Notifications re Child Sexual Abuse
Overseers to Friends & Workers
Revised August 4, 2023
USA Overseers' CSA Notifications re Dean Bruer, March 2023
USA Overseers' CSA Notifications (2) re Mark Huddle, April 2023
Canada Overseers CSA Notification Letters
Comparison of Overseers' Concerns for Victims and the Kingdom
from Notification Letters about Dean Bruer and Mark Huddle
in North America
Recommended Church Reform after Dean Bruer Scandal
Earlier CSA Notification Letters by Workers (2006 - 2013)
Workers' Codes of Conduct - Guidelines for Child Safety ~ Giving voice, protection and justice to child and adult sexual abuse survivors; exposure and accountability of perpetrators associated with the Two by Two Sect/Church. ~ Working to INform Guide and Support Those Who Have Been Sexually Abused Within the Fellowship of Friends and Workers
USA Overseers Notification Letters
Smith, Doyle - OR/S. ID - INITIAL LETTER, March 20, 2023
Doyle's Clarification
Bechtol, Wayne - WA/AK/N. ID
Huddle, Mark – WA (left the work)
Lawty, Dan - AK
John Mastin - WA
Doland, Darryl - WA/AK/N.ID (pro tem for Huddle)
Eberhardt, Robert - AL/MS/LA - stepped down from the work
Frandle, Jerome - KY/TN
Gasser, Glenn - WI
Gasser, Richard - KS/NE
Harger, Greg - MI/OH/W.VA
Holt, Jim - VA/MD/DE/NC
Robert Flippo removed from the work
Hoffman, Ray - PA/NY/NEng
Lehman, Titus - CO/UT
Naef, Kelvin - GA/SC/FL
Newman, Robert - CA/AZ/NV/Pacific Islands
Newman No. 2 Letter
Newman No. 3 Letter - removal of John VanDenBerg from the CA work
Rauscher, Scott - MT/WY
Robert Corfield removed from the MT work
Braydon Dutton removed from the MT work
Sandford, Leroy - ND/SD
Leroy Sanford left work—NOT CSA
Pierce, BethArlene - ND/NE Field
Schober, Lyle - TX/NM
Schober No. 2 Letter
Schober No. 3 Letter
Thayer, Jeff - MN/IA - Jeff Thayer removed from the work
Winquist, Craig - AR/MO/OK
Brad Holman removed from the work
Overseers Notification Letter No. 1 re Mark Huddle
Dale Shultz, Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck, Mike Hassett, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith
Overseers Notification Letter No. 2 re Mark Huddle
Dale Shultz, Merlin Affleck, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith, Darryl Doland
CANADA Overseers Letters:
Barry Barkley
Notification re Wayne Hutchison, Overseer of Quebec & Atlantic Provinces, transferred to Alberta, replaced by
Ray Hoffman, May 2022
Affleck, Merlin - British Columbia
Notification re Walter Burkinshaw and Aaron Farough
Atcheson, Jim - Overseer of Saskachewan, Manitoba, NW Ontario
Hassett Michael - Alberta/YT/NWT/NE BC
Hoffman, Ray - Quebec & Atlantic Provinces
Western North American Overseers Notification Letter No. 1 re Mark Huddle
Signed: Dale Shultz, Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck, Mike Hassett, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith
Western North American Overseers Notification Letter No. 2 re Mark Huddle
Signed: Dale Shultz, Merlin Affleck, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith, Darryl Doland
Mitchell, Alan - Queensland
INITIAL Notification Letter by Doyle Smith
Overseer of Oregon and South Idaho
(replaced Dean Bruer)
March 20, 2023
Our Dear Friends,
It is with a very heavy heart we share the following difficult information, but we feel it is imperative that we do so. We trust you will understand and be in agreement.
We have come to the tragic conclusion that Dean Bruer had another side to his life that none of us, except victims, ever witnessed or suspected. It has come to the surface in recent months, and more so in recent weeks, that Dean was a sexual predator. We never respect or defend such totally inappropriate behavior among us. There is a very united consensus among us that the only thing to do is to be transparent with all of you for obvious reasons, though this is very difficult. We are very sorry for the hurt this will bring to the hearts of many. Thankfully, he is no longer in a position to hurt anyone.
Some things have come to light from Dean's own records. Dean had his own Best Western Hotel preferred customer account and spent a considerable amount of time and money in motels. As we all know, when he died last June, it was in a motel in Government Camp, OR; a place that he frequented. The receipts often included "two guests". Victims have come forward, and there was very confirming and incriminating evidence found on his computer and phone.
His actions include rape and abuse of underage victims. He totally abused his authority as an overseer in order to control, manipulate and threaten his victims. We are strongly recommending our staff look at the Ministry Safe Program and possibly other venues that help understand, recognize, and prevent such problems.
Overwhelmingly, our greatest concern in all of this is the victims, known and unknown. We do hope and pray this message somehow reaches the ears of every unknown victim if there are more. We feel very anxious to assure them that we are anxious to do everything possible to be a support. We understand that people like this are dangerously equipped to twist what has happened in such a way that the victim feels it's their fault, and thereby the predator's criminal behavior is hidden from others. We assure you, there is no possibility anyone will lay blame. except at the feet of the ONE very wrong man who has caused your pain. We are sorry! We hope you will have courage to reach out to any of us, or anyone that you feel you can talk to. We understand your need for privacy as well as support working through this, and we all intend to respect that.
None of us had any idea that such terrible things were happening until several weeks after his death. There is no possible way that this would not have been immediately reported had we known. Some of us very much regret that we didn't somehow discover his actions and prevent more pain. We all feel betrayed naturally. We have come to the conclusion that the very dangerous thing about people like him is that they do what they do without conscience, thus it's much easier for them to pretend to be something that they aren't. We cannot live a lie when we love truth, and honestly live before God, respecting His approval as the scripture teaches us.
We sang recently, "All through the storm I see thy face beaming with love and with saving grace." Our desperate prayer for you all, especially anyone that has been hurt, is that God will show Himself very strong. In Mark 4, the disciples found themselves in the worst storm of their life which caused a lot of distress. But at the conclusion of the storm there was a greater appreciation than ever for the miracle capacity Jesus had to deliver perfect peace despite storms. Our hearts desperately ache for the disappointment and sense of betrayal this will bring to countless hearts and again especially for the pain inflicted to victims. We pray the miracle somehow, someway, someday, will be as great as it was in Mark 4 for all.
Keep close to God dear friends. There is an immense capacity in the hand of God to help us. Thank you for all the prayers we know this will generate!
Sincerely your brother
Doyle S. [Smith]
[Overseer of Oregon and S. Idaho]
Doyle Smith's Clarification (no date)
There has been concern and misinformation about the "timeline" in connection with reporting the Dean Bruer situation. First of all, my apologies for not making this clearer in my first letter. I am in uncharted territory We are all responsible to avoid spreading unverified, untrue or dramatic information that thereby makes it more traumatic, difficult or frightening for any still-unknown victims to come forward and get the help they need and deserve.
Dean passed away June 21 or 22 and unfortunately nothing was known about the dark side of his life, except by victims, of course, until September. Just after his passing we were concerned about finding information pertaining to our planning. etc. on his computer, but I wasn't searching suspiciously, and was very busy. I never thought to search for evidence of Dean's horrific actions until after the first victim, an adult, came to me nearly three months after his passing.
Just before the first victim came forward, I was very disappointed to notice that he had viewed (legal) pornography on his computer and phone, apparently the last night of his life. Contrary to internet speculation, nothing criminal was discovered on his devices—nothing like pornography depicting minors and no lewd or incriminating photos were ever found on his devices. The only incriminating evidence we ever discovered was email between him and one adult victim. Dean's computer is now in the hands of the police, and forensics would be able to detect if and when any alterations were made (we did not alter anything). In late September the second adult victim surfaced, and no other victims were confirmed until just before our disclosure letter went out last week (March 23).
Since the perpetrator is deceased, we were advised by a professional trauma counsellor to be careful first of all for the needs of the victims. Obviously, no one else is more important in all of this than the victims. Mandatory reporters are required to immediately report sexual abuse that involves minors but must respect the wishes of abuse victims who are now adults with regards to when and if their abuse is reported. We have no known victims that are presently minors. Sadly, it has come to light just this month that 3 known victims were minors when he abused them in years past.
Our disclosure timing was thus victim-sensitive and victim-led, respecting the fact our known victims were in a ''process to uncover." It was very clear to counsellors and to us, the victims would have been very traumatized by an earlier disclosure. Just prior to sending out our letter last week, the victims did agree to disclosure, but with considerable trepidation. It was a help knowing that the perpetrator was deceased and thankfully not in a position to hurt anyone ever again.
Contrary to Internet speculation the disclosure was not forced by legal authorities nor anyone else. We didn't have any conversation of this kind with a legal authority, or anyone else. The disclosure was 100% voluntary—a serious attempt to be transparent about what happened for the sake of all victims. We understand under such egregious circumstances, the reality is that there could be more victims. We would never consider covering up something like this at the expense of leaving known and unknown victims lost in their very difficult circumstance, desperately needing help. It would be cruel to do so. Honesty is always worth whatever it costs. Our sincere hope is that all victims will reach out. We will not in any way be inclined to blame them. We are anxious to help in every way. We have a growing list of therapist recommendations, and many offers to help in any way possible.
We are going ahead with very definite plans for further Mandatory Reporting and MinistrySafe type training for all our staff. We are anxious to do everything possible to help prevent, detect and properly handle any future incidents.
I hope this helps clarify. Thank you for your patience and prayers—we know our Father in heaven sees all things and we can trust Him to help us keep steady in our place and lead us through this difficult time.
Doyle S [Smith]
Notification by Robert Eberhardt
Overseer of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana
Dear LA, MS and AL Elders and Friends,
This is to acknowledge the report of the misconduct of Dean Bruer, a worker/overseer, now deceased, from OR, of whom you may be hearing about. The immoral conduct, that isn't to be named even once amongst the saints, how much less of servants, is condemned. For those who are hurt by these actions, beginning with the victims, we pray that they may find the support needed from being believed and comforted in knowing that this is not tolerated amongst us.
In the aftermath of this, my thoughts go back to the time that Dean last visited in LA. If there's anyone who had any unwelcome encounters with him at that time, I was not made aware of it. I'm keenly aware of the need to encourage everyone amongst us to be free to report to the appropriate authorities anything, such as Child Sexual Abuse, or misconduct of servant or saint.
We on the LA, MS and AL staff of workers participate in an educational resource called Ministry Safe, which instructs us to be aware of Child Sexual Abuse and how to conduct oneself and ministry to be safe.
On behalf of those of us in the ministry I offer thanks for your support and trust, and pledge to not betray that.
Your brother,
[Robert Eberhardt]
Notification by Jerome Frandle
Overseer of Kentucky and Tennessee
April 15, 2023
Dear Friends and Fellow workers in Kentucky & Tennessee,
We have received word that Dean Bruer, a worker in Northwestern US, who died last fall had been living a double immoral life. There is substantial evidence that this is true. Also another man who was in this ministry and having a place of oversight, has been accused of abusing children. Needless to say, we are shocked by all this and have a heavy heart for the victims.
Our prayer is that the victims will continue to seek the Lord in their distress and experience His healing and comfort that He alone can give.
Wo are saddened that such horrible things have occurred among our people, that men who have been held in such high esteem and trust have turned out to be like those we hear of in the world, from time to time, without the fear of God, whose horrible deeds have been brought to light
To add to this, on Friday this week, a father told us of his daughter, when a girl of being abused by the son of a man who was attending our meetings. This information just surfaced recently. Since that time, these horrible incidences have plagued her and been so distressing, to say the least. When we received this word, Darin Jensen and I reported the information to the police in the county of occurrence.
We encourage all to report to the authorities (police in the county of occurrence) anyone whose behavior is inappropriate with children; family, neighbor, Worker, friend, etc. Or phone the CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE KY 877-597-2331 or TN 877-237-OCXM. The Workers in the ministry are responsible to notify the authorities as we are mandated reporters.
The Workers in Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan. Ohio, West Virginia, Florida and other states have taken the Child Sexual Abuse Training with Ministry Safe, based at Ft. Worth Texas 6001 River Oaks Ft. Worth Texas 76114. Some states have taken their training every two years for the last ten years. Other states have this source of instruction. We have found this organization to be most helpful.
Though we are aware that we are limited, we will standby and support in any way we can, those who have suffered such humiliation and hurt through abuse, who seek help of the Lord and professional help if needed.
We are glad we can look to the Lord Jesus for comfort, who is pure, holy and undefiled. Also to those among us who are true, upholding the life of Jesus by word, example love and all purity.
