In the East it's all done in the Name of God. In the West it's all done in the Name of Jesus. But the Test for both is in their attitude to the Man and Message, and it will separate the whole world into Sheep and Goats. So we need not stumble at the numbers who stumble over the Stumbling Stone and Rock of Offense for today. They will be sorry while we will be glad, as we see the Stone cut out of Jerusalem without hands, by their own foolish words and actions, while the stone will grow and become a Mountain and fill the Whole Earth.

Foolish looking and simple words, but with the "Demamis" of God behind them, they grow, increase and accomplish His purpose for Him and His pleasure. You can see how people are being mowed down every day as they seek their own aim and purpose, but the world don't mind being dead, deaf and blind to all that's of God, while swallowing any form of delusion or illusion the Devil and Satan can bring to mind & heart. 1000 die per week from auto and traffic, not to speak of many 1000's injured and shocked. And Air seems to be taking its 100's per week.

A young man in Australia who once showed good marks but has ceased to be interested, broke his leg badly the other day on a motorbike. People may find excuse for so acting but it don't change the promises to such as speak or act idle words. It comes all too easy to join the Foolish Crowd who are guided by their own thoughts and ways. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked - who can know it - but the Lord searches the heart and rewards according to what He sees there. He will always bring out what's In, so that men can may see and fear even if they don't hear. It's much harder to say no to our own nature than to say yes to God, but they go together. This is the true meaning of repent, and those who truly turn from their own thoughts and ways, become very easy to guide into the Truth.

Laodicean Message seems especially for all such as have heard the Message in these days. You notice the other 6 Messages are all for the Church at so and so, but the Last Message is to (The Church of the Laodiceans, C.C.D.) The Laodiceans. You can see through the whole 7 Messages what He is and what is promised to the Overcomer or angel - and what's promised to those who have been called out of Babylon, And are called The Churches - or Fruit of my Witness.

You can see how intimately Jesus - the Amen and Faithful Witness and Beginner of the New Creation, and the witness or angel - and those who have ears for what the Spirit saith unto the Churches are linked together. There is no room for any who refuse either Jesus, the angel or the Message of the Spirit. He is sifting the seed for the new planting and it will be well done. You can see England in the spotlight with Japan in the recent happenings, and New Zealand 7 hour hurricane, is only in line with the 1934 programme for all the world. So we wait and murmur not, for He cannot fail His Witnesses or Message.

My Love in Him to all,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Grims
October 10, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Grims:

Thanks for Christie’s today.  Glad to hear you are all well and in good shape, after your trying time.  I have wondered how so many have suffered, but I guess it can only make us the more eager for that day, when the loud voice will say, “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ.”  Which is the desire of the whole, true, Woman Body, in John’s coming and the bringing forth the Man Child.

Revelation 10, 11 & 12 become the more wonderful, as the whole of the matter.  People who make it depend on Jesus coming, make a mucky mess of the whole Truth for these days, for the messianic witnesses are to prepare the Kingdom for the King to come and reign.  And all their cackle and talk about rapture leaves them in a bog, and reveals the condition of their hearts before Him.  For man’s thoughts and ways are not His, but separate, as Heaven and Earth are apart.  And probably more clearly revealed in the Pentecostal people, than me or the Woman with the Moon under her feet and clothed with the Sun and the 12 star crown on her head, and in great desire to see the Man Child the center of all her hopes, realized.

It was the rejecting of my witness to Jesus in Los Angeles in 1906, that produced the Pentecostal Testimony; a wide door and a broad way for all who disregard Jesus as the Way,  Truth, and Life, by which men can know the Father and become sons and heirs, and joint heirs with Jesus, who is to be the 2nd Adam, and head of the family of God.  Then in Kilsyth, my home town Pentecost took root in 1908, in the Church of God; which was formed out of the work I did when at home for 2 years.  Then, it spread to Ireland through some of these friends who knew testimony people in Ireland.  And, now, I am living with 2 of them here.  So I regard the various moves as God’s way of revealing the delusion and illusion of Pentecost in people today, in contrast with those who have ears for what the Spirit saith to the churches by the Angel of the 7 churches, which was my work in the world, as the early 7 Churches was Paul’s work in his travels.

