Workers Lists
From 1905 to Present
Revised January 21, 2024
Later Workers Lists
2012-13 Canada
2010-11 USA
2007-08 USA
Worldwide Workers List
Workers List (Worldwide) 1991
Earliest Workers Lists
THE OLDEST Workers List: " List of First Workers, July 1905"Brief Biographies of Workers on 1905 Workers list
1903-08 Ellis Island, New York - Records of FIRST Workers arriving in USA & Canada
Early Workers to Australia and New Zealand
Early Workers to Africa
1903-1919 Trips Abroad by Wm. Irvine
Married Workers:
MARRIED Worker ListOlder Lists:
1906 Toronto, Canada Convention1907 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania & Chicago, Illinois Conventions
1907-1916 Alberta Canada Workers List
1912-13 Worker Lists - Earliest List since 1905:
1912-13 ALL Worker Locations after Conventions (Worldwide)
1913 List of ALL Foreign Workers (Sisters Only) from U.K.
1913 List of USA Sister Workers from U.K (typed)
1913 List of USA Sister Workers from U.K. (George Walker's List)
1913 British North America Sister Workers (Canada) from U.K.
1913 Australian Sister Workers from U.K.
1912-13 New Zealand Sister Workers
1913 South African Sister Workers from U.K.
1915-16 Workers in USA & Canada
1916-17 - need copy
1917-18 - need copy
1918-19 - need copy
1919-20 Workers in USA (partial list)
1920-21 - need copy
1921 List - Photo of Staffordshire, England Workers Convention
1921 List - List of Names in Alphabetical Order for Staffordshire, England Workers Convention
1921-22 - need copy
Workers in North & South America 1922-23
Workers in North & South America 1924
Workers in North & South America 1925
Workers in North & South America 1926
Workers in North & South America 1927
Workers in North & South America 1928
Workers in North & South America 1929
Workers List 1947 (North & South America)
Workers List 1953-54 (North & South America)
Workers List 1963-64 (North & South America)
Workers List 1964-65 (North & South America)
Workers List 1980-81 (North & South America)
Australia & New Zealand:
1911-1917 Workers in New South Wales
2008 Workers in Australia & New Zealand
1905-1921 Workers in New Zealand
1912-1913 New Zealand - No Sister Workers on List
Hutt Valley NZ Workers List
Early Convention Lists for: Canada, United States, Australia-Victoria, Ireland
Worldwide Convention Lists
Compiled by Cherie Kropp-Ehrig