Our Lord and those who follow Him, suffer reproach, because of the corrupt actions of individuals.
Your brother
[Signed by Jerome Frandle]
Notification by Glenn Gasser
Overseer of Wisconsin
Dear Wisconsin Friends & Workers, (please do not forward)
It was very special to be in North & South Dakota for the sp mtg rounds there the past several weeks. I finished in Sioux Falls Sunday afternoon & joined our rounds in the Milwaukee area Monday afternoon. We had a very special workers mtg there this morning. If you wanted, you could get a feel for the tone of it by looking at the hymns that 3 different workers chose there: 339, 236 & 405. It's always encouraging to hear the humble prayers & purposes of our coworkers and see their dedication to their calling.
It was extra meaningful to be together, as we all (& very many others) are hurting after learning Dean Bruer (a worker in OR who died last summer) had been living an immoral double life before his death. We are sooo sorry about that & feel especially for his victims! The friends in the areas where he worked have been notified. Any others who have been a victim of abuse or inappropriate behavior have been encouraged to reach out for support & to seek professional help if needed.
Some have expressed concern if there is anything being done to try to prevent such things from happening here. The workers here have kept current on continuing education regarding recognizing & preventing child sexual abuse. Workers are encouraged to report any CSA directly to law enforcement for investigation (Friends can do that too). Workers have been encouraged to speak up if they witness or experience inappropriate behavior towards them or others, no matter who it is (Friends can do that too).
The recent events have borne out the value of/need for that approach. Though the workers know these things we did have a helpful informal meeting this afternoon regarding these matters & other ways the ministry can be kept safe and honorable. The staff seems very on board & united in this. We are so sorry & ashamed that some among us have betrayed the trust of others, but that is reality.
Likely the apostles were very shocked & ashamed when Judas' secret sin came to light. His sin didn't mean they were all dishonest, but likely they bore some reproach because of it. Though they weren't perfect, the 11 & others proved to be true men & God used them to help accomplish his purpose through the book of Acts.
I'm thankful that the many workers who were in our home from my youth & those I've worked closely with through the years have been true men & women and have been a great help and encouragement to me. They have pointed us to Jesus, the one perfect one who will never disappoint.
Your brother,
Glenn [Gasser]
Notification by Wayne Bechtol & Brian Getz
Workers in Washington, N. Idaho and Alaska
Please share with your field including the letter from Doyle that is attached.
Dear WA, N ID and AK friends,
We are very sorry and apologize to you for delaying in sharing information regarding Dean Bruer's unacceptable secret life. We understand the hurt and pain many of you have felt, receiving the news from other sources. We are including his letter again as an attachment, so that you are receiving it directly from us, and so you will understand that we have nothing to hide. We plan to be quicker in sharing news in the future, though we know we can never beat social media.
We want to be transparent and accountable, and for you to feel free to communicate with us. Many of you have been very helpful to us already. Thank you for your prayers and caring advice/help/patience to us and with us. One thing we want to make very clear, is that if anyone has felt uncomfortable with any of the workers you've been around (including us), we want you to feel at liberty to share that with us, or other workers or friends that you trust. Also, if anyone is a victim of abuse from a worker, elder or anyone connected to our fellowship…the police should be contacted, as this is a legal issue. We don't want to have a culture among our fellowship that is conducive for predators to work within.
It was discovered a while after Dean died that he had accessed a porn site while he was at the Motel where he died. At Boring #2, a lady went to Doyle and spoke of a relationship she had with Dean for 2 or 3 years that included physical sex. A 2nd lady victim surfaced in October. After extensive therapy that covered quite a while, there were accusations of child molestation. After Doyle's letter was communicated, a 3rd lady victim surfaced, and again there was talk of child molestation when she was quite young.
As far as is known, all the issues took place in the MT and OR areas, so Doyle is the one that initiated communication, along with Scott. The web sites and internet picked it up from Doyle's communication. Since Dean was dead, Doyle asked people to remain confidential until he and Scott were finished communicating in-person. There was never the thought that it would be hid or confidential after last Thursday. Communication was not in response to an investigator or the internet. The internet and emails were much quicker than phone calls and visits. A more accurate account of the timeline will be sent out later once it can be compiled.
Another thing that has recently surfaced is from a friends' group discussion meeting last night in the N Seattle field. At one point in the meeting a lady spoke up. She told of personally talking to a now adult woman, who had interaction at the age of 11 with Mark Huddle. This woman said that Mark invited her to sit on his lap while he read stories to her, in a way which she felt was awkward and inappropriate. We do not have all the facts, and want to be slow to jump to conclusions, but we don't want to hide what is open and circulating either. Mark is aware of the accusation against him and feels it best that we write and send this email.
So... the future...
All the workers on our staff will take a "Ministry Safe" course. Moses took council from his father- in-law about learning to delegate. He was likely not professing, but it was good council, and he took it. It seems like we need all the help we can get from multiple sources. Other steps will also be taken as they become clear.
People should feel safe and be safe... sisters, friends, and children.
Isaiah 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon his throne, high and lifted up. There is a Lord high and lifted up, and He is the one that is safe to keep our focus on.
With much care,
Your brothers,
Brian [Getz] and Wayne [Bechtol]
Mark Huddle's Explanation to Friends
(No official Overseer's Notification letter to Washington/Alaska/ N. Idaho)
March 2023
I am very, very sorry about all of this…
As far as I know, none of this was known until after Dean died last summer. When he died, none of the other OR workers had a copy of the new OR workers list Dean was working on, and that soon needed to come out. When Doyle was able to access his computer, he was very surprised to find that Dean had been looking at inappropriate material, all adults as far as we know at this point. Doyle didn't know more until one sister came to him at Boring #2 about herself and Dean. She wasn't ready for any communication to others at that point, and since Dean was dead, consideration was given to her. As far as I know, other things have only surfaced very recently. It's Doyle that has initiated communication… and the web sites and internet have picked it up from him.
As far as any of us know, all the issues took place in the MT & OR areas. This is why Doyle and Scott chose to contact all the workers and all the friends in those areas. Doyle's plan was to try to contact with all the people there in person or maybe by phone. Since we don't know of Dean having any of these issues in our area [Washington], we haven't been as assertive with our communication… and he is dead. Little by little, though, more and more communication with friends is taking place.
One doesn't want to communicate too little, nor too much. The balance is very difficult to find. We want to be honest, but we don't want to only focus on the negatives, especially in areas outside of our own. Jesus had the perfect balance of communicating about problems without causing loss of confidence in the kingdom. His focus though, was the positive.
Some of what is on the internet is true. You have likely seen Doyle's email. If this involves more than 6-8 people at this point, we are unaware of it…but that is still very sad. I'm not sure if the "message" from the police department is legitimate but we will likely know Monday.
In the process of a few days, all the brothers on the West Coast, including our area, will be taking the "Ministry Safe" program or something similar to it. It's some practical advice on being appropriate for ministers. A number of the sisters also want to take the program. This is the same program that most, if not all, of the Midwest and Eastern brothers in both the USA and Canada have taken. Moses took council from his father-in-law about learning to delegate. He was likely not professing, but it was good council, and he took it. I think this is a good idea for all of us in the ministry.
When Jesus was crucified and had laid in the grave for 3 days there wasn't a thing any doctor or man in any age could have done to even partially restore him, but God was able to give him life and power as great or greater than he had before. With God nothing is impossible. We do believe in the blood of Christ. Jesus believed enough in what his blood could accomplish that he made the great sacrifice to make it available. I wish Dean could have risen above this. The opportunity was there. Maybe something happened at the last that I don't know about?
All of us brothers need to walk farther from the fence. We need to consistently live a long way from the chasm. It can happen. It has to happen.
The safe one to focus on is Jesus, not on any man, worker or saint or anyone else.
Mark [Huddle]
Notification by Dan Lawty & Sean Apodaca
Overseer of Alaska
Dear Elders, including all Friends in the Anchorage/Mat-Su area,
Sean and I and all of us workers in Alaska received some tragic news on Thursday afternoon (March 23) about Dean Bruer. Dean was among us in Alaska from his coming to Juneau in the mid 1970's, spent his first five years in the ministry here, then five more years (1997-2002), and then was a trusted overseeing worker in Montana/Wyoming and Oregon/S. Idaho until his death in June 2022.
I'm sorry and apologize to you for delaying getting this news of Dean's dark/unacceptable secret life to each of you. In hindsight, I should have sent a memo to each of you that day. Attached is the letter (from Doyle Smith current OR/S ID overseeing worker) that tells what we heard on Thursday.
I want to be transparent and accountable here with a welcome to you to communicate. Many of you have been very helpful to me already, and thank you for your caring advice/help/patience to/with me. One thing we want to make very clear, is that if anyone has felt uncomfortable with any of the workers you've been around (including me/us), we want you to feel at liberty to share that with us or other workers or friends that you trust. Also, if anyone is a victim of abuse from a worker or an elder or anyone connected to our fellowship…the police should be contacted, as this is a legal issue. We don't want to have a culture among our fellowship that is conducive for predators to work within.
Jesus said there would be wolves in sheep's clothing, so unfortunately we can't always trust everyone in our fellowship…but we're very thankful that we can always trust the Spirit of God and the words of Jesus.
We realize that much communication has been ongoing since these details of Dean have been made known. One matter I'll mention that has been found to be inaccurate, is a Memo outlined in a red border titled, "In reference to the Dean Bruer case" from the Clackamas Co Sheriff's Dept. I'll copy/paste what Doyle Smith found out today from the Clackamas Co Sheriff:
There is a message, going around to many "In reference to the Dean Bruer case". A deputy at the Sheriff's office has confirmed there is a case number, but "since the man is dead" there is NO active investigation taking place at this time. They are referring people who call to me, and no one has called me yet.
Please pardon us if this isn't including all of what could or maybe should be said here, but please feel free to be in touch, now, or anytime in the future.
Your brothers in Christ
Sean [Apodaca] and Dan [Lawty]
Notification by Darryl Doland (replaced Mark Huddle)
Overseer of Washington/Alaska/N. Idaho
April 2023
Dear WA/N ID/AK workers, elders & friends,
During these difficult weeks I've been keenly aware of your prayers & support. Words cannot express how meaningful your help has been during this time. Thanks so much!
First, I want to personally apologize for the times I have 'tuned out' the muted cry of a wounded, frightened person and left their plea for help unheeded. I am saddened and deeply sorry to know that my responses (or lack thereof) have hindered justice and/or healing in some way. I hope you will forgive me for this.
Along with our collective staff, I understand that many things must be different going forward. Even though many steps are still not defined, the following are a few of the things we are committed to:
1) We are going to ask everyone on our staff and the elders to take training courses regarding CSA (Child Sexual Abuse). We will not become investigators, counselors, etc., but we will educate ourselves, which is crucial for raising our awareness and safety levels. One of the courses we will take is called Ministry Safe ( ). There is also a robust and free course (both General and Clergy segments) available from California ( ). We also encourage each of you to sign up for one of these programs.
2) We are preparing a website to share important resources and guidelines regarding CSA. The site will contain information for workers, elders, parents, and children. Our goal is for all of us to do our part to keep each other safe. The information will be updated as new resources become available. We will also list several options for people who wish to report an incident of CSA or other types of abuse. I will send you a link to the site when it becomes active in the next little while.
3) Going forward, we will have a zero-tolerance policy regarding CSA. If we are made aware of CSA violations involving a victim who is presently a minor, we will report it to authorities immediately, in compliance with the law. If an adult confides in us about a personal CSA incident that occurred in their youth, we will urge them to consult professionals who can help them proceed in an advisable manner. We will support all who need support, and if the abuser is a present danger, will report this to authorities as mandated by the law.
Trust doesn't come from demanding it, but by earning it. We've broken trust and we realize rebuilding that trust will be a process. We know you need more than a list of promises from us. You need to see proof that we care deeply for the most vulnerable people among us and that we will do all we can to protect them. You need to be assured that we will not shame or condemn victims…ever. You need evidence that we are being motivated and kept by divine love. These things are not too much to ask. This is what we want as well.
Likely there Is a lot that this letter doesn't say that it should say. Hopefully you will feel free to contact me or any of the other workers with your concerns. Undoubtedly, part of our present trouble is the result of us not listening enough, or not listening with a full understanding. We want to hear from you and NEED to hear from you.
We have a great opportunity ahead of us, but it won't come from quickly dismissing the reality of where we are today. We are at an important crossroads and only through genuine confession, humility and repentance will we make the right turn. We've got a lot of work in front of us, but I'm convinced by God's grace our best days are ahead.