I suppose Paul, today, will be as much interested in my travels in Alpha days, as I was in his travels and works in his days.  But people were blind to the value and importance of Paul’s work then, and of my work in these days.  Who could doubt Paul as Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, and Preacher and Pastor of the flock God gave him?  Though in his death, there were few who had remained faithful to him.  He saw the many, who had entered by the wide gate, made manifest as dogs, hogs, goats and wolves, rather than sheep, who had heard the Shepherd’s Voice through Paul, as Adam and Eve did in the Garden.  It’s a long, sorry record as we read the Book, of the many entering by the wide gate; and walking in the broad way of their own thoughts and ways, despising those whom God had spoken through, which gave them even the chance of life, which they missed.

You notice in Revelation 2 and 3, how, in every message, you see Jesus revealed in fuller ways; seeing where the churches are, and, by His Angel, gathering out of the churches, those who have ears to hear what the Spirit saith by the Angel.  Jesus, the Angel, and those who hear are the hope for today.

My love to all,

William Irvine

Wm. Irvine's Letter to:  Mr. Thorp
Seattle, Wash. (An X-Cleric)
October 16, 1934

My Dear Thorp:

Thanks for yours. Can you imagine anyone getting free from Babylonian traditions without a struggle. It has been 41 years struggle to be where and as I am, so I am glad it has begun for you, and I can make it easier for you. I was brought up a Presbyterian, converted on my 30th birthday when the battle began—whether I would believe in Jesus, and live by what He revealed, said and did, or follow the traditions of my fathers, and the many traditional “say and do not” methods I found ready to swallow me up. Then for some years I thought to fish in the herring barrel called churches, to find out how impossible it was to do any work that would honour Him by doing God’s work in His way and manner of life.

For 14 years I worked outside all religious connection and gathered many out and around Him, and my attempt to do as the Acts and Apostles taught, only to find—as did Paul, that false Apostles and Prophets would try to get power to lead the so-called churches I had formed spiritually, under their power. In 1914 I found this case to be His method, though I did not understand it. I had many converts in G. Britain, Ireland, U.S.A., Canada, New Zealand, Australia and S. Africa, which I regard as the 7 Churches of Asia—for they were the work of one man—Paul, and so it made me feel that my work might be the 7 Churches of today, or in 1914, tho I never had any idea of such until it became clear and simple by His Spirit. These 7 churches are the work of the Man He chose to be His Servant in Revelation days.

I listened to all sorts of people and went to all sorts of places from 1914 to 1918, and found nothing but the old hypocrisy of saying and doing not, every man full of his own thoughts and ways, seeking a crowd and a crust. Then God began to open Revelation, and I began to give it to others what I got, and since then the whole Book became simple and very easy to understand we were in the Judgment period, and the war was the sign. Rev. 8 is the war chapter when 4 Angels sounded the various happenings. Rev. 9:1-10 ver. Gives us the Bolshivism of the world, and now we look for the great war between East and West, which may start any day. But with it will come John from Heaven to be my Co-witness (Rev. 10 – 11 – 12 chapters) in Jerusalem for the whole world, around whom will gather the Woman and 144,000 from every corner of the earth, not Jews in the ordinary sense, but with marks Abram and his seed always had, ears and ears to hear and obey.

God is sealing from all over the world today, in revealing the devil-possessed Babylon’s condition which covers the whole organized Religious, Political and Educational world, while Labour, Socialist and Bolshi is being organized against them to destroy them as in end of Rev. 17 ch. What you say re 144,000 in Rev 14—these not defiled with women, refers to them not having fellowship with the Babylonian Whore, but following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Whore and all abominations refers to those who take hire for preaching, the thieves and robbers of John 10— who climb up some other way, rather than enter by the door as did Jesus and all the true Apostles. Every kind of fool presumptuously reads the Acts and tried to imitate what’s there. This is the Devil’s and Satan’s way of hindering the Revelation Message in Omega. The Alpha work of Jesus finished in 1914. We have the same Jesus in Rev. 1 ch. But how different in His Alpha Mercy to His own who hear and obey the Reader's Revelation Message. “Blessed is he that readeth and they who hear and obey the words of this prophecy, for the time is at hand,” shows it was for the Judgment period.

