Workers, Friends, Home Church, The Truth, The Way, Meetings, Gospel, Cooneyites, Christian Conventions, Hymns Old & New
What's New on TTT & TLC Web?
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New Items as of August 31, 2024

1908 July 15, p. 6 Belfast Telegraph (Belfast, N Ire)
With the "Cooneyites" International Convention in Fermanagh – Some interesting facts

1904 Oct 11 Belfast News –The New Sect in Fermanagh – More Baptisms in Ballycassidy River

1928 Dec. 28 – Northern Whig Newspaper
Fallen from Grace - Division in Ranks of the "Cooneyites"

Excerpt of  Alfred Magowan's Letter to Jack Carroll, April 6, 1954

***(Rebuttal to Jack's sermon re Two Fundamentals)

Jack Price, Overseer of Montana: Stopped at US border with undeclared $20,000+ cash

Emblem Disposal and Wine Recipe by Wm Smiley

Nature of Jesus by Dan Hilton

Test to determine if you are in the Family of God – Jack Carroll, Bakersfield, California, December 1923.
Your heart's attitude, not what you say with your lips, towards the servants of God is the real test as to whether you are one of His people or not, and whether you have passed from death unto life.

How the True Gospel Came to Barry County, Michigan

George Walker's Address November 1-4, 1917 at Nome, North Dakota

George Walker's Sermon on August 25, 1918 Schenectady, NY - The TWO WAYS - The Right and True Way, and The False Way

Some Early History of the Work in North Central Pennsylvania

March 8, 2024 — CBC News, B.C. Canada
By Karin Larsen
Historical sexual abuse charges filed against B.C. minister belonging to church with no name.

Workers' Pioneering Accounts:

Taiwan Acount by Charles Preston
Greece & Armenia
Guatemala – Central America
Poland & Latvia – Jack Annand
South Australia:
Sam Jones & the Gospel at Bethel – Wilfred Geue

New Zealand:
Mission at Purakanui, 1909
Missions at Pahia–Roundhill, 1917
Early Missions Worked in New Zealand 

North Carolina, US – Gospel to North Carolina by Ida H. Rhodes
South Carolina, US –Gospel to Sumter, 1937 by Louise Lewis

New Items as of February 27, 2024

February 27, 2024 —
By Brianna Bell

Church leader resigns after liking Archie content on Facebook

January 27, 2024 — BBC News
By George Wright

Robert Corfield, ex-minister of secretive sect, admits to child sex abuse

February 22, 2024 — - UK
By Joe Hutchison

FBI launches sex abuse investigation into Christian cult after ex-members revealed harrowing assaults - with more than 1,500 victims reporting over 700 sexual predators. The religious movement, which has no official name but is known by some as 'Two By Twos' is being probed by the bureau over years of alleged sexual abuse.

February 21, 2024 —
By Anna Merlan

FBI Investigating an Insular, Nameless Religious Group Undergoing Sexual Abuse Reckoning

February 20, 2024 — BBC News
By George Wright
The FBI has launched a probe into a secretive Christian church that was the focus of a recent BBC investigation.

February 20, 2024 — FBI
By Federal Bureau of Investigation
Seeking Victim Information in 2x2 Investigation

The FBI Omaha Field Office is seeking the public's help in identifying victims or individuals with knowledge of abuse and/or criminal behavior that has occurred within a religious group that traditionally has not had a name. The group has often been referred to by others outside of the group as "2x2," "The Way," "The Truth," and "The Church With No Name," among others.


New Items as of January 31, 2024

Caribbean & Atlantic Islands - Accounts of Workers Pioneering Countries of:


Dominican Republic 

New South Wales, Australia Workers List for 1911-1917

Early Days in South Africa

1964-65 North-South America Workers List

TIMELINE OF EVENTS since Doyle Smith's letter to Friends dated March 23, 2023, referred to as the Dean Bruer Letter; this event has come to be commonly referred to as BruerGate. Doyle Smith is the overseer of Oregon and S. Idaho.

NOTE: Not everyone on this list has allegations of abuse. This timeline notes any events or changes since the Dean Letter. Allegations/accusations do NOT mean someone has committed, been convicted of, or charged with a crime. Timeline dates are listed most recent to oldest. *Scroll to the end for the full timeline from the beginning, or check the top of the post for the most recent updates.*

Permission is granted to view, download, email, or share this timeline in PDF form from this link—which will be updated frequently.

Timeline of Events:

Abuse Allegation Statistics:

"Daily Record" circa 1930-40, newspaper article: Baptism at Gartocharn, Scotland Convention

Account of the Early Gospel Work in Louisiana (1925-1988)

Media Presentations with Cherie Kropp: by Anna Merlan, October 12, 2023
A Nameless, Insular Religious Sect Is Being Rocked by a Massive Sexual Abuse Scandal

The Hidden Truth Podcast by Jonathan McLernon:
No. 1 09/10/23 Sheri Autrey:
No. 2 09/17/23 Cynthia Liles:
No. 3 09/24/23 Lauren Rohs:
No. 4 10/01/23 Cherie Kropp:
No. 5 10/08/23 Rhonda Grillo:
No. 6 10/15/23 Dale Doering:

Presentation on Concerned and Connected Friends platform (CCF), August 18, 2023
Passcode: E7hJ0+D9
Scroll to right and start at 4:45 min.