With care and appreciation in Christ,
Darryl [Doland]
Notification by Jim Holt
Overseer of Delaware, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia & North Carolina
Dear Staff and elders,
Elders, please share this with any in your meeting that you would know that are distressed about these things.
Many of you have heard about the sad and distressful situation that arose in the Northwest about Dean Bruer. Dean passed away a few months ago, but evidence has come to light that he was living an immoral deceitful life.
We are thankful that the NW workers who are responsible for dealing with the matter are actively doing so, and seeking to be helpful as they can.
Some here are wondering what we are doing in our area to seek to prevent that from happening here.
Several years ago some of the older brothers here in the eastern states attended some seminars and then held "safety meetings" with the different staffs. The purpose of this was to help us be aware of the dangers of sexual abuse against children or adults, and our responsibilities of reporting such to the authorities.
We also learned about things pertaining to boundaries and safe behavior.
We also want adults to feel free to talk to us if they are a victim of sexual abuse by a worker or one of the friends. We feel it is important for these things to be dwelt with.
I continue to require our staff to take an on-line "Ministry Safe" course every two years or so. My last certificate is dated June 18, 2021, so I plan to soon take the course again.
One verse that has often been a help to me is what Jesus told Peter in John 21:22, "Follow thou Me". Another verse I am thankful for is: 2 Timothy 2:19, "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
I want you to know that if there are any of you that would like to talk with me I am willing to do so. Some may wish to talk with a worker on the staff that you are more acquainted with. Our preference is for a face to face meeting, but we would accept a phone call as second best.
Your brother,
Jim Holt
Hodgie Holgersen, arrested in VA
for CSA
Dear Friends,
We are sorry for the sorrow and distress this will likely cause but feel it is necessary to share with you. One of the Virginia friends, Hodgie Holgersen, was recently arrested and charged with taking indecent liberties with a child. He is currently out on bail awaiting trial, and by court order is not permitted to attend any of our meetings.
We were also recently contacted by an advocate for a woman who reported having been molested by Hodgie years ago in another state when she was a child. They were aware of Hodgie's recent arrest and were concerned that he might still be in meetings with children. We want to make it clear that, regardless of legal requirements, there will be no future arrangement for Hodgie to be in meetings without conferring with ALL of our friends in the area where he would attend.
It is strongly recommended by health care professionals that anyone charged with a sexual crime within a group or community be openly identified for the sake of children within that group. Pending Hodgie's trial, our purpose in sending this letter is to prioritize the welfare of our brothers and sisters, and especially the children among us, and to encourage open communication about such things.
Sharing this prior to a verdict is not something we find easy to do, especially when we consider our own need for God's mercy. However, we have learned that cases involving child sexual abuse must be handled differently. The effects on children who experience sexual abuse are devastating and long-lasting. We have come to understand that failure to communicate openly about things like this can cause ongoing trauma for past victims. It can also make victims feel fearful about reporting their experiences.
We trust that everyone will understand that we do not encourage a hateful spirit toward Hodgie. Our hope and belief are that honesty before God and the cleansing blood of Jesus will enable us all to stand before God and be accepted in the day of judgment. When we witness someone facing severe consequences in this life, we're moved to seek the Lord's help to save us all from the eternal consequences of sin.
With care,
The VA/MD/DE/NC Workers
TTT Note: Hodgie has been allowed to attend meetings up until his recent arrest on March 24, 2023 – recorded as "aggravated sexual battery" toward a child under the age of 13, and "indecent liberties" with a child under the age of 15. These offenses occurred in October of 2022. Currently known locations of abuse are Virginia and Hawaii.
From: Jim Holt
Date: Tue. May 9, 2023, 8:35 PM
Subject: Robert Flippo
Dear friends,
We are sorry to send this note, but feel we should let you know there are allegations against Robert Flippo of inappropriate conduct with women. Even though some things happened many years ago, it has now been deemed best that he not be active in the work.
Additionally, as a reminder, if you have been a victim of abuse, you can visit or call their hotline at 800. 656.HOPE for information on reporting to authorities and for support services. Also feel free to reach out to us if you need additional support.
With care,
The VA/MD/DE/NC Staff
TTT NOTE: Robert Flippo has been laboring in Maryland in 2023. In previous years, he has been in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina. He also spent time as the overseer of Georgia. Other allegations are being investigated.
Notification by Greg Harger 
Overseer of Michigan, Ohio & West Virginia
May 2023
I will send a note to keep you abreast of things in Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia as we continue to integrate. Please allow those in your meeting to read this also.
The special meetings in the three states went well and seemed to be an encouragement to all. We were glad for our visitors who took time away from their fields to come and be with us. It does seem now that the three states are working together, with some shifting of dates they could be conducted concurrently. We will begin considering options of how that might work.
I have enclosed information regarding preparations for the 2023 annual meetings. A copy can be given to each family. This information includes starting dates and workdays. Thanks ahead of time for all your help in every way.
We continue to endeavor to make meeting places safe. We encourage all to behave appropriately at all times, in an effort to not make others uncomfortable. The workers continue to take and renew online training regarding abuse. Some have taken additional training. We have discussed in staff meetings, including most recently in Orrville, OH, how to minimize risks. We are not trained investigators, and encourage people to go directly to the authorities to report abuse. We can supply resources of who to contact if needed. We continue to minimize risks regarding youth attending preparations. Those that would be interested in attending should contact the workers. Luke 18 has been in my thoughts. I hope we never lose faith in continuing to take our cares to our Father. It is His family, not an organization.
Wishing you the very best in every way. As always feel free to be in contact as needed. Thank you.
Greg Harger
Notification by Ray Hoffman
Overseer of Pennsylvania, New York, New England, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & N. Delaware
From: Ray Hoffman ‹rayjh76@icloud cam
Date: April 25, 2023 at 11:51.55 AM EDT
Subject: CSA info
Dear Friends,
Recent events have made us more aware of our need to continue learning how to properly respond to any report of child sexual abuse. We are sad to think that a lack of awareness in the past may have caused more hurt or prevented healing for victims We value the trust among us as we seek to follow Christ and want to do our part to foster a safe environment for all.
Abuse of any kind has no place in God's family and any incident of child sexual abuse is a crime. If you reasonably suspect that a child or juvenile is being sexually abused, please report it to the authorities. Reports can be made to local police or by calling an abuse hotline such as 800-656-HOPE
When we hear about another person's sin, we may desire to not expose it. But in the case of child sexual abuse, not reporting is against the law, prevents victims from getting the help they need, and allows perpetrators to continue their devastating behavior. A perpetrator of child sexual abuse is not easily identifiable by personality, and will generally offend repeatedly given the opportunity. Therefore, it is crucial to report suspected child sexual abuse.
To help prevent and detect child sexual abuse, we continue to require each member of our staff to complete the MinistrySafe Awareness Training every two years. This course is very helpful and is available for anyone to take.
We encourage you to be educated on these topics. It is highly recommended that parents read the summary of information found in this link and watch the Parent Training video by MinistrySafe (which is currently free during National Child Abuse Prevention Month). If you are an adult who was a victim of abuse, the RAINN.orq online chat or phone hotline can connect you with support services in your area.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any one of us.
Thank you,
The PA/NY/NEng Workers
Notification by Titus Lehman
Overseer of Colorado
Dear Friends in Colorado, Utah and Eastern Nevada
I have been thinking and praying for our friends and workers in Colorado, Utah and Nevada. I hope you are keeping your faith in the Lord. I have been comforted knowing that the Lord sees and knows all.
Jim Chafee and I are glad to be having meetings in the North Utah field. Domenic is on Special meetings in MO/AR. We are glad for some new ones that want to come and learn more about the bible and our friends that keep wanting to learn more about Jesus. It is still our desire to follow Jesus and to try to get others to do the same. We are glad we can still try to follow his example in the ministry. Thanks for helping us to make that possible.
I think several of you are aware of some things that happened in Oregon/Idaho last year. We have been made aware recently that Dean Bruer, who was in the ministry in Oregon and South Idaho until he died last year, was living a very immoral, dishonest, double life. We are very sorry about that and feel especially for his victims! The friends in the areas where he worked have been notified. Any others who have been a victim of abuse or inappropriate behavior have been encouraged to reach out for support & to seek professional help if needed. I don't think he ever worked in Colorado/Utah or visited here but of course with travel and friends moving around some of you would know of him or heard him speak in a meeting.
We are sorry for the trust that has been betrayed. A few people have asked what we can do to help prevent this from happening in the future. The workers in CO/UT have been doing some abuse awareness training for several years. All the staff are up to date on continuing education regarding recognizing & helping to prevent child sexual abuse. Workers are encouraged to report any CSA directly to law enforcement for investigation. (Friends can do that too) Workers have been encouraged to speak up if they witness or experience inappropriate behavior towards them or others, no matter who it is (Friends can do that too). I think we can help each other be accountable but also trust each other.
It was a sad day in the New Testament when Judas, who was among the 12 apostles, betrayed Jesus. This act did not make all of them bad. We just read recently in our studies that they all forsook him and fled. Yet those same 11 arose and turned again to Jesus and were kept by him to fulfill his will. I do like what someone pointed out that Peter knew right away when Ananias and Sapphirah were dishonest. Please pray that the Lord will give us more of the Spirit that would help us to be more aware when things are right and when they are wrong.
Your Brother
Titus [Lehman]
Notification by Kelvin Naef
Overseer of Georgia, South Carolina & Florida
We felt it appropriate to send this word to you regarding some allegations that have arisen regarding an overseer, Dean Bruer, in the northwestern part of the country. As some of you may have heard by now, there are allegations against him involving serious immoral behavior that came to light after his unexpected death last summer, and only in recent days has been brought to our attention here. It seems that this matter has been investigated and is being handled appropriately by those now responsible in the states in which he worked. We write this to confirm that the rumors circulating about him seem to have validity, to express our sympathy to the victims there, and to open a door of communication to any in our states here that wish to speak more about it with us personally.
We would also like you to understand that we have been proactive here in trying to prevent these issues. In recent years, as a precaution, all of the workers on our staff have taken the Ministrysafe course at least once (and many of us more than once). This course offers guidance on what is appropriate and inappropriate in our interactions with others, especially among our youth. We also see clearly the wisdom of the Lord in planning that we in this ministry work together in pairs as there is safety in this for both workers and saints.
I have appreciated Paul's own testimony in I Thess. 2:10. "Ye are our witnesses, and God also, how holily, and justly, and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:" We are sobered with the thought that we are living in the sight of God and before the Lord's people, and are open to examination by both. I trust that all on our staff have this desire & purpose to conduct ourselves accordingly among you. We do love each of you and don't want to be a disappointment to you in any way.
Several have written us with words of encouragement and support at this difficult time and we greatly appreciate that! Thanks as well for your prayers for those affected and for all of us secking to keep ourselves upright in the Lord's work.
'Thank you for not forwarding this letter to others.
Your brother,
Kelvin Naef & the GA/SC/FL staff
Letter possibly by Rob Newman for CA et al workers
Overseer of California, Arizona, Nevada, Pacific Islands
Please do not forward this letter. We would prefer that this letter not be directly shared with others to avoid needlessly harming anyone through indiscretion.
Recently Doyle Smith and Scott Rauscher shared some very unfortunate and difficult information with us. We feel it imperative that we share this information with you in an effort to be transparent. We want you to be aware of this situation in Oregon and Montana so that when it comes up in conversation you will know these facts that have come to light in recent days. I would have rather visited each of you in person but time does not allow.
We stand with our brethren in these matters. Considering how serious and shocking these facts are, we should be aware that this may deeply affect some of our friends. It would be good if we can be ready with His help to answer and comfort our friends who are trying to understand how this could have happened, and to point them to the One who has the answers.
We should also mention the following:
• Programs such as the "California Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training" will help us to understand, recognize, and prevent such problems.
• I will send an email to the elders in your fields shortly. They may wish to visit with you. If it makes it easier, they may call me or one of the older brothers on our staff.
• We need to be discrete so as not to hurt anyone involved or affected, while in no way allowing any inappropriate behavior to go unreported.
• If you learn of any victims, it is important to do your utmost to keep their identities private for their personal protection.
Doyle very helpfully concluded his letter with the following paragraph:
We sang recently, "All through the storm I see thy face beaming with love and with saving grace." Our desperate prayer for you all, especially anyone that has been hurt, is that G. will show Himself very strong. In Mark 4, the disciples found themselves in the worst storm of their life which caused a lot of distress. But at the conclusion of the storm there was a greater appreciation than ever for the miracle capacity Jesus had to deliver perfect peace despite storms. Our hearts desperately ache for the disappointment and sense of betrayal this will bring to countless hearts and again especially for the pain inflicted to victims. We pray the miracle somehow, someway, someday, will be as great as it was in Mark 4 for all.