Rev. 22 shows that to add to or take from is fatal. Blessed is he that reads and they who hear and keep. Leaves all others cursed and abandoned by the Spirit of God. So it’s a great day of Salvation and Damnation.

In the Harvest you find no mention of Baptism, Breaking of Bread, only the fellowship of Mal. 3 and results in Mal. 4. The Oven being heated for the burning up of the proud and wicked doers, while those who Fear the Lord, speak often one to another, will come forth like calves of the stall, to tread under their feet the wicked seed. WICKED is never applied to sinners, but always to religious people who corrupt His Name and Mercy, Matt. 23 marks. These are the seed of the Serpent, from Garden of Eden who fill the world full of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or give Scriptures but not the Spirit, and so are false prophets and false professors of every sort mentionable.

Behold, He cometh with clouds of every sort, as in Matt. 24, Rev. 1:7—Every eye shall see Him and every one that were and are piercing kindred of the earth, shall wail because of Him.

People who look for Rapture and the Lord to come before Revelations is fulfilled are deluded as in II Thes. 2—The Lord will not come except there be a falling away which is during the 3-1/2 years witness of the Two as in Rev. 11 and the Man of Sin be revealed, as in Rev. 13. Rapture takes place after the 1,000 years and general Resurrection, Rev. 20 is finished. So shall they be forever with the Lord. Unregenerate people today are all back 1900 years to Pentecost, or 1,000 years too early for Rapture.

Read Isa. 55 and Rev. 22—The Living Waters from the Throne, is the Message from Revelation by the Reader, the Overcomer to whom the 7 Promises are given, which is the reward for the Reader, and 7-fold Promises given to those who hear and obey what the Spirit saith to the Churches. Those who fail to hear in the Churches are left to perish in Babylon.

You will find it good to get and keep in touch with those who have been hearing for years and can give you letters to read, for we have been slowly learning what’s written by the Spirit. You need have no fears, hear all you can, read all you can, witness all you can, and the more Satan hinders you and harasses, the surer will His Spirit give you wisdom and understanding. You need have no fears, for Psalms 91 is for those who hear and find shelter under His wings.

My Love to you,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Patrick Donahue, Weimar, California
November 3, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Patrick:

Thanks for yours. You can be quite sure there will be 1001 things come up to tempt and trouble you. But as you put His interests first, and be willing to do violence - or suffer in your own interests and feelings for His name sake, - He will work out your destiny, and give you more exceeding and abundant beyond your thoughts or asking. You will find that what you regard today as your bad luck, - was but His preparation for giving you His seal and favour. Keep fearing and hearing and obeying Him first, - all other things will be added that are valuable. I was well wrapped up in the world's affairs 40 years ago, - but in putting His interest first, and mine second, - He has led me surely and safely to what I never knew or dreamed possible in a human life.

Be courageous and fearless. He will look after all your interests as sure as you do His.

My Love and best wishes for all,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Mrs. Teske
November 9, 1934
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Mrs. Teske:

Thanks for yours.  You can be quite sure, to hear and obey the Man and Message will give strength, hope and cheer in the midst of all the troubles coming on men and nations.  There is no other refuge in the storm of His wrath let loose, and increasing every day.  If they will not be sheep, they will be goats; and you can read in Matthew 25 what is their portion and reward.

You have quite enough to help there, to give you a good scriptural foundation for confidence in God, Jesus and the Spirit.  The Man and Message—Isaiah 55 with Revelation 22.  And be sober, sincere and earnest, both for your health, happiness, safety and assurance, which is more than all else we can have.  Value very highly the friendships in The Message, for we are meant to be helpers of each others' faith, hope and charity.

An ear to hear, a heart to obey, and a mouth to witness is all God wants from you.  And your service, He will value no matter what others think of it.