"Read the Latest" accounts on Expressions by Ex-2x2s

1936, August 29 - The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Queensland)
Sect which says: "Sell all thou has and give to the poor."
RE: Rochedale Convention

East Timor, Southeast Asia - Pioneering Mission

May Carroll's Testimony, Gilroy, California Convention, circa 1948

Zoom Presentation of "Preserving the Truth" by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig

Jack Carroll's Letter April 26, 1919 warning against Wm Irvine

Leroy Lerwick on Divorce and Remarriage
Ken Paginton's
changed view re "putting away" (did not mean divorce)

La Vanguardia Nacional
, a Barcelona, Spain newspaper article about Overseer Basilio Alvarez, Feb. 26, 1986

Advocates for The Truth - New website launched in April 1, 2023: Giving voice, protection and justice to child and adult sexual abuse survivors; exposure and accountability of perpetrators associated with the Two by Two Sect/Church  (

Numerous Notification letters by US, Canadian & Australian Overseers involving widespread Child and Adult Sexual Abuse resulting in many workers and friends being removed from the 2x2 Church, including several overseers.

Notification Letter by Doyle Smith, Overseer of Oregon & S. Idaho, March 20, 2023
Elders Meetings in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
and Western Canada
Re: Dean Bruer Scandal
Our Dear Friends, It is with a very heavy heart we share the following difficult information, but we feel it is imperative that we do so. We trust you will understand and be in agreement. We have come to the tragic conclusion that Dean Bruer had another side to his life that none of us, except victims, ever witnessed or suspected. It has come to the surface in recent months, and more so in recent weeks, that Dean was a sexual predator. Read More…

Smuggling the Spanish Hymnbooks into Mexico by G. R. Berry
A new Spanish hymnbook was printed in 1979 by a publishing company in Canada. So the next step was to start distributing them all over Mexico, and eventually to other Spanish-speaking countries.  Read more…

Updating Spanish Hymnbook 2015-2016
After almost thirty years, the need to review and update the Spanish Hymnal editions of 1979 and 1989 was evident. In addition to the deterioration that most hymnals had suffered due to the use over the years. The servants announced that work was under way to make a new Spanish hymnal to replace the 1989 edition in use. Read more…

Lecil Sullivan's Letter to Family, Dec 3, 2012
Explanation of Beginning of Workers in Ireland
You may have heard people say that this fellowship we cherish so highly was started by certain men in the late eighteen hundreds. Let me say assuredly that this fellowship we love so dearly was not started by any man. It is not the work of man. God planned this before He laid the foundation of the world, and in His faithfulness He has kept it the same throughout the ages. Read more…

Why History is important ~  Witness and Power of history
It does not pay to underestimate the power of history. 
Historians, historiographers and biographers are merely tour guides who research and collect information left behind and present it to readers. They penetrate the guesses and gropings, the perhapses and maybes. They investigate and analyze the counterfeits, substitutes, myths, falsehoods and red herrings. Relentlessly, they research, detect and unearth events and truth buried in the graveyard of the past. Focusing on a particular subject, they arrange events that occurred over time into a narrative, usually in chronological order. Read more…

January 21, 2023.
Listen to 7NEWS (Australia) Podcast

Title: Lies, Manipulation and Blind Faith: My Life Inside Australia's Nameless Sect

In 1990, when Elizabeth Coleman was 16 years old she discovered that the nameless sect she had been born into did not go all the way back to Jesus as they claimed. As a result her life was turned upside down and she struggled with doubt and shame up until and a bit after she left in 1993. This is a story about Coleman's experience within the nameless sect and a deep dive into the sect's origins. Buy Elizabeth Coleman and Cherie Kropp-Ehrig's books:Preserving the Truth: The Church without a Name and it's Founder, William Irvine. Cult to Christ The Church with No Name and the Legacy of the Living Witness Doctrine. Subscribe to 7NEWS SpectrumMore 7NEWS podcasts Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

April 21, 2019
Listen to 60 Minutes Australia

Title: Exposing the Two By Two Church - 60 Minutes Australia - Two by Two Coverage

The Two by Twos which are a secretive sect operating across the globe were covered by 60 minutes Australia. The video sheds light on various sex allegations as well as the harmful and archaic views and beliefs of the church.