Keep close to God dear friends. There is an immense capacity in the hand of God to help us. Thank you for all the prayers we know this will generate!
Letter No. 2 by Rob Newman, Overseer of California
April 27, 2023
Dear Workers, Elders and Friends
The attached is the first document we mentioned we would be sending to everyone This will give a foundation of awareness about the critical issue of child sexual abuse (CSA). We must protect our children, who are precious to God and represent the future. Education, awareness, preparation and honest conversations give the best protection against CSA, and the greatest hope of discovering it early. We need the help of ALL being aware- children parents, grandparents, workers, all. This will also help prepare our children to face the world we live in today, where CSA continues to increase.
We are very grateful for professionals among our friends who have helped with the writing and verification of this document. Without basic and thorough awareness of CSA, any Child Safe policy would not have the necessary foundation. Increased education and understanding will help alleviate fear and replace it with informed awareness. We want to avoid constant suspicion and missing fellowship in meetings which fail to address the real problem while greatly hindering healthy spiritual life.
The next document will be a Child Safe policy to explain things we will be doing going forward to help provide a safe environment among us and in our gatherings, as well as guidance for reporting concerns before they become CSA incidents.
We are deeply sorry for the pain and loss of trust that these issues have caused among us. But going forward, we are encouraged that things can and will be different. Certainly CSA among the ministry will not be tolerated- God has called His servants to be pure and trustworthy. The betrayal of this trust by some has understandably been very damaging but we who continue want to be true to His trust.
CSA happens wherever there are people- it is impossible to guarantee in any context that it won't happen again- but we can certainly be much better prepared going forward to both minimize the likelihood and discover and stop it earlier.
Thank you again for your care and prayers as we continue onward. Elders please be sure to distribute this message and attached document by email or hard copy to everyone of responsible age in your meeting. If you need help with this please feel free to contact me.
Your brother,
Rob [Newman]
Attached: Child Sexual Abuse Information and Resources
Letter No. 3 by Rob Newman, Overseer of California
Removal of John VanDenBerg from the work
April 2023
Dear fellow workers, elders, and friends,
Our prayers are that God will help us make the right decisions as we go forward. We realize that his hand is active. This gives us hope. We are looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming conventions.
We are saddened that it has become necessary for us to ask John VanDenBerg to step aside from the ministry. Recently we have received several credible allegations of unacceptable sexual behavior, including a complaint of inappropriate touching of a minor, which has been reported to the authorities. We want to make sure that all victims and their families feel free to come forward so we can support them in every way possible — they will not be blamed. and their identities will be kept confidential. We also want to confirm again, that sexual abuse in the ministry and the betrayal of trust it represents, will not be tolerated.
These things bring sorrow and concern to our heart, and we think especially of those who are victims. In recent times, when more of these kinds of errors have been brought to light and dealt with, we are left with the feeling that God has brought about a special season of cleansing. and change going forward. In our grief, we are comforted to know that His hand is working a greater work for the good of everyone involved. Once again, we are reminded His name is a holy name, not to be profaned, and this causes us all to deeply search our own heart.
2 Timothy 2:19 'Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." We are thankful for the perfect foundation in Jesus. and the comfort of knowing our Father is working in these events and that He is well able to help, heal. and preserve every soul who comes to Him with a humble, contrite heart.
Thanks for your support and input. Elders, please communicate this letter to each family or individual in your meeting soon, in an appropriate way.
Your brother,
Rob [Newman]
Notification by Leroy Sandford
Overseer of ND/SD
Greetings, Will share what came from an older brother this morning:
Dear Brothers,
This sad note needs to be written to verify something that most of you would likely have heard already. Dean Bruer has been accused of living an immoral double life, and there seems to be ample evidence to support these claims. We are sorry for all who have been or will be affected by his behavior. And we are writing so you have somewhat to answer those who might be communicateing with you from your areas. There doesn't seem to be any need to go into more detail beyond this. [he later apologized for/redacted this last sentence]
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
We grieve. We trust that Our lord will give comfort as we gather tomorrow…
Your brother,
[Leroy Sandford]
March 30, 2023
Please accept my apologies for not deleting: "There doesn't seem to be any need to go into more detail beyond this" in my recent email.
Our sister workers in Northeast ND shared the following with their field yesterday. With their permission it's going to our Dakota friends. To our Northeast ND friends it's redundant, but I believe that you'll be glad to know that others are receiving it? It addresses many things that we need to be aware of – especially how to be safe to avoid terrible things happening in the future…
We continue to mourn, but are comforted by the God of all comfort…
Your brother,
LeRoy Sandford left the work - NOT CSA
Dear Dakota Friends,
It's with a heavy heart that I write this letter of apology to you because I've broken your trust. I'm very sorry…
Around twenty years ago I was in an inappropriate relationship with a sister worker. This past Saturday evening she shared the experience with a group of our friends where she labors in Minnesota.
Yesterday I came to my brother's and informed our Dakota Staff about my failure, communicating with most personally before sending them an email.
My hope was to communicate with ones among you that would feel this most keenly, before sending a letter of apology to all of you.
Dorothy Kleeb (the sister) communicated with the Minnesota staff last evening, also. Her apology has already been posted on the internet, which makes it imperative that this be sent immediately. We were in communication in the days leading up to this.
This is the final part of the letter to staff:
"I am the brother. I'm very sorry. Much of the above is the echo of my heart. Life in this ministry has been rich. It's difficult to imagine life not in this ministry because of the love our Lord puts in our hearts for our fellow laborers, for His people and for seeking souls.
Workers are my very best friends.
This feels like an awful dream, but I know that the Lord sees everything, and there are possibilities of usefulness where ever we find ourselves.
I intend to spend time with my family until the future becomes clear. I came to Phil and Karen's today.
Lyle Schober has ticketing to arrive in Minnesota on Tuesday. He's to arrive at Hunter Thursday by suppertime, and is to guide the Workers' Meeting on Friday.
The temporary plan is that you communicate with Perry and Paul concerning arrangements in the Dakotas.
Regretfully, but with love in Christ,
Notification by BethArlene Pierce
North Dakota - Northeast Field
Dear Northeast ND field,
Phyllis, Brinna and I returned to the field on Tuesday. We are anxious to get started with gospel meetings, but we do not have clear direction yet, of where that should be.
In light of the recent news about the misconduct of Dean Bruer, we wish we could be everywhere, with all of you. Not that we can do anything, but this is a shared grief and betrayal for all of us, and we all need reassurance and comfort and help. Everyone will be affected differently based on their own personal experiences in life. While we all share some of the same feelings of betrayal and hurt, others will be more deeply distressed if it comes close to other heartaches.
We know that Dean has close ties with ND, and that adds another layer of hurt and betrayal for those who trusted and loved him as a family member and friend. All feelings are valid, and all feelings will come up as we try to process this. Please feel free to call us or let us know that you need a visit if that would be helpful to you. Or talk to other people you trust, or even seek professional help if you feel it would be a benefit.
It seems so unbelievable! There seems to be plenty of evidence that his misconduct is real, and very serious. Dean was not behaving as just a weak human with normal desires, but as a sexual predator, expert at manipulating and keeping things hidden. Both adult and under-age victims have come forward. Of course, all of us wonder HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? And now, what can we do so that it does not happen again or continue to happen. How it was hidden and how it was committed seems baffling to us, because normal people do not think the same as someone with these deviant desires.
We want to encourage you, If you are ever feeling harassed or intimidated by ANYONE, EVER, please tell someone. Be careful of anyone who asks you to keep secrets, or promotes the idea that inappropriate behavior on their part is your fault. As much as we want to think the best of people, we have to acknowledge that there are skilled and sneaky predators in the world. If you see something, say something.
We all feel betrayed because we trusted him. From our understanding, the first victims came forward after Dean had already died. Most of the workers on the ND/SD staff have only known about this since Friday or Saturday last week. None of us are experts at dealing with this, and we are trying to manage our own feelings as well as help others. We are doing our best to communicate openly and handle it wisely. We are feeling our way, praying and seeking help from God, as you all are.
This experience shakes us deeply. I have found comfort in these reassurances to my own heart:
Dean is dead. He is in the hands of an all knowing God. We do not need to personally condemn or excuse him. The judge of all the world will do right.
"God is faithful to his chosen, in his dealings every day. Both in judgement and in mercy, all along the pilgrim way."
A childlike spirit is still right and safe. With God, it is safe to trust. I don't have to fortify myself against this. I need to cling to the One who is 100% true.
This gives Satan opportunity to attack us when we are shaken and vulnerable. But anything that is an opportunity for Satan is also an opportunity for God to help us get our feet more firmly on solid ground, and prove to us He is trustworthy and strong. We can come out of this spiritually enriched if we seek God's help.
Please pray for us and we will for you.
Stay in God's care,
Phyllis [Williams], Brinna [Richtsmeir], and BethArlene [Pierce]
Letters by Scott Rauscher, Overseer of Montant & Wyoming
Braydon Dutton removed from MT work
Message from Scott Rauscher April 14, 2023
Braydon D. is now with his folks here in Billings. He will take time out of the work. We are deeply grieved that these necessary steps are being taken. Braydon will need to remain out of the work at this time. We are encouraging him to get needed counseling […]
Robert Corfield removed from work
Ronan, MT
May 17, 2023
Dear Montana & Wyoming Friends & Workers
As difficult as this is, I must write this letter to you all with the following information that I have recently received.
I was informed that our brother, Robert Corfield, sexually abused minor boys while in the work in Canada prior to coming to Montana. Allegations were brought forward in 1990's before he was sent to Montana and Robert has admitted the abuse.
After Robert arrived in Montana, he underwent counselling and completed a therapy program for his pedophilia.
It is possible there may be additional victims. If you have been a victim, please reach out to law enforcement in your local jurisdiction and / or someone you trust as soon as possible.
Robert has been removed from the work and meetings.
Respectfully yours
Scott R. [Rauscher]
Letter No. 1 by Lyle Schober and Westin Price
Overseer of Texas/New Mexico
March 28, 2023
Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that we share with you the disheartening news concerning our coworker, Dean Bruer. He has been accused of living an immoral double life, and there seems to be ample evidence to support these claims. Dean has never labored in our state, but he was a member of our ministry, therefore his error affects each of us in this ministry. In our current generation of social media, we are sure that most of you are already aware of this issue.
The integrity of our ministry is called into question when one amongst us betrays the holy trust shown to us by our friends. Our purpose as Christians and as messengers sent with the gospel, is to manifest our belief by our life and behavior among all people.
One part of the armor of God is to have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. This indicates that the influence of our life testifies of the peace we have because of the gospel we have accepted. It is meant to be a living sermon of invitation to others who are searching for peace. When a messenger of the gospel betrays that testimony, the repercussions are felt throughout the fellowship.
It is with reverent godly fear that we apologize for this misconduct. We hope and pray to be worthy of the trust you have shown to us in the ministry.
We believe in boundaries. The Lord promised us a hundred-fold of homes, family, and children. However, it is with the awareness that these things are given to us for the gospel's sake. What we receive is given to us because of the message we carry, and we carry that message with professional responsibility.
We purpose to maintain professional boundaries while in your homes and with your children. We ask that you help us with this. Please teach your children cues for avoiding questionable behavior. Children do not have the maturity to understand the complexity of human behavior, but they can be taught simple cues for safety.
For example:
1. Do not be alone in a bedroom with an adult other than a parent or assigned caretaker
2. How to appropriately embrace an adult
3. Topics of conversation that are inappropriate.
It grieves our heart to have to say these things, but if we work together, we can facilitate a safe environment that will promote a spiritual fellowship that edifies faith.
As members of this ministry, we want to assure you of how much we love and care for you. We are heartbroken by the disgrace of human failure, but our faith in the Lord's ministry is unchanged. This is the ministry that our Lord established in the earth. Human failure can compromise its testimony, but it cannot undermine its validity. Judas Iscariot was also a part of this ministry, but in the wake of his betrayal the Holy Spirit still impelled this same ministry forward.
We want to assure you that we will do what we can to assist those who are victims of this abuse. We encourage you to visit with the workers in your field or with us if you have concerns or questions. We will be confidential in-as-much as we can. It is our legal responsibility in the case of underage victims to report abuse to the proper authorities. We understand that this is a very difficult journey for everyone. We remind all that by bringing to light this horrible behavior, we may be saving others from being victims of the same abuse.
As workers in Texas and New Mexico we have taken, and continue to take, instruction from a course recognized by the state of Texas regarding proper boundaries with minors. We have also asked our staff to read the book "Boundaries." We are also looking into other materials about the eradication of abuse and steps that can be taken to defend from and detect inappropriate behavior.