My love in Him to all there,

William Irvine

Wm. Irvine’s Letter To:  Moores
87 Alma Rd. Convill, Wangania, New Zealand
November 11, 1934
PO Box 696
Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Moores:

Thanks for yours.  Glad that John wrote you.  He is very happy and content in sharing the message of God today, as he once did in Alpha Testimony days; which was my work then to begin it.  And now, the man and message of Revelation is my job, and reward for my service for 21 years up to 1914. Testimony finished in 1914, when Revelation became the message and test for all men.  There is no baptism, or breaking of bread in Revelation.  You can see it’s His angel, calling out of the 7 churches those who will hear what the Spirit NOW saith to them.  And all the promises are to those who hear His knock and voice; and open the door, that He may come in to sup with them, and they with Him.

It was all as new to me as it could be to any other, for Revelation had no value or meaning TILL the time was at hand.  Chapter 1 shows Jesus as Alpha and Omega; which means He is the saviour of those who hear and obey His Revelation message, but is the destroyer of all who refuse it.  When John saw the difference, he fell at His feet as dead, so great was the shock; till Jesus revealed the difference, and gave him the reason for it, to write. John was, at that time, rejected by all the churches to whom he wrote.  But they only said he was old age mad; and he was loosed from his Patmos bondage to die amongst the very few friends he had left.  So we need not wonder that the reader of Revelation shall be in the same position.

Revelation 1:3 says, Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear and keep the words of this prophecy: for the time is at hand.  The world is full of people who preach and teach, baptize and break bread, but have no ear for God when tested by those who have, and give them the message from the throne today.  This is God’s method of separating the sheep from the goats. Inasmuch as they did or did it not to ONE of the least, they did or did it not to Jesus on the throne.  And you can see the two rewards for the sheep and goats in Matthew 25.

The virgins are those who are out of Babylon, and profess to hear my reading.  Some will use it wisely and get the Spirit, or oil in their vessels.  Others will be foolish, even with the great privilege, and shortly will find the door shut; as the others are gathered around the two witnesses in Jerusalem, from north, south, east and west.  This is the setting up of the kingdom on the earth by John, who comes from heaven to be my companion, as in Revelation 10, last verse, and Revelation 11 and 12.

Malachi 3:16-18 is the fellowship today, and quite outside all religious gatherings.  The message is to be given to those in the streets and lanes of the cities, and in the highways and hedges: not in meetings.  Read Matthew 22 on to Matthew 25 for truth for these days.  Malachi 4 shows you what’s happening on the earth, getting heated as an oven to burn up the proud and wicked doers; leaving neither root nor branch, parents or children.  While to those who have ears to  hear my reading of Revelation, you can see their big day will come; and they will tread the ashes of such as have been their persecutors, under their feet.

"Behold, I will send Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord."  This is my job!  John [the] Baptist was Elijah in his day, but Jesus refers to me by what He said of John.  "Among those born of women, there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist: nevertheless he that is least in the kingdom is greater than he."  Matthew 25 shows that what men are to the least of these His brethren, they are to Him.  People, in their pride and wickedness, think it’s for those who are in repute amongst their brethren who are honored of God.  But it’s the man who bears the same reputation He did, and endures the cross and despises the shame, whom He has chosen as His angel, or "sent one" to the churches.  Read Revelation 22.

Isaiah 55 gives you the "Ho, man", [given] to the whole world, with living waters.  He is the witness, leader and commander to the people who will come from the ends of the earth.  "Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread?  And your labor for that which  satisfieth not?"  This is written for all religious people on the earth.  It’s all dead; and life comes only by receiving my reading of Revelation!  Hearken diligently unto me, saith the Lord.  Hear, and your soul shall live and feast; and the Lord will make a new covenant with you: even the sure mercies of David.  It’s a New Thing.  The old heaven and old earth is passing, as the new comes into being.

Revelation 22 gives you the whole outline.  The living waters flowing, pure and clear as crystal, from the throne of God and the Lamb by the Spirit, through the reader and those who hear and keep the reading given them.  "I, Jesus have sent mine angel," or sent one, to witness these things to the 7 churches; which was my Alpha gospel work in 7 countries, for 21 years.  You will find it very simple and easy.  But don’t fail to open your mouth and let it out, so that you may get His Spirit to give understanding and words!

I have quite a number of Testimony friends, but more new people whom I have not seen, specially in California.  There are a number in New Zealand who will be glad to hear from you, and pass on my letters to them.  And if you can get some of them to come and spend a day with you, it will do much to put you on your feet; and strong to enjoy His blessing today, when conditions get worse all the time for all who have no ears, or heart for what comes from the throne.  These are all Testimony people I have known for 30 years, and very hearty for all I have to write them.