In November 2019, I upgraded my computer to Windows 10. Unfortunately, many of the software programs I had been using refused to communicate with Win10. From that time until November 2022 (3 years), I did not edit, add or delete anything from my Telling The Truth website. It was "frozen" as is. During that time, I made notes and saved material of data for TTT and my file was over 2" thick. Six months after my book was published on May 31, 2022, I had time to install a new software program and went to work adding, editing, etc. TTT. The following list contains the newly added material and links.  CK


Expressions by Ex-2x2s ( was launched on June 15, 2022.
Formerly known as The Liberty Connection Website (TLC-Web) (2012–2019)
TLC was upgraded, expanded and rebranded as Expressions by Ex-2x2s. ~ This website was created to promote Cherie Kropp-Ehrig's new book, Preserving the Truth: The Church without a Name and Its Founder, William Irvine. This well-researched book is the most comprehensive work published to date about the 2x2 Sect. Published on May 31, 2022, it contains 630 pages, 200 photos and includes a book synopsis, sample chapters, peek behind the scenes into how, when and why the book was written, author's biography, readers' reviews, numerous early 2x2 photos and more.  


Preserving the Truth: The Church without a Name and Its Founder, William Irvine by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig, published May 31, 2022. 630 pages, 200 photos by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig, Published May 31, 2022. Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Alibris, etc.

Follow the history of this nameless church from its beginning in Ireland at the turn of the 20th century by its founder, William Irvine. Explore the early days, the development of a homeless ministry, the role of Edward Cooney, home churches, traditions and worldwide expansion. This well-researched book is the most comprehensive work published to date about this fellowship.  


October 12, 2022, p 27 ~ The Impartial Reporter (Enniskillen, N. Ireland)
By Ciaran Flaherty
New book looks at the legacy of Enniskillen preacher Edward Cooney–and a global church with no name.
RE Book: Preserving the Truth: The Church without a Name and Its Founder, William Irvine by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig


The Church without a Name by Kathleen Lewis

The Church with No Name by Lynn Cooper

John Long's newly discovered 1897-1898 "Revival Years"


Who was Madame Guyon?

Who was Robert R. Todd?

Who was Rev. John McNeill?  Profile of the Presbyterian Evangelist thru whom Irvine professed



Malaysia formerly Malaya.

Romania & Moldova.


 (2) Newspaper articles about Rev John McNeill (thru whom Wm Irvine professed):
May 9, 1897~ The New York Times
The Rev. John McNeill, the Scot, Has Been All Over the Habitable Globe


May 5, 1933 ~ New York Herald Tribune
Rev. John McNeill Was World Famous as an Evangelist

May 7, 1907~ Huddersfield Daily Examiner (England)
The Cooneyites. Lively Scenes at a Baptism

February 11, 1996 ~ Edmonton Journal (Alberta, Canada)
Church With No Name had no answers for couple

November 24, 1916 ~ Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW, Australia)
Defence of Australia - Conscientious Objectors - Scripture Lessons in Court

August 15, 1913 ~ Kilsyth Chronicle ~ Crimean Veteran Dies at Kilsyth (Scotland)
There passed away at Bogside House, Kilsyth (the residence of his son-in-law, ex-Bailie Freebairn), on Tuesday, in the person of Mr. John Irvine, a noteworthy Kilsythian and one of the now sadly, diminished army of veterans who took part in the historic war in the Crimea.


The Impartial Reporter & Farmers Journal is the local weekly newspaper based in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. It is the third oldest newspaper in Ireland, founded in 1825. Is name was later shortened to The Impartial Reporter. Founded, owned and operated for 181 years by the Trimble family, the proprietor in 1900 was William Copeland Trimble (aka W.C.T.).


Was William Irvine a True Prophet?

Vanity & Vexation of Spirit: The act or desire of 2×2 females to improve their outward appearance to be more in line with their culture is sometimes denounced as vanity and vexation (abbreviated V&V). This phrase comes from Ecclesiastes and is intended to provide a scriptural reason why they should not wear cosmetics, slacks, jewelry, cut their hair or wear it down, etc. Used in this context, the V&V phrase contains the not so subtle inuendo that doing so is succumbing to vanity, pride and/or conceit, which are not becoming to a woman professing godliness. Unfortunately, this ambiguous explanation has been passed down in many generations of 2×2 families, mother to daughter, worker to worker, etc. Many brother workers have instructed the female friends in and out of meetings, conventions, special meetings, etc., to model their appearance after the sister workers. Plainness and appearing au naturale are viewed as godly virtues. —read more— 


Jack Carroll's Marriage Ceremonies & Shower Instruction Letter, Feb. 12, 1942

Alan Richardson, Overseer of New Zealand, Instructions for Covid-19, March 14, 2020

Leroy Lerwick, Letter of General Concern, 2015
The doctrine of "grace" that Jesus did everything, and we only have to believe, has made the way so broad no one is excluded.

Edward Cooney requested the sister workers laboring abroad to write letters to be used as evidence in two lawsuits he filed in 1913 for libel re workers involved in white-slave trafficking.

Violet Jamieson's letter

Lizzie Jamieson's letter


Transcripts of the Testimony of Willis Propp, Court of Queen's Bench, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, February 1999,
Dorey vs Dorey Child Custory Case

The Alberta Ex-communications of 1999 - The workers instructed elders not to permit certain members to attend the meetings held in their homes. As a result of this worker directive, twelve Elders gave up their meetings rather than comply with this dictate.

Listen to Recordings of Ex-communications in Alberta, Canada, 1999

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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