We are reminded of the statement of Paul in 2 Timothy 2:19 "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
Your brothers in Christ,
Lyle Schober and Westin Price
Letter No. 2 by Lyle Schober, Overseer of Texas/New Mexico
Dear Texas and New Mexico friends and workers,
It seems clear that there needs to be some communication from us about what is happening in our quest for transparency in the process for protecting the vulnerable among our fellowship. We have taken this challenge seriously and feel we are on the road that leads to safety. Where this road will lead us is a bit uncertain at this time and it will require patience from all of us, but maybe by sharing our most recent endeavors, we can keep you abreast of our efforts.
The workers in New Mexico and Texas will meet together in Round Rock May 11-13. These three days we have sessions planned that will incorporate professionals from varying fields of expertise presenting information on a variety of topics, including but not limited to Sexual Abuse and CSA (Child Sexual Abuse). We are also researching ways to make our ministry more effective and open to the challenges of our generation. We are facing difficult challenges, but we believe that this pursuit, which is under the direction of the Spirit, is a step in the process of assuring our best days are still ahead. Please feel free to ask us about the content of our time together after we return to the fields following our workshop.
The Ministry Safe program has been approved by the State of Texas to train individuals to increase awareness of child sexual abuse. It helps everyone working with children to recognize grooming behaviors that abusers use to gain access to a child, how the abuser gains trust of the child, the irrational thinking, the behavior of a child suffering, and what action must be taken to stop abuse.
We have made an ambitious effort to assure that all our workers are certified with the MinistrySafe program. We have also made a point of getting the elders and their wives enrolled and certified in this program. One of our friends in Texas is helping us with this project. We encourage any parents and concerned individuals to take this course at . Anyone who needs help using the Ministry Safe website may communicate with Karen via email at Additional information concerning resources that are available to victims, public education on sexual abuse, and public policy on SA/CSA are available at the RAINN website at There is also a 24/7 National Hotline to report abuse or to seek counseling services at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).
We are comforted by the fact that several other states have become aware of this need and are adopting practices that promote safe places for fellowship. We believe if we all work together, we can provide a safe environment for everyone, especially our children. We want to make sure we don't miss any red flags to assure their safety. We welcome any concerns that any may have.
Your servants for Christ's sake,
Lyle Schober
Carl Hamilton
Rich Raschke
Vaughn Ellingson
Westin Price
(edresses redacted)
Letter No. 3 Lyle Schober, Overseer of Texas
To our Friends in the Texas/New Mexico Fields,
As communicated previously, the Texas/New Mexico staff came together on May 11-13, 2023 for the specific purpose to raise our awareness of SA/CSA and the danger it presents, to equip ourselves with appropriate practices that prevent and/or address problems when they arise, and, above all, to reinforce a professional standard of behavior that reflects the testimony of our Lord and Savior. The workshop was conducted by several of our friends and each presented on a topic within the scope of their professional expertise. Even though we are not a formal organization their expertise is applicable to our fellowship. The topics covered were:
- Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse (SA/CSA)
- Laws and regulations requiring reporting of SA/CSA
- Agencies authorized and mandated to investigate reports of SA/CSA
- Psychological and physiological responses to, and impacts from, SA/CSA
- Recognizing Red Flags Behaviors associated with sexual predators
- Education regarding the signs of victims of abuse and trauma
- Awareness of National and State resources available for education, reporting, and treatment
- Professionalism: Boundaries and Standards of Conduct
- Types of boundaries including: physical, personal, emotional, sexual, time, and monetary
- Considerations for managing conflicts and building stronger communications within organizations
- Consideration of dynamics of power and communication including: abuse of power, how to respond/report, and best practices for preventing and/or mitigating impacts within organizations
- Consideration of cultural differences/boundaries including social, gender, societal, geographical and generational
- Technology: Smartphones/Social Media – Balance and Boundaries
- Productivity with technology
- Becoming aware of the "distraction to destruction" threat of technology
- Leadership Versus Management: Understanding the Difference
The workshop process provided valuable information that has, and will continue to, provide great benefit to us. The information presented and the related discussions in all the topic areas will prove extremely beneficial in assisting us as we strive to serve. The workshop resulted in better informed and educated participants on many topics, but especially those related to CSA/SA awareness, prevention, and response. The workers agreed that the outcome of the workshop was not only educational but also allowed for identification of best practices for the ministry. Our discussions also resulted in the intentional empowerment of all workers, young and old, male and female, to have open lines of communication and self-advocacy. We all agreed that there was clear evidence of the presence and leading of the Spirit throughout our workshop.
As a result of the workshop, the plan of the TX/NM Staff is to implement the following actions:
- Develop and share a policy on identification and response to CSA/SA – in review
- Develop and share procedures for identification of Red Flag Behaviors and how they are reported to a 3rd party professional organization for investigation – in development
- Finalize the agreed upon internal guidelines for conduct for TX/NM Staff
We acknowledge that some of these goals will take time to complete. We are dedicated to timely establishment of guidelines/policies for effective implementation of best practices in these areas. To honor our purpose, we acknowledge that this process is an ongoing effort which must allow for continuous updating and improvement.
We are including some SA/CSA resources for your information. We encourage you to review the information we have included. The raising of awareness enables the safest environment possible. When we know better, we can do better.
The workshop was a highly informative and deeply emotional process. Each day taxed our mental and emotional limits. We understand that a three-day seminar will not allow us to resolve all the issues facing us, but we feel assured that we are pointed in the right direction. We have already seen, even in these three days, that all workers felt the freedom to engage in open dialogue. A few of the thoughts that were shared during our days together:
- "This is something I wish we could have done years ago."
- "I really wish that we would have had this when I started in the work."
- "I am glad to see the transition here into everyone being able to express themselves."
- "It is clear that God is refining his ministry."
- "This has been the icing on the cake of all my days in the ministry."
After our days together, we are comforted and assured again by what Paul wrote to Timothy, Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his (II Tim. 2:19).
The Texas/New Mexico Staff
Read: 6-page attachment on
Texas/New Mexico workers workshop May 11-13, 2023
Notification by Jeff Thayer
Overseer of Minnesota and Iowa
Good Morning,
Aunika and I arrived in WI yesterday and this morning we have a workers' meeting. Jeff [Thayer] has asked us to send the following the news we received yesterday regarding Dean Bruer.
With Care and Love,
Melissa [Chardeen] and Aunika [Schraw]
Begin forwarded message from Jeff Thayer:
Dear friends,
It is with a deep sadness that we send this note today regarding Dean Bruer. Some of you would have this word by now and we apologize for our delay in sending word. It's been difficult to know what to do or say but we feel we should be in touch with you all.
Many of you would know Dean Bruer because he grew up in Minnesota. Since his death, very disappointing evidence has arisen to verify that Dean was living an immoral, double life. This has already affected many and will likely have long term effects. Dean was a sexual predator and his victims include adults and minors. This is a very serious crime and we are very, very sorry. Please find attached the letter written by the workers in Oregon.
This is devastating, hurtful, and disappointing. It's taken us a while to process it because we are all reeling since hearing about it. We want to be transparent and open. We also want to encourage everyone to keep close to God and protect your faith. Proverbs 16.33 says, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." None of us could have known that Dean had this problem. However, it is so and we all must face it. It is "in our lap." The disposing of this difficult and sad experience will be of the Lord and we want to wait on him and trust him to guide us through it.
We are available to help in any way we can.
With care and love,
The Minnesota/Iowa workers
Minnesota Crisis Hotline 866-223-1111
Iowa Abuse Hotline 800-362-2178
May 10, 2013?
Dear friends in Minnesota and Iowa,
We are collectively sorry for lapses in communication in the past. We are working together to correct this. We are sorry for the confusion and uncertainty you have felt.
Around 15 years ago there was an allegation against Jeff Thayer regarding a relationship with an adult woman. Some of the concern is with how it was handled. Monday Jeff returned early from his Orient tour because of this issue. He is stepping aside from the work and will be going to his brother's home in another state. We want to assure you the case is not closed. We will keep you posted as this develops.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to any worker you feel comfortable with to answer questions or share concerns.
Shari Stamps and John Simons are available as a resource for the S. Minneapolis field.
Shari Stamps (651) 304-0610 stamps.shari©
John Simons (701) 330-2910 johnsi02©
With sincere care,
The IA/MN staff
Notification by Craig Winquist
Overseer of Arkansas, Missouri & Oklahoma
Dear Friends,
It is with heavy hearts we share news about a former worker Dean Bruer who has been accused of living a double life. There is substantial evidence that this is true which all has come to light since his passing. He never labored in our area but because he was a part of the (sic) this ministry it affects us all. I realize that many of you through different sources are already aware of this. We want you to know that this hurts us all.
We realize that we have a holy trust and this breach of confidence grieves us all. We want to live worthy of the trust you place in us and expect of us. So we apologize to you all that this has happened.
We know that you deserve to feel safe about our presence in your homes and around your children. In our area Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri we have our workers take instruction from MinistrySafe which teaches us to recognize unsafe tendencies and situations.
It grieves our heart to have to say these things, but if we work together, we can facilitate a safe environment that will promote a spiritual fellowship that edifies faith.
As members of this ministry, we want to assure you of how much we love and care for you. We are heartbroken by the disgrace of human failure, but our faith in the Lord's ministry is unchanged. This is the ministry that our Lord established in the earth. Human failure can compromise its testimony, but it cannot undermine its validity. Judas Iscariot was also a part of this ministry, but in the wake of his betrayal the Holy Spirit still impelled this same ministry forward.
We want to assure you that we will do what we can to assist those who are victims of this abuse. We encourage you to first make sure that child abuse has been reported to the proper authorities. You can call the Oklahoma Abuse Hotline 1-800-522-3511 or ; Arkansas Abuse Hotline 1-800-482-5964, Missouri Abuse Hotline 1-800-392-3738.
Please feel free to visit with the workers in your field or with us or person you trust if you have concerns or questions. We will be confidential in-as-much as we can. It is also our legal responsibility in the case of underage victims to report abuse to the proper authorities. We understand that this is a very difficult journey for everyone. We remind all that by bringing to light this horrible behavior, we may be saving others from being victims of the same abuse.
A website devoted to provide victims of abuse a place to find the resources to help them is
A brother,
Craig Winquist
Notification letter by Merlin Affleck
Overseer of British Columbia, Canada
Dear Elders,
Feel free to share the following message with discretion with any of the folks in your church.
This sad note needs to be written to verify something that most of you would likely already have heard. Dean Bruer has been accused of living an immoral double life and ample evidence has surfaced since his death to support these claims. We feel betrayed and are sorry for all who have been or will be affected by his behavior.
"Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
Merlin [Affleck]
Notification Letter by Jim Atcheson
Overseer of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and NW Ontario
April 29, 2023
Dear fellow workers and friends
We've felt the need to write you, but haven't known what to write.
It is a few weeks since we delivered to the workers, the very painful message that there had been another side to the life of Dean Bruer that none of us knew anything about. It wasn't until some time after his passing that anything concerning his moral life was brought to light.
We've had to bring you yet another grievous message, this one concerning Mark
Huddle and his inappropriate behaviour with children on a number of occasions. As soon as Mark was approached with the allegations he stepped down from looking after the oversight in Washington. When more details became evident, he stepped down from his place in the work, which of course was the appropriate thing to do.
Now, two more situations burden us deeply. John VanDenBerg from the California staff and John Mastin from Washington have been asked to step down from the work because of crimes against children.
I would say there was no connection between these situations, apart from the fact that these men, by times let their human nature rule, rather than the Spirit of God.
Our great concern is for the victims in each case and we want to offer them understanding, support and care. Of course we have great pain in our own hearts when we consider these situations and we beg that each of you would let these horrible experiences draw you nearer to God. May our own desperation make each of us diligent in seeking God's help and comfort for our own needs & the needs of all in this situation. An experience such as this can urge us to pray for more Godly love and a growing faith.
We recognize the necessity of being transparent in such matters and so we feel the need of sharing these details with you. Our own staff of workers have all taken the Ministry Safe course and this gives us a little awareness of what might be warning signs. It makes us acquainted with our responsibilities if we become aware of such a situation and it also teaches us what to do, to live safely.
We are asking our Sunday morning meeting elders to relay this letter to you and we want you to feel comfortable in approaching them & their wives or approaching the workers you know best, if you have concerns. Please let us know if you'd like to take the Ministry Safe course, as it is available to all.
Your brother in Him,
Jim Atcheson
Notification Letter by Michael Hassett
Overseer of Alberta, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory and NE British Columbia, Canada
March 2023
Dear Friends in AB, YT, NWT and NE BC
I have often thought about writing a general letter to you all since news of Dean Bruer's tragic situation first broke a couple of weeks ago, but I hardly have known what to write. I just feel so sad as you no doubt do. I still don't know what to write, but perhaps I'll make an attempt at putting something together today.