My love to you and all others,

Wm. Irvine

William Irvine's Letter to Mitchells and Peaches
November 17, 1934

My dear Mitchells and Peaches:

Thanks for yours and the letter and photos which I was pleased to see. I have a letter from Mrs. Buckman's niece in Freeport, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Buckman is a very whole hearted old lady with keen ear and heart appreciation for ALL that comes from the heart of God and Jesus by His Spirit, though it comes by the Least and Little Ones to men, so as not to feed their pride and iniquity. God always allows the Devil or god of this world - to use the many and great and powerful men today to evade and annul what comes from Him.

If we were the launchers of the Great Queen Mary Ship - a month before Noah's flood anniversary - we would not have any living waters - or message of value to men. If we were the winners of the Air race to Australia - and spoke over the phone and radio to London - and had our pictures sent to London in three days - we would not have leaves for the healing of the nations. If we had driven the stream-lined train at 90 miles per hour on Oct. 22nd - the center day of the seven Noah had to prepare to enter the Ark - we would have nothing to offer men - hungry and thirsty. These big things are to feed the pride and wickedness of men - for which the Oven is being heated to consume them leaving neither root nor branch - and as ashes under the soles of our feet who Fear the Lord and think on His name.

Jeremiah 17: is very apt for these days - showing who are the accursed and blessed. To have hope in the Great men of the earth, or arm of the flesh, only reveals where our heart is and what we hope in to turn the corner. You can see quite a number of lives lost in the Air race which reminds us that our race is safer - though we may suffer plenty of hard looks and words, they are small compared to the anguish, despair, bitterness and endless torment in Hell - remembering our folly - and His Grace and Mercy shown thro' His least and little ones who bear the Living Waters to thirsty men.

"Though few - feeble and little worth in men's eyes, we are as the apple of His eye". Isaiah 64: is like a prayer chapter for the Woman body - composed of the wise virgins. So you can use it and the last half shows we don't have much to boast of for ourselves - but in His Grace and Mercy we hope and are sure of our ground. Isa. 65: 17, shows it's for the New Things - so the three chapters, 64: 65: 66: are like milk for babes and sucklings.

My love to all there,

William Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter to Tony and Dorothy Babylon
December 6, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My Dear Dorothy and Tony:

Thanks for yours (2) and photos. I was pleased to hear the good news, because it never was mentioned but by the two who the right- Papa and yourselves. I hate to hear a whole lot of cackle about peoples's personal affairs. So now you have made a good beginning aim at making it exemplary to all others. For it's tiresome to hear about people who make a mess of what was meant of God to be the most helpful relationship in life, - and all because people seek their own rather than the welfare and happiness of each.

A little common horsesense is very valuable in married life. To bear and forebear are the two bears which go a long way in fellowship, To bear each others burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ, should help to add to our peace, joy and love. There are many tests, but all for our perfecting. The old fashioned way of life is much more sure and lasting than all the supposedly new modern ideas. To aim at usefulness all round rather than - seeking fleeting pleasure is safest ideal. And the old Book is chock full of wisdom, both for human and spiritual life.

To live your lives pretty much as Adam and Eve when there was no outside people to trouble or help, is ideal way to start and continue. I'm sure you will go far to find a better sample than Mr. & Mrs. Dunbar. -- And do all you can to cement true friendship between your two families. You look well matched, both in appearance and age. So let God make it a true union. And keep always the chief end in view, for all thats human perishes, but what God is able to work in us by His Spirit.

We are nearing the day when the Heavens , closed for 1900 yrs, will be rent in John's coming, and so the new Things will begin then. The M'tains old, high, hard, and cold will flow down, as His presence manifested- and the waters of Life will boil as they have been cold. Is. 64, 65, and 66, are very comforting words for all who are the Woman Body, and you notice there is no pretence to being the Holy big people, but rather the Least and Little Ones in mens eyes today, - unworthy in our own eyes as the Pharisee is always cocksure of his selfrighteous leper rags.

I wish you a long, happy, useful exemplary life in every sense of the word.