These are my thoughts......
A line of a hymn comes to mind several times every day...'Art thou pained to see the kingdom suffer loss?' I'm pained when I think of those women that Dean hurt so badly. I'm pained when I think of how much he has complicated their lives and how much they will suffer for it through the years. I pray that God can help them heal and move on again. And, I hope that you are praying for them also.
I'm pained when I think of Dean, a man who appeared to be so useful and so faithful for so many years and then let something awful into his heart that destroyed him and hurt so many others. This pain is scary for me because like many of you who will be reading this letter, I am in the same age group that Dean was in. I pray desperately that God would help me to keep my heart pure until the journey's end. I pray that he will keep you also.
I'm pained when I think of Mark [Huddle] who has now been accused of acting improperly. I'm so glad that he quickly, humbly stepped back.
I'm pained when I think of my good friends who have been disappointed by workers who should have been examples to them. I pray that God will keep you all through this storm just as he has kept all of us through the past storms of life. I want to reassure you that we will do everything possible to make sure this does not happen again.
I'm pained when I think of all those wonderful, Godly workers in areas where Dean has worked, who are now suffering for his actions.
I'm pained for people who get some sad satisfaction out of spreading evil things that they find on social media and I ask, why aren't they pained to see the kingdom suffer loss? May God have mercy on them. Our study of Prov 16 has some very good food for thought in verses 20 and 27.
I'm thankful when I remember that 'there is nothing new under the sun', as Solomon wrote. Jesus chose 12 disciples and one of them made a horrible error. With tens of thousands of friends and workers in the world today, it is inevitable that some will make a terrible mistake.
I'm thankful when I receive message after message from friends encouraging me and wanting me to know that they are praying for us workers and support us in these difficult days.
I'm thankful to know that most of our friends in our area are just patiently continuing. God knows His own and is taking care of His own.
I'm thankful when I remember that this too shall pass and when it does, I want to make very sure that I am still on the right side.
I'm thankful that when I pray, God brings peace into my distressed heart and I'm so grateful to remember Jesus' promise that He would give us His peace....His peace, not as the world gives peace.
I'm thankful when I remember that God is still on the throne and has everything under HIS control. This is HIS kingdom and HE will not let it come to harm. It has stood through many a storm over the centuries and it will come out stronger and purified again like it has before.
I'm thankful when I remember that 'This world my home could never be, for Christ is coming back for me'.
May God help us all to "Pray for the peace of the city" and to pray that God would send his Son again to take us to be with him.
A Brother,
Michael Hasset
[Overseer of Alberta, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory and NE British Columbia]
Overseers' Notification Letter No. 1 re Mark Huddle - WA, N ID & AK
March 2023
Dear WA, N ID, and AK friends and workers,
Many of you would be aware that this week some allegations of inappropriate behavior against Mark Huddle have arisen and of course we are all very saddened to hear of this. However, in the interest of a thorough, appropriate response we very much want to make sure that any and all allegations that come forward are sensitively, fully and properly addressed.
As a result of this recent development, Mark has already stepped down from the oversight of the work in WA, N ID and AK so these allegations can be addressed. We feel it is appropriate for Darryl [Doland], Wayne [Bechtol] and Brian [Getz] to work together as a team to guide the work there for the time being. If these three brothers need information from previous planning, they will be able to reach out to Mark. They are also welcomed to reach out to any of the surrounding overseers at any time they would consider it advantageous and helpful.
We are suggesting this team of brothers guide things there until we are past this initial crisis and it becomes more apparent what should be done in the long term. Darryl is travelling back to Washington as we write, and three of us will be traveling to Washington on Monday to visit with these three brothers and to make any other important visits that may be helpful.
The recent events have certainly brought sorrow and concern, but we do know that God has led His people through many tragedies and the kingdom has been strengthened in the end. We hope that all of you will work together with our three brothers as they and we all seek to work together with His leading and grace. As we pass through these difficult times, may we all keep centered on Jesus and not allow ourselves to become centered on any one problem, situation or person. Only with the Lord in the center can any of us do right and find the blessing of God that will more than match any storm that comes our way (Mark 6.36-41). God's great love for the souls of His people, His servants and the world is what gives us complete hope as we pass through this storm.
Sincerely in His care and keeping,
Dale S, Jim A, Merlin A, Mike H, Rob N, Scott R, Doyle S
[Canada Overseers: Dale Shultz, Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck, Mike Hassett,
US Overseers: Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith]
Three Washington Workers: Darryl Doland, Wayne Bechtol, Brian Getz
Canadian Overseers:
Dale Schultz- Eastern Canada
Jim Atcheson- Manitoba/SK
Merlin Affleck- British Columbia
Mike Hassett- Alberta
United States Overseers:
Rob Newman- California/Arizona/Nevada/Pacific Islands
Scott Rauscher- Montana/Wyoming
Doyle Smith- Oregon/S. Idaho
Three Washington Workers:
Darryl Doland
Wayne Bechtol
Brian Getz
Overseers Notification Letter No. 2 re Mark Huddle
Dear elders and friends in WA, N ID, AK,
Since Monday we have been gathering information with regard to the allegations against Mark Huddle. During this discovery process, sexual abuse incidents from seven different women have been brought to our attention, three of which involved children under the age of 12. We also visited with Mark in person, with Steve Peirson present. At this time we are not aware of any victims that are currently minors, but we regret to say that five of the seven incidents involved minors when they occurred. All things considered, the allegations against Mark are credible and serious.
The emotional and spiritual harm upon these victims has had a lasting negative effect. Although some people may think these actions (i.e. sexual touching through clothing) were not serious, the reality is that they have a very harmful effect upon young children and are considered by law to be a grave crime.
After gathering information about the allegations and communicating with all accessible, affected individuals, we consulted with CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) professionals for their advice. We brothers agree with their conclusion that Mark should not continue in the work. Mark has readily agreed to receive therapeutic help.
Let's support all victims by respectfully listening without blaming. We fully intend to support the needs of the victims in every way we can and encourage others to feel free to come forward and report concerns. As all of the victims mentioned above are now adults, we respect their wishes regarding whether or not to report these incidents to authorities. Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of victims is of utmost importance.
We will be communicating more about these and other situations which pose safety risks to the community. We are learning from these experiences and are committed to increased safety. In the near future we will send communication regarding specific CSA issues, mandated reporter training and other necessary changes going forward.
We all grieve with the reality of this troubling situation, yet we know that God is still on the throne and we find solace in Psalm 61:2, "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I." We very much feel the hand of God working in recent events, leading us to be forthright about these issues, in the same way the apostle Paul did in 1Corinthians 5. God will help all who look to Him and His Son to go forward spiritually stronger and healthier.
This experience shakes
Your brothers,
Dale Shultz, Merlin Affleck, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith, Darryl Doland
Mark Huddle Explanation to Friends
Notification Letter with CSA Information & Resources to Quebec-Atlantic friends
April 2023 (presumably issued by Overseer Ray Hoffman)
Dear Friends,
Recent events have made us more aware of our need to continue learning how to properly respond to any report of child sexual abuse. We are sad to think that a lack of awareness in the past may have caused more hurt or prevented healing for victims. We value the trust among us as we seek to follow Christ and want to do our part to foster a safe environment for all.
Abuse of any kind has no place in God's family and any incident of child sexual abuse is a crime. If you reasonably suspect that a child or juvenile is being sexually abused, please report it to the authorities. Reports can be made to local police or by calling an abuse hotline such as 800-656-HOPE.
When we hear about another person's sin. we may desire to not expose it. But in the case of child sexual abuse, not reporting is against the law. prevents victims from getting the help they need, and allows perpetrators to continue their devastating behavior. A perpetrator of child sexual abuse is not easily identifiable by personality, and will generally offend repeatedly given the opportunity. Therefore, it is crucial to report suspected child sexual abuse.
To help prevent and detect child sexual abuse, we continue to require each member of our staff to complete the MinistrySafe Awareness Training every two years. This course is very helpful and is available for anyone to take.
We encourage you to be educated on these topics. It is highly recommended that parents read the summary of information found in this link and watch the Parent Training video by MinistrySafe (which is currently free during National Child Abuse Prevention Month). If you are an adult who was a victim of abuse, the online chat or phone hotline can connect you with support services in your area.
If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to any one of us.
Thank you,
The Quebec/Atlantic Province Workers
[Presumably by Overseer Ray Hoffman]
View CSA Information and Resources included with this letter offsite at
Notification by Merlin Affleck, Overseer of BC, re Walter Burkinshaw and Aaron Farough
March 6, 2021
Dear fellow workers.
Please share a copy of this letter with each elder in your field.
It is important to be open, honest, and transparent regarding the recent occurrences of negative impact that have evolved in the past while. Please ask the elders not to make copies of this letter or forward it digitally but if anyone comes to them with concerns they can discuss it verbally. To avoid speculation these matters to which we refer pertain to the actions of Walter and Aaron only. In disseminating this information, strive to use the language as it is written herein. While each have a right to know the facts, discretion must be exercised as these matters are now under investigation by the appropriate legal authorities and we all have a legal obligation not to interfere with the process. The following Information can be shared.
- Allegations against Walter [Burkinshaw] involving children are being investigated by the appropriate legal authorities and he is willingly cooperating.
- Allegations against Aaron [Farough] concerning the viewing of child pornography are in the hands of legal authorities.
- Both men have been removed from the Worker's Lists and will not be involved in any Gospel work.
- Walter resides in a private senior home in Wainwright, Alberta.
- Aaron is working as an electrician and resides with his parents in FSJ
- The law provides excellent provisions to ensure the safety of all children.
Moving Forward
- All BC Staff are enrolled in a Sexual Abuse Awareness Education course.
- The BC Staff will be educated and understand the contents of BC Child Protection laws.
- All workers in BC will be provided with the Worker's Code of Conduct, and will read it, understand it, and adhere to it fully and completely. This policy will be reviewed annually.
- All workers will be issued a copy of the Child Safe Policy.
- Any victims will be encouraged to seek help from the appropriate Provincial authorities.
- All BC staff will report any suspected child abuse to the appropriate authorities.
We appreciate your understanding and help in this matter and as further factual information comes to bear; we will update our lines of communication.
Sincerely, Paul [Chiu] & Merlin [Affleck]
Local Queensland, Australia Workers forwarding Overseer Alex Mitchell's Letter re CSA
To our dear friends,
The following section of this email comes from Alex Mitchell to share with you all.
We hope this finds you well in your God given place, because we know that when we choose to stay in our place with His help, then we can be useful in His Kingdom…
Please read the following words carefully and prayerfully, ensuring that everyone in your meeting can share in it please.
Your brothers,
A few things should be mentioned at this time. Things have happened that have shaken us and brought distress, but it all serves to remind us that our hope and confidence are in the Lord and such distresses should help our hope and confidence to become more deeply rooted in the Lord. Psalm 118:9 & 10, "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man, It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes."
We are also reminded of the need to take heed to ourselves. 1Timothy 4:16, "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them; for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." This is written in (sic) to a servant of God, but many times in the Old Testament the whole congregation was exhorted to take heed to themselves.
The best way to help your neighbour with his garden is to tend to your own garden. Near the end of last year, all the QLD workers were advised to revise the CSA training program. We would like to remind everyone that if there are any concerns regarding sexual abuse, it needs to be taken to the appropriate authorities for the safety of our young ones, as we are not qualified to handle such matters. We cannot act on hearsay, without a proper investigation. Some of us hope to do some planning etc. in Adelaide next week and we will appreciate your prayers.
[Alex Mitchell, Overseer of Queensland, Australia]
Comparison of Overseers' Concerns for Victims and the Kingdom
from Notification Letters about Dean Bruer and Mark Huddle
in North America
(in alphabetical order by location)
Updated 8/4/23
FIRST USA NOTIFICATION re Dean Bruer, March 23, 2023:
Doyle Smith, Overseer of Oregon & S. Idaho
Victims: His [Dean Bruer's] actions include rape and abuse of underage victims. He totally abused his authority as an overseer in order to control, manipulate and threaten his victims…Overwhelmingly, our greatest concern in all of this is the victims, known and unknown. We do hope and pray this message somehow reaches the ears of every unknown victim if there are more. We feel very anxious to assure them that we are anxious to do everything possible to be a support. We understand that people like this are dangerously equipped to twist what has happened in such a way that the victim feels it's their fault, and thereby the predator's criminal behavior is hidden from others. We assure you, there is no possibility anyone will lay blame. except at the feet of the ONE very wrong man who has caused your pain. We are sorry! We hope you will have courage to reach out to any of us, or anyone that you feel you can talk to. We understand your need for privacy as well as support working through this, and we all intend to respect that… Some of us very much regret that we didn't somehow discover his actions and prevent more pain.