My Love to both and all others.

Wm. Irvine.

William Irvine's Letter to Skerritts
December 12, 1934

PO Box 696, Jerusalem, Palestine

My dear Bob and Minnie:

Thanks for yours (2), and am sure you will find a hearty welcome amongst the S. friends and specially the Hull family. For these relationships will become increasingly tender and precious as we see the day come, and you can be very helpful in showing that the foolish and wise virgins are being made manifest by the delays and nothing can save triflers from their sure doom.

If they have failed to know the Lord, the Lord will fail to know them when the door is closed, no matter how they cry and pound for a place. People who hear the Message and fail to hear the voice of the Shepherd will be revealed as surely as the Sheep who hear it and obey, will find a warm place under His Wings. We can't do more than give them the chance to play the fool if they will not hear Him in the Man and Message for their Salvation. They rely on their own thots and ways and hope to make safe in their conceit and deceit. We have seen this in many and in many forms but always the same "out" results for them.

It's been a great and big transformation in all we were and preached in Alpha days and which was so fatal to so many -- with no hope but in hearing the Spirit's Message and that by the angel of the 7 churches for He does not give them another voice or message in Rev. 2 and 3. What a challenge to them in hearing the Shepherd's voice by the same Spirit but another message - or perish in His contempt of all such Pharisee rubbish.

It has meant much personal suffering to all who have had ears to hear either thro their own selfrighteousness or unrighteousness which made them the least and little ones, and tho we have many friends who were not Alpha people, they all have more or less Pharisee influences in all their lives - for it's a native product of the Human race which the Devil cultivates from cradle to grave and which God seeks to destroy from cradle to grave - and which is the cause for the curse resting on the race which can only cease when Phariseeism has gone in the destruction of persons and peoples who have been the natural carriers of the disease most fatal - for it kept them from going to the Prophet, Elisha and all others sent of God. It was the reason why Elijah was not sent but to the woman who was a Heathen widow and a sinner revealed in her boy.

My love and best wishes,

Wm. Irvine.

Wm. Irvine's Letter To:  Abbott
December 14, 1934

My dear Percy and Co:

Thanks for yours.  You have quite a large family around you and I’m sure it will exercise you to give them food in season.  I wish I had a place at your Thanksgiving dinner.  I’m not sure that so many U.S.A. people have so much to thank God or man for these days.

It would be “Thank God we are not worse than we are,” and the world is feeling it about as well, although the spotlight is crowded always with the clowns who tell us what’s not around the corner, no matter how many or often they play the R.P.&E. hand, which the L.S.B. call Ballyhoo, and well expressed, when we look for results that last.
I hope you will enjoy Isaiah 64 as the Prayer of the Woman body, and notice there is no room for self-righteousness, and plenty of confession of our unworthiness, the Marks of the Least and Little Ones.

People gathered from the Streets and Lanes of the city and Highways and Hedges, will not have much to boast of, nor will they appear much in the eyes of the R.P.& E. , but if they have heard the Voice of the Shepherd, you will see the Shepherd help them out in good shape, by the coming of John, when the Heavens rent, and the Mountains flow down at His Presence with His Messenger of Mal. 3, who comes to prepare the way of the Lord as in Isaiah 40.

Elijah of Mal. 4 was to come before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, to witness on the earth to the oven being heated for the proud and wicked, and its consequences, and to witness to those who fear his Name, and to be ready for the great and 1,000 year day.

The foolish virgins will prove to be those who heard the Message but did not hear the Shepherd’s Voice, and so are not sheep and so can only find their light going out, as we all slumber and sleep and weary on John’s coming.

Matt. 25 makes it all very simple if people will take time to read it, but most are fonder of cackle and talk than truly seeking the anointed understanding which the Spirit alone can give.

You will find it good to read Isa. 40 and Mal 3.  And Mal. 4, with Isa. 64, 65:17 to end, and Isa. 66, all which fits in well with Rev. 22, and take time alone to get a good working understanding of those things, which are for today.

I wish you the Season’s greetings and His Biggest Blessings possible for all, and my love to all in Him.

Wm. Irvine

R. P. & E.  stands for  Religious, Political and Educational

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