Doyle's Clarification: We are all responsible to avoid spreading unverified, untrue or dramatic information that thereby makes it more traumatic, difficult or frightening for any still-unknown victims to come forward and get the help they need and deserve…Since the perpetrator is deceased, we were advised by a professional trauma counsellor to be careful first of all for the needs of the victims. Obviously, no one else is more important in all of this than the victims. Mandatory reporters are required to immediately report sexual abuse that involves minors but must respect the wishes of abuse victims who are now adults with regards to when and if their abuse is reported. We have no known victims that are presently minors. Sadly, it has come to light just this month that 3 known victims were minors when he abused them in years past.
Our disclosure timing was thus victim-sensitive and victim-led, respecting the fact our known victims were in a ''process to uncover." It was very clear to counsellors and to us, the victims would have been very traumatized by an earlier disclosure. Just prior to sending out our letter last week, the victims did agree to disclosure, but with considerable trepidation. It was a help knowing that the perpetrator was deceased and thankfully not in a position to hurt anyone ever again.
Contrary to Internet speculation the disclosure was not forced by legal authorities nor anyone else. We didn't have any conversation of this kind with a legal authority, or anyone else. The disclosure was 100% voluntary—a serious attempt to be transparent about what happened for the sake of all victims. We understand under such egregious circumstances, the reality is that there could be more victims. We would never consider covering up something like this at the expense of leaving known and unknown victims lost in their very difficult circumstance, desperately needing help. It would be cruel to do so. Honesty is always worth whatever it costs. Our sincere hope is that all victims will reach out. We will not in any way be inclined to blame them. We are anxious to help in every way. We have a growing list of therapist recommendations, and many offers to help in any way possible.
Kingdom: We sang recently, "All through the storm I see thy face beaming with love and with saving grace." Our desperate prayer for you all, especially anyone that has been hurt, is that G. will show Himself very strong. In Mark 4, the disciples found themselves in the worst storm of their life which caused a lot of distress. But at the conclusion of the storm there was a greater appreciation than ever for the miracle capacity Jesus had to deliver perfect peace despite storms. Our hearts desperately ache for the disappointment and sense of betrayal this will bring to countless hearts and again especially for the pain inflicted to victims. We pray the miracle somehow, someway, someday, will be as great as it was in Mark 4 for all. Keep close to God dear friends. There is an immense capacity in the hand of God to help us. Thank you for all the prayers we know this will generate!
Dan Lawty – Alaska
Attached Doyle Smiths initial letter containing more details.
Victims: One thing we want to make very clear, is that if anyone has felt uncomfortable with any of the workers you've been around (including me/us), we want you to feel at liberty to share that with us or other workers or friends that you trust. Also, if anyone is a victim of abuse from a worker or an elder or anyone connected to our fellowship…the police should be contacted, as this is a legal issue. We don't want to have a culture among our fellowship that is conducive for predators to work within.
Kingdom: Jesus said there would be wolves in sheep's clothing, so unfortunately we can't always trust everyone in our fellowship…but we're very thankful that we can always trust the Spirit of God and the words of Jesus
Craig Winquist – Arkansas, Missouri & Oklahoma
Victims: We want to assure you that we will do what we can to assist those who are victims of this abuse. We encourage you to first make sure that child abuse has been reported to the proper authorities. You can call the Oklahoma Abuse Hotline 1-800-522-3511 or ; Arkansas Abuse Hotline 1-800-482-5964, Missouri Abuse Hotline 1-800-392-3738. A website devoted to provide victims of abuse a place to find the resources to help them is
Please feel free to visit with the workers in your field or with us or person you trust if you have concerns or questions. We will be confidential in-as-much as we can. It is also our legal responsibility in the case of underage victims to report abuse to the proper authorities. We understand that this is a very difficult journey for everyone. We remind all that by bringing to light this horrible behavior, we may be saving others from being victims of the same abuse.
Kingdom: As members of this ministry, we want to assure you of how much we love and care for you. We are heartbroken by the disgrace of human failure, but our faith in the Lord's ministry is unchanged. This is the ministry that our Lord established in the earth. Human failure can compromise its testimony, but it cannot undermine its validity.
Judas Iscariot was also a part of this ministry, but in the wake of his betrayal the Holy Spirit still impelled this same ministry forward.
Rob Newman – California, Arizona, Nevada & Pacific Islands
Victims: We need to be discrete so as not to hurt anyone involved or affected, while in no way allowing any inappropriate behavior to go unreported. If you learn of any victims, it is important to do your utmost to keep their identities private for their personal protection.
Kingdom: We sang recently, "All through the storm I see thy face beaming with love and with saving grace." Our desperate prayer for you all, especially anyone that has been hurt, is that G. will show Himself very strong. In Mark 4, the disciples found themselves in the worst storm of their life which caused a lot of distress. But at the conclusion of the storm there was a greater appreciation than ever for the miracle capacity Jesus had to deliver perfect peace despite storms. Our hearts desperately ache for the disappointment and sense of betrayal this will bring to countless hearts and again
especially for the pain inflicted to victims. We pray the miracle somehow, someway, someday, will be as great as it was in Mark 4 for all. Keep close to God dear friends. There is an immense capacity in the hand of God to help us.
Titus Lehman – Colorado & Utah
Victims: We are very sorry about that and feel especially for his [Dean Bruer's] victims! The friends in the areas where he [Dean Bruer] worked have been notified. Any others who have been a victim of abuse or inappropriate behavior have been encouraged to reach out for support & to seek professional help if needed…Workers are encouraged to report any CSA directly to law enforcement for investigation. (Friends can do that too) Workers have been encouraged to speak up if they witness or experience inappropriate behavior towards them or others, no matter who it is (Friends can do that too). I think we can help each other be accountable but also trust each other.
Kingdom: It was a sad day in the New Testament when Judas, who was among the 12 apostles, betrayed Jesus. This act did not make all of them bad. We just read recently in our studies that they all forsook him and fled. Yet those same 11 arose and turned again to Jesus and were kept by him to fulfill his will. I do like what someone pointed out that Peter knew right away when Ananias and Sapphira were dishonest. Please pray that the Lord will give us more of the Spirit that would help us to be more aware when things are right and when they are wrong.
Kelvin Naef – Georgia, Florida & South Carolina
Victims: We write this to confirm that the rumors circulating about him seem to have validity, to express our sympathy to the victims there, and to open a door of communication to any in our states here that wish to speak more about it with us personally.
Kingdom: We also see clearly the wisdom of the Lord in planning that we in this ministry work together in pairs as there is safety in this for both workers and saints…I have appreciated Paul's own testimony in I Thess. 2:10. "Ye are our witnesses, and God also, how holily, and justly, and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:" We are sobered with the thought that we are living in the sight of God and before the Lord's people, and are open to examination by both. I trust that all on our staff have this desire & purpose to conduct ourselves accordingly among you. We do love each of you and don't want to be a disappointment to you in any way.
Matt Jensen - Indiana & Illinois
Victims: Child abuse of any nature is a crime. Clergy are mandated reporters in the state of Illinois. Everyone is a mandated reporter in Indiana. It is against the law to not report, if there is a reasonable cause to suspect. Reporting can seem daunting, but the goal is that victims would get help as soon as possible. The other goal is that the behavior of the perpetrator would be stopped, and that they would also get professional help…We encourage you to take the MinistrySafe Awareness Training. We encourage parents to take the MinistrySafe Parent Training. We encourage you to understand your role in reporting abuse. I believe awareness will foster a safer environment for all, and will minimize the risk of this happening.
Kingdom: Nothing
Richard Gasser - Kansas & Nebraska
Victims: We are so very sorry about that & feel especially for his [Bruer's] victims! I believe The most friends in the areas where he worked have been notified. I know he was here in Nebraska for special meetings last spring, I sure hope there was nothing that happened while he was here. We heartily encourage any that have been a victim of abuse or inappropriate behavior been (sic) to reach out for support & to seek professional help if needed.
Kingdom: We are so very sorry & ashamed that some among us have betrayed the trust of others, but that is reality. Likely the apostles were very shocked & ashamed when Judas' secret sin came to light. His sin didn't mean they were all dishonest, but likely they bore some reproach because of it as well. Though they weren't perfect, the 11 & others proved to be true men & God used them to help accomplish his purpose through the book of Acts. I'm thankful that the many workers who were in our home from my youth & those I've worked closely with through the years have been true men & women and have been a great help and encouragement to me. They have pointed us to Jesus, the one perfect one who will never disappoint. With all the workers I have been with since learning this, there seems to be a renewed purpose to keep our lives above any reproach, and would hope to gain back the trust of our dear friends, that has been so carelessly broken by some.
Jerome Frandle – Kentucky & Tennessee
Victims: Also another man who was in this ministry and having a place of oversight [Mark Huddle, overseer of Washington, Alaska, N. Idaho], has been accused of abusing children. Needless to say, we are shocked by all this and have a heavy heart for the victims. Our prayer is that the victims will continue to seek the Lord in their distress and experience His healing and comfort that He alone can give. We are saddened that such horrible things have occurred among our people, that men who have been held in such high esteem and trust have turned out to be like those we hear of in the world, from time to time, without the fear of God, whose horrible deeds have been brought to light…Though we are aware that we are limited, we will standby and support in any way we can, those who have suffered such humiliation and hurt through abuse, who seek help of the Lord and professional help if needed.
To add to this, on Friday this week, a father told us of his daughter, when a girl of being abused by the son of a man who was attending our meetings. This information just surfaced recently. Since that time, these horrible incidences have plagued her and been so distressing, to say the least. When we received this word, Darin Jensen and I reported the information to the police in the county of occurrence.
Kingdom: We are glad we can look to the Lord Jesus for comfort, who is pure, holy and undefiled. Also to those among us who are true, upholding the life of Jesus by word, example love and all purity. Our Lord and those who follow Him, suffer reproach, because of the corrupt actions of individuals.
Robert Eberhardt - Louisiana, Mississippi & Alabama
Victims: For those who are hurt by these actions, beginning with the victims, we pray that they may find the support needed from being believed and comforted in knowing that this is not tolerated amongst us… I'm keenly aware of the need to encourage everyone amongst us to be free to report to the appropriate authorities anything, such as Child Sexual Abuse, or misconduct of servant or saint.
Kingdom: The immoral conduct, that isn't to be named even once amongst the saints, much less of servants, is condemned…On behalf of those of us in the ministry I offer thanks for your support and trust, and pledge to not betray that.
Greg Harger – Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia
Victims: Nothing
Kingdom: Nothing
Jeff Thayer – Minnesota & Iowa
Attached Doyle Smiths initial letter containing more details.
Victims: We are available to help in any way we can.
Kingdom: We also want to encourage everyone to keep close to God and protect your faith. Proverbs 16.33 says, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." None of us could have known that Dean had this problem. However, it is so and we all must face it. It is "in our lap." The disposing of this difficult and sad experience will be of the Lord and we want to wait on him and trust him to guide us through it.
Jim Holt – Delaware, Maryland, Virginia & North Carolina
Victims: We also want adults to feel free to talk to us if they are a victim of sexual abuse by a worker or one of the friends. We feel it is important for these things to be dwelt with…I want you to know that if there are any of you that would like to talk with me I am willing to do so. Some may wish to talk with a worker on the staff that you are more acquainted with. Our preference is for a face to face meeting, but we would accept a phone call as second best.
Kingdom: One verse that has often been a help to me is what Jesus told Peter in John 21:22, "Follow thou Me". Another verse I am thankful for is: 2 Timothy 2:19, "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
BethArlene Pierce – NE North Dakota
Victims & Friends: Please feel free to call us or let us know that you need a visit if that would be helpful to you. Or talk to other people you trust, or even seek professional help if you feel it would be a benefit…We want to encourage you, if you are ever feeling harassed or intimidated by ANYONE, EVER, please tell someone. Be careful of anyone who asks you to keep secrets, or promotes the idea that inappropriate behavior on their part is your fault. As much as we want to think the best of people, we have to acknowledge that there are skilled and sneaky predators in the world. If you see something, say something.
Kingdom: Dean is dead. He is in the hands of an all knowing God. We do not need to personally condemn or excuse him. The judge of all the world will do right…"God is faithful to his chosen, in his dealings every day. Both in judgement and in mercy, all along the pilgrim way." A childlike spirit is still right and safe. With God, it is safe to trust. I don't have to fortify myself against this. I need to cling to the One who is 100% true. This gives Satan opportunity to attack us when we are shaken and vulnerable. But anything that is an opportunity for Satan is also an opportunity for God to help us get our feet more firmly on solid ground, and prove to us He is trustworthy and strong. We can come out of this spiritually enriched if we seek God's help.
Leroy Sandford – North Dakota & South Dakota
Victims: We are sorry for all who have been or will be affected by his behavior.
Kingdom: "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." We grieve. We trust that Our Lord will give comfort as we gather tomorrow.
Lyle Schober – Texas & New Mexico
Victims: When a messenger of the gospel betrays that testimony, the repercussions are felt throughout the fellowship. It is with reverent godly fear that we apologize for this misconduct. We hope and pray to be worthy of the trust you have shown to us in the ministry… As members of this ministry, we want to assure you of how much we love and care for you…We want to assure you that we will do what we can to assist those who are victims of this abuse.
Kingdom: We are heartbroken by the disgrace of human failure, but our faith in the Lord's ministry is unchanged. This is the ministry that our Lord established in the earth. Human failure can compromise its testimony, but it cannot undermine its validity. Judas Iscariot was also a part of this ministry, but in the wake of his betrayal the Holy Spirit still impelled this same ministry forward…We are reminded of the statement of Paul in 2 Timothy 2:19 "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
NOTE: A second letter by Schober dated April 23, 2023 outlined future plans.
Glenn Gasser – Wisconsin
Victims: We are sooo sorry about that & feel especially for his victims! The friends in the areas where he [Dean Bruer] worked have been notified. Any others who have been a victim of abuse or inappropriate behavior have been encouraged to reach out for support & to seek professional help if needed…We are so sorry & ashamed that some among us have betrayed the trust of others, but that is reality.
Kingdom: Likely the apostles were very shocked & ashamed when
Judas' secret sin came to light. His sin didn't mean they were all dishonest, but likely they bore some reproach because of it. Though they weren't perfect, the 11 & others proved to be true men & God used them to help accomplish his purpose through the book of Acts…I'm thankful that the many workers who were in our home from my youth & those I've worked closely with through the years have been true men & women and have been a great help and encouragement to me. They have pointed us to Jesus, the one perfect one who will never disappoint.
Wayne Bechtol - Washington, N Idaho & Alaska
Attached Doyle Smiths initial letter containing more details.
Background: At Mark Huddle's request, Wayne Bechtol wrote a notification letter for this field:
Another thing that has recently surfaced is from a friends' group discussion meeting last night in the N Seattle field. At one point in the meeting a lady spoke up. She told of personally talking to a now adult woman, who had interaction at the age of 11 with Mark Huddle. This woman said that Mark invited her to sit on his lap while he read stories to her, in a way which she felt was awkward and inappropriate. We do not have all the facts, and want to be slow to jump to conclusions, but we don't want to hide what is open and circulating either. Mark is aware of the accusation against him and feels it best that we write and send this email.
Victims: We want to be transparent and accountable, and for you to feel free to communicate with us. Many of you have been very helpful to us already. Thank you for your prayers and caring advice/help/patience to us and with us. One thing we want to make very clear, is that if anyone has felt uncomfortable with any of the workers you've been around (including us), we want you to feel at liberty to share that with us, or other workers or friends that you trust. Also, if anyone is a victim of abuse from a worker, elder or anyone connected to our fellowship…the police should be contacted, as this is a legal issue. We don't want to have a culture among our fellowship that is conducive for predators to work within.
Kingdom: Moses took council from his father- in-law about learning to delegate. He was likely not professing, but it was good council, and he took it. It seems like we need all the help we can get from multiple sources. Other steps will also be taken as they become clear. People should feel safe and be safe... sisters, friends, and children. Isaiah 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon his throne, high and lifted up. There is a Lord high and lifted up, and He is the one that is safe to keep our focus on.
Mark Huddle letter to friend - Washington, Alaska & N. Idaho
No official letter by Mark Huddle as Overseer – Wayne Bechtol wrote one.
Victims: Since we don't know of Dean having any of these issues in our area, we haven't been as assertive with our communication...and he is dead. Little by little, though, more and more communication with friends is taking place…One doesn't want to communicate too little, nor too much. The balance is very difficult to find. We want to be honest, but we don't want to only focus on the negatives, especially in areas outside of our own. Jesus had the perfect balance of communicating about problems without causing loss of confidence in the kingdom. His focus though, was the positive.
Kingdom: Moses took council from his father-in-law about learning to delegate. He was likely not professing, but it was good council, and he took it. I think this is a good idea for all of us in the ministry…When Jesus was crucified and had laid in the grave for 3 days there wasn't a thing any doctor or man in any age could have done to even partially restore him, but God was able to give him life and power as great or greater than he had before. With God nothing is impossible. We do believe in the blood of Christ. Jesus believed enough in what his blood could accomplish that he made the great sacrifice to make it available…The safe one to focus on is Jesus, not on any man, worker or saint or anyone else.
Darryl Doland (replaced Mark Huddle) - Washington, Alaska & N. Idaho
Victims: First, I want to personally apologize for the times I have 'tuned out' the muted cry of a wounded, frightened person and left their plea for help unheeded. I am saddened and deeply sorry to know that my responses (or lack thereof) have hindered justice and/or healing in some way. I hope you will forgive me for this.
We are preparing a website to share important resources and guidelines regarding CSA. The site will contain information for workers, elders, parents, and children. Our goal is for all of us to do our part to keep each other safe. The information will be updated as new resources become available. We will also list several options for people who wish to report an incident of CSA or other types of abuse. I will send you a link to the site when it becomes active in the next little while.
Going forward, we will have a zero-tolerance policy regarding CSA. If we are made aware of CSA violations involving a victim who is presently a minor, we will report it to authorities immediately, in compliance with the law. If an adult confides in us about a personal CSA incident that occurred in their youth, we will urge them to consult professionals who can help them proceed in an advisable manner. We will support all who need support, and if the abuser is a present danger, will report this to authorities as mandated by the law.
Trust doesn't come from demanding it, but by earning it. We've broken trust and we realize rebuilding that trust will be a process. We know you need more than a list of promises from us. You need to see proof that we care deeply for the most vulnerable people among us and that we will do all we can to protect them. You need to be assured that we will not shame or condemn victims…ever. You need evidence that we are being motivated and kept by divine love. These things are not too much to ask. This is what we want as well.
Likely there Is a lot that this letter doesn't say that it should say. Hopefully you will feel free to contact me or any of the other workers with your concerns. Undoubtedly, part of our present trouble is the result of us not listening enough, or not listening with a full understanding. We want to hear from you and NEED to hear from you.
Kingdom: We have a great opportunity ahead of us, but it won't come from quickly dismissing the reality of where we are today. We are at an important crossroads and only through genuine confession, humility and repentance will we make the right turn. We've got a lot of work in front of us, but I'm convinced by God's grace our best days are ahead.
Northwestern Overseers Letter No. 1 re Mark Huddle
Signed by: Dale S, Jim A, Merlin A, Mike H, Rob N, Scott R, Doyle S
TO: elders and friends in WA, N ID, AK,
Victims: Many of you would be aware that this week some allegations of inappropriate behavior against Mark Huddle have arisen and of course we are all very saddened to hear of this. However, in the interest of a thorough, appropriate response we very much want to make sure that any and all allegations that come forward are sensitively, fully and properly addressed.
As a result of this recent development, Mark has already stepped down from the oversight of the work in WA, N ID and AK so these allegations can be addressed.
Kingdom: The recent events have certainly brought sorrow and concern, but we do know that God has led His people through many tragedies and the kingdom has been strengthened in the end. We hope that all of you will work together with our three brothers as they and we all seek to work together with His leading and grace. As we pass through these difficult times, may we all keep centered on Jesus and not allow ourselves to become centered on any one problem, situation or person. Only with the Lord in the center can any of us do right and find the blessing of God that will more than match any storm that comes our way (Mark 6.36-41). God's great love for the souls of His people, His servants and the world is what gives us complete hope as we pass through this storm.
Canadian Overseers: Dale Schultz- Eastern Canada; Jim Atcheson- Manitoba/SK; Merlin Affleck- British Columbia; Mike Hassett- Alberta;
United States Overseers: Rob Newman-California/Arizona/Nevada/Pacific Islands; Scott Rauscher- Montana/Wyoming; Doyle Smith- Oregon/S. Idaho
Three Washington Workers: Darryl Doland, Wayne Bechtol, Brian Getz
Northwestern American Overseers Letter No. 2 re Mark Huddle
Signed by: Dale Shultz, Merlin Affleck, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith, Darryl Doland
TO: WA, N ID and AK friends and workers
Victims: Since Monday we have been gathering information with regard to the allegations against Mark Huddle. During this discovery process, sexual abuse incidents from seven different women have been brought to our attention, three of which involved children under the age of 12. We also visited with Mark in person, with Steve Peirson present. At this time we are not aware of any victims that are currently minors, but we regret to say that five of the seven incidents involved minors when they occurred. All things considered, the allegations against Mark are credible and serious.
The emotional and spiritual harm upon these victims has had a lasting negative effect. Although some people may think these actions (i.e. sexual touching through clothing) were not serious, the reality is that they have a very harmful effect upon young children and are considered by law to be a grave crime…After gathering information about the allegations and communicating with all accessible, affected individuals, we consulted with CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) professionals for their advice. We brothers agree with their conclusion that Mark should not continue in the work. Mark has readily agreed to receive therapeutic help.
Let's support all victims by respectfully listening without blaming. We fully intend to support the needs of the victims in every way we can and encourage others to feel free to come forward and report concerns. As all of the victims mentioned above are now adults, we respect their wishes regarding whether or not to report these incidents to authorities. Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of victims is of utmost importance.
Jim Atcheson - Saskatchewan, Manitoba & NW Ontario
Victims: Our great concern is for the victims in each case and we want to offer them understanding, support and care.
Kingdom: Of course we have great pain in our own hearts when we consider these situations and we beg that each of you would let these horrible experiences draw you nearer to God. May our own desperation make each of us diligent in seeking God's help and comfort for our own needs & the needs of all in this situation. An experience such as this can urge us to pray for more Godly love and a growing faith.
Merlin Affleck – British Columbia, Canada
Victims: We feel betrayed and are sorry for all who have been or will be affected by his [Dean Bruer's] behavior.
Kingdom: "Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
Michael Hassett – Alberta
Victims: A line of a hymn comes to mind several times every day...'Art thou pained to see the kingdom suffer loss?' I'm pained when I think of those women that Dean hurt so badly. I'm pained when I think of how much he has complicated their lives and how much they will suffer for it through the years. I pray that God can help them heal and move on again. And, I hope that you are praying for them also.
I'm pained for people who get some sad satisfaction out of spreading evil things that they find on social media and I ask, why aren't they pained to see the kingdom suffer loss? May God have mercy on them. Our study of Prov 16 has some very good food for thought in verses 20 and 27.
Kingdom: I'm thankful when I remember that 'there is nothing new under the sun', as Solomon wrote. Jesus chose 12 disciples and one of them [Judas] made a horrible error. With tens of thousands of friends and workers in the world today, it is inevitable that some will make a terrible mistake. I'm thankful when I receive message after message from friends encouraging me and wanting me to know that they are praying for us workers and support us in these difficult days. I'm thankful to know that most of our friends in our area are just patiently continuing. God knows His own and is taking care of His own. I'm thankful when I remember that this too shall pass and when it does, I want to make very sure that I am still on the right side. I'm thankful that when I pray, God brings peace into my distressed heart and I'm so grateful to remember Jesus' promise that He would give us His peace...His peace, not as the world gives peace. I'm thankful when I remember that God is still on the throne and has everything under HIS control. This is HIS kingdom and HE will not let it come to harm. It has stood through many a storm over the centuries and it will come out stronger and purified again like it has before. I'm thankful when I remember that 'This world my home could never be, for Christ is coming back for me'. May God help us all to "Pray for the peace of the city" and to pray that God would send his Son again to take us to be with him.
NOTES: Six (6) letters mention Judas Iscariot: Michael Hassett, Titus Lehman, Glenn Gasser, Richard Gasser, Lyle Schober, Craig Winquist
19 US letters…D Smith, M Hassett, D Lawty, C Winquist, R Newman, T Lehman, K Naef, G Gasser, R Gasser, J Frandle, R Eberhardt, W Bechtol, M Huddle, D Doland, L Schober, L Sandford, BA Pierce, J Holt, J Thayer
3 Canada letters: M Affleck-BC (1); Dale S, Jim A, Merlin A, Mike H, Rob N, Scott R, Doyle S
(2); Dale Shultz, Merlin Affleck, Rob Newman, Scott Rauscher, Doyle Smith, Darryl Doland (3)